ESTABLISH JXRS81084APU;; O/P8 begin library A0446,A0013; comment A0006,A0013; library A0012; comment A0012; procedure findprog(dv,a); value dv; integer dv; integer array a; kdf9 8 / 9 / 4 / 5; V0=B 43 21 04 24 06 20 74 33; V1=B 07 21 50 22 47 20 00 00; V2=B 07 02 64 02 00 00 00 00; V3 = Q 0 / 3 / 1; SETAY0; [a]; DUPD; SHL-16; +; =M7; M0M7; ABS; SET640; -; J8<Z; SHL-32; +; DUP; =V5P601; DUP; V3; +; =V3P602; DUP; SHL+16; +; SET639; +; =V2P602; [dv]; JS4P295; SETB215; 1; JS6P295; J1#; J1#; SET12; =C7; ERASE; ZERO; ZERO; 7; JS6P295; DUMMY; DUMMY; DUMMY; SETB235; J6=; SETB321; J2=; DUP; SETB45; -; J4>Z; DUP; SETB14; -; J5>=Z; DUP; SETB12; -; J4>=Z; SETB20; +; 3; DC7; PERM; SHLD+6; PERM; OR; REV; J7C7NZ; JS6P295; DUMMY; DUMMY; DUMMY; SETB235; NEV; JS#Z; JS8P295; V2; OR; JSP602; J9; exit; 2; ERASE; SETB36; J3; 5; SETB25; +; J3; 8; SET3; J9; 4; SET1; J9; 6; SET2; 9; SETAV0; SET12; C7; -; CAB; JP299; algol; integer procedure readprog; kdf9 8 / 4 / 4 / 4; V0=B 43 21 64 20 03 00 74 33; V1=B 07 21 50 20 47 20 00 00; JSP601; J1; exit; 1; SETAV0; ZERO; CAB; JP299; P601V6; ( finds algol basic symbols one at a time ); V0=Q0/3/1; V1=Q0/1/2; V2=0; V4=-1; V5; =Q12; SET80; =M11; V0; =Q15; V1; =Q14; M15; =C13; V4; J1=Z; 98; SET 4; EXIT 1; 99; SET 10; EXIT 1; 100; V4; NOT; =V4; EXIT 1; 3; ERASE; 1; V2; J10#Z; J10C15NZ; J6C14NZ; 9; C0TOQ13; V3; DUP; J100=Z; JS20P602; J99; JS4; M0M12; JS20P602; J2; 13; =V3; M0M12N; =RC14; M12; NOT; NEG; NOT; NEG; =M14; J6; 2; ERASE; M11M12; =V3; M11M12N; =RC14; M12; SET82; +; =M14; 6; M0M14Q; DUP; =V2; SET 6; =C15; J8C13NZ; 5; DUP; ZERO; SHLD+8; SHL+43; SHL-43; =C13; =V2; SHL+2; J7<Z; DC15; J10; 8; DC13; J5C13Z; ERASE; 10; V2; ZERO; SHLD+8; DC15; ZERO; =V6; REV; =V2; SET B377; J3=; SETB276; J14=; 12; C13; =M15; Q15; =V0; Q14; =V1; EXIT 2; 14; ZERO; NOT; =V4; ZERO; =V2; ZERO; =V1; ZERO; =V0; EXIT 2; 11; SETB320; ZERO; NOT; =V6; ZERO; =V2; C0TOQ15; J12; 7; DC13; C13; DUP; NEG; =+C14; =+M14; C0TOQ13; V6; J11=Z; J6C14NZ; J9; 4; ZERO; SHLD+16; SHL+32; V2P602; OR; REV; SHL+16; SET32; OUT; EXIT 1; P602V4; (Finds identifier in Prompt Text Index and address of text); (V0and V1 store identifiers); V2=Q0/0/639; V3=Q212/3/1; V4=B 7003 7400 0000 0077; V5P601; =Q13; SET639; =M12; V4P601; J96=Z; V2; ZERO; 3; SET 32; OUT; SET 212; M0M13; SHL-32; -; V3; =Q15; =C15; J1; 96; SET 4; EXIT1; 99; SET 10; EXIT1; 200; SET 5; EXIT1; 201; SET 11; EXIT 1; 1; E2M15; SHL+16; J4<Z; DUPD; M0M15; JS100; J2#Z; M0M15N; JS100; J10=Z; ZERO; 2; ERASE; 4; M+I15; DC15; J1C15NZ; M12M13; DUP; J200=Z; JS20; J201; ZERO; SHLD+16; SHL+32; V2; OR; REV; SHL+16; J3; 10; ZERO; =V4P601; E2M15; DUP; =V3P601; M0M15; =V0; M0M15N; =V1; PERM; ERASE; ERASE; J99=Z; EXIT 2; 100; REV; DUP; SET 8; =RC14; 101; ZERO; SHLD+6; SET B36; MAX; SIGN; SHL-42; OR; DC14; J101C14NZ; PERM; NEV; AND; VR; 21; EXIT 1; 20; DUP; V4; AND; J21#Z; EXIT 2; algol; procedure printtitle(od); value od; integer od; kdf9 7 / 10 / 2 / 4; V0 = B 0702 3275 4563 6441; ( cn crlf ul em e s t a ); V1 = B 4254 5163 5077 7777; ( b l i s h ); V2 = 0; V3 = 0; V4 = B 3434 0257 1760 3075; ( sc sc crlf o / p 8 em ); SET 5; =RC6; [od]; JS12P295; V0P602; SHL24; SHL-24; =V2; V1P602; =V3; 2; V0M6Q; SET8; =C7; 1; DC7; ZERO; SHLD6; JS13P295; J1C7NZ; ERASE; J2C6NZ; JS16P295; exit; algol; procedure print(s, n); value n; string s; integer n; writetext(out, s); write(out, format( [ ssndd ] ), n); end print; procedure algoledit(linelimit, id, od, failure); value linelimit, id, od; integer linelimit, id, od; label failure; comment This procedure edits one Algol 60 program when it is called. The meaning of the parameters is:- `line limit' - the maximum number of basic symbols to be output on one line `id' - the input device number `od' - the output device number `failure' - the procedure jumps to this label is a failure occurs while editing is in progress; begin comment `algol edit' uses arrays for the following purposes:- `n tabs' - the elements of this array are used to remember the number of tabs which must precede the start of each statement and declaration of every block `disk buffer' - this array is used as a buffer if the Algol program is read from the disc `buffer' - this array is used as a buffer to hold the symbols which will be output on the next line `s' - this array is used as a temporary store when a line must be split because it is too long `spa', `spb' - these arrays are used to specify the numer of spaces which are to be output before and after each different basic symbol; integer array ntabs[1:25], buffer, s[0:150], discbuffer[0: if id = 120 then 640 else 1], spa, spb[0:255]; comment At any point in the Algol program being edited, these integer variables have the following values:- `b ctr', `e ctr' - the number of %begin s and %end s that have occurred so far `bs' - the current basic symbol `depth' - the currentnested block depth, ie. `b ctr' - `e ctr' `i' - this is used as the controlled variable in a %for statement `lc' - the next symbol to be output will be put in `buffer[lc]' `line number' - the value of this variable is the number of lines which are to be utput before the next gap `start of string' - this variable is used in the procedures `read string' and `copy string'. Its value indicates the start of the current string in the output buffer and is needed if the string is too long to be put on one line `tabs' - the number of tab symbols which must start the next line to be output `tabspace' - the number of spae symbols equivalent to oe tab symbol; integer bctr, bs, depth, ectr, l, lc, linenumber, startofstring, tabs, tabspace; comment Each one of these variables represents an Algol basic symbol and has an appropriate constant value; integer capitala, and, array, becomes, begin, boolean, colon, comma, comment, divide, do, else, end, eqv, false, for, goto, greaterthan, gtequal, if, imp, intdiv, integer, label, lrbracket, lsqbracket, lstrbracket, lessthan, ltequal, minus, multiply, newline, nine, not, notequal, or, own, plus, procedure, real, rrbracket, rsqbracket, rstrbracket, semicolon, space, step, string,subscriptten, switch, tab, then, true, until, value, while, zero, smallz; comment Each one of these variables represents a KDF9 pseudo basic symbol and has the appropriate constant value; integer algol, endmessage, exit, kdf9, library, segment, tabdummy; comment A list of the procedures in algol edit. read symbol out line ( %integer %value od, %integer %array buffer, %integer %value lc ) nbs %boolean letter or digit identifier or label out 1 ( %integer %value char ) out ( %integer %value char ) clear full line ( %integer %value symbol ) specifications or declarations ( %boolean %value declarations ) proc declaration fail ( %integer %value n ) for variable and list if clause statement possible label(%boolean %value inserting a dummy statement is possible) copy string read string copy square brackets copy round brackets block ( %boolean %value inner ) call library code body ; comment label numbers 1 statement 2 scan 3 specifications or declarations 4 clear full line 5 copy square brackets 6 fail 7 nbs 8 read string 9 comment statement 10 block 11 block 12 copy round brackets 13 call library 14 specifications or declarations 15 code body 16 code body 17 out 18 identifier or label 19 expression 20 expression 21 for variable and list 22 statement ; procedure readsymbol; comment This procedure assigns the next basic symbol of the Algol program being edited to the global variable `be'. It is a machine-dependent procedure; begin if bs = endmessage then fail(114); bs:= if id=120 then readprog else inbasicymbol(id); end readsymbol; procedure outline(od, buffer, lc); value od,lc; integer od,lc; integer array buffer; comment This is the basic output routine which prints the next line of the program on device od. The symbols of the output line are stored in elements 1 to lc of the array buffer . outline is a machine dependent procedure; kdf9 6 / 10 / 2 / 7; ( V0 = od ) [buffer ]; =Q7; [ lc ]; =C7; SET1; =I7; M+I7; ( Q7= lc / 1 / buffer [1] ); [ od ]; DUP; =V0; JS12P296; 11; J1C7Z; 10; Y0M7Q; SET 254; (tabdummy); J8=; SET 174; (tab); J9=; SET 176; (kdf9); J2=; SET 192; ( algol ); J3=; SET 208; ( library ); J4=; SET 224; ( segment ); J5= SET 240; ( exit ;) j6= SET 190; ( em ); J7=; SET 181; ( becomes ) J12=; 13; JS14P295; J10C7NZ; 1; JS16P295; exit; 8; ERASE; V0; SET 10; -; J11=Z; SET 158 ( space ); J13; 9; V0; SET 10; -; J13=Z; ERASE; SET 158; (space); J13; 12; V0; SET 30; -; J13=Z; ERASE; SETB117; SHC-8; JS116P295; SETB125; SHC-8; JS116P295; J11; 2; V1; SET4; J20; 3; V2; SET 5; J20; 4; V3; SET 7; J20; 5; V4; SET 7; J20; 6; V5; SET 4; J20; 7; V0; SET 30; J23#; ERASE; V6; SET 2; J20; 20; =RC6; V0; SET30; J21#; ERASE; SETB15; JS13P295; 22; DC6; ZERO; SHLD6; JS13P295; J22C6NZ; ERASE; ERASE; J10C7NZ; J1; 21; SET 10; J24#; ERASE; C6; SET6; -; J25>=Z; ZERO; J26; 25; SET 1; 26; SHC-2; JS116P295; 27; DC6; SETB32; JS13P295; ZERO; SHLD6; JS13P295; J27C6NZ; ERASE; ERASE; J10C7NZ; J1; 24; REV; ERASE; J28; 23; SET10; J28#; ERASE; ERASE; SETB75; JS13P295; J1; 28; SETAV7; REV; SET 1; JP299; V1 = B 5344 4631 0000 0000; ( kdf9 ); V2 = B 4154 4757 5400 0000; ( algol ); V3 = B 5451 4262 4162 7100; ( library ); V4 = B 6345 4755 4556 6400; ( segment ); V5 = B 4570 5164 0000 0000; ( exit ); V6 = B 4556 0000 0000 0000; ( em ); V7 = B 432 15 040 077 16 400; ( [ out ] ); algol; procedure nbs; comment `nbs' assigns the next non-printing symbol of the Algol program being edited to the variabe `bs'; begin label7 :; readsymbol; if bs = space or bs=newline or bs=tab then goto label7; end nbs; boolean procedure letterordigit; letterordigit := (bs >= capitala and ns < smallz) or (bs >= zero and bs <= nine); procedure identifierorlabel; comment This procedure copies successive symbols of the Algol program which form either an identifier or label; begin if not letterordigit then fail(105); label18 :; out(bs); nbs; if letterordigit then goto label18; end identifier or label; procedure scan(symbol1, symbol2); value symbol1, symbol2; integer symbol1, symbol2; %command `scan' copies successive non-printing symbols and bracketed elements of the Algol program. It inserts spaces where appropriate and stops when the current basic symbol is either `symbol1' or `symbol2'; begin label2 :; if bs = lsqbracket then begin copysquarebrackets; goto label2 end; out(bs); if bs # symbol1 and bs#symbol2 then begin nbs; goto label2; end end scan; procedure nextline; comment `next line' outputs the next line of the edited Algol program and stores in `buffer' the tab symbols at the beginning of the next line; begin integer i,j; if linenumber=0 then begin if od=10 then begin outline(od, buffer, lc-1); gap(od, 50); end else begin buffer[lc] := newline; outline(od, buffer, lc); end linenumber := 31; end else begin linenumber := linenumber+1; buffer[lc] := newline; outline(od, buffer, lc); end; lc := tabspace * tabs; for i := 1 step tabspace until lc do begin buffe[i] := tab; for j:=i+1 step 1 until i+tabspace-1 do buffer[j]:=tabdummy; end for i; lc := lc+1; end nextline; procedure commentstatement; comment `comment statement' edits a comment from the basic symbol %comment up to the semicolon; begin nextline; tabs := tabs+1; out(bs); label9 :; if lc > 150 then fail(113); readsymbol; if bs#semicolon then begin %id bs=newline then nextline else if bs=tab then out1(space); else out1(bs); goto label9; end; out1(semicolon); tabs := tabs-1; nextline; nextline; nbs; end comment statement; procedure out1(char); value char; integer char; comment `out 1' inserts the symbol `char' into the output buffer and increases the counter `lc' by one; begin buffer[lc] := char; lc:=lc+1; end out1; procedure out(char) value char; integer char; comment `out' inserts the symbol `char'into the output buffer. If necessary `out' also puts a space before and/or after`char'. `out' also checks to see if the buffer is full, if so it is emptied; begin if buffer[lc-1] = subscriptten then begin if char=plus or char=minus then begin out1(char); nbs; out1(bs); goto label17; end end; if spb[char]#0 and buffer[lc-1] # space then out1(space); if (char=comma or char=semicolon) and buffer[lc-1] = space then lc := lc-1; out1(char); if spa[char]#0 then out1(space); label17 :; if lc>linelimit+3 then fail(106); if lc >= linelimit then clearfullline(space); end out character; procedure clearfullline(symbol); value symbol; integer symbol; comment clear full line us called when an edited line is too long to be output on a single line. It looks for the latest occurrence of the symbol specified by the parameter `symbol', and splits the line at this point. It outputs the first part of the line and puts the remaining characters at the beginning of the next line. The procedure fails if it is unable to find a point at which the line can be split; begin integer i, j; j := lc-1; for k := 1 step until linelimit - tabspace * (tabs-1) + 1 do begin if buffer[j]=symbol then goto label4; s[k] := buffer[j]; j:=j-1; end; fail(100); label4 :' lc := j; if symbol=semicolon then out1(semicolon); tabs:=tabs+1; nextline; lc := lc-1; for j:=1 step 1 until k-1 do buffer[lc+j]:=s[k-j]; lc := lc+k; tabs:=tabs-1; end clear full line; procedure specificationsordeclarations(declarations); value declarations; boolean declarations; comment If the parameter of `specifications or declarations' is false, then this procedure edits the value and specification part of a procedure declaration. If the parameter is true, then the procedure edits a list of declarations separated by semicolons; begin label3 :; if bs=procedure and declarations then begin procdeclaration; goto label3; end else if bs=switch and declarations then begin scan(becomes, becomes); nbs; end else if bs=library then begin calllibrary; goto label3; end else if bs=comment then begin commentstatement; goto label3; end else if bs=real or bs=integer or bs=boolean or bs=array or bs=switch or bs=label or bs=string or bs=own or bs-value or bs=procedure then begin out(bs); nbs; goto label3; end; if lc#tabspace * tabs + 1 then begin tabs:=tabs+1; nextline; label14 :; scan(comma,semicolon); if bs=semicolon then tabs:=tabs-1; nextline; if bs=comma then begin nbs; goto label14; end; nbs; goto label3; end; end specifications or declarations; procedure procdeclaration; comment `proc declaration' edits a procedure declaration. The call of statement must be extended if it is necessary to take account of procedures with code bodies; begin scan(semicolon, semicolon); tabs := tabs+1; nextline; nbs; specificationsordeclarations(false); if bs=segment then scan(semicolon, semicolon) else begin if bs=kdf9 then codebody else statement; if bs=semicolon then out(bs) else fail(107); end; tabs := ntabs[depth]; nextline;nextline;nbs; end proc declaration; procedure fail(n); value n; integer n; comment `fail' outputs the current line and a brief failure message. It then looks for the end of the program and exits to the label `failure'. The procedures in which the various failure numbers are generated are :- 100 clear full lie 101 read string 102 copy square brackets 103 copy round brackets 104 block 105 identifier or label 106 out 107 proc declaration 108 call library 109 read string 110 block 111 code body 112 code body 113 comment statement 114 read symbol 114 for variable and list 117 if clause ; begin lc := if lc > linelimit then linelimit else lc; nextline; print( [ fail ], n); label6 :; readsymbol; if bs=begin then bctr := bctr+1; else if bs=end then ectr := ectr+1; if bctr=ectr then goto failure else goto label6; end fail; procedure expression(symbol) value symbol; integer symbol; comment This procedure edits a conditional or simple expression. It stops when the current basic sybol is %end or `comma' or %step or %while or `symbol'; begin if bs=if then begin tabs := tabs+1; nextline; label19 :' ifclause; expression(else); tabs := tabs-1; nextline; out1(else); nbs; if bs=if then begin out1(space); goto label19 end; tabs:=tabs+1; nextline; expression(symbol); tabs:=tabs-2; end else begin label20 :; if bs=lrbracket then copyroundbrackets else if bs=lsqbracket then copysquarebrackets; if bs=end or bs=comma or bs=step or bs=while or bs=symbol then else begin out(bs); nbs; goto label20 end; end; end expression; procedure forvariableandlist; comment for variable and list edits the first part of a %for statement, from %for upto and including %do ; begin if bs # for then fail(114); scan(becomes, becomes); label21 :; nbs; scan(comma,do); nextline; if bs=comma then goto label21; nbs end for variable and list; procedure ifclause; comment This procedure edits an if clause ; begin if bs#if then fail(117); out(bs); nbs; expression(then); out(bs); tabs:=tabs+1; nextline; nbs; end if clause; procedure statement; comment `statement' edits any unlabelled statement; begin label1 :; if letterordigit then begin possiblelabel(false); goto label1 end; if bs=if then begin ifclause; goto label1 end; if bs=for then begin forvariableandlist; goto label1 end; if bs=begin then block(false); label22 :; if bs=lrbracket then copyroundbrackets else if bs=lsqbracket then copysquarebrackets else if bs=if then expression(semicolon) else if bs=else then begin tabs:=tabs-1; nextline; out1(else); nbs; if bs=if then out1(space); else begin tabs:=tabs+1; nextline; end goto label1 end; if bs#semicolon and bs#end then begin out(bs); nbs; goto label22 end end statement; procedure possiblelabel(insertingadummystatementispossible); value insertingadummystatementispossible; boolean insertingadummystatementispossible; comment `possible label' is called at the beginning of a statement if the statement starts with a letter or digit. `possible label' looks to see if this identifier or integer is followed by a colon; if it is then the statement is labelled, the label is shifted half a tab to the left and put on a line by itself; begin integer i, di; identifierorlabel; if bs=colon then begin if tabs#0 then begin di:=(tabspace+1)+2; lc:=lc-di; for i:=tabspace*tabs+1-di step 1 until lc-1 do buffer[i]:=buffer[i+di]; for i:=tabspace*(tabs-1)+1 step 1 until tabspace*tabs-di do buffer[i]:=space; end; out(colon); nbs; if bs#semicolon then begin if insertingadummystatementispossible then begin out(semicolon); nextline end end; end; end possible label; procedure copystring; comment The two procedures `copy string' and `read string' edit a string ( including nested strings ). Editing characters are also copied except any tab symbols which occur immediately after a newline symbol; begin if buffer[lc-1] # space then out1(space); startofstring := lc; readstring; end copy string; procedure readstring; comment The two procedures `copy string' and `read string' edit a string ( including nested strings ). Editing characters are also copied except any tab symbols which occur immediately after a newline symbol; begin integer i; if bs#lstrbracket then fail(101); label8 :; out1(bs); if lc>linelimit then begin lc := startofstring; tabs:=tabs+1; nextline; tabs:=tabs-1; if lc>=startofstring then fail(109); startofstring:=lc; for i:=startofstring step 1 until linelimit do out1(buffer[i]); end; readsymbol; if bs=lstrbracket then begin readstring; goto label8; end else if bs=newline then begin tabs := tabs+1; nextline; tabs:=tabs-1; startofstring:=lc; nbs; goto label8; end else if bs#rstrbracket then goto label8; end read string; procedure copysquarebrackets; comment `copy square brackets' edits a balanced syntactic structure enclosed in square brackets; begin if bs#lsqbracket then fail(102); label5 :; out(bs); nbs; if bs=lrbracket then begin copyroundbrackets; goto label5 end; if bs=lsqbracket then begin copysquarebrackets; goto label5 end; if bs#rsqbracket then goto label5; end copy square brackets; procedure copyroundbrackets; comment `copy round brackets' edits a balanced syntactic structure enclosed in round brackets; begin if bs#lrbracket then fail(103); label12 :; out(bs); nbs; if bs=lstrbracket then begin copystring; goto label12 end; if bs=lrbracket then begin copyroundbrackets; goto label12 end; if bs#rrbracket then goto label12; end copy round brackets; procedure block(inner); value inner; boolean inner; comment `block' edits a block. If the parameter `inner' is true then the block being edited is a statement of the enclosing block and its declarations and statements start with an extra tab. But if the value of `inner' is false then the block to be edited is a part of a conditional or %for statement and extra tabs are unnecessary. %end comments are copied except that newline symbols are ignored and tab symbols are replaced by a space. Dummy statements which are not followed by %end are put on a line by themselves; begin out(begin); bctr := bctr+1; depth := depth+1; ntabs[depth] := tabs := tabs + (if inner then 1 else 0); nextline; nbs; specificationsordeclarations(true); label11 :; if letterordigit then begin possiblelabel(true); goto label1; end; if bs=begin then block(true) else if bs=comment then begin comment statement; goto label1; end else if bs=library then begin calllibrary; goto label11; end else statement; tabs:=ntabs[depth]; if bs=semicolon then begin out(semicolon); nbs; if bs#end then nextline; goto label11; end; if bs#end then fail(104); if inner then tabs:=tabs-1; nextline; out(end); ectr:=ectr+1; depth:=depth-1; if depth=0 then begin nextline; out(endmessage); nextline; if id=120 then begin nbs; if bs#endmessage then fail(110); end end else begin label10 :; readsymbol; if bs=newline then goto label10; if bs=tab then begin out(space); goto label10 end; if bs#end and bs#else and bs#semicolon then begin out(bs); goto label10 end end end block; procedure calllibrary; comment `call library' edits a library call by assuming that the call is followed by a comment; begin nbs; if bs#comment then fail(108); bs:=library; commentstatement; out(comment); label13 :; if buffer[lc]#semicolon then begin lc := lc+1; goto label13; end; lc:=lc+1; goto label13; end; lc:=lc+1; nextline; nextline; end call library; procedure codebody; comment `code bodu' edits a procedure body written in KDF9 User-code; begin integer i,j; scan(semicolon, semicolon); bs:=newline; label15 :; if bs=newline then begin nextline; nbs; i:=space; if bs=23 or bs=27 or bs=49 or bs=53 then begin i:=bs; nbs; end; if bs<=nine then begin if i#space then begin nextline; out1(i); end; end else begin out1(tab); for j:=1 step 1 until tabspace-1 do out1(tabdummy); if i#space then out1(i); end; goto label15; end else if bs=library then begin nextline; out(library); nbs; if bs#lrbracket then fail(111); label16 :; nbs; if bs#rrbracket then begin out(bs); goto label16; end; i:=lc; out(semicolon); nextline; out(lrbracket); buffer[i]:=rrbracket; lc:=i+1; nbs; if bs#semicolo then fail(112); out(bs); nextline; nbs; goto label15 end else if bs#algol then begin out1(bs); if lc>=linelimit then clearfullline(semicolon); readsymbol; goto label15; end; if lc#(tabs+1)*tabspace+1 then nextline else lc:=tabs*tabspace+1; out(algol); nbs; end code body; comment The declarations in algol edit end here; comment Assign a suitable value to each of the variables representing an Algol basic symbol. This section of `algol edit' is machine dependent; capitala:=12; and:=147;array:=72;becomes:=181;begin:=140;boolean:=67; colon:=185;comma:=166;comment:=128;divide:=161;do:=214;else:=165;end:=156;equals:=162;eqv:=195; false:=205;for:=134;goto:=136;greaterthan:=194;gtequal:=178;if:=133;imp:=179;intdiv:=145;integer:=66;label:=121; lrbracket:=132;lsqbracket:=137;lstrbracket:=141;lessthan:=130;ltequal:=146;minus:=209;multiply:=177; newline:=160;nine:=9;not:=131;notequal:=131;or:=163;own:=143;plus:=193;procedure:=80; real:=65;rrbracket:=148;rsqbracket:=153; rstrbracket:=157;semicolon:=152; space:=158;step:=182;string:=122;subscriptten:=10;switch:=88;tab:=174;then:=149; true:=221;until:=198;value:=159;while:=150;zero:=0; smallz:=63; comment Assign suitable values to the variables representing pseudo basic symbols; algol:=192; endmessge:=190; exit:=240; kdf9:=176; library:=208; segment:=224; tabdummy:=254; comment Assign suitable values for the elments of `spa' and `spb' arrays. This part of `algol edit' is partly a matter of taste; for i:=0 step 1 until 255 do spb[i]:=spa[i]:=0; for i:= plus, minus, divide, intdiv, lessthan, equals, gtequal, greaterthan, notequal, becomes, and, or, not, then, else, colon, eqv, imp, step, until, while do spb[i]:=spa[i] := 1; for i:=real, integer, boolean, procedure, comment, if, for, goto, own, end, rstrbracket, comma, semicolon, switch do spa[i] := 1; for i := do, lstrbracket do spb[i] := 1; for i:=kdf9,library, segment do spa[i]:=1; comment Assign the initial values to the global variables of `algol edit'; bctr:=depth:=ectr:=0; bs:= - 1; lc := 1; linenumber := tabs := 0; tabspace := 6; if id=120 then begin findprog(20, discbuffer); printtitle(od); end; nextline; start :; nbs; if bs#begin then begin out(bs); goto start end; nextline; block(true); end algoledit; integer cases, i, id, no, out; open(20); out := read(20); cases:=read(20); if (out=10 or out=30) and cases>0 then open(out) else begin open(30); writetext(30, [ [ c ] error _ in _ initial _ data [ c ] ] ); close(30); goto boob2 end; for i:=1 step 1 until cases do begin no := read(20); id := read(20); if (id = 20 or id = 120) and no > 0 then begin algoledit(no, id, out, boob); gap(out, if out = 10 then 200 else 1); end else begin writetext(outc, [ [ c ] error _ in _ data [ c ] ] ); goto boob end; end; boob :; close(out); boob2 :; close(20); end