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a. Computational model: Imperative.
b. Machine/problem-oriented: Machine-oriented. CORAL is a small, simple language that has a long history of use by MOD in real-time systems. For concurrent and real-time features either a local real-time kernel system is used or the language is used in connection with MASCOT2 [3] and associated assembly code inserts.
c. Claimed advantages: The language is simple, efficient and portable.
d. Criticality: This only rates Poor, if used without severe restrictions.
e. Insecurities: Programs can overwrite themselves if anonymous references are used. Semantics are weak and may be interpreted differently in different compilers. There is no standard form of safe, separate compilation-although, again, each vendor is likely to provide for this.
f. Standards: BS 5905:1980 Specification for Computer Programming Language CORAL 66. (See also [2])
g. Supporting agency: MOD. Like MASCOT2, the language is a product of DRA Malvern.
h. Variants: Several UK vendors offer subsets that are claimed to be suitable for safety-critical work (they are almost bound to be more suitable than the full language). MALPAS is also available. Because CORAL 66 is such a small language it has been extended in several incompatible ways by different vendors.
i. Compiler validation: MOD have a test suite that is used to validate vendors' compilers. (See also reference [2].)
j. Tools/environments: A MALPAS translator exists for CORAL 66-see the Pascal entry in Annex R for more details.
k. Programming-in-the-large: Much like C, many large systems have been written in CORAL 66 despite the language having relatively poor support for modularisation.
l. Platforms: Various platforms support CORAL 66 compilers, particularly for UK defence industry hardware.
m. Reuse/libraries: None known.
n. Interfacing: Assembly-code inserts can be written and thus any system with a published interface described in machine-oriented terms can be interfaced to.
o. Cross-language linking: See Interfacing .
p. Portability issues: Portability is fine for the core language, but difficult if many language extensions have been used.
q. Skilled programmers: There are many programmers within MOD and UK defence industry. However, the language is considered obsolete and rarely used on new projects.
r. Typical prices: MOD have funded the development of several CORAL 66 compilers so prices should be minimal, but check with vendors.
s. Summary comments: (i) Legacy systems, written in the language, should be maintained, but it seems unlikely that "clean sheet" projects would use it. (ii) MOD validated compilers should be used. (iii) A carefully selected, and checked, subset may be suitable for safety-critical work should a better language not be available (e.g. SPARK Ada).
t. References: DELETE
standard [1] BS 5905:1980 Specification for Computer Programming Language CORAL 66, BSI, 1980.
DELETE [2] Def. Stan. 05-47/2, Computer on-line real-time applications language CORAL 66, Specification for compilers, MOD, 1983.
Dialects See Vendors' manuals.
quality texts [3] The Official Handbook of MASCOT, IECCA, 1987 (see also Def Stan 00-17).