Elliott 803 Algol 60 Compiler (reconstructed)

File: simple.t2

For general comments see here
LineAddressObject Code LabelF1N1BF2N2CommentsCheck
1 0  ; tape1.d/simple.t2
2 0  ;-----------------
3 0  ;
4 0  =2601 
5 2601  FreeTemp::; 
6 2601  ; if temp no longer in use, decrement wsptr
7 2601  ;
8 2601  .ent:; 
9 2601 0064356 and TmpFlg   ;=040000 @2601
10 2601+1045053 jz .ret   ;ret if zero
11 2602 0040000 o02 0   ;=1 @2602
12 2602+0562161 o27 wsptr   ;decrement temporaries pointer
13 2603  .ret:; 
14 2603   ret     ;return
14+12603 0023763000001 o00 FreeTemp.lnk/jmp 1 
15 2604  ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
16 2604  ;
17 2604  SimpleTerm::; 
18 2604  ; test for simple variable or constant
19 2604  ; fails if array or procedure name, or any other token type
20 2604  ;
21 2604  .ent:; 
22 2604 0600600 lod token   ;token @2604
23 2604+1025007 jn Relop.retOK   ;constant
24 2605   jnz     ;->not id, check for TRUE or FALSE
24+12605 1045056 jz .1    
24+22605+1005001 jmp TestOpd.tBool    
24+32606  .1:; 
25 2606 0603427 lod idptr   ;idinfo
26 2606+0064343 and W2275   ;=03070000000000 Proc, Array, CBN, ???
27 2607 1045007 jz Relop.retOK   ;not set, must be simple typed variable
28 2607+1105010 jmp Relop.retNoGo   ;otherwise fail
29 2608  ;
30 2608  =2611 
31 2611  L2611::; 
32 2611  ;
33 2611  .ent:; 
34 2611 0016142577776 o00 W1816/lod -2; @2611
35 2612 1220034 srl 28   ; @2612
36 2612+0064362 and K127   ;=0177
37 2613 0103427 add idptr   ;
38 2613+0104313 add K1b   ;
39 2614   call     ; @2614
39+12614 7323731005012 lnk push.lnk:jmp push.ent 
40 2615   ret     ;
40+12615 0023763000001 o00 L2611.lnk/jmp 1 
41 2616  ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
42 2616  ;Test Arith Op - return true if arith operator, false otherwise
43 2616  ;
44 2616  TestArithOp::; 
45 2616  ;
46 2616  .ent:; 
47 2616 0600600 lod token   ;token @2616
48 2616+0124335 sub W2269   ;=22 [+]
49 2617 1125010 jn Relop.retNoGo   ;not arith-op
50 2617+0164336 bus K5b   ;=5 [DIV]
51 2618 1125010 jn Relop.retNoGo   ;not arith-op @2618
52 2618+1005007 jmp Relop.retOK   ;is arith-op ->
53 2619  ;--------------------------------------------------------------------

Page created by Bill Purvis, last updated: January 09 2004