Elliott 803 Algol 60 Compiler (reconstructed)

File: vector.t2

For general comments see here
LineAddressObject Code LabelF1N1BF2N2CommentsCheck
1 0  ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
2 0  ; programs should access the run-time system via the following
3 0  ; locations. The address of the first is stored in location 10
4 0  ;
5 0  T2VEC:; 
6 0   ; 
7 0  ; general return, clearing the Overflow flag en route
8 0  Return:; 
9 0 4300121000024 jo return:jmp return;+0 @6655
10 1  ;
11 1  ; general return link, callers store return address here
12 1 0000040000010T2Link:+0000040000010;+1 general return address @6656
13 2  ;
14 2 1115170 jmp EnterBlock   ;+2 @6657
15 2+1015363 jmp Round   ; round and convert to int
16 3 1115175 jmp LeaveBlock   ;+3 @6658
17 3+1015372 jmp Div   ; divide integers
18 4 1015200 jmp CopyVArray   ;+4 copy value array param @6659
19 4+1015403 jmp IPower   ; raise flpt num to int power
20 5 1015213 jmp AllocArray   ;+5 @6660
21 5+1015700 jmp RPower   ; raise flpt num to real power
22 6 1115271 jmp Unwind   ;+6 @6661
23 6+1000000 jmp Index1   ;
24 7 1115304 jmp Setup   ;+7 prepare for call @6662
25 7+1000003 jmp Index2   ;
26 8  ResetEnt:; 
27 8 1000000 jmp Reset   ;+8 @6663
28 8+1000007 jmp Index3   ;
29 9 1115323 jmp StackData   ;+9 stack data @6664
30 9+ SubOflo:; 
31 9+1100003 jmp SubscrOflo   ;
32 10 1015336 jmp UnstkData   ;+10 unstack data @6665
33 10+ OutStr:; 
34 10+1000013 jmp outstr   ;print character string
35 11  IntOflo:; 
36 11 1000000 jmp intoflo   ;+11 @6666
37 11+1017044 jmp ReadReal   ;
38 12  SpaceOflo:; 
39 12 1100002 jmp spaceoflo   ;+12 @6667
40 12+1017045 jmp ReadInt   ;
41 13  ;
42 13 0000000000000Link1:+0;+13 @6668
43 14 0000000000000arg1:+0;+14, 1st argument to routine @6669
44 15 0000000000000arg2:+0;+15, 2nd argument/general work @6670
45 16 0000000000000arg3:+0;+16, 3rd argument/general work @6671
46 17  OutReal:; 
47 17 4300055017255 jo IntOflo:jmp Print.real;+17 @6672
48 18  ;
49 18  ; print an integer value
50 18  OutIntchk:; 
51 18 1060013 jo IntOflo   ;+18, check for int oflo first @6673
52 18+ OutInt:; 
53 18+1017256 jmp Print.int   ; print integer value
54 19  ;
55 19 0000000000000 +0;+19 @6674
56 20  ;
57 20  ; general return, assume overflow clear
58 20  return:; 
59 20 0000007000001 o00 T2Link/jmp 1;+20 @6675
60 21  ;
61 21  ; input device number, top bit signifies special(4) i.e. ignore spaces
62 21  ; on input.
63 21  ;
64 21 0000000000000indev:+0;+21 @6676
65 22 4300055015317 jo IntOflo:jmp StoreMax;+22 amount of space left @6677
66 23 0000000000000stkpt:+0;+23 @6678
67 24 0000000000000frmpt:+0;+24 @6679
68 25 0000000000000lomem:+0;+25 @6680
69 26 0000020000074 00 4:00 Rfmt;+26, stack list for print @6681
70 27 0000000000000himem:+0;+27 @6682
71 28 4300055000005 jo IntOflo:jmp Stop;+28 @6683
72 29  DWaitEnt:; 
73 29  ;L6684:
74 29 1000023 jmp DWait   ;+29 @6684
75 29+ ;
76 29+ Pause:; 
77 29+1000017 jmp pause   ;+29+
78 30  ;
79 30  L6685:; 
80 30 0600015 lod Link1   ;+30 Entier @6685
81 30+0400001 sto T2Link   ; move return address
82 31 0600016 lod arg1   ;+31 load arg1 @6686
83 31+1115363 jmp Entier   ; and join with round
84 32  ;
85 32 4300055015425 jo IntOflo:jmp Sign;+32 Sign @6687
86 33  ExpEnt:; 
87 33 4300055016027 jo IntOflo:jmp Exp;+33 @6688
88 34  LogEnt:; 
89 34 4300055016322 jo IntOflo:jmp Ln;+34 @6689
90 35 4300055016046 jo IntOflo:jmp Sin;+35 @6690
91 36 4300055016067 jo IntOflo:jmp Cos;+36 @6691
92 37 4300055016334 jo IntOflo:jmp Tan;+37 @6692
93 38 4300055016357 jo IntOflo:jmp ArcTan;+38 @6693
94 39 4300055016443 jo IntOflo:jmp ArcCos;+39 @6694
95 40 4300055016415 jo IntOflo:jmp ArcSin;+40 @6695
96 41 4300055016373 jo IntOflo:jmp Sqrt;+41 @6696
97 42  retlnk1:; 
98 42 0000067000001 o00 Link1/jmp 1;+42 @6697
99 43 4300055016446 jo IntOflo:jmp Digits;+43 @6698
100 44 4300055016453 jo IntOflo:jmp Scaled;+44 @6699
101 45 4300055116474 jo IntOflo:jmp Aligned;+45 @6700
102 46 4300055016471 jo IntOflo:jmp Freepoint;+46 @6701
103 47 4300055016457 jo IntOflo:jmp Sameline;+47 @6702
104 48 3000071000052 lod arg1:jmp retlnk1;+48, Address in-line @6703
105 49 4067425100007 jmp Size:jmp Corrupt;+49 @6704
106 50 2664501115710 cls W6736:jmp Range;+50 @6705
107 51 2664501015711 cls W6736:jmp Lowbound;+51 @6706
108 52 4300055015723 jo IntOflo:jmp Dump;+52 @6707
109 53 0000004000025 o00 1:o00 indev;+53, stacklist for read @6708
110 54 4300055116530 jo IntOflo:jmp Reader;+54 @6709
111 55 4300055016537 jo IntOflo:jmp Punch;+55 @6710
112 56 4300055016501 jo IntOflo:jmp LeadZero;+56 @6711
113 57 4300055016510 jo IntOflo:jmp Grouping;+57 @6712
114 58 4300055016516 jo IntOflo:jmp Special;+58 @6713
115 59 4300055116467 jo IntOflo:jmp Prefix;+59 @6714
116 60  ;
117 60  ; parameters block for print stream
118 60  ; real format: 3 bits: type 4=scaled, 2=aligned, 1=freepoint
119 60  ; 3 bits: spare?
120 60  ; 13 bits: digits before . =1 for scaled
121 60  ; 7 bits: spare?
122 60  ; 13 bits: digits after .
123 60  ;
124 60 1000040000010Rfmt:10 +8:00 +8;+60, freepoint(8) is default @6715
125 61  Ndigits:; 
126 61 0000000000010 +8;+61, number of digits in ints @6716
127 62  ; prtfmt layout:
128 62  ; 6 bits: special flags 40=suppress leading space, 20=print explicit '+',
129 62  ; 10=suppress floating of sign
130 62  ; 13 bits: prefix address, 0=default, 1=sameline, other string address
131 62  ; 1 bit: spare
132 62  ; 6 bits: grouping count, default zero
133 62  ; 7 bits: spare?
134 62  ; 6 bits: leadzero char, default zero=>space
135 62  ;
136 62 0000000000000prtfmt:+0;+62, @6717
137 63 0000000000000outdev:+0;+63, @6718
138 64  ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
139 64 0000000000000RdBuff:+0;+64 @6719
140 65 0000000000000 +0;+65 @6720
141 66 0000000000000 +0;+66 @6721
142 67 0000000000000 +0;+67 @6722
143 68 4300055017004 jo IntOflo:jmp Advance;+68 @6723
144 69 4300055017023 jo IntOflo:jmp Buffer;+69 @6724
145 70 4300055015476 jo IntOflo:jmp Checki;+70 @6725
146 71 4300055015464 jo IntOflo:jmp Checkr;+71 @6726
147 72 4300055015451 jo IntOflo:jmp Checkb;+72 @6727
148 73 4300055115461 jo IntOflo:jmp Checks;+73 @6728
149 74 0000000000000W6729:+0;+74 @6729
150 75 4300055116717 jo IntOflo:jmp InString;+75 @6730
151 76  ChkLink:; 
152 76 0000000000000 +0;+76 return address @6731
153 77 0000000000000ChkVal:+0;+77 value for check @6732
154 78 0353600000000SCRLF:+0353600000000;+78 CR,LF string @6733
155 79 0000000000000W6734:+0;+79 @6734
156 80 4300055016646W6735:jo IntOflo:jmp OutString;+80 @6735

Page created by Bill Purvis, last updated: January 09 2004