; ; ********************************************************************* ; ; The section of a Redefinable Telesoftware Decoder ; to set up the Command Library's index ; ; (C) C.J. Oswald 1982 ; -- rtf1 -- ; ; ********************************************************************* ; ; ; *********************************************************************** ; * * ; * A Redefinable Telesoftware Format Decoder * ; * * ; * for the BBC microcomputer's teletext filing system * ; * * ; *********************************************************************** ; ; *********************************************************************** ; * * ; * (according to the specifications given in * ; * "A Redefinable Telesoftware Format" * ; * Document version 1.2 - Author C J Oswald) * ; * * ; * This program (C) copyright C J Oswald 1982 * ; * * ; *********************************************************************** ; ; *********************************************************************** ; * * ; * Program version number 1.5 * ; * ** IMPORTANT! see notes below ** * ; * * ; *********************************************************************** ; ; ; symbolic I/O values ; ; ; error codes nostac * 200 unex00 * 201 unexpe * 202 nosuch * 203 ille00 * 204 noheap * 205 nomore * 206 cantfi * 207 nofile * 208 ; ; OSWORD calls contro * &7A retran * &80 starto * &81 retu00 * &82 endofb * &83 star04 * &84 unlo02 * &9A next02 * &86 nextpa * &88 next01 * &95 ; ; ****************************************************** ; IMPORTANT! The specification for the osword call to ; contro option next02 has been ; changed since the RTF decoder was written. At present ; this interface should not work. ; ****************************************************** ; IMPORTANT! The specification for the OSWORD call with ; XY+0=4 has been added since the RTF deocder was ; written. This is not catered for by the code. ; ****************************************************** ; getbyt/putbyte calls getfro * &0F getdec * &0E ; ; OSFIND calls open00 * &C0 thehan * &0E ; ; OSFILE calls openfi * 7 addres * 5 ; ; the following commands are not implemented ddt * dig dac * dig dnc * dig ceb * error cet * error csb * error ce0 * error ce1 * error ce2 * error ce3 * error ce4 * error ce5 * error dsa * error dsl * error dsn * error dst * error emp * error tx8 * error vdx * error ; libind = "CEB",&11 & ceb ; &5A = "CET",&90 & cet ; &41 = "CSB",&10 & csb ; &41 = "CE0",&12 & ce0 ; &30 = "CE1",&12 & ce1 ; &31 = "CE2",&12 & ce2 ; &32 = "CE3",&12 & ce3 ; &33 = "CE4",&12 & ce4 ; &34 = "CE5",&12 & ce5 ; &35 = "DAC",&92 & dac ; &76 = "DCO",&92 & dco ; &6A = "DDT",&92 & ddt ; &69 = "DEB",&91 & deb ; &63 = "DEC",&92 & dec ; &72 = "DEF",&92 & def ; &79 = "DES",&92 & des ; &71 = "DET",&92 & det ; &64 = "DIG",&92 & dig ; &6B = "DIR",&92 & dir ; &70 = "DLA",&92 & dla ; &6C = "DLC",&92 & dlc ; &74 = "DLR",&92 & dlr ; &6D = "DLS",&92 & dls ; &73 = "DNC",&92 & dnc ; &67 = "DND",&92 & dnd ; &78 = "DSA",&90 & dsa ; &75 = "DSB",&90 & dsb ; &62 = "DSL",&92 & dsl ; &65 = "DSN",&90 & dsn ; &66 = "DST",&92 & dst ; &68 = "DTL",&92 & dtl ; &61 = "DXA",&92 & dxa ; &6E = "DXR",&92 & dxr ; &6F = "ESC",&00 & 00 ; &00 = "EMP",&90 & emp ; &45 = "TXT",&90 & txt ; &42 = "TX8",&90 & tx8 ; &43 = "UER",&1F & 00 ; &00 = "ULB",&12 & ulb ; &7E = "URB",&12 & urb ; &60 = "VDX",&90 & vdx ; &44 = "TXO",&90 ; *** Tim *** TXO added for *LOAD etc & txo ; &46 ; | = 0 ; *** TIM *** New end ; contli = &41,&76,&6A,&69,&63,&72 = &79,&71,&64,&6B,&70,&6C = &74,&6D,&73,&67,&78,&75 = &62,&65,&66,&68,&61,&6E = &6F,&45,&42,&43,&44,&46 ; *** Tim *** &46 added for TXO ; LNK RTF2