begin library A6; integer GP0; procedure claim plotter buffer (plotter); integer plotter; kdf9 2/0/0/0; SET 16; SET 5; OUT; ={plotter}; exit algol procedure free plotter buffer (GP0); value GP0; integer GP0; kdf9 2/0/0/0; {GP0}; SET6; OUT; exit algol procedure plot EM (GP0); value GP0; integer GP0; kdf9 2/1/0/1; SET B75; =V0; {GP0}; =C15; SETAV0; DUP; =I15; =M15; POCQ15; exit algol procedure next (direction, GP0); value direction, GP0; integer direction, GP0; kdf9 2/1/0/1; {direction}; =V0; {GP0}; =C15; SETAV0; DUP; =I15; =M15; POCQ15; exit algol procedure move (steps, direction); value steps, direction; integer steps, direction; begin integer length; for length := 1 step 1 until steps do begin next(direction, GP0); end end move; integer stop drawing, start drawing; integer up, down, left, right, up left, up right, down left, down right; procedure plot a box; begin next(start drawing, GP0); move(1000, left); move(1000, up); move(1000, right); move(1000, down); move(1000, up left); next(stop drawing, GP0); move(1000, down); next(start drawing, GP0); move(1000, up right); end plot a box; start drawing := 16; stop drawing := 32; up := 1; down := 2; right := 4; left := 8; down left := down + left; down right := down + right; up left := up + left; up right := up + right; claim plotter buffer(GP0); next(stop drawing, GP0); move(2000, up left); plot a box; plot EM (GP0); comment move to the origin; plot a box; plot EM (GP0); comment move to the origin; move(10000, down right); comment cause a failure by going out of bounds; free plotter buffer (GP0); end |