begin comment library 1; real array jj[1 : 8]; procedure p(x); value x; integer x; ; procedure deviation; begin real x, y; p(jj) end; deviation; end algol begin comment library 1; integer i, j, case; procedure checkb(bool, answer); value answer; boolean bool; integer answer; begin boolean b; procedure fail; begin outreal(1, i); outreal(1, j); outreal(1, case) end; for i := 0, 1 do for j := 0, 1 do begin b := answer div 2 * 2 = answer; if b then begin if bool then else fail end else if bool then fail; answer := answer div 2; end; case := case + 1 end checkb; case := 1; checkb(j = 0 or i = 0, 8); checkb(j = 0 and i = 0, 14); checkb(j = 0 equiv i = 0, 6); checkb(j = 0 impl i = 0, 4); checkb(j = 0, 10); checkb( not (j = 0), 5); outreal(1, case) end algol begin comment library 1; integer i; integer array c[1 : 3]; for i := 1, 2, 3 do c[i] := i + 1; for i := 1, 2, 3 do if c[c[c[c[c[c[i] - 1] - 1] - 1] - 1] - 1] \= i + 1 then outreal(1, i); outreal(1, 0) end algol begin comment library 1; integer i, j, k; boolean p, t; procedure fail; begin outreal(1, i); outreal(1, j) end; t := true; for i := - 1, 0, 1 do for j := - 1, 0, 1 do begin k := 3 * (i + 1) + j + 2; if k div 2 * 2 = k equiv t then fail; t := not t; if (i + j > 1 and j \= 1) or (i + j < - 1 and i \= - 1) then fail; if not (k >= 7 and i \= 1 impl k < 0) then fail; p := i = j; if p and i * j < 0 then fail end; outreal(1, 0) end algol begin comment library 1; real x, y, z, u; integer i, case; procedure compare(u, v); value u, v; real u, v; begin case := case + 1; if u \= v then begin outreal(1, u); outreal(1, v); outreal(1, case) end; end; case := 0; x := 1.2; y := 16.96; z := - 13.4; for i := 1 step 1 until 10 do begin compare( - x * y, - (x * y)); compare( - x / y, - (x / y)); compare(x + y + z, (x + y) + z); compare(x * y * z, (x * y) * z); compare(x / y / z, (x / y) / z); compare(x * y / z, (x * y) / z); compare(x^2 / y, (x * x) / y); compare(x * y^2, x * (y * y)); u := 1.01 * x; x := 1.01 * y; y := 1.01 * z; z := u; end; outreal(1, 0) end algol begin comment library 1; real x; x := + + 1.0; x := - - x; outreal(1, + - x) end algol begin comment library 1; boolean b; b := not true; b := not ( not b); b := not not b; outreal(1, if b then 0 else 1) end algol begin comment library 1; real x; integer i; procedure notfunction(y); value y; real y; begin i := i + 1; x := y end; x := 1.0; i := 0; x := 3 * notfunction(4.0); outreal(1, x + notfunction(x) + i) end algol begin comment library 1; real x, y; real procedure p(z); value z; real z; begin x := z + y end; real procedure q(z); value z; real z; if false then q := z + x + y; x := y := 1.0; outreal(1, p(10.0) + q(100.0)) end algol begin comment library 1; real x, y; procedure p(a, b, c); value a, b, c; real a, b, c; begin x := a + b * c; y := x + a end; p(1.0,, 3); outreal(1, x) end kdf9