/* TERMCAP.PL */ /* Shelved on the 3rd of October 1988 */ % Author: Chris Miller, Heriot-Watt % Written: 28/9/85 % # termcap. % lib(termcap). % defines a number of screen-handling functions using the % termcap library to achieve terminal independence. % In order for these routines to work, a version of Prolog % with the predicate getenv/2 is needed; also, if TERMCAP does % not contain the capability string then the program "tset" must % exist, since I am too lazy to write the stuff to search the % termcap file and pick up the characteristics! There may be very odd % problems if more than one user with a given home directory invokes % initterm simultaneously, since I have not used a unique temporary file % name. % If Richard O'Keefe's "autowrap" modifications are incorporated, % then odd results will occur unless output is told to '/dev/tty' % instead of 'user'. % The useful functions defined are % initterm set up the capabilities (this is called % automatically the first time that it is needed) % termcap(Feature, Cap) % Feature is a 2-letter atom defining the capability; % Cap is unified with one of % true Boolean capability % Integer Numeric capability % cap(Pad, String) String capability % [] Capability absent % tputs(cap(Pad, String)) % output String with a guess as to the correct padding! % (the guess is based on a linespeed of 9600 baud, and % does not take account of the number of lines affected % by an operation). % cursor(X) where X is one of % left, right, up, down, home % performs the appropriate movement. [cursor(down) may % not work unless the terminal CRMOD feature has been % unset, e.g. by "stty nl"]. % cursor(Row, Col) % direct cursor addressing. % clear_screen. % clear_to_end_of_screen. % clear_line. % underline(X) where X is 'off' or 'on' % inverse(X) where X is 'off' or 'on' % standout inverse if possible, else underline % standend end standout % # :- (current_predicate(writef, _) ; lib(writef)). % # initterm. % gets the terminal type and capabilities. % In this version, the capabilities are ONLY read from the TERMCAP % variable; /etc/termcap and private termcap files are never searched. % # initterm:- initterm_done, !. initterm :- assert(initterm_done), getenv('TERMCAP', Termcap), name(Termcap, T), !, initterm(T). initterm :- gettermcap(Termcap), assert(terminal_capabilities(Termcap)). initterm([47 | Rest]) :- !, gettermcap(Termcap), assert(terminal_capabilities(Termcap)). initterm(Termcap) :- assert(terminal_capabilities(Termcap)). gettermcap(Termcap) :- shell("/bin/sh -c >$HOME/.tcap 'eval `SHELL=/bin/sh tset -sQ` echo \$TERMCAP'"), seeing(S, '~/.tcap'), getstring(Termcap), rename('~/.tcap', []), see(S). getstring([Hd|Tl]) :- get0(Hd), Hd \== 10, Hd \== 26, !, getstring(Tl). getstring([]). % # termcap. % termcap(Capability, Value) % unifies Value with the capability for the (2-character atom) % Capability. Value is [] if the capability is missing, % true for a boolean capability, and a string or an integer for % string or integer capabilities. % # termcap(Cap, _) :- termcapability(Cap, []), !, fail. termcap(Cap, Val) :- termcapability(Cap, Val), !. termcap(Cap, Val) :- (initterm_done; initterm), !, terminal_capabilities(Termcap), name(Cap, CapName), termcap(Termcap, CapName, Val), assert(termcapability(Cap, Val)). termcap([58, Char1, Char2, 58 | List], [Char1, Char2], true) :- % bool !. termcap([58, Char1, Char2, 35 | List], [Char1, Char2], Val) :- % int leading_int(List, _, 0, Val), !. termcap([58, Char1, Char2, 61 | List], [Char1, Char2], cap(Val, Str)):- % str leading_int(List, Rest, 0, Val), leading_string(Rest, "", String), cap_string(String, Str), !. termcap([92, _, List], Cap, Val) :- !, termcap(List, Cap, Val). termcap([_ | List], Cap, Val) :- !, termcap(List, Cap, Val). termcap([], _, []). leading_int([C | List], L, I, V) :- C >= 48, C =< 57, !, X is 10 * I + C - 48, leading_int(List, L, X, V). leading_int(L, L, I, I). leading_string([58 | _], String, String) :- !. leading_string([92, C | Rest], String, [92, C | S]) :- !, leading_string(Rest, String, S). leading_string([C | Rest], String, [C | S]) :- !, leading_string(Rest, String, S). cap_string(String, Cap) :- delpad(String, NoPad), trans(NoPad, Cap). delpad([42|String], String) :- !. delpad(String, String). trans([94, C | String], [CC | Trans]) :- !, CC is C mod 32, trans(String, Trans). trans([92, D1, D2, D3 | String], [C | Trans]) :- D1 >= 48, D1 =< 55, D2 >= 48, D2 =< 55, D3 >= 48, D3 =< 55, !, C is 64 * (D1 - 48) + 8 * (D2 - 48) + (D3 - 48), trans(String, Trans). trans([92, C | String], [BS | Trans]) :- backslash(C, BS), !, trans(String, Trans). trans([92, C | String], [C | Trans]) :- !, trans(String, Trans). trans([], []). trans([C|String], [C|Trans]) :- trans(String, Trans). backslash(69, 27). backslash(101, 27). backslash(78, 10). backslash(110, 10). backslash(82, 13). backslash(114, 13). backslash(84, 9). backslash(116, 9). backslash(66, 8). backslash(98, 8). backslash(70, 12). backslash(102, 12). % ---------------------------------------------------- clear_screen :- termcap(cl, C), tputs(C). clear_to_end_of_screen :- termcap(cd, C), tputs(C). clear_line :- termcap(dl, C), tputs(C). cursor(left) :- termcap(bs, true), !, put(8). cursor(left) :- termcap(bc, C), tputs(C). cursor(right) :- termcap(nd, C), tputs(C). cursor(up) :- termcap(up, C), tputs(C). cursor(down) :- termcap(do, C), tputs(C). cursor(home) :- termcap(ho, H), tputs(H). cursor(Row, Col) :- termcap(cm, cap(Pad, CM)), pad(Pad), cm(CM, Row, Col), ttyflush. cm([], _, _). cm([37, 100 | Rest], Row, Col) :- !, write(Row), cm(Rest, Col, Row). cm([37, 50 | Rest], Row, Col) :- !, writef("%2l", [Row]), cm(Rest, Col, Row). cm([37, 51 | Rest], Row, Col) :- !, writef("%3l", [Row]), cm(Rest, Col, Row). cm([37, 46 | Rest], Row, Col) :- !, put(Row), cm(Rest, Col, Row). cm([37, 43, N | Rest], Row, Col) :- !, M is Row + N, put(M), cm(Rest, Col, Row). cm([37, 62, X, Y | Rest], Row, Col) :- !, ((Row >= X, M is Row + Y); M is Row), cm(Rest, M, Col). cm([37, 114 | Rest], Row, Col) :- cm(Rest, Col, Row). cm([37, C | Rest], Row, Col) :- !, put(C), cm(Rest, Row, Col). cm([C | Rest], Row, Col) :- put(C), cm(Rest, Row, Col). underline(on) :- termcap(us, C), tputs(C). underline(off) :- termcap(ue, C), tputs(C). inverse(on) :- termcap(so, C), tputs(C). inverse(off) :- termcap(se, C), tputs(C). standout :- inverse(on), !. standout :- underline(on). standend :- inverse(off), !. standend :- underline(off). tputs(cap(Pad, S)) :- pad(Pad), name(N, S), write(N), ttyflush. pad :- termcap(pc, cap(_,[PC])), put(PC). pad :- put(0). pad(0) :- !. pad(N) :- pad, M is N-1, pad(M).