class TEXT
int length;
char *data;
static int char2num(int c); // Convert ASCII -> Internal Representation
static int num2char(int c); // Convert Internal Representation -> ASCII
TEXT(char *filename); // Constructor: Loads File and Converts
~TEXT(); // Destructor
int Length(); // Return Length of File
int Char(int i); // Returns Character at Given Position
void PrintVign(ostream& o, int linelen, VIGN *v);
// Print File Vignere Encoded
void PrintPerm(ostream& o, PERM *p, int linelen);
// Print File Substitution Encoded
void PrintPerm(ostream& o,PERM *p, int start, int end);
// Print Parts of File Substitution Encoded
class DICT
uint32 table[2][HASHSIZE/32]; /* double bloom filter */
static uint32 hash1(PERM *p,char *string, int len);
static uint32 hash2(PERM *p,char *string, int len);
// Hash Functions used for Blum-Filter
DICT(char *filename, int maxlength);
// Constructor
int EvalTextPerm( TEXT *t, PERM *p, int weight, int maxlength);
// Score Text Based on Dictionary After Substitution Encryption
Last Update: 18.04.96 (Format: DD.MM.YY)