begin library A0, A1, A4, A5, A15; integer wt; real x, y, z, norm, t3, estimate; real x1, x2, x3, x4; real array e1 [ 1 : 4 ]; integer i, jj, kk, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, n9, n10, n11, ij, ik, i1; boolean fail; real begins, ends; real procedure ICR; kdf9 2/0/0/0; SET 99; OUT; SET 23; FLOAT; exit algol real procedure Time; kdf9 2/0/0/0; SET 17; OUT; SET 23; FLOAT; exit algol procedure pa(ep); array ep; begin integer j; j := 0; lab : ep[1] := (ep[1] + ep[2] + ep[3] - ep[4]) * 0.499975; ep[2] := (ep[1] + ep[2] - ep[3] + ep[4]) * 0.499975; ep[3] := (ep[1] - ep[2] + ep[3] + ep[4]) * 0.499975; ep[4] := ( - ep[1] + ep[2] + ep[3] + ep[4]) / 2.0; j := j + 1; if j < 6 then goto lab end procedure p0; begin e1[ij] := e1[ik]; e1[ik] := e1[i1]; e1[i1] := e1[ij]; end procedure p3(x, y, z ); value x, y; real x, y, z ; begin x := 0.499975 * (z + x); y := 0.499975 * (x + y); z := (x + y) / 2.0 end procedure Check (ModuleNo, Condition); value ModuleNo, Condition; integer ModuleNo; boolean Condition; begin if not Condition then begin writetext(30, {Module$}); write(30, format({nddd}), ModuleNo); writetext(30, {$has$not$produced$the$expected$results{c}}); writetext(30, {Check$listing$and$compare$with$Pascal$version{c}}); fail := true end end open(30); begins := Time; wt := 10; fail := false Check(0, (wt >= 1) and (wt <= 10000) ); n1 := 2 * wt; n2 := 10 * wt; n3 := 14 * wt; n4 := 345 * wt; n5 := 0; n6 := 95 * wt; n7 := 32 * wt; n8 := 800 * wt; n9 := 616 * wt; n10 := 0; n11 := 93 * wt; comment module 1: simple identifiers; x1 := 1.0; x2 := - 1.0; x3 := - 1.0; x4 := - 1.0; for i := 1 step 1 until n1 do begin x1 := (x1 + x2 + x3 - x4) * 0.499975; x2 := (x1 + x2 - x3 + x4) * 0.499975; x3 := (x1 - x2 + x3 + x4) * 0.499975; x4 := ( - x1 + x2 + x3 + x4) * 0.499975; end norm := sqrt(x1^2+x2^2+x3^2+x4^2); Check(1, abs(norm - exp(0.35735-n1*6.1º-5))/norm <= 0.1); comment module 2: array elements; e1[1] := 1.0; e1[2] := - 1.0; e1[3] := - 1.0; e1[4] := - 1.0; for i := 1 step 1 until n2 do begin e1[1] := (e1[1] + e1[2] + e1[3] - e1[4]) * 0.499975; e1[2] := (e1[1] + e1[2] - e1[3] + e1[4]) * 0.499975; e1[3] := (e1[1] - e1[2] + e1[3] + e1[4]) * 0.499975; e1[4] := ( - e1[1] + e1[2] + e1[3] + e1[4]) * 0.499975; end norm := sqrt(e1[1]^2 + e1[2]^2 + e1[3]^2 + e1[4]^2); Check(2, abs(norm - exp(0.35735-n2*6.1º-5))/norm <= 0.1); comment module 3: array as parameter; t3 := 1.0/0.499975; for i := 1 step 1 until n3 do pa(e1); norm := sqrt(e1[1]^2 + e1[2]^2 + e1[3]^2 + e1[4]^2); Check(2, abs(norm - exp(0.35735-(n3*6+n2)*6.1º-5))/norm <= 0.1); comment module 4: conditional jumps; jj := 1; for i := 1 step 1 until n4 do begin if jj = 1 then jj := 2 else jj := 3; if jj > 2 then jj := 0 else jj := 1; if jj < 1 then jj := 1 else jj := 0; end Check( 4, jj = 1 ); comment module 5: omitted; comment module 6: integer arithmetic; ij := 1; ik := 2; i1 := 3; for i := 1 step 1 until n6 do begin ij := ij * (ik - ij) * (i1 - ik); ik := i1 * ik - (i1 - ij) * ik; i1 := (i1 - ik) * (ik + ij); e1[i1 - 1] := ij + ik + i1; e1[ik - 1] := ij * ik * i1; end Check( 6, (ij=1) and (ik=2) and (i1=3) ); comment module 7: trig. functions; x := 0.5; y := 0.5; for i := 1 step 1 until n7 do begin x := 0.499975 * arctan(2.0 * sin(x) * cos(x) / (cos(x + y) + cos(x - y) - 1.0)); y := 0.499975 * arctan(2.0 * sin(y) * cos(y) / (cos(x + y) + cos(x - y) - 1.0)) end Check(7, (0.499975 - wt*0.0015 <= x) and (x <= 0.499975 - wt*0.0004) and (0.499975 - wt*0.0015 <= y) and (y <= 0.499975 - wt*0.0004) ); comment module 8: procedure calls; x := 1.0; y := 1.0; z := 1.0; for i := 1 step 1 until n8 do p3(y * i, y + z, z); Check(8, abs(z - (0.99983352*n8 - 0.999555651)) <= n8*1.0º-6); comment module 9: array references; ij := 1; ik := 2; i1 := 3; e1[1] := 1.0; e1[2] := 2.0; e1[3] := 3.0; for i := 1 step 1 until n9 do p0; Check(9, (e1[1] = 3.0) and (e1[2] = 2.0) and (e1[3] = 3.0) ); comment module 10: integer arithmetic; jj := 2; kk := 3; for i := 1 step 1 until n10 do begin jj := jj + kk; kk := jj + kk; jj := kk - jj; kk := kk - jj - jj; end Check(10, (jj=2) and (kk=3) ); comment module 11: standard functions; x := 0.75; for i := 1 step 1 until n11 do x := sqrt(exp(ln(x) / 0.50025)); estimate := 1.0 - exp(-0.0447*wt + ln(0.26)); Check(11, (abs(estimate-x)/estimate <= 0.0006 + 0.065/(5+wt) )); ends := Time; if fail then writetext(30, {FAIL...1.2-1{c}}) else begin writetext(30, {QUALITY...1.2-1{c}}); write(30, format({nddddddddddd}), 100*wt); writetext(30, {$Kilo$New$Whetstones{c}}); end writetext(30, {KWI/sec:}); write(30, format({nddd.dc}), 1.0º3 / (Time - begins)); end |