This is the first early release of a generic tree-walking disassembler. This version handles specifically Vectrex binary files, although it doesn't have a great deal of specific Vectrex support yet - it recognises the Vectrex ROM header, and it knows a little about the memory map. It does not yet know about BIOS entry points. Although this is very early days for this disassembler, it already does a better job of detecting code versus data than any previous disassembler I have used (or written) for the Vectrex. The tree-walking code is generic and the disassember could be retargeted to any other 8-bit CPU quite easily by shoe-horning in a replacement for the 'dis_6809.c' file. Eventually I'll have support for multiple targets built-in. This code is also going to be the front-end of my static binary translation suite at some point. Currently the usage is simple: "dec filename.bin". It does a good enough job that I haven't needed to add a configuration file option yet. Graham Toal