library A0, A1, A4, A5, A15;

integer procedure ICR;
   kdf9 2/0/0/0;
   SET 99; OUT; exit;

real   t1, t2;
integer i1, i2, i3;

procedure pre (s); string s;
   begin writetext(30, s); i1 := ICR; end pre;

procedure post;
   begin i2 := ICR - i1 - i3;  write(30, layout, i2) end post;

real x, y, z, t;
real a, b, c, d, layout;

integer array E1[1:1], E2[1:1, 1:1], E3[1:1, 1:1, 1:1];
integer i, j, k, l, m, n;

procedure p0; ;

procedure p1(x); value x; real x; ;

procedure p2(x, y); value x, y; real x, y; ;

procedure p3(x, y, z); value x, y, z; real x, y, z; ;

y := 1.0; z := 2.0; l := 1; m := 2;
a := 1; b := 2; i3 := 0;
layout := format({nddddc});

pre({{c}null _ statement _ timing _ overhead _ in _ instructions _ executed{ss}});
i3 := i2;

pre({{c}goto _ Lx; _ In _ the _ same _ compound _ statement{ss}});
   goto L1; L1: ;

pre({{c}goto _ abcd; _ In _ the _ same _ block{ss}});
   begin real u;  goto abci; abci: end;

pre({{c}goto _ abcd; _ Out _ of _ the _ block{ss}});
   begin real v; begin real w;  goto abcd; end; abcd: end;
