begin real x; integer i; i := 10000000000000000000000000; x := 1.0@999 end algol begin comment library 1; real autocorrelationcoefficientnumber1; autocorrelationcoefficientnumber1 := 0.0; begin real autocorrelationcoefficientnumber2; autocorrelationcoefficientnumber2 := 1.0; outreal(1, autocorrelationcoefficientnumber1 + autocorrelationcoefficientnumber2 ) end end algol l1: begin if 1 = 2 then goto l1 end algol SIN: COS: begin real SIN; SIN := 0.0 end algol l1: if 1 = 2 then goto l1 algol begin integer x, y, z; x := y := z := 1.0; if x < y < z then end algol begin comment library 1; boolean assign; procedure p(x); real x; begin outreal(1, x); if assign then x := 3.14; end; real x, y; assign := false; p(1.0); x := y := 2.0; p(x + y); assign := true; p(x); p(1.0); outreal(1, 1.0) end algol begin real x, y; x := y := 0.0; real z; end algol begin comment a syntax pass is required to remove comments; procedure p( st );comment st is a string;comment; string st; ;comment dummy body; p( [;'COMMENT'[;]] ); begin procedure q( a ) parameter comment :( b ); real a, b; ;comment dummy again; q( 1.0, 2.5 ); comment is the same as; q( 1.0) with parameter comment:( 2.5 ); end comment can include most basic symbols for while then do if := begin ( which are not matched; end algol begin procedure p( st, a ); string st, a; ; p( [;'COMMENT'] )valid:( [;] ); comment could fail too few parameters; end kdf9