
   comment ****************************************************************
     ***                                                          ***
     *** This calculation of PI uses the Bailey-Borwein-Plouffe   ***
     *** algorithm, whereby PI = Sum [K=0 to Inf] (1/16)**K       ***
     ***         *( 4/(8*K+1) -2/(8*K+4) -1/(8K+5) -1/(8*K+6) ).  ***
     *** At each iteration, the four arrays BFrac1 to BFrac4 are  ***
     *** populated with the binary expansions of the fractional   ***
     *** terms, then these are combined, and finally shifted by an***
     *** amount corresponding to the factor (1/16)**K, upon which ***
     *** this is added to the accumulating total.  Hence we get   ***
     *** an answer of gradually increasing precision, viewable    ***
     *** by setting bit 2 of the console word generator.          ***
     ***                                                          ***
     *** Each iteration increases the precision by slightly       ***
     *** better than 4 binary bits, so we can estimate the decimal***
     *** precision correspondingly at each iteration, or otherwise***
     *** by simply comparing results of consecutive iterations.   ***
     ***                                                          ***
     *** Diagnostics  Setting BLine causes binary dump of some    ***
     *** ===========      arrays - to see all remove the Comments ***
     ***              Setting One on the word generator causes a  ***
     ***                  trace of significant operations         ***
     ***              Setting Two on the word generator shows the ***
     ***                  decimal accumulation at EVERY iteration ***
     ***                                                          ***
     *** Author:  Bob Firth                                       ***
     *** Written: June,July 2010                                  ***
     *** Contact:                  ***
     ***                                                          ***
     *** Comment: The machine code of the 803/503 is not          ***
     ***          particularly suited to multi-word precision     ***
     ***          arithmetic, mainly because of the absence of    ***
     ***          double-length add and subtract.  Nevertheless   ***
     ***          it is possible to program around this by        ***
     ***          detecting and handling overflow while processing***
     ***          the lower order word.                           ***
     ***                                                          ***

   procedure PWRDS(Ident,AStart,ASize);
      value   AStart,ASize;
      integer AStart,ASize;
        string  Ident;

        comment *** Dumps binary representation of elements of array         ***
        *** starting at AStart, length 1+ASize                       ***

   begin   integer BLine,NoBits,NoCHs,Count,Word;
      BLine   ≔ 24288;

      Elliott(7,0,0     ,0,0,3,BLine );
      Elliott(4,2,GETOUT,0,0,0,0     );

      for Count ≔  step 1 until ASize do begin
            Elliott(7,0,0     ,0,0,3,BLine );
            Elliott(4,2,EXIT  ,0,0,0,0     );
            PRINT(“\n”,Ident,sameline,digits(3),Count,“) ”);
            NOBITS  ≔ 39;
            Elliott(2,0,4     ,1,3,0,0     );
            Elliott(2,0,Word  ,0,0,0,0     );
            SPACE:  PRINT(“ ”);
            NOCHS   ≔ 2;
            LOOP:   ELLIOTT(3,2,NoBits,0,4,2,EXIT  );
            if WORD < 0 then PRINT(“1”);
            if WORD ⩾ 0 then PRINT(“0”);
            ELLIOTT(3,0,Word  ,0,5,5,1     );
            ELLIOTT(2,0,Word  ,0,4,3,NEXT  );
            NEXT:   ELLIOTT(3,2,NoCHs ,0,4,2,SPACE );
            ELLIOTT(4,0,LOOP  ,0,0,0,0     );
            EXIT:                              end;
   end PWRDS;
   comment ================================================================;

   procedure INTDV(DVDend,DIVsor,AStart,ASize);
      value   DVDend,DIVsor,AStart,ASize;
      integer DVDend,DIVsor,AStart,ASize;

        comment *** Divides integer word DVDend by integer word DIVsor,      ***
        *** result is stored in array ARRAY[0:ASize]                 ***
        *** where whole part of quotient goes to ARRAY[0]            ***
        *** and fractional part populates rest of array.             ***
        *** Array position and length given by AStart and ASize+1    ***

   begin   integer Maxpos,One,Remain,Count,Point;
      switch S ≔ OTRAC,LOOP;
      Maxpos  ≔ 74877906943;
      One     ≔ ;

      Elliott(7,0,0     ,0,0,3,One   );
      Elliott(4,2,NOTRAC,0,0,0,0     );
      PRINT(“Dividing ”,SAMELINE,DIGITS(1),DVDend,“ by ”,DIGITS(5),DIVsor);
      NOTRAC: Elliott(2,6,Remain,0,2,6,Count );
      Elliott(3,0,AStart,0,2,0,Point );
      Elliott(3,0,DVDend,0,2,0,4     );
      Elliott(5,0,38    ,0,0,0,0     );
      LOOP:   Elliott(3,0,Remain,0,5,6,DIVsor);
      Elliott(0,0,Point ,1,2,0,0     );
      Elliott(5,2,DIVsor,0,5,7,0     );
      Elliott(0,7,4     ,0,0,3,Maxpos);
      Elliott(2,0,Remain,0,2,6,4     );
      Elliott(2,2,Point ,0,0,0,0     );
      Elliott(3,2,Count ,0,0,5,ASize );
      Elliott(5,1,0     ,0,4,1,LOOP  );
   end INTDV;
   comment ================================================================;

   procedure COMBI(T1Strt,T2Strt,T3Strt,T4Strt,TTStrt,Max);
      value   T1Strt,T2Strt,T3Strt,T4Strt,TTStrt,Max;
      integer T1Strt,T2Strt,T3Strt,T4Strt,TTStrt,Max;

        comment *** Take (binary fraction at) T1Strt, subtract that at T2Strt***
        *** and at T3Strt and at T4Strt, and put result at TTStrt    ***

   begin   integer Maxpos,One,Count,Carry;
      Maxpos  ≔ 74877906943;
      One     ≔ ;

      T1Strt  ≔ 1Strt+Max;
      T2Strt  ≔ 2Strt+Max;
      T3Strt  ≔ 3Strt+Max;
      T4Strt  ≔ 4Strt+Max;
      TTStrt  ≔ TStrt+Max;
      Elliott(3,0,Max   ,0,2,0,Count );
      Elliott(2,6,Carry ,0,2,6,4     );
      LOOP:   Elliott(0,0,T1Strt,1,3,0,0     );
      Elliott(0,0,T2Strt,1,0,5,0     );
      Elliott(4,1,UFLO1 ,0,4,0,SKIP1 );
      UFLO1:  Elliott(0,3,MaxPos,0,2,2,4     );
      SKIP1:  Elliott(0,0,T3Strt,1,0,5,0     );
      Elliott(4,1,UFLO2 ,0,4,0,SKIP2 );
      UFLO2:  Elliott(0,3,MaxPos,0,2,2,4     );
      SKIP2:  Elliott(0,0,T4Strt,1,0,5,0     );
      Elliott(4,1,UFLO3 ,0,4,0,SKIP3 );
      UFLO3:  Elliott(0,3,MaxPos,0,2,2,4     );
      SKIP3:  Elliott(0,0,0     ,0,0,5,Carry );
      Elliott(4,1,UFLO4 ,0,4,0,SKIP4 );
      UFLO4:  Elliott(0,3,MaxPos,0,2,2,4     );
      SKIP4:  Elliott(0,0,TTStrt,1,2,0,0     );
      Elliott(3,6,4     ,0,2,0,Carry );
      Elliott(3,0,One   ,0,2,7,T1Strt);
      Elliott(0,0,0     ,0,3,7,Count );
      Elliott(0,1,0     ,0,4,1,LOOP  );
   end COMBI;
   comment ================================================================;

   procedure SHIFT(Expone,TTStrt,SHStrt,Max);
      value   Expone,TTStrt,SHStrt,Max;
      integer Expone,TTStrt,SHStrt,Max;

        comment *** Shift contents of array at TTStrt down by Expone*4 bits  ***
        *** and place result at array SHStrt, both length Max        ***

   begin   integer Maxpos,One,Count,ShiftB,ShiftL,ShiftR,ShiftW,Source;
      Maxpos  ≔ 74877906943;
      One     ≔ ;

      Count   ≔ xpone ÷ 19;
      ShiftB  ≔  Expone - Count×19 )×4;
      ShiftW  ≔ ount ×2;
      ShiftL  ≔ hiftR  ≔ ource  ≔ ;

      if ShiftB ⩾ 60 then begin
         ShiftW  ≔ hiftW +1;
         ShiftL  ≔ 6 - ShiftB;
         goto DONE;
      if ShiftB ⩾ 40 then begin
         ShiftW  ≔ hiftW +1;
         ShiftR  ≔ hiftB - 38;
         Source  ≔ ;
         goto DONE;
      if ShiftB ⩾ 20 then begin
         ShiftL  ≔ 8 - ShiftB;
         goto DONE;
      if ShiftB ⩾  0 then begin
         ShiftR  ≔ hiftB;
         Source  ≔ ;

      DONE:   Elliott(7,0,0     ,0,0,3,One   );
      Elliott(4,2,NOTRAC,0,0,0,0     );
      PRINT(“\nShift Parameters”,SAMELINE,DIGITS(3),Count,ShiftB,ShiftL,ShiftR,ShiftW,Source);

      NOTRAC: Elliott(0,0,0     ,0,2,6,Count );
      MORE:   Elliott(3,0,Count ,0,0,5,ShiftW);
      Elliott(4,1,NONE1 ,0,0,4,TTStrt);
      Elliott(2,0,4     ,1,3,0,0     );
      SHIF1:  Elliott(5,0,38    ,0,4,0,NEXT1 );
      NONE1:  Elliott(0,6,0     ,0,4,0,SHIF1 );
      NEXT1:  Elliott(3,0,Count ,0,0,5,ShiftW);
      Elliott(0,5,One   ,0,4,1,NONE2 );
      Elliott(0,4,TTStrt,0,0,0,0     );
      Elliott(2,0,4     ,1,3,0,0     );
      SHIF2:  Elliott(4,0,NEXT2 ,0,0,0,0     );
      NONE2:  Elliott(0,6,0     ,0,0,0,0     );
      NEXT2:  Elliott(0,0,ShiftL,1,5,4,0     );
      Elliott(0,0,ShiftR,1,5,0,0     );
      Elliott(0,3,Maxpos,0,2,0,4     );
      Elliott(5,7,0     ,0,2,0,4     );
      NOSHIF: Elliott(3,0,4     ,0,0,0,0     );
      Elliott(0,0,SHStrt,1,2,0,0     );
      Elliott(2,2,SHStrt,0,3,0,Count );
      Elliott(0,4,One   ,0,2,0,Count );
      Elliott(0,5,Max   ,0,0,5,One   );
      Elliott(4,1,MORE  ,0,4,3,EXIT  );
   end SHIFT;
   comment ================================================================;

   procedure ACCUM(BStart,BSize,TStart,TSize);
      value   BStart,BSize,TStart,TSize;
      integer BStart,BSize,TStart,TSize;

        comment *** Add contents of extended 'integer' at BStart size BSize    ***
        *** into extended 'integer' at TStart, size TSize.             ***

   begin   integer Maxpos,One,Count,Carry;
      switch S ≔ OOP,OFLO,SKIP,EXIT;
      Maxpos  ≔ 74877906943;
      One     ≔ ;

      if BSize NOTEQ TSize then begin
         PRINT(“\nIllegal parameters to procedure ACCUM”);
         goto EXIT;
      TStart  ≔ Start+BSize;
      BStart  ≔ Start+BSize;
      Elliott(3,0,BSize ,0,2,0,Count );
      Elliott(2,6,Carry ,0,2,6,4     );
      LOOP:   Elliott(0,0,TStart,1,3,0,0     );
      Elliott(0,0,BStart,1,0,4,0     );
      Elliott(4,3,OFLO  ,0,4,0,SKIP  );
      OFLO:   Elliott(0,3,MaxPos,0,2,2,4     );
      SKIP:   Elliott(0,4,Carry ,0,0,0,0     );
      Elliott(0,0,TStart,1,2,0,0     );
      Elliott(3,6,4     ,0,2,0,Carry );
      Elliott(3,0,One   ,0,2,7,BStart);
      Elliott(0,0,0     ,0,2,7,TStart);
      Elliott(3,7,Count ,0,0,1,0     );
      Elliott(4,1,LOOP  ,0,0,0,0     );
   end CBTOD;
   comment ================================================================;

   procedure CBTOD(BStart,BSize,DStart,DSize);
      value   BStart,BSize,DStart,DSize;
      integer BStart,BSize,DStart,DSize;

        comment *** Converts binary fraction in 'array' at BStart length       ***
        *** 1+BSize 'to' Decimal fraction at DStart length 1+DSize     ***

   begin   integer Maxpos,Power,One,BCount,DCount,Carry,Item,Point;
      switch S ≔ TART,LOOP,OFLO,SKIP,EXIT;
      Maxpos  ≔ 74877906943;
      Power   ≔ 0000000000;
      One     ≔ ;

      Elliott(3,0,DSize ,0,2,1,DCount);
      START:  Elliott(0,6,BStart,1,1,0,0     );
      Elliott(0,0,DStart,1,2,0,0     );
      Elliott(3,0,DCount,0,4,2,EXIT  );
      Elliott(2,2,DCount,0,2,6,Carry );
      Elliott(3,0,BSize ,0,2,1,BCount);
      Elliott(3,0,BStart,0,0,4,BSize );
      Elliott(2,0,Point ,0,0,0,0     );

      LOOP:   Elliott(0,0,Point ,1,3,0,0     );
      Elliott(5,2,power ,0,2,0,4     );
      Elliott(5,7,0     ,0,0,4,Carry );
      Elliott(4,3,OFLO  ,0,4,0,SKIP  );
      OFLO:   Elliott(0,3,Maxpos,0,2,2,4     );
      SKIP:   Elliott(0,0,Point ,1,2,0,0     );
      Elliott(3,0,4     ,0,2,0,Carry );
      Elliott(3,0,One   ,0,2,7,Point );
      Elliott(3,2,BCOUNT,0,4,1,LOOP  );
      Elliott(2,2,DStart,0,4,0,START );
   end CBTOD;
   comment ================================================================;

   procedure PDARY(DStart,DSize);
      value   DStart,DSize;
      integer DStart,DSize;

        comment *** PRINT(decimal number at DStart, and fractional component ***
        *** at DStart+1, length DSize                                ***

   begin   integer Cols,Count,Word;
      Cols    ≔ ;
      Elliott(0,0,Dstart,1,3,0,0     );
      Elliott(2,0,Word  ,0,0,0,0     );
      for Count ≔  step 1 until DSize do begin
            Elliott(2,2,Dstart,1,3,0,0     );
            Elliott(2,0,Word  ,0,0,0,0     );
            if ( Count-1 ) = ( ( Count-1 ) ÷ Cols )×Cols then begin
               if ( Count-1 ) ⩾ 1 then PRINT(“\n   ”); end;
   end PDARY;
   comment ================================================================;

   integer procedure ESTIM(Expone);
      value   Expone;
      integer Expone;

        comment *** Estimate number of decimal places precision available    ***
        *** after term Expone contributed.                           ***

   begin   real    Temp;
      Temp    ≔ /(8×Expone+1)-2/(8×Expone+4)-1/(8×Expone+5)-1/(8×Expone+6);
      ESTIM   ≔ ntier((Expone×LN(16)-LN(Temp))/LN(10)+0·5);
   end ESTIM;
   comment ================================================================;

   procedure TRACE(TEXT);
      string  TEXT;

        comment *** Trace program flow if bit 1 set                          ***

   begin   integer One;
      switch S ≔ OTRAC;
      One     ≔ ;

      Elliott(7,0,0     ,0,0,3,One   );
      Elliott(4,2,NOTRAC,0,0,0,0     );
   end TRACE;
   comment ================================================================;

   procedure CALPI(MaxTrm,BMax,DMax);
      value   MaxTrm,BMax,DMax;
      integer MaxTrm,BMax,DMax;

        comment *** Perform calculation of PI using algorithm described above***
        *** MaxTrm is the number of terms to be calculated           ***
        ***   BMax is words allocated to fractional part of result   ***
        ***   DMax is words allocated (10 digits/word) to decimal    ***
        ***                                         part of result   ***

   begin   integer array BFrac1[0:BMax],BFrac2[0:BMax],BFrac3[0:BMax],BFrac4[0:BMax];
      integer array BFracT[0:BMax],BShift[0:BMax],BReslt[0:BMax],BOutpt[0:BMax];
      integer array DOutpt[0:DMax];
      integer Two,Count,Term,Expone,EPlace,DWords;
      switch S ≔ HOW,NOSHOW;
      Two     ≔ ;

      for Count ≔  step 1 until BMax do
           BReslt[Count] ≔ ;

      for Term ≔  step 1 until MaxTrm do begin
            Expone  ≔ erm-1;
            PRINT(“\nAdding term ”,sameline,digits(4),Term);

            comment PWRDS(`BFrac1',ADDRESS(BFrac1),BMax);

            comment PWRDS(`BFrac2',ADDRESS(BFrac2),BMax);

            comment PWRDS(`BFrac3',ADDRESS(BFrac3),BMax);

            comment PWRDS(`BFrac4',ADDRESS(BFrac4),BMax);

            TRACE(“\nCombine fractions...”);
            comment PWRDS(`BFracT',ADDRESS(BFracT),BMax);

            comment TRACE(`\nShift down...');

            comment PWRDS(`BReslt',ADDRESS(BReslt),BMax);

            if Term ⩾ MaxTrm-2 then goto SHOW;
            Elliott(7,0,0     ,0,0,3,Two   );
            Elliott(4,2,NOSHOW,0,0,0,0     );
            SHOW:   TRACE(“\nConvert to Decimal...”);
            for Count ≔  step 1 until BMax do BOutpt[Count] ≔ Reslt[Count];
            EPlace  ≔ STIM(Expone);
            DWords  ≔ EPlace+15) ÷ 10;
            if DWords GR DMax then DWords ≔ Max;
            PRINT(SAMELINE,“ yields value for PI:-”);
            PRINT(“\nEstimated accurate to”,sameline,digits(4),EPlace,“  digits\n”);
            NOSHOW: end;

   end CALPI;
   comment ================================================================

   begin   integer N,BMax,DMax,Expone,MaxTrm;
      real    DTB;
      switch S ≔ OOP1,LOOP2,ONYERBIKE;

      comment The most efficient use of array space is when both Binary and Decimal arrays
        hold the same precision, which occurs when DMax = BMax * ( LN(2**39)/LN(10**10))
        = BMax * 1.17402

        To achieve an accuracy of D decimal digits, this is guaranteed by
        using number of iterations given by:     Maxtrm = D * ( LN(10)/LN(16) )
        = D * 0.830482
        where DMax decimal array entries hold 10*DMax digits

        For a more accurate estimate, keep increasing Expone until
        ( Expone*LN(16)-LN(4/(8*Expone+1)-2/(8*Expone+4)-1/(8*Expone+5)-1/(8*Expone+6)) )/LN(10) >D
        and then set MaxTrm :=Expone+1;

      Read N;
      if N ⩽ 0 then begin
         PRINT(“Invalid number”);
         goto ONYERBIKE;

      DMax    ≔  N+9 ) ÷ 10;
      BMax    ≔ ntier( DMax×(10×LN(10))/(39×LN(2)) )+2;

      PRINT(“\nRequired decimal places    ”,sameline,N);
      PRINT(“\nArray size, Decimal storage”,sameline,DMax);
      PRINT(“\nArray size, Binary storage ”,sameline,BMax);
      PRINT(“\nOverall array space reqd.  ”,sameline,DMax+8×BMax);

      Expone  ≔ ;
      LOOP1:  Expone  ≔ xpone+10;
      if ESTIM(Expone) ⩽ (N-1) then goto LOOP1;

      LOOP2:  Expone  ≔ xpone-1;
      if ESTIM(Expone) ⩾   (N+1) then goto LOOP2;
      Expone  ≔ xpone+1;
      Maxtrm  ≔ xpone+1;
      PRINT(“\nRequired number iterations ”,sameline,Maxtrm);

      PRINT(“\fCalculation of PI using”,sameline,MaxTrm,“ iterations”);

   comment ================================================================;