GAMM10K| begin comment library A0, A1, A5, A15; comment GAMM in FORTRAN - single precision version, mark 3; comment National Physical Laboratory Benchmark Gamm F; comment This program has a single parameter N; comment Set N := 10000 for about 60s on a machine like System 360/65; comment Output is by one write statement to stream 30; comment It takes KDF9 about 480s with unoptimised KAlgol, and about 154s when optimised; integer FIVE, I, J, N, REP, TEN, THIRTY; real ACC, ACC1, DIVN, ROOT, X, Y; real array A[1:30], B[1:30], C[1:30]; N := 10000; FIVE := 5; TEN := 10; THIRTY := 30; DIVN := 1.0 / N; X := 0.1; ACC := 0.0; comment INITIALISE A AND B; Y := 1.0; for I := 1 step 1 until 30 do begin A[I] := I; B[I] := - Y; Y := - Y; end; comment ONE PASS OF THIS LOOP CORRESPONDS TO 300 GAMM UNITS; for REP := 1 step 1 until N do begin comment FIRST ADDITION/SUBTRACTION LOOP; I := 30; for J := 1 step 1 until THIRTY do begin C[I] := A[I] + B[I]; I := I - 1; end; comment FIRST POLYNOMIAL LOOP; Y := 0.0; for I := 1 step 1 until TEN do begin Y := (Y + C[I]) × X; end; ACC1 := Y × DIVN; comment not I, which is undefined in Algol; comment FIRST MAXIMUM ELEMENT LOOP; Y := C[11]; for I := 12 step 1 until 20 do begin if (C[I] > Y) then Y := C[I]; end; comment FIRST SOUARE ROOT LOOP; ROOT := 1.0; for I := 1 step 1 until 5 do begin ROOT := 0.5 × (ROOT + Y/ROOT); end; ACC1 := ACC1 + ROOT × DIVN; comment SECOND ADDITION/SUBTRACTION LOOP; for I := 1 step 1 until THIRTY do begin A[I] := C[I] - B[I]; end; comment SECOND POLYNOMIAL LOOP; Y := 0.0; for I := 1 step 1 until TEN do begin Y := (Y + A[I]) × X; end; comment SECOND SQUARE ROOT LOOP; ROOT := 1.0; for I := 1 step 1 until FIVE do begin ROOT := 0.5 × (ROOT + Y/ROOT); end; ACC1 := ACC1 + ROOT × DIVN; comment FIRST MULTIPLICATION LOOP; for I := 1 step 1 until THIRTY do begin C[I] := C[I] × B[I]; end; comment SECOND MAXIMUM ELEMENT LOOP; Y := C[20]; for I := 21 step 1 until THIRTY do begin if (C[I] > Y) then Y := C[I]; end; comment THIRD SQUARE ROOT LOOP; ROOT := 1.0; for I := 1 step 1 until 5 do begin ROOT := 0.5 × (ROOT + Y/ROOT); end; ACC1 := ACC1 + ROOT × DIVN; comment THIRD POLYNOMIAL LOOP; Y := 0.0; for I := 1 step 1 until TEN do begin Y := (Y + C[I]) × X; end; ACC1 := ACC1 + Y × DIVN; comment THIRD MAXIMUM ELEMENT LOOP; Y := C[1]; for I := 2 step 1 until TEN do begin if (C[I] > Y) then Y := C[I]; end; comment FOURTH SQUARE ROOT LOOP; ROOT := 1.0; for I := 1 step 1 until FIVE do begin ROOT := 0.5 × (ROOT + Y/ROOT); end; ACC1 := ACC1 + ROOT × DIVN; ACC := ACC + ACC1; end; open(30); output(30, N); output(30, ACC1); comment Should print N then 1.6733 4322 4109 0064 7168 4801E1; comment KDF9 actually prints 1.6733 4322 411E1; end |