{ objName: Stage, variables: << skipped >>, lists: << skipped >>, sounds: << skipped >>, costumes: << skipped >>, currentCostumeIndex: 0, penLayerMD5: 0139980f6a715c8c6779d4c21b0240a7.png, penLayerID: -1, tempoBPM: 60, videoAlpha: 0.5, children: { objName: Button4, scripts: [scratchblocks] when this sprite clicked [/scratchblocks], sounds: << skipped >>, costumes: << skipped >>, currentCostumeIndex: 0, scratchX: 180, scratchY: -150, scale: 1, direction: 90, rotationStyle: normal, isDraggable: false, indexInLibrary: 4, visible: true, spriteInfo: { } }{ objName: Sprite1, variables: << skipped >>, scripts: [scratchblocks] when I receive play if not my clone id = 0 then if item my clone id of my position in rack = 0 then set ghost effect to 10 stamp hide set ghost effect to 0 switch costume to pick random 1 to 27 set size to 36% go to x:120 y:0 wait 0.1 secs show end end when @greenFlag clicked hide clear delete all of rackpos delete all of my position in rack set shared active clone id to 0 set tile width to 360 / 15 point in direction 90 set next clone to 0 set word to item pick random 1 to length of word list of word list repeat until length of word < 8 set word to item pick random 1 to length of word list of word list end Place word %s %n %nend repeat 7 change next clone by 1 set my clone id to next clone add next clone to rackpos add next clone to my position in rack switch costume to pick random 1 to 27 set size to 36% go to x:112 + my clone id * 17 y:0 show create clone of _myself_ hide end set my clone id to 0 forever set next clone to 0 repeat 6 change next clone by 1 if item next clone of rackpos = 0 then set subsequent slot to next clone + 1 repeat until subsequent slot > 7 or not item subsequent slot of rackpos = 0 change subsequent slot by 1 end if not subsequent slot > 7 then replace item next clone of rackpos with item subsequent slot of rackpos replace item subsequent slot of rackpos with 0 replace item item next clone of rackpos of my position in rack with next clone end end end wait 0.2 secs when I start as a clone wait until not mouse down? forever if shared active clone id = 0 and touching _mouse_? and mouse down? then set shared active clone id to my clone id set delta x to x position - mouse x set delta y to y position - mouse y end if my clone id = shared active clone id then go to x:mouse x + delta x y:mouse y + delta y go to front if not mouse down? then set shared active clone id to 0 end end if x position < 112 then set size to 48% if my clone id = shared active clone id then go to x:mouse x + delta x y:mouse y + delta y else set my col to floor of x position - -240 / tile width if my col < 0 then set my col to 0 end if my col > 14 then set my col to 14 end set col to my col set my row to floor of y position - -180 / tile width if my row < 0 then set my row to 0 end if my row > 14 then set my row to 14 end set row to my row go to x:my col * tile width + -240 + tile width / 2 y:my row * tile width + -180 + tile width / 2 set my rack pos to item my clone id of my position in rack if not my rack pos = 0 then replace item my clone id of my position in rack with 0 replace item my rack pos of rackpos with 0 end end else set size to 36% if my clone id = shared active clone id then go to x:mouse x + delta x y:0 else if item my clone id of my position in rack = 0 then set color effect to 0 set free slot to 0 repeat 7 change free slot by 1 if item my clone id of my position in rack = 0 then if item free slot of rackpos = 0 then replace item free slot of rackpos with my clone id replace item my clone id of my position in rack with free slot end end end end go to x:112 + item my clone id of my position in rack * 17 y:0 end end wait 0.01 secs Place letter %s %s %n %nswitch costume to set size to 48% go to x: - 8 * tile width + pick random 0 to 1 - 60 y: - 8 * tile width if = blank or pick random 1 to 7 = 1 then switch costume to join blank- end set ghost effect to 10 stamp set ghost effect to 0 set temp to 0 repeat length of change temp by 1 end [/scratchblocks], sounds: << skipped >>, costumes: << skipped >>, currentCostumeIndex: 3, scratchX: 231, scratchY: 0, scale: 0.36, direction: 90, rotationStyle: normal, isDraggable: false, indexInLibrary: 1, visible: false, spriteInfo: { } }{ objName: UbuntuMono-R, variables: << skipped >>, lists: << skipped >>, scripts: [scratchblocks] when @greenFlag clicked set Fonts.x to 123 set Fonts.y to 182 switch costume to ! hide when I receive Fonts.Write set Fonts.line_height to 12 set Fonts.Font to UbuntuMono-R hide go to x:Fonts.x y:Fonts.y set i to 1 set message to repeat until i > length of message - 1 set word x to x position set j to i repeat until costume # = 1 or costume # = 95 or j > length of message - 1 switch costume to letter j of message change word x by 7 if word x > 235 then set x to 123 change y by 0 - Fonts.line_height if y position < 13 then wait 0.3 secs clear set y to 180 end switch costume to set j to 0 else change j by 1 end if costume # = 1 or costume # = 95 then change j by -1 end end repeat until i > j switch costume to letter i of message if not costume # = 95 then stamp change x by 7 end change i by 1 end if costume # = 95 then set x to 123 change y by 0 - Fonts.line_height if y position < 13 then wait 0.3 secs clear set y to 180 end switch costume to set j to 0 end end switch costume to ! set Fonts.x to x position set Fonts.y to y position [/scratchblocks], scriptComments: // JSMN_PRIMITIVE: 177 , costumes: << skipped >>, currentCostumeIndex: 1, scratchX: 235, scratchY: 26, scale: 1.0000000002328306, direction: 90, rotationStyle: normal, isDraggable: false, indexInLibrary: 5, visible: false, spriteInfo: { } }{ objName: log, scripts: [scratchblocks] when @greenFlag clicked hide go to x:121 y:13 stamp set Fonts.Message to AAVROGN 8d~ VARNA +24 24~ broadcast Fonts.Write and wait set Fonts.Message to EIIJLMS i6~ JIST +26 26~ VARNAS~ broadcast Fonts.Write and wait set Fonts.Message to IACWOGO g4~ WOOING +13 37~ broadcast Fonts.Write and wait set Fonts.Message to EEIIHLP h1~ PLIE +27 53~ WE~ broadcast Fonts.Write and wait set Fonts.Message to XIACBGE 2f~ CALIX +36 73~ broadcast Fonts.Write and wait set Fonts.Message to HIEHUEE~ -HUEEI +0 53 broadcast Fonts.Write and wait [/scratchblocks], scriptComments: // JSMN_PRIMITIVE: 387 , sounds: << skipped >>, costumes: << skipped >>, currentCostumeIndex: 0, scratchX: 121, scratchY: 13, scale: 1, direction: 90, rotationStyle: normal, isDraggable: false, indexInLibrary: 6, visible: false, spriteInfo: { } }{ target: Sprite1, cmd: getVar:, param: temp, color: 15629590, label: Sprite1: temp, mode: 1, sliderMin: 0, sliderMax: 100, isDiscrete: true, x: 5, y: 306, visible: false }{ target: Stage, cmd: getVar:, param: word, color: 15629590, label: word, mode: 1, sliderMin: 0, sliderMax: 100, isDiscrete: true, x: 146, y: 5, visible: false }{ target: Stage, cmd: getVar:, param: tile width, color: 15629590, label: tile width, mode: 1, sliderMin: 0, sliderMax: 100, isDiscrete: true, x: 5, y: 5, visible: false }{ target: Sprite1, cmd: getVar:, param: delta y, color: 15629590, label: Sprite1: delta y, mode: 2, sliderMin: 0, sliderMax: 100, isDiscrete: true, x: 418, y: 0, visible: false }{ target: Sprite1, cmd: getVar:, param: delta x, color: 15629590, label: Sprite1: delta x, mode: 2, sliderMin: 0, sliderMax: 100, isDiscrete: true, x: 366, y: 0, visible: false }{ target: Sprite1, cmd: getVar:, param: my col, color: 15629590, label: Sprite1: my col, mode: 1, sliderMin: 0, sliderMax: 100, isDiscrete: true, x: 146, y: 32, visible: false }{ target: Sprite1, cmd: getVar:, param: my row, color: 15629590, label: Sprite1: my row, mode: 1, sliderMin: 0, sliderMax: 100, isDiscrete: true, x: 146, y: 59, visible: false }{ target: Stage, cmd: getVar:, param: col, color: 15629590, label: col, mode: 1, sliderMin: 0, sliderMax: 100, isDiscrete: true, x: 5, y: 279, visible: false }{ target: Stage, cmd: getVar:, param: row, color: 15629590, label: row, mode: 1, sliderMin: 0, sliderMax: 100, isDiscrete: true, x: 5, y: 252, visible: false }{ target: Stage, cmd: getVar:, param: shared active clone id, color: 15629590, label: shared active clone id, mode: 1, sliderMin: 0, sliderMax: 100, isDiscrete: true, x: 299, y: 1, visible: false }{ target: Sprite1, cmd: getVar:, param: subsequent slot, color: 15629590, label: Sprite1: subsequent slot, mode: 1, sliderMin: 0, sliderMax: 100, isDiscrete: true, x: 146, y: 86, visible: false }{ target: Stage, cmd: getVar:, param: next clone, color: 15629590, label: next clone, mode: 1, sliderMin: 0, sliderMax: 100, isDiscrete: true, x: 360, y: 106, visible: false }{ listName: widths, contents: << skipped >>, isPersistent: false, x: 0, y: 0, width: 142, height: 214, visible: false }{ listName: word list, contents: << skipped >>, isPersistent: false, x: 4, y: 45, width: 150, height: 250, visible: false }{ listName: rackpos, contents: << skipped >>, isPersistent: false, x: 67, y: 4, width: 86, height: 225, visible: false }{ listName: my position in rack, contents: << skipped >>, isPersistent: false, x: 3, y: 6, width: 136, height: 211, visible: false }{ listName: board, contents: << skipped >>, isPersistent: false, x: 211, y: 114, width: 102, height: 202, visible: false }, info: { videoOn: false, userAgent: Mozilla\/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:29.0) Gecko\/20100101 Firefox\/29.0, spriteCount: 6, swfVersion: v416, hasCloudData: false, scriptCount: 13, flashVersion: WIN 13,0,0,206, projectID: 21234602 } }