% File : TYPE.PL % Author : R.A.O'Keefe % Updated: 21 June 1983 % Purpose: Command to display files. % "type [a,b,c]" will see a, b, c and will display them % on the terminal. Output redirection will have no effect on it, a % more general command can be made by editing this one. % By consulting the file TYPE_FILE_OPS you get the former % Dec10 Util commands: ty +File and type +File. % (Of course, you have to cunsult this file as well.) % This version does not try to imitate "try_hard_to_see". % You quote the full file name. :- op(940, fx, [ty,type]). ty File :- type File. type Var :- var(Var), !, write('! variable given as file name'), nl, fail. type [Head|Tail] :- !, ype(Head), !, type(Tail). type File :- seeing(Old), see(File), nl, repeat, get0(Ch), ( Ch =:= -1 % NIP End of File ; put0(Ch), fail ), !, seen, see(Old).