   comment The enclosing begin/end block and this initial section of variables and
           procedures have been added by me (GT) to allow the source to compile.
           Clearly there is code missing from the listing in the pdf file at
   integer t6, t8, t12, t16, t18,
           accent symbol, colon symbol, open symbol, smaller symbol, nlcr symbol,
           semicolon symbol, close symbol, greater symbol, comma symbol,
           pr tape symbol, space symbol, point symbol, 
           apostrophe symbol, tab symbol;
   integer block number, line number, line counter,
   boolean first scan, second scan;
   integer procedure stringsymbol(k, text); value k;
     integer k;
     string text;
     stringsymbol ≔  0;

   procedure stow into buffer(char); value char;
     integer char;

   integer procedure RESYM1;
     RESYM1 ≔  0;
   procedure runout;
   procedure NS;
   procedure prsym(s); value s;
     integer s;
   procedure ERROR(cond, errnum); value cond, errnum;
     boolean cond; integer errnum;
   procedure initialize symbols etc;
     comment These will be system-dependent from the character set used by the X8;
     accent symbol ≔  1;
     colon symbol ≔  2;
     open symbol ≔  3;
     smaller symbol ≔  4;
     nlcr symbol ≔  5;
     semicolon symbol ≔  6;
     close symbol ≔  7;
     greater symbol ≔  8;
     comma symbol ≔  9;
     pr tape symbol ≔ 11;
     space symbol ≔  12;
     point symbol ≔  13;
     apostrophe symbol ≔  14;
     tab symbol ≔  15;

     symbol ≔  0;
     line number ≔  1;
     block number ≔  1;
     line counter ≔  0;
     first scan ≔  true;
     second scan ≔  true;

     comment Powers of 2 perhaps? Probably X8 perms since algol 60 doesn't have bit shifts. ;
     t6 ≔  64;
     t8 ≔  256;
     t12 ≔  4096;
     t16 ≔  65536;
     t18 ≔  262144;

   comment watch out for variable 'l' (lower case L) and digit '1' (ONE) being confused. ;

   comment From here onwards is the original code, except for two statements where the original
           code had '=' instead of ':=' (which I've marked with comments containing 'GT:') ;

   integer max of namestack, max of defstack, max of actualstack, max of
     pointerstack, max of savestack, stackptr, freeptr, pointerptr, saveptr,
     spacecntr, lcntr, bcntr, llcntr, bbcntr, SPACEcntr, LLcntr, BBcntr, t8j,
     t8J, word, Word, nextacc, endmarker, place of name, tt, asterisk, ksiretsa;
   boolean in def mode, in actual mode, only mac, from macro, from
     actualstack, accent read;
   integer array namestack[-2:255],definitionstack[0:4095], actualstack
     [0:2047], pointerstack[1:128], savestack[-1:120];

   procedure initialize macro variables;
   begin in def mode ≔  in actual mode ≔  only mac ≔  from macro ≔ 
        from actualstack ≔  accent read ≔  false;
      max of namestack ≔  255;
      max of defstack ≔  4095;
      max of actualstack ≔  2047;
      max of pointerstack ≔  128;
      max of savestack ≔  120;
      asterisk ≔  254; ksiretsa ≔  255;
      stackptr ≔  namestack[0] ≔  pointerstack[1] ≔  0;
      endmarker ≔  spacecntr ≔  SPACEcntr ≔  150;
      namestack[-1] ≔  saveptr ≔  -5;
      tt ≔  1 + t6 + t12 + t18;
      freeptr ≔  1
   end initialize macro variables;

   procedure define macro;
   begin integer i,savel,max of formallist;
      boolean empty;
      integer array formallist[0:127];

      procedure read name;
      begin integer save;
         ERROR(stackptr > max of namestack,3000);
         lcntr ≔  savel ≔  namestack[stackptr]; ERROR(lcntr = -1,3027);
         bcntr ≔  2; save ≔  stackptr ≔  stackptr + 1;
         store letgits(namestack,stackptr,max of namestack,reaffer);
         ERROR(stackptr + 1 > max of namestack,3000);
         namestack[stackptr] ≔  stackptr - save;
         namestack[stackptr + 1] ≔  blocknumber;
         stackptr ≔  stackptr + 2
      end read name;

      procedure read formals;
      begin integer i,ptr,aux,par;
         boolean in comma mode;

         integer procedure reaffer1;
            if symbol= accent symbol then
            begin ERROR(true,3023); goto outaccent end
            else reaffer1 ≔  reaffer;

         procedure reaffer1 while(condition); boolean condition;
         begin integer i;
            for i ≔  i while condition do reaffer1
         end reaffer1 while;

         ptr ≔  1; par ≔  0;
         if symbol ≠ colon symbol ∧ symbol ≠ open symbol ∧ symbol ≠
           smaller symbol then
         begin ERROR(true,3026);
            reaffer1 while(symbol ≠ colon symbol ∧
              symbol ≠ open symbol ∧ symbol ≠ smaller symbol)
         if symbol ≠ colon symbol then
         begin i ≔  aux ≔  0;
            in comma mode ≔  symbol = open symbol;
            for i ≔  i + 1 while symbol ≠ colon symbol do
               begin par ≔  i; reaffer1; comment GT: Original was par=i ;
                  if in comma mode ∧ i > 1 then reaffer1 while
                    (symbol= nlcr symbol ∨ symbol = semicolon symbol);
                  if 10 < symbol ∧ symbol ⩽ 62 then
                  begin if i = 23 then
                     begin ERROR(true,3002); reaffer1 while
                          (symbol ≠ colon symbol)
                     end else
                     begin store letgits(formallist,ptr,max of
                          formallist, reaffer);
                        if ptr - aux> 22 then
                        begin ERROR(true,3011); ptr ≔  aux+ 22
                        formallist[aux] ≔  ptr - aux - 1;
                        aux ≔  ptr; ptr ≔  ptr + 1;
                        if symbol = accent symbol then
                        begin ERROR(true,3023); goto outaccent
                        if in comma mode then
                        begin if symbol = close symbol then
                           begin if reaffer1 ≠ colon symbol then
                              begin ERROR(true,3004);
                                 reaffer1 while
                                   (symbol ≠ colon symbol)
                           end else if symbol ≠ comma symbol then
                           begin ERROR(true,3005);
                              reaffer1 while(symbol ≠ comma
                                symbol ∧ symbol ≠ colon symbol)
                        end else
                        begin if symbol ≠ greater symbol then
                           begin ERROR(true,3006);
                              reaffer1 while(symbol ≠ smaller
                                symbol ∧ symbol ≠ colon symbol)
                           end else
                           begin if reaffer1 ≠ colon symbol then
                              begin reaffer1 while(symbol =
                                   nlcr symbol ∨ symbol = semicolon
                                 ERROR(symbol = colon symbol,3007)
                              if symbol ≠ smaller symbol ∧
                                symbol ≠ colon symbol then
                              begin ERROR(true,3007);
                                 reaffer1 while(symbol ≠
                                   smaller symbol ∧ symbol ≠
                                   colon symbol)
                  end else
                  begin ERROR(true,3008);
                     reaffer1 while(symbol ≠ comma symbol ∧
                       symbol ≠ smaller symbol ∧ symbol ≠ colon
         end if symbol;
         if ptr - 1 < max of formallist then formallist[ptr - 1] ≔  0
         else ERROR(true, 3009);
         ERROR(symbol ≠ nlcr symbol ∧ symbol ≠ semicolon symbol,3024);
         read while(symbol = nlcr symbol ∨ symbol = semicolon symbol);
         outaccent: definitionstack[lcntr] ≔  -par - 1
      end read formals;

      procedure read block;
      begin integer i, begcntr;
         boolean declarations,within accents;
         procedure compare parameters;
         begin integer i, j, l, ptr, length;
            boolean found;
            integer array parameter[0:20];
            ptr ≔  l ≔  0; j ≔  127; found ≔  false;
            store letgits(parameter,1,20,reaffer);
            if l ≠ 22 ∧ symbol = greater symbol then
              for length ≔  formallist[ptr] while length ≠ 0 ∧ ¬ found do
               begin j ≔  j + 1;
                  if length = l then
                  begin i ≔  0;
                     for i ≔  i + 1 while parameter[i - 1] =
                       formallist[ptr + i] ∧ ¬ found do
                          if i = 1 then
                        begin for l ≔  1, l while l ≠ smaller symbol
                             do delete symbol(l); i ≔  i - 1;
                           stow into stack(definitionstack,
                             max of defstack,j);
                           found ≔  true
                  ptr ≔  ptr + length+ 1
         end compare parameters;

         procedure delete symbol(s); integer s;
         begin integer word;
            if bcntr = 0 then
            begin s ≔  definitionstack[lcntr];
               lcntr ≔  lcntr - 1; bcntr ≔  2
            end else
            begin word ≔  definitionstack[lcntr];
               if word < 0 then empty ≔  true else
               begin definitionstack[lcntr] ≔ word ÷ t8;
                  s ≔  word - definitionstack[lcntr] × t8;
                  bcntr ≔  bcntr - 1
         end delete symbol;

         in def mode ≔  true;
         stow into stack(definitionstack,max of defstack,symbol);
         if ¬ compare(“begin”) then
         begin ERROR(true,3010); skip until(“begin”) end;
         begcntr ≔  1;
         declarations ≔  symbol ≠ nlcr symbol ∧ symbol ≠ semicolon
           symbol; if ¬ declarations then
         begin lcntr ≔  savel; bcntr ≔  2;
            in def mode ≔  false;
            stow into stack(definitionstack,max of defstack,
              symbol); in def mode ≔  true

         within accents ≔  false;
         for i ≔  i while begcntr > 0 do
            begin read while(symbol ≠ accent symbol
                           ∧ symbol ≠ smaller symbol);
               if symbol = smaller symbol then compare parameters;
               if symbol = accent symbol then
               begin within accents ≔  ¬ within accents;
                  if within accents then
                  begin if compare(“end”) then
                     begin if symbol = accent symbol then
                        begin begcntr ≔  begcntr - 1;
                           if begcntr = 0 ∧ ¬ declarations
                           begin delete symbol(i);
                              for i ≔  1 while i ≠ nlcr symbol
                              ∧ i ≠ semicolon symbol ∧ ¬ empty
                                do delete symbol(i);
                              empty ≔  false
                     end else
                     if compare(“begin”) then
                     begin if symbol = accent symbol then
                          begcntr ≔  begcntr + 1
         in def mode ≔  false; reaffer;
         stow into stack(definitionstack,max of defstack,endmarker);
         if stackptr < max of namestack then
           namestack[stackptr] ≔  if lcntr + 1 > max of defstack
           then -1 else lcntr + 1
      end read block;

      max of formallist ≔  127; empty ≔  false;
      for i ≔  i while ¬ empty do
         begin read name;
            read formals;
            read block;
            read while(0 ⩽ symbol ∧ symbol ⩽ 62);
            if symbol = comma symbol then
            begin reaffer;
               read while(symbol = nlcr symbol
                        ∨ symbol = semicolon symbol);
               ERROR(symbol < 10 ∨ symbol > 62,3030)
            end else empty ≔  true
      pr tape symbol ≔  space symbol
   end define macro;

   procedure expand macro;
   begin integer p,par;

      procedure read actuals;
      begin integer i,opcntr,quotcntr,savel,auxptr;

         procedure complete actual parameter;
         begin if bcntr = 0 then
            begin lcntr ≔  lcntr - 1; bcntr ≔  2 end else
            begin actualstack[lcntr] ≔  actualstack[lcntr] ÷ t8;
               bcntr ≔  bcntr - 1
            stow into stack(actualstack,max of actualstack,
            freeptr ≔  freeptr + 1;
            if freeptr < max of pointerstack then
            begin savel ≔  lcntr;
               pointerstack[freeptr] ≔  lcntr + 1
         end complete actual parameter;

         auxptr ≔  freeptr;
         if symbol = open symbol then
         begin in actual mode ≔  true;
            opcntr ≔  1;
            for i ≔  i while opcntr > 0 do
               begin ERROR(freeptr > max of pointerstack,3013);
                  if freeptr = auxptr then
                  begin savel ≔  lcntr ≔  pointerstack[freeptr] - 1;
                     bcntr ≔  2
                  if symbol = open symbol then
                    opcntr ≔  opcntr + 1 else
                  if symbol = close symbol then
                    opcntr ≔  opcntr - 1;
                  read while(symbol = nlcr symbol ∨
                    symbol = semicolon symbol);
                  lcntr ≔  savel; bcntr ≔  2;
                  stow into stack(actualstack,max of actualstack,
                  for i ≔  i while (symbol ≠ comma symbol ∨ opcntr
                  ≠ 1) ∧ opcntr ≠ 0 do
                     begin reaffer;
                        if symbol = open symbol then opcntr ≔ 
                          opcntr + 1 else
                        if symbol = close symbol then opcntr ≔ 
                          opcntr - 1
                  complete actual parameter
            in actual mode ≔  false
         end else
         if symbol = smaller symbol then
         begin in actual mode ≔  true;
            for i ≔ i while symbol = smaller symbol do
               begin ERROR(freeptr > max of pointerstack,3013);
                  quotcntr ≔  1;
                  if freeptr = auxptr then
                    lcntr ≔  pointerstack[freeptr] - 1 else lcntr ≔  savel;
                  bcntr ≔  2;
                  for i ≔  i while quotcntr > 0 do
                     begin reaffer;
                        if symbol = smaller symbol then quotcntr ≔ 
                          quotcntr + 1 else
                        if symbol = greater symbol then quotcntr ≔ 
                          quotcntr - 1
                  complete actual parameter;
                  if symbol ≠ point symbol then
                  begin read while(symbol = nlcr symbol
                                 ∨ symbol = semicolon symbol);
                     ERROR(symbol = point symbol,3025)
            if symbol = point symbol then reaffer
            else ERROR(true,3025);
            in actual mode ≔  false
         pointerptr ≔  auxptr;
         if freeptr - auxptr ≠ par then
         begin ERROR(true,3016);
            auxptr ≔  auxptr + par - 1;
            for i ≔  freeptr step 1 until auxptr do
                 pointerstack[i] ≔  -1;
            freeptr ≔  auxptr + 1
         if symbol ≠ nlcr symbol ∧ symbol ≠ semicolon symbol then
         begin ERROR(true,3001);
            read while(symbol ≠ nlcr symbol
                     ∧ symbol ≠ semicolon symbol)
      end read actuals;

      procedure store expansion;
      begin savestack[saveptr] ≔  bbcntr;
         savestack[saveptr + 1] ≔  llcntr;
         if from actualstack then
         begin savestack[saveptr + 2] ≔  BBcntr;
            savestack[saveptr + 3] ≔  LLcntr;
            from actualstack ≔  false
         end else savestack[saveptr + 2] ≔  -1
      end store expansion;

      ERROR(saveptr + 5 > max of actualstack,3017);
      p ≔  namestack[place of name - namestack[place of name] - 1];
      par ≔  -definitionstack[p] - 1;
      read actuals;
      namestack[place of name+ 1] ≔  -namestack[place of name + 1];
      savestack[saveptr + 4] ≔  place of name;
      savestack[saveptr + 5] ≔  symbol;
      if from macro then store expansion else
      begin from macro ≔  true; stow into buffer(asterisk) end;
      saveptr ≔  saveptr + 6; bbcntr ≔  1; llcntr ≔  p;
      pr tape symbol ≔  space symbol;
      symbol ≔  macro sym;
      stow into buffer(symbol)
   end expand macro;

   integer procedure macro sym;
   begin integer i,s;

      procedure restore expansion;
      begin bbcntr ≔  savestack[saveptr];
         llcntr ≔  savestack[saveptr + 1];
         if bbcntr = 2 then
         begin t8j ≔  1; word ≔  definitionstack[llcntr];
            word ≔  word - word ÷ t8 × t8
         end else
         if bbcntr = 3 then
         begin t8j ≔  t8; word ≔  definitionstack[llcntr];
            word ≔  word - word ÷ t16 × t16
         if savestack[saveptr + 2] ≠ -1 then
         begin BBcntr ≔  savestack[saveptr + 2];
            LLcntr ≔  savestack[saveptr + 3];
            if BBcntr = 2 then
            begin t8J ≔  1; Word ≔  actualstack[LLcntr];
               Word ≔  Word - Word ÷ t8 × t8
            end else
            if BBcntr = 3 then
            begin t8J ≔  t8; Word ≔  actualstack[LLcntr];
               Word ≔  Word - Word ÷ t16 × t16
            from actualstack ≔  true
         place of name ≔  savestack[saveptr - 2];
         pointerptr ≔  pointerptr + definitionstack[namestack
           [place of name - namestack[place of name] - 1]] + 1
      end restore expansion;

      if spacecntr > 150 then
      begin spacecntr ≔  spacecntr - 1; s ≔  space symbol end else
      begin if from actualstack then
         begin BBcntr ≔  BBcntr - 1; if BBcntr = 0 then
            begin LLcntr ≔  LLcntr + 1; BBcntr ≔  3;
               t8J ≔  t16; Word ≔  actualstack[LLcntr]
            if BBcntr ≠ 1 then
            begin s ≔  Word ÷ t8J; Word ≔  Word - s × t8J;
               t8J ≔  t8J / t8
            end else s ≔  Word;
            if s = endmarker then
            begin from actualstack ≔  false; s ≔  macro sym
         end else
         begin bbcntr ≔  bbcntr - 1; if bbcntr = 0 then
            begin llcntr ≔  llcntr + 1; bbcntr ≔  3; t8J ≔  t16;
               word ≔  definitionstack[llcntr]
            if bbcntr ≠ 1 then
            begin s ≔  word ÷ t8j; word ≔  word - s × t8j;
               t8j ≔  t8j / t8
            end else s ≔  word;
            if s ⩾ 128 ∧ s ⩽ 149 then
            begin from actualstack ≔  true; BBcntr ≔  1;
               LLcntr ≔  pointerstack[pointerptr + s - 128] - 1;
               if LLcntr = -2 then from actualstack ≔  false;
               s ≔  macro sym
            end else
            if s = endmarker then
            begin saveptr ≔  saveptr - 6;
               freeptr ≔  pointerptr;
               namestack[place of name + 1] ≔ 
               -namestack[place of name + 1];
               if saveptr = -5 then
               begin from macro ≔  false; stow into buffer(ksiretsa)
               end else restore expansion;
               s ≔  savestack[saveptr + 5]; comment GT: Original was s= ;
         if s > endmarker then
         begin spacecntr ≔  s - 1; s ≔  space symbol end
      macro sym ≔  s
   end macro sym;

   integer procedure reaffer;
   begin integer i;

      integer procedure read and buffer;
      begin integer s;
         s ≔  RESYM1;
         if in actual mode then
         begin stow into stack(actualstack,max of actualstack,s);
            if s = nlcr symbol then space(7)
         end else
         begin stow into buffer(s);
            if s= nlcr symbol then
              line number ≔  line number + 1
         read and buffer ≔  s
      end read and buffer;

      for i ≔  i,i while symbol = space symbol ∨ symbol = tab symbol do
         begin if accent read then
            begin symbol ≔  nextacc; accent read ≔  false end
            else symbol ≔  read and buffer;
            if symbol = accent symbol then
            begin nextacc ≔  read and buffer;
               if nextacc = accent symbol
                 then symbol ≔  apostrophe symbol
               else accent read ≔  true
            if symbol = apostrophe symbol then
              for i ≔  i while symbol ≠ semicolon symbol
                            ∧ symbol ≠ nlcr symbol do
                 symbol ≔  read and buffer;
            if in def mode then
              stow into stack(definitionstack,max of defstack,symbol)
      reaffer ≔  symbol
   end reaffer;

   boolean procedure compare(text); string text;
   begin integer s,k;
      k ≔  0; compare ≔  true;
      for s ≔  stringsymbol(k, text) while s ≠ 255 do
           if s ≠ (if 37 ⩽ symbol ∧ symbol ⩽ 62 then symbol - 27 else symbol)
         begin compare ≔  false; k ≔  -1 end else
         begin k ≔  k + 1; if first scan then reaffer else NS end
   end compare;

   procedure read while(condition); boolean condition;
   begin integer i;
      for i ≔  i while condition do if first scan then reaffer else NS
   end read while;

   procedure skip until(text); string text;
   begin integer i, first symbol;
      first symbol ≔  stringsymbol(0,text);
      read while(first symbol ≠
        (if 37 ⩽ symbol ∧ symbol ⩽ 62 then symbol - 27 else symbol));
      for i ≔  i while ¬ compare(text) do read while(first symbol ≠
           (if 37 ⩽ symbol ∧ symbol ⩽ 62 then symbol - 27 else symbol))
   end skip until;

   procedure stow into stack(stack,max,char); value max,char;
      integer max,char; integer array stack;
   begin integer i;
      if char = space symbol ∧ spacecntr < 255
        then SPACEcntr ≔  SPACEcntr + 1 else
      begin bcntr ≔  bcntr + 1;
         if bcntr = 3 then
         begin lcntr ≔  lcntr + 1; bcntr ≔  0;
            if lcntr > max then ERROR(true,3018)
            else stack[lcntr] ≔  0
         if SPACEcntr > 150 then
         begin stack[lcntr] ≔  stack[lcntr] × t8 + SPACEcntr;
            if char= space symbol then SPACEcntr ≔  151 else
            begin SPACEcntr ≔  150;
               stow into stack(stack,max,char)
         end else
           stack[lcntr] ≔  stack[lcntr] × t8 + char;
         if char= endmarker then
           for i ≔  bcntr step 1 until 1 do
              stow into stack(stack,max,0)
   end stow into stack;

   procedure store letgits(list,pointer,max,letgit); value max;
      integer pointer,max,letgit; integer array list;
   begin integer i,j,word;
      boolean full;
      word ≔  j ≔  0; full ≔  false;
      for i ≔  i while symbol ⩽ 62 ∧ ¬ full do
         begin if symbol ⩾ 37 then symbol ≔  symbol - 27;
            j ≔  j + 1;
            if j = 4 then
            begin if pointer > max then full ≔  true else
                 list[pointer] ≔  word × t6 + symbol;
               word ≔  j ≔  0; pointer ≔  pointer+ 1
            end else word ≔  word × t6 + symbol;
            symbol ≔  letgit
      if j ≠ 0 then
      begin for j ≔  j + 1 while j < 4 do word ≔  word × t6 + 63;
         if pointer > max then full ≔  true else list[pointer] ≔  word;
         pointer ≔  pointer + 1
      ERROR(full ∧ ¬ in def mode,3019)
   end store letgits;

   procedure unstack macros;
   begin integer i;
      for i ≔  i while abs(namestack[stackptr - 1]) = blocknumber ∧
        stackptr > 0 do
           stackptr ≔  stackptr - namestack[stackptr - 2] - 3
   end unstack macros;

   procedure skip macro declarations;
      if second scan then
      begin integer i, begcntr;
         for i ≔  i,i while symbol = comma symbol do
            begin skip until(“begin”); begcntr ≔  1;
               for i ≔  i while begcntr > 0 do
                  begin read while(symbol ≠ accent symbol
                                 ∧ symbol ≠ apostrophe symbol);
                     if symbol = accent symbol then
                     begin NS;
                        if symbol = accent symbol
                          then symbol ≔  apostrophe symbol else
                        if compare(“end”) then begcntr ≔  begcntr - 1 else
                        if compare(“begin”) then begcntr ≔  begcntr + 1
                        else begin read while(symbol ≠ accent symbol);
                     if symbol = apostrophe symbol then
                       read while(symbol ≠ nlcr symbol
                                ∧ symbol ≠ semicolon symbol)
               read while(0 ⩽ symbol ∧ symbol ⩽ 62)
      end skip macro declarations;

   procedure print elantext;
   begin integer i, begcntr;
      pr tape symbol ≔  space symbol;
      linecounter ≔  0;
      skip until (“begin”); begcntr ≔  1;
      for i ≔  i while begcntr > 0 do
         begin read while(symbol ≠ accent symbol
                        ∧ symbol ≠ apostrophe symbol);
            if symbol = accent symbol then
            begin NS;
               if symbol = accent symbol
                 then symbol ≔  apostrophe symbol else
               if compare(“end”) then begcntr ≔  begcntr - 1 else
               if compare(“begin”) then begcntr ≔  begcntr + 1 else
               begin read while(symbol ≠ accent symbol); NS end
            if symbol = apostrophe symbol then
              read while(symbol ≠ nlcr symbol ∧ symbol ≠ semicolon symbol)
      runout; runout
   end print elantext;
