/* USER_ANSWER.PL */ /* Shelved on the 3rd of October 1988 */ /****************************************************************************/ /************* PROGRAM: user_answer *****************************************/ /**************************************************************************** This program may be used and amended for non-profit making purposes on condition that this header be left intact and in situ. Copyright: Steven Salvini 1986, 1987, 1988 ****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** user_answer: gets certainties associated with Goals whose certainty is not known (i.e. for which no information have been asserted or can be deduced) ****************************************************************************/ user_answer(Object/Attribute/Value,Trace,Certainty):- /* 'pretty' verion using menu-based data input - needs appropriate question */ Question:Object/Attribute/Values - Message - Type, print_menu1(Object,Attribute,Values,Trace,Message,Type), (fact:Object/Attribute/Value with certainty(Certainty) ; told:Object/Attribute/Value with certainty(Certainty)), !. user_answer(Object/Attribute/Value,Trace,Certainty):- /* 'fail-safe/default' version - only used if no question available */ var(Value), clear_screen, nl,nl,nl, write('What value do you associate with '), write(Object), write('`s '), write(Attribute), write('?'), nl, nl, read_word(Value), assertz(told:Object/Attribute/Value with certainty(1)). user_answer(Object/Attribute/Value,Trace,Certainty):- /* 'fail-safe/default' version - only used if no question available */ clear_screen, nl,nl,nl, write('What certainty value do you associate with '), write(Object), write('`s '), write(Attribute), write(' being '), write(Value), write('?'), nl, nl, input_certainty(Trace,Certainty), assertz(told:Object/Attribute/Value with certainty(Certainty)). /**************************************************************************** input_certainty: Obtains certainty for current Value being investigated, allows user to ask "why", responding with a trace of the rules currently depending on this Value. ****************************************************************************/ input_certainty(Trace,Certainty):- write(' Valid replies are numbers between -10 to 10 or "why"'), repeat, nl, read_word(Reply), ok_reply_ic(Reply,Validated_Reply), process_reply_ic(Validated_Reply,Trace,Certainty), !. ok_reply_ic(Reply,Validated_Reply):- /* regularises user's reply */ (means(Reply,why,Validated_Reply); means(Reply,quit,Validated_Reply); means(Reply,valid_replies,Validated_Reply); means(Reply,certainty,Validated_Reply)). process_reply_ic(why,Trace,_):- /* in response to 'why': */ show_trace(Trace), /* explains reason for asking */ !, /* the current question */ fail. process_reply_ic(valid_replies,_,_):- nl,write('Valid replies are...'),nl, write('v,V,valid,VALID: gives this message'),nl, write('w,W,why,WHY: shows the reasoning behind asking for this'), nl,write(' certainty value'),nl, write('OR an integer between -10 and 10 which represents the certainty'), nl,write('value: -10 being FALSE, 0 NOTHING KNOWN & 10 TRUE'),nl, !, fail. process_reply_ic(quit,_,_):- nl, write('You have indicated that you want to "quit".'),nl, write('This is not possible at this point as certainty values '), write('are mandatory'), write('in the interactive processing mode.'),nl, write('Instead, please enter a certainty of zero (0 ie. nothing '), write('known) when'),nl, write('(re-)prompted for certainties - or abort the program (^C) and '), nl, write('re-run - if you still want to exit.'),nl, !, fail. process_reply_ic(Bigcertainty,_,Certainty):- /* in response to a number: */ reduce(Bigcertainty,Certainty). /* reduces it to range of */ /* certainties */ /************************************************************************** show_trace: shows trace of current 'Goal'`s investigation when called via back-chaining (explore) - clauses 1 & 2 or "reason for asking about a symptom" when called via 'take_history' - clause 3 **************************************************************************/ show_trace([]):- nl, tab(10), write('which is the goal currently undergoing investigation'), nl. show_trace([Goal by Rule|Trace]):- write('To investigate, by '), write(Rule), write(', '), write(Goal), nl, show_trace(Trace). show_trace([Message]):- write(Message), nl. /**************************************************************************** reduce: chops a number (-10 - 10) by a factors of 10 to give an acceptable certainty value ****************************************************************************/ reduce(0,0). /* to avoid possible division by zero */ reduce(Big,Decimated):- Decimated is Big / 10. /****************************************************************************/ /************* END OF PROGRAM: user_answer **********************************/ /****************************************************************************/