comment library A0, A6;

   comment program to integrate f(x,y) over triangle (0,0), (1,0), (1,1);
   comment extra parameter to intint makes it work;

   real procedure f(x, y);
   value x,y;  real x,y;
      f:= x + x + y + y;

   real procedure int(a, b, f);
   comment integrates f(x) over range a to b;
   value a, b; real a, b;  real procedure f;
   begin   comment adding extra parameter makes it work;
      real procedure intint(a, b, fa, fb, d);
      value a, b, fa, fb, d;  real a, b, fa, fb;
      integer d;
         real c, fc, ff;
         c := (a + b) × 0.5;
         fc := f(c);
         ff := (fa + 4.0×fc + fb);
         comment answer is good enough if simrule no better than trapezoidal;
         if  abs( (fa + fb)×3.0 - ff ) < 0.001
            intint := ff × (b - a)  × 0.16666666667
            intint := intint(a, c, fa, fc, d-1) + intint(c, b, fc, fb, d-1);
      int := intint(a, b, f(a), f(b), 5);

   real procedure intfy(x);
   comment integral 0 to x of ff(x,y) dy;
   value x;  real x;
      real procedure fx(y);
      value y;  real y;
         fx := f(x,y);
      intfy := int(0, x, fx);

   real procedure minitest(x);
   value x;  real x;
      minitest := x×x×x;

   real answer, pi;
   integer ii;

   writetext(30, [minitest*0*to*2*x^3*=*]);
   answer := int(0, 2, minitest);
   output(30, answer);
   writetext(30, [Now*for*the*square*root ]);
   output(30, sqrt(answer));
   pi := answer×arctan(1.0);
   writetext(30, [This*is*the*value*of*pi*calculated*using*arctan*]);
   output(30, pi);
   answer := sin(pi/6.0);
   writetext(30, [sin*pi/6*which*should*be*a*half*]);
   output(30, answer);
   answer := cos(pi/6.0);
   writetext(30, [cos*pi/6*which*should*be*a*the*same*as*the*next*result*]);
   output(30, answer);
   writetext(30, [should*be*same*as*the*previous*]);
   answer := sqrt(3.0)/2.0;
   output(30, answer);

   writetext(30, [Now*square*it*to*get*3/4*]);
   output(30, answer^2);

   ii := 3;
   writetext(30, [3^3*=*]);
   output(30, ii^ii);
   writetext(30, [Integer*divide*3*squared*by*2*]);
   output(30, ii^2 ÷ 2);

   writetext(30, [Calculate*e*using*exp*]);
   answer := exp(1.0);
   output(30, answer);
   writetext(30, [...*and*take*its*log*]);
   output(30, ln(answer));

   writetext(30, [[c_]fulltest*0*to*1*triangle*=*]);
   answer := int(0, 1, intfy);
   output(30, answer);

   writetext(30, [Testing*exponentiation:*2 ^ 4*=*]);
   answer := 4.0;
   output(30, 2^answer);
   writetext(30, [Testing*exponentiation:*2 ^ 4.0*=*]);
   output(30, 2.0^answer);

