; 4 KB Bios
; can be assembled correctly now
; corrected and compatibilty added by Christopher Salomon
; assemble with comand line:
; .\ass\as09.exe -w200 -h0 -l -mcti bios.asm >error
; used the 6809 assembler:
; as09 [1.11].
; Copyright 1990-1994, Frank A. Vorstenbosch, Kingswood Software.
; Available at:
; http://www.falstaff.demon.co.uk/cross.html
                ORG     $F000
                ORG     $F000
                ORG     $F000
; This disassembly of the Vectrex ROM was done by Bruce Tomlin          ;
; (btomlin@aol.com), and is based in part on a disassembly done by      ;
; Fred Taft (fred@hp-pcd.cv.hp.com).                                    ;

                INCLUDE "VECTREX.INC"
;       F000    Start                                                   ;
;                                                                       ;
; Jump here to restart the Vectrex and re-initialize the OS.  If the    ;
; cold start flag is correct (it should be unless you just turned the   ;
; Vectrex on), the cold start code is skipped.                          ;
;                                                                       ;
; On cold start, the high score is cleared, and the power-on screen     ;
; is displayed with the power-on music.                                 ;

Start:          LDS     #Vec_Default_Stk ;Set up stack pointer
                JSR     Init_OS         ;Initialize system
                LDD     #$7321          ;Check cold start flag
                CMPD    Vec_Cold_Flag
                BEQ     Warm_Start      ;Branch if warm start
                STD     Vec_Cold_Flag   ;Initialize cold start flag
                INC     $C83B           ;Set high score invalid flag
                LDX     #Vec_High_Score ;Clear high score
                JSR     Clear_Score

;       First power-up loop.  This prints the "VECTREX"
;       power-on screen and plays the power-on music.

LF01C:          JSR     DP_to_C8        ;DP to RAM
;       F06C    Warm_Start                                              ;
;                                                                       ;
; Jump here to restart the Vectrex without re-initializing the OS.      ;

;       Prepare for ROM check

Warm_Start:     JSR     DP_to_C8        ;DP to RAM
                LDA     #$CC            ;Set new line pattern
;!       F14C    Init_VIA    IN:  OUT:   TRASH: A B X  SETDP: D0        ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine is invoked during powerup, to initialize the VIA chip.   ;
; Among other things, it initializes the scale factor to 0x7F, and      ;
; sets up the direction for the port A and B data lines.                ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: DP = $D0                                                        ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg, X-reg trashed                                            ;

Init_VIA:       BSR     DP_to_D0
                LDD     #$9FFF          ;Port A=all output
                STD     PB7 enabled
;!      F164    Init_OS_RAM    IN: OUT: TRASH: A B X  SETDP: C8         ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine first clears the block of RAM in the range $C800 to      ;
; $C87A, and then it initializes the dot dwell time, the refresh time,  ;
; and the joystick enable flags.                                        ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: DP = $C8                                                        ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg, X-reg trashed                                            ;

Init_OS_RAM:    BSR     DP_to_C8        ;DP to RAM
                LDB     #$7A            ;Clear $C800-$C87A
                LDX     #$C800
                JSR     Clear_x_b
                LDD     #Vec_Random_Seed;Point $C87B to $C87D
;!      F18B    Init_OS  IN: OUT: TRASH: A B X SETDP: D0                ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine is responsible for setting up the initial system state,  ;
; each time the system is either reset or powered up.  It will          ;
; initialize the OS RAM area, initialize the VIA chip, and then clear   ;
; all the registers on the sound chip.                                  ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: DP = $D0                                                        ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg, X-reg trashed                                            ;

Init_OS:        BSR     Init_OS_RAM
                BSR     Init_VIA
                JMP     Clear_Sound

;!      F192    Wait_Recal   IN: OUT: TRASH: A B X  SETDP: D0           ;
;                                                                       ;
; Wait for t2 (the refresh timer) to timeout, then restart it using     ;
; the value in $C83D.  then, recalibrate the vector generators to the   ;
; origin (0,0).  This routine MUST be called once every refresh         ;
; cycle, or your vectors will get out of whack.  This routine calls     ;
; Reset0Ref, so the integrators are left in zero mode.                  ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: DP = $D0                                                        ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg, X-reg trashed                                            ;

Wait_Recal:     LDX     Vec_Loop_Count  ;Increment loop counter
                LEAX    1,X
                STX     Vec_Loop_Count
                BSR     DP_to_D0        ;DP to I/O
                LDA     #$20
LF19E:          BITA    
;!      F1A2    Set_Refresh  IN: DP=D0 OUT: TRASH: A B SETDP:           ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine loads the refresh timer (t2) with the value in $C83D-    ;
; $C83E, and recalibrates the vector generators, thus causing the pen   ;
; to be left at the origin (0,0).  The high order byte for the timer    ;
; is loaded from $C83E, and the low order byte is loaded from $C83D.    ;
; The refresh rate is calculated as follows:                            ;
;                                                                       ;
;   rate = (C83E)(C83D) / 1.5 mhz                                       ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg trashed                                           ;

Set_Refresh:    LDD     $C83D           ;Store refresh value
;!      F1AA    DP_to_D0   IN:  OUT: A=D0  TRASH:  SETDP: D0            ;
;                                                                       ;
; Sets the DP register to $D0, so that all direct page addressing will  ;
; start at $D000 (the hardware I/O area).                               ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: DP = $D0                                                        ;
;       A-reg = $D0                                                     ;

DP_to_D0:       LDA     #$D0
                TFR     A,DP

;!      F1AF    DP_to_C8    IN:  OUT: A=C8  TRASH:  SETDP: C8           ;
;                                                                       ;
; Sets the DP register to $C8, so that all direct page addressing will  ;
; start at $C800 (OS RAM area).                                         ;
;                                                                       ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: DP = $C8                                                        ;
;       A-reg = $C8                                                     ;

DP_to_C8:       LDA     #$C8
                TFR     A,DP

;!      F1B4    Read_Btns_Mask   IN: A OUT: A  TRASH: B X  SETDP:       ;
;!      F1BA    Read_Btns        IN:   OUT: A  TRASH: B X  SETDP:       ;
;                                                                       ;
; Both of these routines read the button states on the two joysticks,   ;
; and return their state in the following RAM locations:                ;
;                                                                       ;
;       joystick 1, button 1:  $C812 = $01                              ;
;                   button 2:  $C813 = $02                              ;
;                   button 3:  $C814 = $04                              ;
;                   button 4:  $C815 = $08                              ;
;       joystick 2, button 1:  $C816 = $10                              ;
;                   button 2:  $C817 = $20                              ;
;                   button 3:  $C818 = $40                              ;
;                   button 4:  $C819 = $80                              ;
;                                                                       ;
;       C80F: Contains current state of all buttons;                    ;
;             1 = depressed, 0 = not depressed                          ;
;                                                                       ;
;       C810: Contains state of all buttons from LAST time these        ;
;             routines were called; if Read_Btns_Mask was called,       ;
;             then this is AND'ed with the passed in mask.              ;
;                                                                       ;
;       C811: Contains the same information as $C812-$C819              ;
;                                                                       ;
;        Bit 7                                     Bit 0                ;
;       +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+               ;
;       | 2.4 | 2.3 | 2.2 | 2.1 | 1.4 | 2.3 | 1.2 | 1.1 |               ;
;       +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+               ;
;                                                                       ;
; If Read_Btns is called, the result will be the same as Read_Btns_Mask ;
; with a mask of $FF, and a 1 will only be returned if the button       ;
; has transitioned to being pressed.                                    ;
;                                                                       ;
; If Read_Btns_Mask is called, then a mask, passed in in the A-reg      ;
; will be used to determine how the button state info is returned:      ;
;                                                                       ;
; If a bit is 0, then the current state of the button is to be returned ;
; in the appropriate RAM location; 0 = not pressed, and 1 = pressed.    ;
;                                                                       ;
; If a bit is 1, then the appropriate RAM location is set to 1 only     ;
; on the depression transition of the button; additional calls will     ;
; return 0, until the button is released and then depressed again.      ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;       A-reg = mask (for Read_Btns_Mask only)                          ;
;                                                                       ;
; Exit: A-reg = button transition state (same as $C811)                 ;
;                                                                       ;
;       B-reg, X-reg trashed                                            ;

Read_Btns_Mask: ANDA    Vec_Btn_State   ;Mask out "always" buttons
                STA     Vec_Btn_State
Read_Btns:      LDX     #Vec_Button_1_1 ;Point to button flags
                LDA     -3,X            ;Save previous state
                STA     -2,X
                LDA     #$0E            ;Sound chip register 0E to port A
;!      F1F5    Joy_Analog   IN: DP=D0  OUT:  TRASH: A X  SETDP:        ;
;!      F1F8    Joy_Digital  IN: DP=D0  OUT:  TRASH: A X  SETDP:        ;
;                                                                       ;
; These routines read the current positions of the two joysticks.       ;
;                                                                       ;
; The joystick enable flags (C81F-C822) must be initialized to one of   ;
; the following values:                                                 ;
;                                                                       ;
;       0 - ignore; return no value.                                    ;
;       1 - return state of console 1 left/right position.              ;
;       3 - return state of console 1 up/down position.                 ;
;       5 - return state of console 2 left/right position.              ;
;       7 - return state of console 2 up/down position.                 ;
;                                                                       ;
; The joystick values are returned in $C81B-$C81E, where the value      ;
; returned in $C81B corresponds to the mask set in in $C81F, and so     ;
; on and so forth.                                                      ;
;                                                                       ;
; The joystick conversion is dependent on which routine is called.      ;
; Results for each routine are:                                         ;
;                                                                       ;
;       Joy_Digital:                                                    ;
;               The return value will be:                               ;
;                 < 0 if joystick is left of down of center.            ;
;                 = 0 if joystick is centered.                          ;
;                 > 0 if joystick is right or up of center.             ;
;                                                                       ;
;       Joy_Analog:                                                     ;
;               A successive approximation algorithm is used to read    ;
;               the actual value of the joystick pot, a signed value.   ;
;               In this case, $C81A must be set to a power of 2, to     ;
;               to control conversion resolution; 0x80 is least         ;
;               accurate, and 0x00is most accurate.                     ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg, X-reg trashed                                            ;

Joy_Analog:     DEC     $C823           ;Set analog mode flag
Joy_Digital:    LDX     #Vec_Joy_Mux_1_X;Point to first pot
LF1FB:          LDA     ,X+             ;Read it if enabled
                BNE     LF20B
LF1FF:          CMPX    #$C823          ;Go back untl all pots read
                BNE     LF1FB
                CLR     ,X              ;X points to $C823, clear it
                LDA     #$01
;!      F256    Sound_Byte      IN: A B    OUT: X=C800  TRASH: D  SETDP:;
;!      F259    Sound_Byte_x    IN: A B X  OUT:  TRASH: D  SETDP:       ;
;!      F25B    Sound_Byte_raw  IN: A B    OUT:  TRASH: D  SETDP:       ;
;                                                                       ;
; All of these routines cause a byte of music data to be written to     ;
; the music chip.  Sound_Byte stores a shadow copy of the data into     ;
; $C800-$C80E, and Sound_Byte_x stores a shadow copy into a 15 byte     ;
; area pointed to by the X register.  Sound_Byte_raw does not store a   ;
; shadow copy of the data at all.                                       ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;       A-reg = which of the 15 sound chip registers to modify          ;
;       B-reg = the byte of sound data                                  ;
;       X-reg = 15 byte shadow area (Sound_Byte_x only)                 ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: X-reg = $C800 (Sound_Byte only)                                 ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg trashed                                                   ;

Sound_Byte:     LDX     #Vec_Snd_Shadow ;point to shadow memory
Sound_Byte_x:   STB     A,X
Sound_Byte_raw: STA     
;!      F272    Clear_Sound    IN: DP=D0  OUT:  TRASH: A B X  SETDP:    ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine clears the 15 registers on the music chip and the soft   ;
; copy of their values (C800-C80E), by writing a byte of 0 to each      ;
; register.  This causes the sound chip to not make any sounds.         ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg, X-reg trashed                                            ;

Clear_Sound:    LDD     #$0E00
LF275:          BSR     Sound_Byte
                BPL     LF275
                JMP     Init_Music_Buf

;!   F27D    Sound_Bytes    IN: DP=D0 U  OUT:  TRASH: A B X U  SETDP:   ;
;!   F284    Sound_Bytes_x  IN: DP=D0 U  OUT:  TRASH: A B X U  SETDP:   ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine copies a block of sound information into the sound       ;
; chip buffer (at $C800-$C80E) and into the registers on the music      ;
; chip.  The format for the block of sound data is as follows:          ;
;                                                                       ;
;   (register number), (music data),                                    ;
;   (register number), (music data),                                    ;
;         .                  .                                          ;
;         .                  .                                          ;
;       0xFF                                                            ;
;                                                                       ;
; As long as the register number is >= 0, then the music data will be   ;
; copied; however, as soon as a register number < 0 is encountered,     ;
; the copy will stop.                                                   ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;       U-reg = pointer to the block of sound data                      ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg, X-reg, U-reg trashed                                     ;

Sound_Bytes:    LDX     #Vec_Snd_Shadow ;Point to shadow memory
                BRA     Sound_Bytes_x

LF282:          BSR     Sound_Byte_x    ;Update the sound register
Sound_Bytes_x:  LDD     ,U++            ;Get next next pair of bytes
                BPL     LF282           ;Go back if not end of list

;!      F289    Do_Sound    IN: DP=D0  OUT:  TRASH: A B X U  SETDP:     ;
;!      F28C    Do_Sound_x  IN: DP=D0  OUT:  TRASH: A B X U  SETDP:     ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine will start/continue making the sound which was first     ;
; set up by your call to Init_Music.  This routine should normally      ;
; be called right after your call to Wait_Recal.  It takes the next     ;
; music information, contained in the music buffer $C83F-$C84C, and     ;
; updates only those registers which differ from the last data written  ;
; to the sound chip.                                                    ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg, X-reg, U-reg trashed                                     ;

Do_Sound:       LDX     #Vec_Snd_Shadow ;point to shadow memory
Do_Sound_x:     LDU     #Vec_Music_Work ;point to sound buffer
                LDA     #$0D            ;init count for 14 registers
LF291:          LDB     ,U+             ;get next register
                CMPB    A,X             ;skip if unchanged
                BEQ     LF299
                BSR     Sound_Byte_x    ;else update register
LF299:          DECA                    ;go back for next register
                BPL     LF291

;!      F29D    Intensity_1F  IN: DP=D0 A  OUT:  TRASH: A B  SETDP:     ;
;!      F2A1    Intensity_3F  IN: DP=D0 A  OUT:  TRASH: A B  SETDP:     ;
;!      F2A5    Intensity_5F  IN: DP=D0 A  OUT:  TRASH: A B  SETDP:     ;
;!      F2A9    Intensity_7F  IN: DP=D0 A  OUT:  TRASH: A B  SETDP:     ;
;!      F2AB    Intensity_a   IN: DP=D0 A  OUT:  TRASH: A B  SETDP:     ;
;                                                                       ;
; Each of these routines are responsible for setting the vector/dot     ;
; intensity (commonly used to denote the z axis) to a specific value.   ;
; 0x00 is the lowest intensity, and 0xFF is the brightest intensity.    ;
; The intensity must be reset to the desired value after each call      ;
; to Wait_Recal; however, it can also be changed at any other time.     ;
; A copy of the new intensity value is saved in $C827.                  ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;       A-reg = intensity (Intensity_a only)                            ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg trashed                                                   ;

Intensity_1F:   LDA     #$1F
                BRA     Intensity_a

Intensity_3F:   LDA     #$3F
                BRA     Intensity_a

Intensity_5F:   LDA     #$5F
                BRA     Intensity_a

Intensity_7F:   LDA     #$7F
Intensity_a:    STA     
;!      F2BE    Dot_ix_b   IN: X B  OUT: X  TRASH: A B  SETDP:          ;
;!      F2C1    Dot_ix     IN: X    OUT: X  TRASH: A B  SETDP:          ;
;                                                                       ;
; These routines draw a dot at the relative y and relative x            ;
; position pointed to by the X register.  Afterwards, the X register    ;
; is incremented by 2.                                                  ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;       X-reg points to the (y,x) coordinate pair                       ;
;       B-reg contains the intensity (Dot_ix_b only)                    ;
;       $C828 contains the intensity (Dot_ix only)                      ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT  X-reg incremented by 2                                          ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg trashed                                                   ;

Dot_ix_b:       STB     Vec_Dot_Dwell
Dot_ix:         LDD     ,X++

;!      F2C3    Dot_d    IN: DP=D0 A B  OUT:  TRASH: A B  SETDP:        ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine draws a dot at the relative y and relative x position    ;
; contained in the D register.  The intensity used is the value         ;
; already stored in $C828.                                              ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;       A-reg = relative Y coordinate                                   ;
;       B-reg = relative X coordinate                                   ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg trashed                                                   ;

Dot_d:          BSR     Moveto_d

;!      F2C5    Dot_here   IN: DP=D0  OUT:  TRASH: A B  SETDP:          ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine draws a dot at the current pen position.                 ;
; The intensity used is the value already stored in $C828.              ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg trashed                                                   ;

Dot_here:       LDA     #$FF            ;Set pattern to all 1's
;!      F2D5    Dot_List   IN: DP=D0 X  OUT: X  TRASH: A B  SETDP:      ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine draws a series of dots, using the intensity already      ;
; set up in $C828.  The format for the dot list, which is pointed to    ;
; by the X register, is:                                                ;
;                                                                       ;
;     ( rel y, rel x), (rel y, rel x), .....                            ;
;                                                                       ;
; The number of dots to draw is specified in $C823.                     ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;       X-reg points to the list of dot coordinates                     ;
;       $C823 specifies the number of dots to draw                      ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: X-reg points to next byte after list                            ;
;       $C823 cleared                                                   ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg trashed                                                   ;

LF2D2:          DEC     $C823           ;Decrement counter
Dot_List:       BSR     Dot_ix          ;Draw next dot
                LDA     $C823           ;Check counter
                BNE     LF2D2           ;Go back until finished
                BRA     Reset0Ref       ;Go to Reset0Ref

;!      F2DE    Dot_List_Reset   IN: DP=D0 X  OUT: X  TRASH: A B  SETDP:;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine draws a series of dots, specified by the list pointed    ;
; to by the X register.  The list has the following format:             ;
;                                                                       ;
;     mode, relative y, relative x,                                     ;
;     mode, relative y, relative x,                                     ;
;       .      .           .                                            ;
;       .      .           .                                            ;
;     mode, relative y, relative x                                      ;
;     0x01                                                              ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine will continue to traverse the list, until a mode > 0     ;
; is encountered; at that point, it will reset the zero reference       ;
; (the integrators).                                                    ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;       X-reg points to the dot list                                    ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: X-reg points to next byte after the terminator                  ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg trashed                                                   ;

Dot_List_Reset: LDA     ,X+             ;get mode byte
                BGT     Reset0Ref       ;if >0 go to Reset0Ref
                BSR     Dot_ix          ;plot the dot
                BRA     Dot_List_Reset  ;dot_list@x_&_reset

;!      F2E6    Recalibrate   IN: DP=D0  OUT:   TRASH: A B X   SETDP:   ;
;                                                                       ;
;       Recalibrate the vector generators.                              ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg, X-reg trashed                                            ;

Recalibrate:    LDX     #Recal_Points   ;$7F7F
                BSR     Moveto_ix_FF
                JSR     Reset0Int
                BSR     Moveto_ix       ;$8080
                BRA     Reset0Ref

;!      F2F2    Moveto_x_7F   IN: DP=D0 X  OUT:   TRASH: A B   SETDP:   ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine forces the scale factor to 0x7F, and then moves the      ;
; pen to the location pointed to by the X register.  The relative y     ;
; and relative x coordinates are both 2 byte quantities; however,       ;
; only the most signicant byte of each is of any interest.  The values  ;
; pointed to by the X register have the following format:               ;
;                                                                       ;
;     X => (rel y hi),(rel y lo), (rel x hi), (rel x lo)                ;
;                                                                       ;
; The position moved to is obtained by y=(0,x) & x=(2,x).               ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;       X-reg points to double-sized coordinate pair                    ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg trashed                                                   ;

Moveto_x_7F:    LDB     #$7F            ;Set scale factor to $7F
;!      F2FC    Moveto_d_7F   IN: DP=D0 A B  OUT:  TRASH: A B  SETDP:   ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine forces the scale factor to 0x7F, and then moves the      ;
; pen to the position specified in the D register.                      ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;       A-reg = relative Y coordinate                                   ;
;       B-reg = relative X coordinate                                   ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg trashed                                                   ;

Moveto_d_7F:    STA     
;!      F308    Moveto_ix_FF  IN: DP=D0 X    OUT: X  TRASH: A B  SETDP: ;
;!      F30C    Moveto_ix_7F  IN: DP=D0 X    OUT: X  TRASH: A B  SETDP: ;
;!      F30E    Moveto_ix_b   IN: DP=D0 B X  OUT: X  TRASH: A B  SETDP: ;
;                                                                       ;
; These routines force the scale factor to 0xFF, 0X7F, or the           ;
; A register, and then move the pen to the (y,x) position pointed to    ;
; by the X-register.  The X-register is then incremented by 2.          ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;       X-reg points to the (y,x) coordinate pair                       ;
;       B-reg contains the scale factor (Moveto_ix_b only)              ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: X-reg has been incremented by 2                                 ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg trashed                                                   ;

Moveto_ix_FF:   LDB     #$FF
                BRA     Moveto_ix_b

Moveto_ix_7F:   LDB     #$7F
Moveto_ix_b:    STB     
;!      F310    Moveto_ix  IN: DP=D0 X  OUT: X  TRASH: A B  SETDP:      ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine uses the current scale factor, and moves the pen to the  ;
; (y,x) position pointed to by the X register.  The X register is then  ;
; incremented by 2.                                                     ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;       X-reg points to the (y,x) coordinate pair                       ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: X-reg has been incremented by 2                                 ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg trashed                                                   ;

Moveto_ix:      LDD     ,X++

;!      F312    Moveto_d   IN: DP=D0 A B  OUT:  TRASH: D  SETDP:        ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine uses the current scale factor, and moves the pen to the  ;
; (y,x) position specified in D register.                               ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;       A-reg = Y coordinate                                            ;
;       B-reg = X coordinate                                            ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg trashed                                                   ;

Moveto_d:       STA     
;!      F34A    Reset0Ref_D0   IN:  OUT:   TRASH: A B   SETDP: D0       ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine sets the DP register to D0, and then resets the          ;
; integrators.                                                          ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: DP = $D0                                                        ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg trashed                                                   ;

Reset0Ref_D0:   JSR     DP_to_D0
                BRA     Reset0Ref

;!      F34F    Check0Ref    IN: DP=D0  OUT:  TRASH: A B  SETDP:        ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine will check to see if the Reset0Ref enable flag ($C824)   ;
; is set, and if it is, then it will reset the integrators by calling   ;
; Reset0Ref.                                                            ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;       $C824 = enable flag                                             ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg trashed                                                   ;

Check0Ref:      LDA     Vec_0Ref_Enable
                BEQ     LF36A_RTS

;!      F354    Reset0Ref     IN: DP=D0  OUT:  TRASH: A B  SETDP:       ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine zeros the integrators, and resets the pen back to the    ;
; origin.  It leaves the integrators in zero mode, so nothing can be    ;
; drawn until a move is done, or $D00C is set to 0xCE to bring /ZERO    ;
; high.  This routine must be called every so often, to prevent your    ;
; vectors from getting out of whack.                                    ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg trashed                                                   ;

Reset0Ref:      LDD     #$00CC
;!      F35B    Reset_Pen        IN: DP=D0  OUT:  TRASH: A B  SETDP:    ;
;                                                                       ;
;       Reset the pen to the origin.                                    ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg trashed                                                   ;

Reset_Pen:      LDD     #$0302
;!      F36B    Reset0Int         IN: DP=D0  OUT:  TRASH: A B  SETDP:   ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine resets the integrators to zero.  It leaves the           ;
; integrators in zero mode, so nothing can be drawn until a move is     ;
; done, or D00C is set to 0xCE.                                         ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg trashed                                                   ;

Reset0Int:      LDD     #$00CC
;!      F373    Print_Str_hwyx   IN: DP=D0 U  OUT: U TRASH: A B X SETDP:;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine prints a single string (up to an 0x80).  The parameter   ;
; block describing the string is pointed to by the U register.  The     ;
; format for the parameter block is as follows:                         ;
;                                                                       ;
;       height, width, rel y, rel x, string, 0x80                       ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;       U-reg points to the string list                                 ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: U-reg points to the byte after the terminating 0x80             ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg, X-reg trashed                                            ;

Print_Str_hwyx: LDD     ,U++
                STD     Vec_Text_HW

;!      F378    Print_Str_yx  IN: DP=D0 U  OUT: U  TRASH: A B X   SETDP:;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine prints a single string (up to an 0x80), using the        ;
; default height and width, as stored in $C82A.  The parameter block    ;
; describing the string is pointed to by the U register.  The format    ;
; for the parameter block is as follows:                                ;
;                                                                       ;
;       rel y, rel x, string, 0x80                                      ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;       U-reg points to the string list                                 ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: U-reg points to the byte after the terminating 0x80             ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg, X-reg trashed                                            ;

Print_Str_yx:   LDD     ,U++

;!    F37A    Print_Str_d  IN: DP=D0 U A B  OUT: U  TRASH: A B X  SETDP:;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine prints a single string (up to an 0x80), using the        ;
; default height and width, as stored in $C82A, and at the pen position ;
; specified in the D register.  The parameter block describing the      ;
; string is pointed to by the U register.  The format for the           ;
; parameter block is as follows:                                        ;
;                                                                       ;
;     string, 0x80                                                      ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;       U-reg points to string list                                     ;
;       A-reg = relative Y position                                     ;
;       B-reg = relative X position                                     ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: U-reg points to the byte after the terminating 0x80             ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg, X-reg trashed                                            ;
   noopt        ; neccessary for assembling, this jsr is allways
                ; optimized to a short branch otherwise
Print_Str_d:    JSR     >Moveto_d_7F
                JSR     Delay_1
                JMP     Print_Str

;!      F385    Print_List_hw  IN: DP=D0 U  OUT: U  TRASH: A B X  SETDP:;
;                                                                       ;
; This displays the group of strings described by the parameter block   ;
; which is pointed to by the U register.  The string parameter block    ;
; has the following format:                                             ;
;                                                                       ;
;     height, width, rel y, rel x, string, 0x80,                        ;
;     height, width, rel y, rel x, string, 0x80,                        ;
;     0x00                                                              ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;       U-reg points to string list                                     ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: U-reg points to null terminator byte                            ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg, X-reg trashed                                            ;

LF383:          BSR     Print_Str_hwyx
Print_List_hw:  LDA     ,U
                BNE     LF383

;!      F38A    Print_List     IN: DP=D0 U  OUT: U  TRASH: A B X  SETDP:;
;!      F38C    Print_List_chk IN: DP=D0 U  OUT: U  TRASH: A B X  SETDP:;
;                                                                       ;
; This displays the group of strings described by the parameter block   ;
; which is pointed to by the U register.  The string parameter block    ;
; has the following format:                                             ;
;                                                                       ;
;       rel y, rel x, string, 0x80,                                     ;
;       rel y, rel x, string, 0x80,                                     ;
;       0x00                                                            ;
;                                                                       ;
; The current string height and width to which the hardware is set will ;
; be used.                                                              ;
;                                                                       ;
; Print_List routine will first print the passed-in string, and THEN    ;
; check for the end of the string list.  Print_List_Chk will check for  ;
; the end of the string list first.                                     ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;       U-reg points to string list                                     ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: U-reg points to null terminator byte                            ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg, X-reg trashed                                            ;

Print_List:     BSR     Print_Str_yx
Print_List_Chk: LDA     ,U
                BNE     Print_List

;!     F391    Print_Ships_x  IN: DP=D0 A B X OUT: TRASH:  B X U  SETDP:;
;!     F393    Print_Ships    IN: DP=D0 A B X OUT: TRASH:  B X U  SETDP:;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine displays the number of ships passed in the B register    ;
; followed by a minus sign and the ship icon character passed in the    ;
; A register at the (y,x) coordinates passed in the X register.  If     ;
; the B-register > 9, then the infinity symbol is displayed.            ;
;                                                                       ;
; Note: This routine uses bytes at a negative offset from the stack as  ;
;       temporary storage, so hopefully an IRQ won't happen until the   ;
;       string is finished bring printed!                               ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;       A-reg = ship icon character                                     ;
;       B-reg = number of ships                                         ;
;       X-reg = (y,x) coordinates (Print_Ships only)                    ;
;       X-reg points to (y,x) coordinates (Print_Ships_x only)          ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg, X-reg, U-reg trashed                                     ;

Print_Ships_x:  LDX     ,X
Print_Ships:    PSHS    B               ;Save B-reg
                LDB     #$80
                LEAU    -8,S            ;Point U into the stack
                PSHU    D               ;Save A-reg and a terminator
                PULS    A               ;Get back B-reg
                CMPA    #$09            ;If B-reg >9 then
                BLS     LF3A3
                LDA     #$6C-$30        ;load $6C = infinty symbol
LF3A3:          ADDA    #$30
                LDB     #'-'
                PSHU    D               ;Push digit and minus sign
                PSHU    X               ;Push (y,x) coordinates
                BRA     Print_Str_yx    ;Print it

;!      F3AD    Mov_Draw_VLc_a   IN: DP=D0 X  OUT: X  TRASH: A B  SETDP:;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine moves to the first location specified in vector list,    ;
; and then draws lines between the rest of coordinates in the list.     ;
; The number of vectors to draw is specified as the first byte in the   ;
; vector list.  The current scale factor is used.  The vector list has  ;
; the following format:                                                 ;
;                                                                       ;
;       count, rel y, rel x, rel y, rel x, ...                          ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;       X-reg points to the vector list                                 ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: X-reg points to next byte after list                            ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg trashed                                                   ;

Mov_Draw_VLc_a: LDA     ,X+
                BRA     Mov_Draw_VL_a

;!      F3B1    Mov_Draw_VL_b  IN: DP=D0 B X  OUT: X  TRASH: A B  SETDP:;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine moves to the first location specified in vector list,    ;
; and then draws lines between the rest of coordinates in the list.     ;
; The vector list has the following format:                             ;
;                                                                       ;
;       rel y, rel x, rel y, rel x, ...                                 ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;       B-reg = scale factor                                            ;
;       $C823 = number of vectors to draw                               ;
;       X-reg points to the vector list                                 ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: $C823 is cleared                                                ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: X-reg points to next byte after list                            ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg trashed                                                   ;

Mov_Draw_VL_b:  STB     
;!       F3B5   Mov_Draw_VLcs  IN: DP=D0 X  OUT: X  TRASH: A B  SETDP:  ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine moves to the first location specified in vector list,    ;
; and then draws lines between the rest of coordinates in the list.     ;
; The number of vectors to draw is specified as the first byte in the   ;
; vector list, and the scale factor is the second byte in the vector    ;
; list.  The vector list has the following format:                      ;
;                                                                       ;
;       count, scale, rel y, rel x, rel y, rel x, ...                   ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;       X-reg points to the vector list                                 ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: X-reg points to next byte after list                            ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg trashed                                                   ;

Mov_Draw_VLcs:  LDD     ,X++

;!    F3B7    Mov_Draw_VL_ab  IN: DP=D0 A B X  OUT: X  TRASH: A B SETDP:;
;!    F3B9    Mov_Draw_VL_a   IN: DP=D0 A X    OUT: X  TRASH: A B SETDP:;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine moves to the first location specified in vector list,    ;
; and then draws lines between the rest of coordinates in the list.     ;
; The vector list has the  following format:                            ;
;                                                                       ;
;       rel y, rel x, rel y, rel x, ...                                 ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;       A-reg = number of vectors to draw                               ;
;       B-reg = scale factor to use (Draw_VL_ab only)                   ;
;       X-reg points to the vector list                                 ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: X-reg points to next byte after list                            ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg trashed                                                   ;

Mov_Draw_VL_ab: STB     
;!    F3BC    Mov_Draw_VL    IN: DP=D0 X  OUT: X  TRASH: A B  SETDP:    ;
;!    F3BE    Mov_Draw_VL_d  IN: DP=D0 A B X  OUT: X  TRASH: A B  SETDP:;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine moves to the first location specified in vector list,    ;
; and then draws lines between the rest of coordinates in the list.     ;
; The vector list has the following format:                             ;
;                                                                       ;
;       rel y, rel x, rel y, rel x, ...                                 ;
;                                                                       ;
; Draw_VL_d starts at the (y,x) coordinates specified in the D register ;
; and ignores the first pair of coordinates in the vector list.         ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;       $C823 = number of vectors to draw                               ;
;       D-reg = start coordinate (Draw_VL_d only)                       ;
;       X-reg points to the vector list (2,X for Mov_Draw_VL_d)         ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: $C823 is cleared                                                ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: X-reg points to next byte after list                            ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg trashed                                                   ;

Mov_Draw_VL:    LDD     ,X              ;Get next coordinate pair
Mov_Draw_VL_d:  STA     D00A, B->D005

;!      F3CE    Draw_VLc    IN: DP=D0 X  OUT: X  TRASH: A B  SETDP:     ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine draws vectors between the set of (y,x) points pointed    ;
; to by the X register.  The number of vectors to draw is specified     ;
; as the first byte in the vector list.  The current scale factor is    ;
; used.  The vector list has the following format:                      ;
;                                                                       ;
;       count, rel y, rel x, rel y, rel x, ...                          ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;       X-reg points to the vector list                                 ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: X-reg points to next byte after list                            ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg trashed                                                   ;

Draw_VLc:       LDA     ,X+
                BRA     Draw_VL_a

;!      F3D2    Draw_VL_b    IN: DP=D0 B X  OUT: X  TRASH: A B  SETDP:  ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine draws vectors between the set of (y,x) points pointed to ;
; by the X register.  The vector list has the following format:         ;
;                                                                       ;
;       rel y, rel x, rel y, rel x, ...                                 ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;       B-reg = the scale factor                                        ;
;       X-reg points to the vector list                                 ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: X-reg points to next byte after list                            ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg trashed                                                   ;

Draw_VL_b:      STB     
;!      F3D6    Draw_VLcs   IN: DP=D0 X  OUT: X  TRASH: A B  SETDP:     ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine draws vectors between the set of (y,x) points pointed    ;
; to by the X register.  The number of vectors to draw is specified     ;
; as the first byte in the vector list.  The scale factor is specified  ;
; as the second byte in the vector list. The vector list has the        ;
; following format:                                                     ;
;                                                                       ;
;       count, scale, rel y, rel x, rel y, rel x, ...                   ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;       X-reg points to the vector list                                 ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: X-reg points to next byte after list                            ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg trashed                                                   ;

Draw_VLcs:      LDD     ,X++

;!      F3D8    Draw_VL_ab   IN: A B X  OUT: X  TRASH: A B  SETDP:      ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine draws vectors between the set of (y,x) points pointed    ;
; to by the X register.  The vector list has the following format:      ;
;                                                                       ;
;       rel y, rel x, rel y, rel x, ...                                 ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;       A-reg = the number of vectors to draw                           ;
;       B-reg = the scale factor                                        ;
;       X-reg points to the vector list                                 ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: X-reg points to next byte after list                            ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg trashed                                                   ;

Draw_VL_ab:     STB     
;!      F3DA    Draw_VL_a   IN: DP=D0 A X  OUT: X  TRASH: A B  SETDP:   ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine draws vectors between the set of (y,x) points pointed    ;
; to by the register.  The current scale factor is used.  The vector    ;
; list has the following format:                                        ;
;                                                                       ;
;       rel y, rel x, rel y, rel x, ...                                 ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;       A-reg = the number of vectors to draw                           ;
;       X-reg points to the vector list                                 ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: X-reg points to next byte after list                            ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg trashed                                                   ;

Draw_VL_a:      STA     $C823

;!      F3DD    Draw_VL   IN: DP=D0 X  OUT: X  TRASH: A B  SETDP:       ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine draws vectors between the set of (y,x) points pointed    ;
; to by the X register.  The number of vectors to draw must already be  ;
; specified in $C823.  The current scale factor is used.  The vector    ;
; list has the following format:                                        ;
;                                                                       ;
;       rel y, rel x, rel y, rel x, ...                                 ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;       X-reg points to the vector list                                 ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: X-reg points to next byte after list                            ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg trashed                                                   ;

Draw_VL:        LDD     ,X

;!      F3DF    Draw_Line_d  IN: DP=D0 A B X  OUT: X  TRASH: A B  SETDP:;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine will draw a line from the current pen position, to the   ;
; point specified by the (y,x) pair specified in the D register.  The   ;
; current scale factor is used.  Before calling this routine, $C823     ;
; should be = 0, so that only the one vector will be drawn.             ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;       A-reg = relative y position                                     ;
;       B-reg = relative x position                                     ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: X-reg is incremented by 2                                       ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg trashed                                                   ;

Draw_Line_d     STA     
;!      F404    Draw_VLp_FF   IN: DP=D0 X  OUT: X  TRASH: A B  SETDP:   ;
;!      F408    Draw_VLp_7F   IN: DP=D0 X  OUT: X  TRASH: A B  SETDP:   ;
;                                                                       ;
; These routines force the scale factor to 0xFF or 0x7F, and then       ;
; process the vector list pointed to by the X register.  The vector     ;
; list has the following format:                                        ;
;                                                                       ;
;       pattern, rel y, rel x                                           ;
;       pattern, rel y, rel x                                           ;
;          .      .      .                                              ;
;          .      .      .                                              ;
;       pattern, rel y, rel x                                           ;
;       0x01                                                            ;
;                                                                       ;
; The list is terminated by a pattern byte with the high bit cleared.   ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;       X-reg points to the vector list                                 ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: X-reg points to the terminator byte                             ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg trashed                                                   ;

Draw_VLp_FF:    LDB     #$FF
                BRA     Draw_VLp_b

Draw_VLp_7F:    LDB     #$7F
                BRA     Draw_VLp_b

;!      F40C    Draw_VLp_scale   IN: DP=D0 X  OUT: X  TRASH: A B  SETDP:;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine processes the vector list pointed to by the X register.  ;
; The first byte in the vector list is the scale factor.  The vector    ;
; list has the following format:                                        ;
;                                                                       ;
;       scale                                                           ;
;       pattern, rel y, rel x                                           ;
;       pattern, rel y, rel x                                           ;
;          .      .      .                                              ;
;          .      .      .                                              ;
;       pattern, rel y, rel x                                           ;
;       0x01                                                            ;
;                                                                       ;
; The list is terminated by a pattern byte with the high bit cleared.   ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;       X-reg points to the vector list                                 ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: X-reg points to the terminator byte                             ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg trashed                                                   ;

Draw_VLp_scale: LDB     ,X+

;!      F40E    Draw_VLp_b   IN: DP=D0 B X  OUT: X  TRASH: A B  SETDP:  ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine draws patterned lines using the vector list pointed to   ;
; by the X register.  The vector list has the following format:         ;
;                                                                       ;
;       pattern, rel y, rel x                                           ;
;       pattern, rel y, rel x                                           ;
;          .      .      .                                              ;
;          .      .      .                                              ;
;       pattern, rel y, rel x                                           ;
;       0x01                                                            ;
;                                                                       ;
; The list is terminated by a pattern byte with the high bit cleared.   ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;       B-reg = the scale factor                                        ;
;       X-reg points to the vector list                                 ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: X-reg points to the terminator byte                             ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg trashed                                                   ;

Draw_VLp_b:     STB     
;!      F410    Draw_VLp    IN: DP=D0 X  OUT: X  TRASH: A B  SETDP:     ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine draws patterned lines using the vector list pointed to   ;
; by the X-register.  The current scale factor is used.  The vector     ;
; list has the following format:                                        ;
;                                                                       ;
;       pattern, rel y, rel x                                           ;
;       pattern, rel y, rel x                                           ;
;          .      .      .                                              ;
;          .      .      .                                              ;
;       pattern, rel y, rel x                                           ;
;       0x01                                                            ;
;                                                                       ;
; The list is terminated by a pattern byte with the high bit cleared.   ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;       X-reg points to the vector list                                 ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: X-reg points to the terminator byte                             ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg trashed                                                   ;

Draw_VLp:       LDD     1,X             ;Get next coordinate pair
;!      F434    Draw_Pat_VL_a  IN: X A  OUT: X  TRASH: A B  SETDP:      ;
;!      F437    Draw_Pat_VL    IN: X    OUT: X  TRASH: A B  SETDP:      ;
;!      F439    Draw_Pat_VL_d  IN: X D  OUT: X  TRASH: A B  SETDP:      ;
;                                                                       ;
; All of these routines draw a series of patterned vectors.  The        ;
; pattern to use must already be specified in $C829.  When using        ;
; Draw_Pat_VL or Draw_Pat_VL_d, the number of vectors to draw minus 1   ;
; must be specified in $C823; when using Draw_Pat_VL_a, the number of   ;
; vectors to draw minus 1 must be passed in in the A register.          ;
; The vector list, pointed to by the X register, has the following      ;
; format:                                                               ;
;                                                                       ;
;       rel y, rel x, rel y, rel x, ...                                 ;
;                                                                       ;
; Draw_Pat_VL_d starts at the (y,x) coordinates specified in the        ;
; D register and ignores the first pair of coordinates in the vector    ;
; list.                                                                 ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;       X-reg points to the vector list                                 ;
;       A-reg = the number of vectors to draw (Draw_Pat_VL_a only)      ;
;       D-reg = start (Y,X) coordinate (Draw_Pat_VL_d only)             ;
;       $C829 contains the line pattern.                                ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: X-reg points to next byte after list                            ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg trashed                                                   ;

LF433:          DECA
Draw_Pat_VL_a:  STA     $C823
Draw_Pat_VL:    LDD     ,X              ;Get next coordinate pair
Draw_Pat_VL_d:  STA     
;!      F46E    Draw_VL_mode    IN: DP=D0 X  OUT: X  TRASH: A B  SETDP: ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine processes the vector list pointed to by the X register.  ;
; The current scale factor is used.  The vector list has the following  ;
; format:                                                               ;
;                                                                       ;
;       mode, rel y, rel x,                                             ;
;       mode, rel y, rel x,                                             ;
;        .      .      .                                                ;
;        .      .      .                                                ;
;       mode, rel y, rel x,                                             ;
;       0x01                                                            ;
;                                                                       ;
; where mode has the following meaning:                                 ;
;                                                                       ;
;       < 0  use the pattern in $C829                                   ;
;       = 0  move to specified endpoint                                 ;
;       = 1  end of list, so return                                     ;
;       > 1  draw to specified endpoint                                 ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;       X-reg points to the vector list                                 ;
;       $C829 contains the line pattern.                                ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: X-reg points to next byte after terminator                      ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg trashed                                                   ;

Draw_VL_mode:   LDA     Vec_0Ref_Enable ;Save old Check0Ref flag
                PSHS    A
                CLR     Vec_0Ref_Enable ;Don't reset the zero reference yet
LF476:          LDA     ,X+             ;Get the next mode byte
                BPL     LF47E
                BSR     Draw_Pat_VL     ;If <0, draw a patterned line
                BRA     LF476

LF47E:          BNE     LF485
                JSR     Mov_Draw_VL     ;If =0, move to the next point
                BRA     LF476

LF485:          DECA
                BEQ     LF48D
                JSR     Draw_VL         ;If <>1, draw a solid line
                BRA     LF476

LF48D:          PULS    A               ;If =1, exit
                STA     Vec_0Ref_Enable ;Restore old Check0Ref flag
                JMP     Check0Ref       ;Reset zero reference if necessary

;!      F495    Print_Str  IN: DP=D0 U  OUT: U  TRASH: A B X  SETDP:    ;
;                                                                       ;
; This is the routine which does the actual printing of a string.  The  ;
; U register points to the start of the string, while $C82A contains    ;
; the height of the character, cell, and $C82B contains the width of    ;
; the character cell.  The string is terminated with an 0x80.           ;
;                                                                       ;
; The string is displayed by drawing 7 horizontal rows of dots.  The    ;
; first row is drawn for each character, then the second, etc.  The     ;
; character generation table is located at ($F9D4 + $20).  Only         ;
; characters 0x20-0x6F (upper case) are defined; the lower case         ;
; characters a-o produce special icons.                                 ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;       U-reg points to the start of the string                         ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: U-reg points to next byte after terminator                      ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg, X-reg trashed                                            ;

Print_Str:      STU     Vec_Str_Ptr     ;Save string pointer
                LDX     #Char_Table-$20 ;Point to start of chargen bitmaps
                LDD     #$1883          ;$8x = enable RAMP?
                CLR     PB7 enabled
                JMP     Reset0Ref       ;Reset the zero reference

;!      F511    Random_3    IN:   OUT: A  TRASH:  SETDP:                ;
;!      F517    Random      IN:   OUT: A  TRASH:  SETDP:                ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine generates a random 1-byte number, and places it in the   ;
; A register.  Random_3 runs through the random number generator        ;
; algorithm three times.  The random number seed is stored in the       ;
; three bytes pointed to by $C87B.                                      ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: A-reg contains the generated random number                      ;
;                                                                       ;
;       All other registers are preserved.                              ;

Random_3:       PSHS    B,X
                LDB     #$02
                BRA     LF51A

Random:         PSHS    B,X
LF51A:          LDX     Vec_Seed_Ptr
LF51D:          LDA     1,X
                EORA    2,X
                ROL     ,X
                ROL     1,X
                ROL     2,X
                BPL     LF51D
                LDA     ,X
                PULS    B,X,PC

;!      F533    Init_Music_Buf    IN:  OUT:  TRASH: A B X  SETDP:       ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine clears out the music work buffer, located at             ;
; $C83F-$C84C.                                                          ;
;                                                                       ;
;       X-reg, D-reg trashed                                            ;

Init_Music_Buf: LDB     #$0D
                LDX     #Vec_Music_Work
                BSR     Clear_x_b
                LDA     #$3F
                STA     6,X

;!      F53F    Clear_x_b    IN: X B  OUT:  TRASH: A B  SETDP:          ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine clears to 0 the block of memory starting at the          ;
; address contained in the X register, and continuing for the number    ;
; of bytes specified by B+1.                                            ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY X-reg points to the start of the RAM to be cleared.             ;
;       B-reg = number of bytes minus 1 to clear.                       ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: D-reg = $FFFF                                                   ;

Clear_x_b:      CLRA
                BRA     Clear_x_d

;!      F542    Clear_C8_RAM    IN:  OUT:  TRASH: A B X  SETDP:         ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine clears to 0 the block of memory in the range             ;
; $C800-$C8FF.                                                          ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: X-reg = $C800                                                   ;
;       D-reg = $FFFF                                                   ;

Clear_C8_RAM:   LDX     #$C800

;!      F545    Clear_x_256  IN:  X A B  OUT: D=FFFF  TRASH:  SETDP:    ;
;!      F548    Clear_x_d    IN:  X A B  OUT: D=FFFF  TRASH:  SETDP:    ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine clears the block of memory starting at the contained     ;
; in the X register to zero.                                            ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY X-reg points to the start of RAM to be cleared                  ;
;       D-reg = number of bytes to clear minus 1 (Clear_x_d only)       ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: D-reg = $FFFF                                                   ;

Clear_x_256:    LDD     #$00FF
Clear_x_d:      CLR     D,X
                SUBD    #$0001
                BPL     Clear_x_d

;!      F550    Clear_x_b_80    IN: A B X  OUT: A=80 B=0  TRASH:  SETDP:;
;!      F552    Clear_x_b_a     IN: A B X  OUT: B=0     TRASH: A  SETDP:;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine sets the block of memory pointed to by the X register    ;
; to $80 or the A register.  The B register specifies the number of     ;
; bytes to be cleared.                                                  ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY A-reg = byte to be stored (Clear_x_b_a only)                    ;
;       B-reg = number of bytes to clear ($00 = 256)                    ;
;       X-reg points to start of memory block to clear                  ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: A-reg = $80 (Clear_x_b_80 only)                                 ;
;       B-reg = $00                                                     ;
;                                                                       ;
;       All other registers preserved.                                  ;

Clear_x_b_80:   LDA     #$80
Clear_x_b_a:    STA     B,X
                BNE     Clear_x_b_a
                STA     ,X

;!      F55A    Dec_3_Counters    IN:  OUT:  X=C82E B=FF  TRASH:  SETDP:;
;!      F55E    Dec_6_Counters    IN:  OUT:  X=C82E B=FF  TRASH:  SETDP:;
;                                                                       ;
; These routines check either the first three or all six of the         ;
; default counters at $C82E-$C833 and decrements those which are not    ;
; already zero.                                                         ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: X-reg points to the default counters at $C82E                   ;
;       B-reg = $FF                                                     ;
;                                                                       ;
;       All other registers preserved.                                  ;

Dec_3_Counters: LDB     #$02
                BRA     LF560

Dec_6_Counters: LDB     #$05
LF560:          LDX     #Vec_Counters

;!      F563    Dec_Counters    IN: B X  OUT: B=FF  TRASH:  SETDP:      ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine checks the counters pointed to by the X register and     ;
; decrements those which are not already zero.                          ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY B-reg = number of counters minus 1                              ;
;       X-reg points to counter bytes                                   ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: B-reg = $FF                                                     ;
;                                                                       ;
;       All other registers preserved.                                  ;

Dec_Counters:   TST     B,X
                BEQ     LF569
                DEC     B,X
LF569:          DECB
                BPL     Dec_Counters

;!      F56D    Delay_3         30 cycles        IN:   OUT: B=FF  TRASH:   SETDP: ;
;!      F571    Delay_2         25 cycles        IN:   OUT: B=FF  TRASH:   SETDP: ;
;!      F575    Delay_1         20 cycles        IN:   OUT: B=FF  TRASH:   SETDP: ;
;!      F579    Delay_0         12 cycles        IN:   OUT: B=FF  TRASH:   SETDP: ;
;!      F57A    Delay_b         5;B + 10 cycles  IN: B OUT: B=FF  TRASH:   SETDP: ;
;!      F57D    Delay_RTS       5 cycles         IN:   OUT:       TRASH:   SETDP: ;
;                                                                       ;
; Each of these routines loads the B-register with the indicated        ;
; value, and then loops until the B register value has decremented      ;
; below zero.  Delay_RTS is just an RTS instruction, but at least       ;
; one GCE cartridge calls it.                                           ;
;                                                                       ;
; Cycle counts do not include timing of the instructions used to        ;
; call the delay routines.                                              ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY B-reg = delay count (Delay_b only)                              ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: B-reg = $FF (except Delay_RTS)                                  ;

Delay_3:        LDB     #$03            ;2 cycles
                BRA     Delay_b         ;3 cycles

Delay_2:        LDB     #$02            ;2 cycles
                BRA     Delay_b         ;3 cycles

Delay_1:        LDB     #$01            ;2 cycles
                BRA     Delay_b         ;3 cycles

Delay_0:        CLRB                    ;2 cycles
Delay_b:        DECB                    ;2 cycles
                BPL     Delay_b         ;3 cycles
Delay_RTS:      RTS                     ;5 cycles

;!      F57E    Bitmask_a    IN: A  OUT: A  TRASH: X  SETDP:            ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine takes a bit number, specified in the A register, and     ;
; returns a bit mask with only the specified bit set.                   ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY A-reg contains the bit number                                   ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: A-reg contains the bit mask                                     ;
;                                                                       ;
;       X-reg trashed                                                   ;

Bitmask_a:      LDX     #Bit_Masks
                LDA     A,X

;!      F584    Abs_a_b  IN: A B  OUT: A B  TRASH: SETDP:               ;
;!      F58B    Abs_b    IN: A    OUT: A    TRASH: SETDP:               ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine returns the absolute value of the two single byte        ;
; numbers passed in in the A and B registers.  Abs_b only uses the B    ;
; register.  There is a special case: 0x80 is returned as 0x7F.         ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY A-reg contains first value                                      ;
;       B-reg contains second value (Abs_a_b only)                      ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: A-reg contains absolute value of first value                    ;
;       B-reg contains absolute value of second value (Abs_a_b only)    ;
;                                                                       ;
;       All other registers preserved.                                  ;

Abs_a_b:        TSTA
                BPL     Abs_b
                BVC     Abs_b
Abs_b:          TSTB
                BPL     LF592
                BVC     LF592
LF592:          RTS

;!      F593    Rise_Run_Angle   IN: A B DP=C8  OUT: A B  TRASH:  SETDP:;
;                                                                       ;
; Given a (rise,run) pair, this routine calculates the angle which      ;
; corresponds to that (rise,run) pair.  The returned angle is relative  ;
; to the x-axis (+ is CCW), so to convert it to a Vectrex angle         ;
; (relative to the y-axis, + is CCW), you must subtract the number 0x10 ;
; (90 degrees) from the returned value.                                 ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $C8                                                        ;
;       A-reg = rise value                                              ;
;       B-reg = run value                                               ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: A-reg = the angle from the x-axis                               ;
;       B-reg = the angle from the x-axis                               ;
;                                                                       ;
;       All other registers preserved.                                  ;

Rise_Run_Angle: PSHS    X
;!      F5D9    Get_Rise_Idx   IN: A  OUT: A B  TRASH: X  SETDP:        ;
;!      F5DB    Get_Run_Idx    IN: A  OUT: A B  TRASH: X  SETDP:        ;
;                                                                       ;
; These routines are responsible for generating the two index pairs     ;
; which are required by the rest of the rotation routines.  Each index  ;
; pair is two bytes long, and has the following format:                 ;
;                                                                       ;
;       The high byte is obtained by masking the anglewith 0x1F (this   ;
;       forces the angle to be between 0 and 180 degrees), and then     ;
;       using this value to index into the multiplier table.            ;
;                                                                       ;
;       The lower byte contains information about whether the angle     ;
;       lies along either the x or y axis, and whether the rise/run     ;
;       will be positive or negative.                                   ;
;                                                                       ;
;               0 => positive rise, not on an axis, or                  ;
;                    negative run, not on an axis.                      ;
;            0x80 => negative rise, not on an axis, or                  ;
;                    positive run, not on an axis.                      ;
;               1 => positive rise, on an axis, or                      ;
;                    negative run, on an axis.                          ;
;            0x81 => negative rise, on an axis, or                      ;
;                    positive run, on an axis.                          ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY A-reg = the angle value                                         ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: A-reg = slope?                                                  ;
;       B-reg = slope direction?                                        ;
;                                                                       ;
;       X-reg trashed                                                   ;

Get_Rise_Idx:   ADDA    #$10            ;Offset angle by 90 degrees
Get_Run_Idx:    LDX     #DFC6D          ;Get address of slope table
                BITA    #$20            ;If angle in 180-360,
                BEQ     LF5E5
                LDB     #$80            ;flag negative rise or positive run
LF5E5:          ANDA    #$1F            ;Mask to multiple of 180 degrees
                CMPA    #$10            ;If 90 degrees
                BNE     LF5EC
                INCB                    ;then rise or run is on an axis
LF5EC:          LDA     A,X             ;Get slope from slope table

;!      F5EF    Rise_Run_Idx     IN: DP=C8  OUT:  TRASH: A B  SETDP:    ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine gets the index pair for both the rise and run, using     ;
; the passed-in angle value.                                            ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $C8                                                        ;
;       $C836 contains the angle value                                  ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: $C837-$C838 contains the index pair for the run                 ;
;       $C839-$C83A contains the index pair for the rise                ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg trashed                                                   ;

Rise_Run_Idx:   PSHS    X               ;Save X-reg
;!      F5FF    Rise_Run_X    IN: A B  OUT: A B  TRASH:  SETDP:         ;
;!      F601    Rise_Run_Y    IN: A B  OUT: A B  TRASH:  SETDP:         ;
;!      F603    Rise_Run_Len  IN: A B  OUT: A B  TRASH:  SETDP:         ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine takes an angle value which is relative to the x- or      ;
; y-axis, and calculates the rise and run for that angle, relative to a ;
; passed-in scalar velocity value.  A large scalar value will cause an  ;
; object to move quickly, while a small scalar value will cause an      ;
; object to move more slowly.                                           ;
;                                                                       ;
; Keep in mind that most games store x & y coordinates as 2 bytes each, ;
; with the upper byte being the actual coordinate, and the lower byte   ;
; being that which is usually added to the rise/run value; when the     ;
; lower byte overflows into the hi byte, then the object will 'move'.   ;
; The rise/run values returned here are meant to be added to the low    ;
; byte -- NOT the hi byte!!                                             ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $C8                                                        ;
;       A-reg = the scalar velocity value (except Rise_Run_Len)         ;
;       B-reg = the Vectrex angle value                                 ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: A-reg = the rise value                                          ;
;       B-reg = the run value                                           ;
;                                                                       ;
;       All other registers are saved.                                  ;

Rise_Run_X:     SUBB    #$10
Rise_Run_Y:     STB     
;!      F610    Rot_VL_ab  IN: A B X U  OUT: X U  TRASH: A B  SETDP: C8 ;
;!      F616    Rot_VL     IN: A B X U  OUT: X U  TRASH: A B  SETDP: C8 ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine rotates a vector list of length 'n+1', where 'n' is      ;
; specified by the value in the B register.  The A register contains    ;
; the rotation value, and the X contains a pointer to the vector list.  ;
; The U register contains a pointer to a buffer into which the          ;
; transformed points are to be saved.  The vector list has the          ;
; following format:                                                     ;
;                                                                       ;
;       rel y, rel x, rel y, rel x, ...                                 ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY A-reg = rotation angle value (Rot_VL_ab only)                   ;
;       $C836 = rotation angle value (Rot_VL only)                      ;
;       B-reg = number of points - 1 (Rot_VL_ab only)                   ;
;       $C823 = number of points - 1 (Rot_VL only)                      ;
;       X-reg points to original vector list                            ;
;       U-reg points to rotated vector list                             ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: DP = $C8                                                        ;
;       X-reg points to next byte after list                            ;
;       U-reg points to next byte after rotated list                    ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg trashed                                                   ;

Rot_VL_ab:      STA     Vec_Angle
                STB     $C823
Rot_VL:         PSHS    DP
                JSR     DP_to_C8
                BSR     Rise_Run_Idx
                BRA     LF637

;!     F61F   Rot_VL_Mode  IN: DP=C8 A X U  OUT: X U  TRASH: A B  SETDP:;
;!     F62B   Rot_VL_M_dft IN: DP=C8 A X U  OUT: X U  TRASH: A B  SETDP:;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine rotates a vector list having the following format:       ;
;                                                                       ;
;       mode, rel y, rel x,                                             ;
;       mode, rel y, rel x,                                             ;
;         .     .      .                                                ;
;         .     .      .                                                ;
;       mode, rel y, rel x,                                             ;
;       0x01                                                            ;
;                                                                       ;
; The A register contains the rotation value, and the X contains a      ;
; pointer to the vector list.  The U register contains a pointer to a   ;
; buffer into which the transformed points are to be saved.             ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $C8                                                        ;
;       A-reg = rotation angle value (Rot_VL_Mode only)                 ;
;       X-reg points to original vector list                            ;
;       U-reg points to rotated vector list                             ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: X-reg points to next byte after list                            ;
;       U-reg points to next byte after rotated list                    ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg trashed                                                   ;

Rot_VL_Mode:    STA     Vec_Angle       ;Save angle
                PSHS    DP              ;Save DP register
                JSR     DP_to_C8        ;DP to RAM
                STA     <$C823          ;Store $C8 (negative value) into $C823
                BSR     Rise_Run_Idx    ;Get index pair of angle
Rot_VL_M_dft:   LDA     ,X+             ;Get mode byte
                STA     ,U+             ;Copy to destination
                BLE     LF637           ;Rotate if not end of list
                CLR     <$C823          ;Exit with $C823 cleared
                PULS    DP,PC           ;Restore DP register and return

LF635:          DEC     <$C823          ;Decrement count for (y,x) list
LF637:          LDA     ,X+             ;Get y coordinate
                BSR     Xform_Rise_a
                STA     ,U              ;Store partial y coordinate
                LDA     ,X              ;Get x coordinate
                BSR     Xform_Run_a
                ADDA    ,U              ;Add to partial y coordinate
                STA     ,U+             ;Store rotated y coordinate
                LDA     -1,X            ;Get y coordinate
                BSR     Xform_Run_a
                STA     ,U              ;Store partial x coordinate
                LDA     ,X+             ;Get x coordinate
                BSR     Xform_Rise_a
                SUBA    ,U              ;Add to partial x coordinate
                STA     ,U+             ;Store rotated x coordinate
                LDA     <$C823          ;Get counter
                BMI     Rot_VL_M_dft    ;If negative, go back to mode list loop
                BNE     LF635           ;If non-zero, go back to (y,x) list loop
                PULS    DP,PC

;!      F65B    Xform_Run_a  IN: DP=C8 A  OUT: A  TRASH: B  SETDP:      ;
;!      F65D    Xform_Run    IN: DP=C8    OUT: A  TRASH: B  SETDP:      ;
;                                                                       ;
; These two routines generate a run value, using the run index pair in  ;
; $C837-$C838.  For Xform_Run_a the scalar value is passed in the       ;
; A register, while for Xform_Run, the scalar value must already be in  ;
; $C83B.  The transformed value is return in the A register.            ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $C8                                                        ;
;       A-reg = length for rise/run (Xform_Rise_a only)                 ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: A-reg = run value                                               ;
;                                                                       ;
;       B-reg trashed                                                   ;

Xform_Run_a:    STA     
;!      F67F    Move_Mem_a_1    IN: A X U  OUT: A=FF B  TRASH:  SETDP:  ;
;!      F683    Move_Mem_a      IN: A X U  OUT: A=FF B  TRASH:  SETDP:  ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine copies a block of memory, starting at the hi address,    ;
; and working down to the low address.  The base of the source address  ;
; is specified in the U register, and the base of the destination       ;
; address is  specified in the X register.  The A register contains     ;
; the number of bytes to copy; 0x80 is the maximum value which can      ;
; be specified.                                                         ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY A-reg = byte count (Move_Mem_a only)                            ;
;       A-reg = byte count minus 1 (Move_Mem_a_1 only)                  ;
;       X-reg points to the destination                                 ;
;       U-reg points to the source                                      ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT  A-reg = $FF                                                     ;
;       B-reg = first byte of source                                    ;

Move_Mem_a_1:   LDB     A,U             ;Copy the byte
                STB     A,X
Move_Mem_a:     DECA                    ;Decrement the count
                BPL     Move_Mem_a_1    ;Go back until finished
LF686:          RTS

;!   F687    Init_Music_chk  IN: DP=C8 U  OUT:  TRASH: A B X Y U  SETDP:;
;!   F68D    Init_Music      IN: DP=C8 U  OUT:  TRASH: A B X Y U  SETDP:;
;!   F692    Init_Music_dft  IN: DP=C8 U  OUT:  TRASH: A B X Y U  SETDP:;
;                                                                       ;
; These routines are responsible for filling the music work buffer      ;
; while a sound is being made.  It should be called once during each    ;
; refresh cycle.  If you want to start a new sound, then you must set   ;
; $C856 to 0x01, and point the U-register to the sound block.  If no    ;
; sound is in progress ($C856 = 0), then it returns immediately         ;
; (unless you called Init_Music or Init_Music_dft, which do not make    ;
; this check).  When a sound is in progress, $C856 will be set to 0x80. ;
;                                                                       ;
; These routines process a single note at a time, and calculate the     ;
; amplitude and course/fine tuning values for the 3 sound channels.     ;
; The values calculated are stored in the music work buffer, at         ;
; $C83F-$C84C.                                                          ;
;                                                                       ;
; Music data format:                                                    ;
;                                                                       ;
;       header word -> $C84F  32 nibble ADSR table                      ;
;       header word -> $C851  8-byte "twang" table                      ;
;       data bytes                                                      ;
;                                                                       ;
; The ADSR table is simply 32 nibbles (16 bytes) of amplitude values.   ;
;                                                                       ;
; The twang table is 8 signed bytes to modify the base frequency of     ;
; each note being played.  Each channel has a different limit to its    ;
; twang table index (6-8) to keep them out of phase to each other.      ;
;                                                                       ;
; Music data bytes:                                                     ;
;       Bits 0-5 = frequency                                            ;
;       Bit 6 clear = tone                                              ;
;       Bit 6 set = noise                                               ;
;       Bit 7 set = next music data byte is for next channel            ;
;       Bit 7 clear, play note with duration in next music data byte:   ;
;               bits 0-5 = duration                                     ;
;               bit 6 = unused                                          ;
;               bit 7 set = end of music                                ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $C8                                                        ;
;       U-reg points to the start of the music data                     ;
;       $C84D points to frequency table (Init_Music_dft only)           ;
;       $C856 may need to be set.                                       ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg, X-reg, Y-reg, U-reg trashed                              ;

Init_Music_chk: LDA     =$80, advance to next channel
                LDB     ,X+             ;Get second byte of music data
                BPL     LF748           ;If >=$80, (terminator)
                JSR     Init_Music_Buf  ;  clear music buffer,
                CLR     0 add twang to base frequency
                ADCA    #$00            ;Propagate carry to high byte
LF78C:          STD     ,X++            ;Store freq in regs 5/4, 3/2, 1/0
                CMPX    #Vec_Music_Work+14
                BNE     LF778
LF793_RTS:      RTS

;!      F7A9    Select_Game   IN: A B  OUT:  TRASH: A B X Y  SETDP: C8  ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine provides a game with the means for allowing the player   ;
; to choose the game number he would like to play, and the number of    ;
; players.  The game indicates the number of game versions available,   ;
; by placing the  value in the B register.  The number of players       ;
; allowed is specified in the A register.  If a parameter is passed in  ;
; with a value of 0, then the corresponding question will not be asked. ;
; The number of players selected is returned in $C879, while the game   ;
; number selected is returned in $C87A.                                 ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine performs most of the work involved in allowing the       ;
; player to select a game version and the number of players.  It        ;
; displays the game # and player options, and allows the player a       ;
; certain amount of time to modify their values.  Anytime one of the    ;
; buttons is used to modify a value, the timer will be restarted.       ;
; When a button is pressed, the associated value is modified,           ;
; and then redisplayed on the screen.  This routine will return when    ;
; either the timer expires, or button 4 is pressed.                     ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY A-reg = maximum number of players allowed                       ;
;       B-reg = number of game versions available                       ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: DP = $C8                                                        ;
;       $C879 contains number of players selected                       ;
;       $C87A contains the game version selected                        ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg, X-reg, Y-reg trashed                                     ;

Player_Str:     FDB     $20C0
                FDB     $40C0
                FCC     "PLAYER"
                FCB     $80

Game_Str:       FDB     $E0C0
                FDB     $01C0
                FCC     " GAME"
                FCB     $80

Select_Game:    STD     Vec_Max_Players ;Save max players and games
                TSTA                    ;If non-zero players specified,
                BEQ     LF7B1
                LDA     #$01            ;  set selection to 1
LF7B1:          TSTB                    ;If non-zero games specified,
                BEQ     LF7B6
                LDB     #$01            ;  set selection to 1
LF7B6:          STD     Vec_Num_Players ;Save default selection
                JSR     DP_to_C8        ;DP to RAM
                LDD     #$F850
;!      F835    Display_Option  IN: A Y  OUT:  TRASH: A B U X  SETDP:   ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine displays the player or game option string, along with    ;
; the current value for that option.  The A-register contains the       ;
; value of the option, while the Y-register points to a block of the    ;
; following form:                                                       ;
;                                                                       ;
;       rel y, rel x,      ( for value )                                ;
;       rel y, rel x,      ( for option string)                         ;
;       option string,                                                  ;
;       0x80                                                            ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;       A-reg=the option value.                                         ;
;       Y-reg points to the string block.                               ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg, U-reg, X-reg trashed                                     ;

Display_Option: LDX     #$C85E          ;Point to temp storage
                PSHS    A               ;Save option
                BSR     Clear_Score     ;Clear scratch score accumulator
                LDA     ,S+             ;Get option back
                BEQ     LF84E           ;Exit printing nothing if option = zero
                BSR     Add_Score_a     ;Put option in scratch score accumulator
                TFR     X,U             ;Transfer X to be printed
                LDD     ,Y++            ;Get (y,x) of value
                JSR     Print_Str_d     ;Print value
                TFR     Y,U             ;Transfer Y to be printed
                JSR     Print_Str_yx    ;Print option string
LF84E:          RTS

;!      F84F    Clear_Score        IN: X  OUT:  TRASH: A B  SETDP:      ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine will initialize the passed-in score string (pointed to   ;
; by the X-register) to the following value:                            ;
;                                                                       ;
;       "     0",0x80                                                   ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY X-reg points to seven byte score accumulator                    ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg trashed                                                   ;

Clear_Score:    LDD     #' '*256+' '    ;Store the leading blanks
                STD     ,X
                STD     2,X
                STA     4,X
                LDD     #'0'*256+$80    ;Store the zero and terminator byte
                STD     5,X

;!      F85E    Add_Score_a   IN: A U X  OUT:  TRASH: A B  SETDP:       ;
;!      F87C    Add_Score_d   IN: A B X  OUT:  TRASH: A B  SETDP:       ;
;                                                                       ;
; These routines take the BCD value in the D-register or the binary     ;
; value in the A-register, and add it to the 6-byte ASCII number        ;
; pointed by the X-register.                                            ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY A-reg = binary value (Add_Score_a only)                         ;
;       D-reg = BCD value (Add_Score_d only)                            ;
;       U-reg = BCD conversion of A-reg (Add_Score_a only)              ;
;       X-reg points to six byte ASCII score accumulator                ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg trashed                                                   ;

Add_Score_a:    LDU     #$0000          ;Initialize BCD result to zero
LF861:          CMPA    #99             ;Add in the hundreds
                BLS     LF86D
                SUBA    #100
                LEAU    $0100,U
                BRA     LF861

LF86D:          CMPA    #9              ;Add in the tens
                BLS     LF878
                SUBA    #10
                LEAU    $10,U
                BRA     LF86D

LF878:          LEAU    A,U             ;Add in the ones
                TFR     U,D             ;Move it to the D-register

Add_Score_d:    PSHS    A               ;Save BCD on stack in reverse order
                PSHS    B
                LDB     #$05
LF882:          CLRA                    ;Add zero to 10000 and 100000 digits
                CMPB    #$01
                BLS     LF897
                BITB    #$01            ;Add right nibble to hundreds and ones
                BEQ     LF88F
                LDA     ,S
                BRA     LF895

LF88F:          LDA     ,S+             ;Add left nibble to thousands and tens
LF895:          ANDA    #$0F            ;Isolate desired nibble
LF897:          ADDA    $C823           ;Add in carry ($C823 is normally zero)
                CLR     $C823           ;Clear carry
                ADDA    B,X             ;Add to digit
                CMPA    #'0'-1          ;If digit was a blank,
                BGT     LF8A5
                ADDA    #$10            ;  promote the result to a digit
LF8A5:          CMPA    #'9'            ;If a carry has occurred,
                BLS     LF8AE
                SUBA    #10             ;  subtract ten
                INC     $C823           ;  and set carry flag
LF8AE:          STA     B,X             ;Store resulting digit
                DECB                    ;Go back for more digits
                BPL     LF882
                CLR     $C823           ;Clear $C823 back to zero

;!      F8B7    Strip_Zeros   IN: B X  OUT:  TRASH: A B  SETDP:         ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine strips the leading zeros from a score accumulator.       ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY B-reg = first digit to start with (usually zero)                ;
;       X-reg points to six byte ASCII score accumulator                ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg trashed                                                   ;

Strip_Zeros:    LDA     B,X             ;Test current digit
                CMPA    #'0'
                BNE     LF8C6           ;Exit if not zero
                LDA     #' '            ;Change it to a blank
                STA     B,X
                CMPB    #$05
                BLT     Strip_Zeros
LF8C6:          RTS

;!      F8C7    Compare_Score   IN: X U  OUT: A  TRASH: B  SETDP:       ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine will compare two BCD score strings, to determine which   ;
; one is higher.  The two strings are pointed to by the U and X         ;
; registers.  Depending upon how the scores compare, one of the         ;
; following values will be returned in the A-register:                  ;
;                                                                       ;
;       1) The scores are the same: a = 0                               ;
;       2) X score > U score:   a = 1                                   ;
;       3) U score > X score:   a = 2                                   ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY X-reg points to first score string (terminated with $80)        ;
;       U-reg points to second score string                             ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: A-reg returns result of the compare                             ;
;                                                                       ;
;       B-reg trashed                                                   ;

Compare_Score:  PSHS    X,U             ;Save score pointers
                CLRA                    ;Default to scores are the same
LF8CA:          LDB     ,X+
                BMI     LF8D6           ;Return if end of string
                CMPB    ,U+
                BEQ     LF8CA           ;Continue if byte is the same
                BHI     LF8D5           ;Return 1 if X > U
                INCA                    ;Return 2 if U > X
LF8D5:          INCA
LF8D6:          PULS    X,U,PC          ;Restore pointers and return

;!      F8D8    New_High_Score  IN: X U  OUT:  TRASH: X U A B  SETDP:   ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine compares a players score string, pointed to by the       ;
; X register, to the current hi score, pointed by the U register.  If   ;
; the player's score is higher than the currently saved hi score, then  ;
; the player's score will be copied into the hi score buffer pointed    ;
; to by the U register.                                                 ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY X-reg points to a player's score string                         ;
;       U-reg points to the high score string (usually $CBEB?)          ;
;                                                                       ;
;       X-reg, U-reg, D-reg trashed                                     ;

New_High_Score: BSR     Compare_Score   ;Compare the scores
                CMPA    #$01
                BNE     LF8E4           ;Return if X is not > U
LF8DE:          LDA     ,X+             ;Copy the new high score
                STA     ,U+
                BPL     LF8DE           ;until end of string encountered
LF8E4:          RTS

;!      F8E5    Obj_Will_Hit_u  IN: X Y U A B  OUT: C  TRASH:  SETDP:   ;
;!      F8F3    Obj_Will_Hit     N: X Y U A B  OUT: C  TRASH:  SETDP:   ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine first modifies the position of the object, and then it   ;
; checks to see if the missile has hit the object.  The Y register      ;
; contains the (y,x) position of the object, the U register contains    ;
; a pointer to the (y,x) modification values, the X register contains   ;
; the missile (y,x) position, and the D register contains the           ;
; (height/2, width/2) of the object.                                    ;
;                                                                       ;
; (0,u) is temporarily added to the y position of the object, and       ;
; (1,u) is temporarily added to the x position.                         ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY Y-reg = (y,x) position of the object                            ;
;       X-reg = (y,x) position of the missile                           ;
;       U-reg points to movement (y,x) (Mov_Obj_Hit_u only)             ;
;       U-reg = movement (y,x) (Mov_Obj_Hit only)                       ;
;       D-reg = (h/2,w/2) size of object                                ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: Carry bit set if the object & missile have collided             ;  ********************
;                                                                       ;
;       ALL registers saved.  Even the original Y-register.             ;  ********************

Obj_Will_Hit_u: PSHS    Y               ;Save regs for the hit-test code
                PSHS    D,X,Y
                LDD     4,S             ;Get object position
                ADDA    ,U              ;Add it to the modification values
                ADDB    1,U
LF8EF:          STD     4,S             ;Put updated object position back
                BRA     LF903           ;Go do the hit-test

Obj_Will_Hit:   PSHS    Y               ;Save regs for the hit-test code
                PSHS    D,X,Y
                TFR     U,D             ;Get modification values
                ADDA    4,S             ;Add them to the object position
                ADDB    5,S
                BRA     LF8EF           ;Put update position back and hit-test

;!      F8FF    Obj_Hit   IN: X Y A B  OUT: C  TRASH:  SETDP:           ;
;                                                                       ;
; Thit routine checks to see if a missile hashit an object.  If the     ;
; missile has hit the object, then the carry bit will be set;           ;
; otherwise, the carry bit will be cleared.  A hit is checked for in    ;
; the following fashion:                                                ;
;                                                                       ;
;   if (object y-height/2) <= missile y <= (object y+height/2)          ;
;                               and                                     ;
;      (object x-width/2)  <= missile x <= (object x+width/x)           ;
;                                                                       ;
;   then the missile hit, otherwise it missed.                          ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY Y-reg = (y,x) position of the object                            ;
;       X-reg = (y,x) position of the missile                           ;
;       D-reg = (h/2,w/2) size of object                                ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: Carry bit set if the object & missile have collided             ;
;                                                                       ;
;       All registers preserved.                                        ;

Obj_Hit:        PSHS    Y               ;Save some regs
                PSHS    D,X,Y
LF903:          TFR     S,X             ;Point X to the stack
                CLRB                    ;Offset to point to y
LF906:          ABX
                LDA     4,X             ;Get height/2
                ADDA    ,X              ;Add object y
                BVC     LF90F
                LDA     #$7F            ;Set to $7F if overflow
LF90F:          CMPA    2,X             ;Branch if missile out of range
                BLT     LF928
                LDA     4,X             ;Get height/2
                SUBA    ,X              ;Subtract object y
                BVC     LF91B
                LDA     #$80            ;Set to $80 if overflow
LF91B:          CMPA    2,X             ;Branch if missile out of range
                BGT     LF928
                INCB                    ;Offset to point to x
                CMPB    #$02
                BCS     LF906           ;Go back for x
                ORCC    #$01            ;Object in range, set carry
                BRA     LF92A

LF928:          ANDCC   #$FE            ;Object not in range, clear carry
LF92A:          PULS    D,X,Y
                PULS    Y,PC

;!      F92E    Explosion_Snd   IN: DP=C8 U  OUT:  TRASH: A B X  SETDP: ;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine appears to generate some type of an explosion sound,     ;
; dependent upon the 4 bytes which are pointed to by the U register.    ;
; You will probably need to call Do_Sound for this to do anything.      ;
;                                                                       ;
; The format of the 4-byte block is:                                    ;
;       1)      Bits 0-2 = ?    Stored in $C85D                         ;
;               Bits 3-5 = ?    Stored in $C853                         ;
;               Bits 6-7 = 0                                            ;
;               Bits 0-2 and 3-5 are ORed and stored in bits 0-2 of     ;
;                                                               $C854   ;
;       2)      <0 = ?          Something to do with register 6         ;
;               =0 = ?                                                  ;
;               >0 = ?                                                  ;
;       3)      <0 = ?                                                  ;
;               =0 = ?                                                  ;
;               >0 = ?                                                  ;
;       4)      Speed?  Higher values = lower duration?                 ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $C8                                                        ;
;       U-reg points to 4-byte block of data if $C867 high bit set      ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg, X-reg trashed                                            ;

Explosion_Snd:  LDA     
;!      FF9F    Draw_Grid_VL IN: DP=D0 X Y  OUT: X Y  TRASH: A B  SETDP:;
;                                                                       ;
; This routine apparently will draw a vector list using a 16x16 grid,   ;
; and occasionally using regular vector lists too.  This could possibly ;
; be useful for drawing gridded things like a chess board and all of    ;
; its pieces at the same time.                                          ;
;                                                                       ;
; The master vector list contains multiple sublists that start with     ;
; a flag byte:                                                          ;
;       Bit 7 = draw the next regular vector list (from X-reg) first    ;
;       Bit 6 = this is the last sublist in the master vector list      ;
;       Bits 5,4 = unused                                               ;
;       Bits 3-0 = number of points in this sublist (1-16)              ;
;                                                                       ;
; The points are stored as a pair of nibbles:                           ;
;       Bits 7-4 = Y coordinate (?)                                     ;
;       Bits 3-0 = X coordinate (?)                                     ;
;                                                                       ;
; ENTRY DP = $D0                                                        ;
;       X-reg points to regular vector lists                            ;
;       Y-reg points to master vector list                              ;
;                                                                       ;
; EXIT: X-reg points to next byte after last regular vector list used   ;
;       Y-reg points to next byte after end of master vector list       ;
;                                                                       ;
;       D-reg trashed                                                   ;

Draw_Grid_VL:   LDA     ,Y+             ;Get flag byte
                BRA     LFFAB           ;Jump into loop

LFFA3:          JSR     Mov_Draw_VL_d   ;Draw a regular vector list
                LDA     $C880           ;Clear vector list flag
                ANDA    #$7F
LFFAB:          STA     $C880           ;Save flag byte for vector count
LFFAE:          DEC     $C880           ;Decrement vector count
                LDA     ,Y              ;Get Y of next point
                ANDA    #$F8
                LDB     ,Y+             ;Get X of next point
                ANDB    #$F8
                TST     $C880           ;Draw a regular vector list?
                BMI     LFFA3           ;Go back if so
                JSR     Draw_Line_d     ;Draw a line to the new point
                LDA     $C880           ;Check vector counter
                BITA    #$0F
                BNE     LFFAE           ;Go back if more vectors to draw
                BITA    #$20            ;Check for end of list
                BEQ     Draw_Grid_VL    ;Go back if more lists to draw

                FCC     "KARRSOFT82LDMCBCJT82LDMCBCJ"

                FDB     0,0             ;Unused

                FDB     $CBF2           ;SWI3 vector
                FDB     $CBF2           ;SWI2 vector
                FDB     $CBF5           ;FIRQ vector
                FDB     $CBF8           ;IRQ vector
                FDB     $CBFB           ;SWI vector
                FDB     $CBFB           ;NMI vector
                FDB     Start           ;Reset vector

                END     Start