HTML Entity References recognised in Kindle EBook format

ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1) characters
  nbsp 160 non-breaking space
¡ iexcl 161 inverted exclamation mark
¢ cent 162 cent sign
£ pound 163 pound sign
¤ curren 164 currency sign
¥ yen 165 yen sign
¦ brvbar 166 broken vertical bar,
§ sect 167 section sign
¨ uml 168 diaeresis
© copy 169 copyright sign
ª ordf 170 feminine ordinal indicator
« laquo 171 left-pointing double angle quotation mark
¬ not 172 not sign
­ shy 173 soft hyphen
® reg 174 registered sign
¯ macr 175 macron, overline
° deg 176 degree sign
± plusmn 177 plus-or-minus sign
² sup2 178 superscript two
³ sup3 179 superscript three
´ acute 180 acute accent
µ micro 181 micro sign
para 182 paragraph sign
· middot 183 middle dot
¸ cedil 184 cedilla
¹ sup1 185 superscript one
º ordm 186 masculine ordinal indicator
» raquo 187 right-pointing double angle quotation mark
¼ frac14 188 fraction one quarter
½ frac12 189 fraction one half
¾ frac34 190 fraction three quarters
¿ iquest 191 inverted question mark
À Agrave 192 capital letter A with grave
Á Aacute 193 capital letter A with acute
 Acirc 194 capital letter A with circumflex
à Atilde 195 capital letter A with tilde
Ä Auml 196 capital letter A with diaeresis
Å Aring 197 capital letter A with ring above
Æ AElig 198 capital ligature AE
Œ OElig ??? capital ligature OE - TESTING!
Ç Ccedil 199 capital letter C with cedilla
È Egrave 200 capital letter E with grave
É Eacute 201 capital letter E with acute
Ê Ecirc 202 capital letter E with circumflex
Ë Euml 203 capital letter E with diaeresis
Ì Igrave 204 capital letter I with grave
Í Iacute 205 capital letter I with acute
Î Icirc 206 capital letter I with circumflex
Ï Iuml 207 capital letter I with diaeresis
Ð ETH 208 capital letter ETH
Ñ Ntilde 209 capital letter N with tilde
Ò Ograve 210 capital letter O with grave
Ó Oacute 211 capital letter O with acute
Ô Ocirc 212 capital letter O with circumflex
Õ Otilde 213 capital letter O with tilde
Ö Ouml 214 capital letter O with diaeresis
× times 215 multiplication sign
Ø Oslash 216 capital letter O with slash
Ù Ugrave 217 capital letter U with grave
Ú Uacute 218 capital letter U with acute
Û Ucirc 219 capital letter U with circumflex
Ü Uuml 220 capital letter U with diaeresis
Ý Yacute 221 capital letter Y with acute
Þ THORN 222 capital letter THORN
ß szlig 223 small letter sharp s
à agrave 224 small letter a with grave
á aacute 225 small letter a with acute
â acirc 226 small letter a with circumflex
ã atilde 227 small letter a with tilde
ä auml 228 small letter a with diaeresis
å aring 229 small letter a with ring above
æ aelig 230 small ligature ae
œ oelig ??? small ligature oe - TESTING!
ç ccedil 231 small letter c with cedilla
è egrave 232 small letter e with grave
é eacute 233 small letter e with acute
ê ecirc 234 small letter e with circumflex
ë euml 235 small letter e with diaeresis
ì igrave 236 small letter i with grave
í iacute 237 small letter i with acute
î icirc 238 small letter i with circumflex
ï iuml 239 small letter i with diaeresis
ð eth 240 small letter eth
ñ ntilde 241 small letter n with tilde
ò ograve 242 small letter o with grave
ó oacute 243 small letter o with acute
ô ocirc 244 small letter o with circumflex
õ otilde 245 small letter o with tilde
ö ouml 246 small letter o with diaeresis
÷ divide 247 division sign
ø oslash 248 small letter o with slash
ù ugrave 249 small letter u with grave
ú uacute 250 small letter u with acute
û ucirc 251 small letter u with circumflex
ü uuml 252 small letter u with diaeresis
ý yacute 253 small letter y with acute
þ thorn 254 small letter thorn
ÿ yuml 255 small letter y with diaeresis


Greek Letters
π pi 960 greek small letter pi


bull 8226 bullet
hellip 8230 horizontal ellipsis
prime 8242 prime, minutes, feet
Prime 8243 double prime, seconds, inches
frasl 8260 fraction slash
trade 8482 trade mark sign


General Punctuation
| | ensp 8194 en space
| | emsp 8195 em space
| | thinsp 8201 thin space
ndash 8211 en dash
mdash 8212 em dash
lsquo 8216 left single quotation mark
rsquo 8217 right single quotation mark
sbquo 8218 single low-9 quotation mark
ldquo 8220 left double quotation mark
rdquo 8221 right double quotation mark
bdquo 8222 double low-9 quotation mark
dagger 8224 dagger
Dagger 8225 double dagger
permil 8240 per mille sign
lsaquo 8249 single left-pointing angle quotation mark (proposed)
rsaquo 8250 single right-pointing angle quotation mark (proposed)
euro 8364 euro sign