{$D-,R-,U-,T+,F+,W+,X+,I3660 - Tutu - was 3320} PROGRAM PasComp (INPUT, OUTPUT, SOURCE, CODEF, ERRFILE); LABEL 999; { Machine code entry points } CONST EQID = &8EE; { Searches id names table at current lev for match with the id just found } RESWRD = &8B8; { Searches reserved word table for a match with the id just found } PNTRINIT = &D7F; { Initialise compiler's flags } SEARCH = &D8D; { Searches a linked list of code patches to insert a new one } TABSEARCH = &DE9; { Takes an index into a byte table and returns the result in the accumulator } HEXCON = &DF1; { Converts a string of hex digits to a number } TABINIT = &D70; { inserts 'INPUT OUTPUT ' into table } DELFILE = &E43; { Deletes code file if present } OLO = &D1; { Low byte of OPTYPVAL table } OHI = &D; { High byte of OPTYPVAL table } MLO = &DA; { Low byte of MOVTYPVAL table } MHI = &D; { High byte of MOVTYPVAL table } STRACC = &41A; { String accumulator } {$S'PasComp' - still in a CONST declaration !}