// ***************************************************************************

// cartridge

// ***************************************************************************

// This file was developed by Prof. Dr. Peer Johannsen as part of the 

// "Retro-Programming" and "Advanced C Programming" class at

// Pforzheim University, Germany.


// It can freely be used, but at one's own risk and for non-commercial

// purposes only. Please respect the copyright and credit the origin of

// this file.


// Feedback, suggestions and bug-reports are welcome and can be sent to:

// peer.johannsen@pforzheim-university.de

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

#include <vectrex.h>

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

// vectrex cartridge init block 

struct cartridge_t
	char copyright[11];			// copyright string, must start with "g GCE" and must end with "\x80"

	const void* music;			// 16 bit memory adress of title music data

	signed int title_height;	// signed 8 bit value, height of game title letters

	unsigned int title_width;	// unsigned 8 bit value, width of game title letters

	int title_y;				// signed 8 bit value, y coordinate of game title

	int title_x;				// signed 8 bit value, x coordinate of game title

	char title[]; 				// game title string, must end with "\x80\x00"


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

// edit here to set game title

const struct cartridge_t game_header __attribute__((section(".cartridge"), used)) = 
	.copyright 		= "g GCE 2024\x80",	// change year if neccessary, do not change "g GCE"

	.music 			= &Vec_Music_1,		// taken from included headers

	.title_height 	= -8,
	.title_width 	= 80,
	.title_y 		= -16,
	.title_x 		= -110,
	.title 			= "CONTROLLER TEST V0.7\x80"	// note that \x00 is automatically appended!


// ***************************************************************************

// end of file

// ***************************************************************************