#include <vectrex.h>

static const char const *Version = "UNBLOCKME V0.2A 117 LEVELS";

#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE (0==0)
#define FALSE (0!=0)

#define uint8_t unsigned int
#define int8_t  int
#define int16_t long
#define int32_t long long

#define HORIZONTAL 0
#define VERTICAL 1

#define UP 0
#define LEFT 0
#define DOWN 1
#define RIGHT 1

#define SCALETEST 1 /* saves 5152 cycles */

// It's only the surrounding frame which needs vectors to be split in two,
// so we could if we preferred have two scales, one for blocks and one
// for the frame, so that the frame was drawn in single pieces.
// But since we are already down to an average of 30,000 cycles, there's
// no great advantage to be had from optimising more.

// Although, that said, one of the corners I had to cut to get down to 30K cycles
// was removing any permanent on-screen text.  If we ever want that back, then
// more scaling tweaks might be worth implementing.  But I like the clean interface.

#define DRAWING_SCALE 0x60
#define SCALE 40
#define GAP 4
#define FUDGE 2
#define CURSOR_SIZE 6
#define DRAWING_SCALE 0xC0
#define SCALE 20
#define GAP 2
#define FUDGE 0
#define CURSOR_SIZE 3

#define XOFF (3*SCALE)
#define YOFF (3*SCALE)

static inline void set_scale(unsigned int s) {
  VIA_t1_cnt_lo = s;

#ifdef DEBUG
static char debug_buffer[64];
void debug_int32(int y, int x, char *var, int32_t i) {
  char *s = debug_buffer, *startpos, *endpos;
  (void)y; (void)x;
  while (*var != '\0') {
    char c;
    c = *var++;
    *s++ = c;
  *s++ = ':'; *s++ = ' ';
  if (i < 0) *s++ = '-'; else i = -i;
  startpos = s;
  for (;;) {
    int32_t j = i / ((typeof(i))(10));
    char digit = (char)(i - j*((typeof(i))(10)));
    *s++ = '0'-digit;
    i = j;
    if (i == 0) break;
  endpos = s-1;
  //reverse(startpos, s);
  while (startpos < endpos) {
    char t = *startpos;
    *startpos = *endpos;
    *endpos = t;
    startpos += 1; endpos -= 1;
  *s++ = 0x80;
  *s = '\0';
  Reset0Ref(); set_scale(DRAWING_SCALE); Intensity_5F();
  Print_Str_d(y, x, debug_buffer);

#define NUM_GAMES (42U+75U)
const char const *puzzle[NUM_GAMES]  __attribute__ ((section(".text")))  = {
// new 75:












































































// original 42:


static unsigned char patList[2];
static void drawline_patterned(int y, int x, unsigned char pat)
  patList[0]=(unsigned char)y;
  patList[1]=(unsigned char)x;
  *(volatile unsigned char *)0xC829 = pat;
  *(volatile unsigned char *)0xC823 =0;

// a lot of global state in this program.
int block_x, block_y;
char block_tag;
char dragged_block;
int dragged_block_orientation;
int can_move_forward, can_move_back;

void draw_block(char *p, int ox, int oy, int horizontal, char block) {
  int h,w,blocksize;
  if (horizontal) {
    h = 1; w = 2;
    if ((ox < 4) && (p[oy*6+ox+2] == block)) w = 3;
    blocksize = w;
  } else {
    h = 2; w = 1;
    if ((oy < 4) && (p[(oy+2)*6+ox] == block)) h = 3;
    blocksize = h;

  Reset0Ref(); set_scale(DRAWING_SCALE); Intensity_5F();
  Moveto_d((6-oy)*SCALE-YOFF-GAP, ox*SCALE-XOFF+GAP); // top-left corner of where block will be drawn

  if (block == block_tag) {
    if (horizontal) {
      dragged_block_orientation = HORIZONTAL;
      can_move_forward = (((ox + w) < 6) && (p[oy*6 + ox + w] == '.'));
      can_move_back = (ox > 0) && (p[oy*6 + ox - 1] == '.');
    } else {
      dragged_block_orientation = VERTICAL;
      can_move_forward = (((oy + h) < 6) && (p[(oy+h)*6 + ox] == '.'));
      can_move_back = ((oy > 0) && (p[(oy-1)*6 + ox] == '.'));
    // if there is room for this block to move, draw it dashed - otherwise draw it
    // solid but with Intensity_7F() ... make note of which direction movement is
    // possible. it may be both so need two flags: forward and back maps to right,down and up,left
    // depending on orientation
    if (can_move_forward || can_move_back) {
      drawline_patterned(0, w*SCALE-GAP*2, 0xC3);
      drawline_patterned(-h*SCALE+GAP*2, 0, 0xC3);
      drawline_patterned(0,-w*SCALE+GAP*2, 0xC3);
      drawline_patterned(h*SCALE-GAP*2, 0, 0xC3);
      if (block == 'X') {
        // The key block
        drawline_patterned(-h*SCALE+GAP*2, w*SCALE-GAP*2, 0xC3);
  Draw_Line_d(0, w*SCALE-GAP*2);
  Draw_Line_d(-h*SCALE+GAP*2, 0);
  Draw_Line_d(h*SCALE-GAP*2, 0);
  if (block == 'X') {
    Draw_Line_d(-h*SCALE+GAP*2, w*SCALE-GAP*2);

void Move(char *p, char c, int dir) {
  int i,j;
  for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) {   // top to bottom
    for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { // left to right
      if (p[j*6+i] == c) { // first one it hits, topmost or leftmost
        if ((i < 4) && (p[j*6+i+2] == c)) {
          // left of horizontal triple
          //fprintf(stderr, "[3] left/right\n");
          if ((dir==LEFT) && (i > 0) && (p[j*6+i-1] == '.')) {
            // horizontal triple move left
            //fprintf(stderr, "[3] left\n");
            p[j*6+i-1] = c; p[j*6+i+2] = '.';
          } else if ((dir==RIGHT) && (i < 3) && (p[j*6+i+3] == '.')) {
            // horizontal triple move right
            //fprintf(stderr, "[3] right\n");
            p[j*6+i+3] = c; p[j*6+i] = '.';
        } else if ((i < 5) && (p[j*6+i+1] == c)) {
          // left of horizontal pair
          //fprintf(stderr, "[2] left/right\n");
          if ((dir==LEFT) && (i > 0) && (p[j*6+i-1] == '.')) {
            // horizontal pair move left
            //fprintf(stderr, "[2] left\n");
            p[j*6+i-1] = c; p[j*6+i+1] = '.';
          } else if ((dir==RIGHT) && (i < 4) && (p[j*6+i+2] == '.')) {
            // horizontal pair move right
            //fprintf(stderr, "[2] right\n");
            p[j*6+i+2] = c; p[j*6+i] = '.';

        if ((j < 4) && (p[(j+2)*6+i] == c)) {
          // top of vertical triple
          //fprintf(stderr, "[3] up/down\n");
          if ((dir==UP) && (j > 0) && (p[(j-1)*6+i] == '.')) {
            // vertical triple move up
            p[(j-1)*6+i] = c; p[(j+2)*6+i] = '.';
            //fprintf(stderr, "[3] up\n");
          } else if ((dir==DOWN) && (j < 3) && (p[(j+3)*6+i] == '.')) {
            // vertical triple down
            p[(j+3)*6+i] = c; p[j*6+i] = '.'; 
            //fprintf(stderr, "[3] down\n");
        } else if ((j < 5) && (p[(j+1)*6+i] == c)) {
          // top of vertical pair
          //fprintf(stderr, "[2] up/down\n");
          if ((dir==UP) && (j > 0) && (p[(j-1)*6+i] == '.')) {
            // vertical pair move up
            p[(j-1)*6+i] = c; p[(j+1)*6+i] = '.';
            //fprintf(stderr, "[2] up\n");
          } else if ((dir==DOWN) && (j < 4) && (p[(j+2)*6+i] == '.')) {
            // vertical pair down
            p[(j+2)*6+i] = c; p[j*6+i] = '.';
            //fprintf(stderr, "[2] down\n");

static unsigned int next_game = 0;

void draw_screen(char *p, int show_screen_no) {
  int i,j;
  char block;
  char lev[5] = { ' ', ' ', ' ', 0x80, '\0' };
  unsigned int tens, hundreds;
  if (show_screen_no || (Vec_Btn_State&1)) {
    // 2413 extra cycles for this: :-(
    int first_digit = 2;
    lev[0] = lev[1] = lev[2] = ' ';
    hundreds = 0U;
    tens = next_game/10U;
    if (tens >= 10U) { tens -= 10U; hundreds = 1U; first_digit = 0;}
    if (tens && !hundreds) first_digit = 1;

    if (hundreds) lev[first_digit++] = '1';
    if (tens || hundreds) lev[first_digit++] = (char)tens+'0';
    lev[first_digit] = (char)(next_game - tens*10 - hundreds*100)+'0';

    set_scale(DRAWING_SCALE); Intensity_7F();
    if (hundreds) {
      first_digit = -21;
    } else if (tens && !hundreds) {
      first_digit = -26;
    } else {
      // single_digit
      first_digit = -30;
    Print_Str_d(-120, first_digit, lev);
  Moveto_d(0*SCALE-YOFF-2-FUDGE, 0*SCALE-XOFF-2-FUDGE); // top-left corner of where block will be drawn
  // might be better to move to center of block at MOVESCALE before drawing at DRAWSCALE,
  // to allow for a small gap around the blocks...

  // on vectrex it is drawing with a small gap in the center of the three
  // long perimeters.  make sure there isn't a bug here in the handling of GAP...
  // (though most likely it is a vectrex issue.  It looks OK in the emulator)
  Draw_Line_d(0, 3*SCALE+GAP);
  Draw_Line_d(0, 3*SCALE+GAP);
  Draw_Line_d(0, 6*SCALE+GAP*2);

  Draw_Line_d(3*SCALE, 0);
  Moveto_d(SCALE+GAP*2, 0);
  Draw_Line_d(2*SCALE, 0);

  Draw_Line_d(0, -3*SCALE-GAP);
  Draw_Line_d(0, -3*SCALE-GAP);
  Draw_Line_d(0, -6*SCALE-GAP*2);

  Draw_Line_d(-3*SCALE-GAP, 0);
  Draw_Line_d(-3*SCALE-GAP, 0);
  Draw_Line_d(-6*SCALE-GAP*2, 0);

  for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) {   // top to bottom
    for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { // left to right
      block = p[j*6+i];
      if (block == '.') continue;
      if ((i > 0) && (p[j*6+i-1] == block)) {
        // horizontal block handled already
      } else if ((i < 5) && (p[j*6+i+1] == block)) {
        // horizontal block
        draw_block(p, i,j, TRUE, block);
      } else if ((j > 0) && (p[(j-1)*6+i] == block)) {
        // vertical block handled already
      } else if ((j < 5) && (p[(j+1)*6+i] == block)) {
        // vertical block
        draw_block(p, i,j, FALSE, block);
      } else {
        // error

void fetch_new_game(char *p) {
  int i,j;

  if (next_game == NUM_GAMES) {
    // Need some bells and whsitles to congratulate the player.
    for (;;) {
      // Should we add a loud musical fanfare?
      Reset0Ref(); set_scale(DRAWING_SCALE); Intensity_7F();
      Print_Str_d(-120, -48, "CHAMPION!\x80");
      draw_screen(p, FALSE);
  for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) {   // top to bottom
    for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { // left to right
      p[j*6+i] = puzzle[next_game][j*6+i]; // copy to writable string
  next_game += 1;

void Get_Cursor(char *p) {
  int mouse_x, mouse_y;

  // setting this to 0x7f or 0x80 freezes tracki
  //*(volatile int *)0xC81A = (int)0x80; // minimum analog resolution

  // snap mouse to nearest block
  // avoid divides.
  mouse_x = (((Vec_Joy_1_X>>1)+1) >> 4) + 3;
  mouse_y = (((Vec_Joy_1_Y>>1)+1) >> 4) + 2;

  if (mouse_x < 0) mouse_x = 0;
  if (mouse_y < 0) mouse_y = 0;
  if (mouse_x > 5) mouse_x = 5;
  if (mouse_y > 5) mouse_y = 5;

  block_x = mouse_x; // grid coordinates within p[]
  block_y = 5-mouse_y;
  mouse_y = (mouse_y-3) * SCALE + SCALE/2;
  mouse_x = (mouse_x-3) * SCALE + SCALE/2;

  block_tag = p[block_y*6+block_x]; // used to highlight selected block

  // There is a problem displaying the cursor, where it gets distorted depending
  // on the y coordinate.  Make sure that the cause is a vectrex problem and not
  // an actual bug, perhaps caused by wrong scaling of the positioning of the
  // beam before drawing the two bars of the X. (although it does look OK to me)
  Reset0Ref(); set_scale(DRAWING_SCALE); Intensity_7F();
  // Draw an X at the cursor
  Moveto_d(mouse_y-CURSOR_SIZE, mouse_x-CURSOR_SIZE);
  // lower left to top right
  Draw_Line_d(CURSOR_SIZE*2,CURSOR_SIZE*2); //   /
  Reset0Ref(); set_scale(DRAWING_SCALE); Intensity_7F();
  Moveto_d(mouse_y+CURSOR_SIZE, mouse_x-CURSOR_SIZE);
  // upper left to lower right
  Draw_Line_d(-CURSOR_SIZE*2,CURSOR_SIZE*2); //   \ ...

STATE state = WAITING; // set to DONE to skip intro animation
#define set_scale(s) do { VIA_t1_cnt_lo = s; } while (0)
static long reset_size;
struct cartridge_t // from cartridge.c unfortunately
	char copyright[11];			// copyright string, must start with "g GCE" and must end with "\x80"
	const void* music;			// 16 bit memory adress of title music data
	signed int title_height;	// signed 8 bit value, height of game title letters
	unsigned int title_width;	// unsigned 8 bit value, width of game title letters
	int title_y;				// signed 8 bit value, y coordinate of game title
	int title_x;				// signed 8 bit value, x coordinate of game title
	char title[]; 				// game title string, must end with "\x80\x00"

extern struct cartridge_t game_header __attribute__((section(".cartridge"))); // dropped const.

void fake_title(int x, int y) {
    Reset0Ref(); set_scale(0x70);
    // default offset is -16 -72
    *(volatile long *)0xC82A = reset_size;
    Print_Str_d(69,-45, game_header.title);
    Reset0Ref(); set_scale(0x70);
    set_scale(0x38); Moveto_d(0,1);
    *(volatile long *)0xC82A = (long)0xf848; // ht wd
    Print_Str_d(21,-38, game_header.copyright);

static int sin, cos;

int main(void) {
  // int steps, direction; char block;
  int prev_x, prev_y;
  unsigned int Prev_Btn_State = 0;
  int mouse_down = 0, mouse_was_down = 0;
  char p[6*6];
  int delay = 127;
  sin = -96; cos = 1;
  reset_size = *(volatile long *)0xC82A;
  for (;;) {

    switch (state) {
      case WAITING:  Wait_Recal();
                     fake_title(cos-31, sin);
                     delay -= 1;
                     if (delay == 0) {
                       state = MOVING;
                       delay = 2; // loops/2
      case MOVING:   Wait_Recal();
                     sin = sin - (cos >> 4);
                     cos = cos + (sin >> 4);
                     fake_title(cos-31, sin);
                     if (sin == -96 && cos == 1) {
                       delay -= 1;
                       if (delay == 0) {
                         state = STOPPING;
                         delay = 0x7F;
      case STOPPING: Wait_Recal();
                     Intensity_a((unsigned int)delay);
                     fake_title(cos-31, sin); // fade out
                     delay -= 1;
                     if (delay == 0) state = DONE;
      case DONE:     goto PLAY;

  dragged_block = 0, dragged_block_orientation = -1;
  can_move_forward = FALSE; can_move_back = FALSE; // short for 'dragged block can move forward'
  Vec_Joy_Mux_1_X = 1; // enable analog joystick mode
  Vec_Joy_Mux_1_Y = 3;
  Get_Cursor(p); // place result in block_x, block_y
  prev_x = block_x; prev_y = block_y; // initialise.

  for (;;) {
    Reset0Ref(); set_scale(DRAWING_SCALE);

    block_tag = 0;
    Get_Cursor(p); // place result in block_x, block_y

    draw_screen(p, FALSE); // It is IMPORTANT that the screen is drawn before any
                           // drag/drop actions are taken.  If you don't understand why
                           // then DO NOT move this line...

    if (block_tag) { // cursor is over a block, not an empty square
      // if we use buttons to skip forward and back through the levels, add that here...
      if (  ((Vec_Btn_State&3) == 3) && ((Prev_Btn_State&3) != 3)  ) {
        if (next_game > 1) {
          next_game -= 2;
      } else if (  ((Vec_Btn_State&5) == 5) && ((Prev_Btn_State&5) != 5)  ) {
        if (next_game < NUM_GAMES) {
      Prev_Btn_State = Vec_Btn_State;
      mouse_down = ((Vec_Btn_State & 8) != 0);
      if (mouse_down && !mouse_was_down) {
        // this was a click
        dragged_block = block_tag; // all the cool stuff will happen on the next frame
      } else if (mouse_down) {
        // this is a continuing drag
        // constrain movement within allowed directions, move block to nearest square
        // which may be no movement at all
        block_tag = dragged_block;// force it to stay the same even of cursor wandering
        if (dragged_block_orientation == HORIZONTAL) {
          if ((block_x < prev_x) && can_move_back) {
            Move(p, block_tag, LEFT);
          } else if ((block_x > prev_x) && can_move_forward) {
            Move(p, block_tag, RIGHT);
        } else if (dragged_block_orientation == VERTICAL) {
          if ((block_y < prev_y) && can_move_back) {
            Move(p, block_tag, UP);
          } else if ((block_y > prev_y) && can_move_forward) {
            Move(p, block_tag, DOWN);
      } else if (mouse_was_down) { // (but is no longer...)
        // end of drag - drop now.
        // actually if we were moving on the fly, nothing really needs to
        // be done except for unsetting a few variables
        dragged_block = 0; dragged_block_orientation = -1;
        can_move_forward = FALSE; can_move_back = FALSE;
        block_tag = 0; // probably should also do this.
      } else {
        // no change, just redraw
      mouse_was_down = mouse_down;

    if ((p[2*6+4] == 'X') && (p[2*6+5] == 'X')) {
      long t;
      for (t = 0L; t < 128L; t++) {
        // Freeze the display for a short time before starting next level!
        // should we add a small musical feedback?
        // Would also be nice to allow a pause here so that the player can
        // photograph the final position as proof of completion.
        // I considered freezing by default until a button was pressed to
        // move on, but rejected it as bad UI design.
        // But if we invent a pause button, need to show a "PAUSED" message
        // which then fades out to allow a clean photograph. And do we also
        // have to put up a message saying which button to use to unpause?
        // This is all getting rather messy... so in the end, doing nothing.
        Reset0Ref(); set_scale(DRAWING_SCALE);
        Print_Str_d(-120, -76, "LEVEL    SOLVED\x80");
        draw_screen(p, TRUE); // force screen no to be drawn
    prev_x = block_x;
    prev_y = block_y;
  return 0;