Hugo sLib Hugo Hugo Xy!E End of file reached NULL: cannot open code= Illegal IMP stream number *** Failed to wind down input: : *** Failed to wind down output: IOLIB Hugo sLib _rif _rif Hugo AADD DDDDD ADADA AfffFa Stop Program Arguments DecodeInit DecodeArg DecodeEnd GetStringArg GetIntegerArg GetErrorInformation Error XBlockWrite SBlockWrite BlockRead XWriteByte FindInput FindOutput CloseStream XSelectInput XSelectOutput XDeleteFile File SetFileOffset XBytesOutstanding Signal Handler Allocate Store Date TimeAndDate Time StandardTime FICODE/=1 OPTIONS/=1/I MODULE/=1 AOF/=1 PRIMIN/=1 HANDLER/=1 LANG/=1/I internal failure -- -- tb-tmp#***Error during compilation: Event -- incorrect arguments for LLBE ICODE OPTIONS MODULE HANDLER PRIMIN LANG LLBE Hugo sLib 6P'n not assigned invalid ordinal value unassigned pointer ??? not assigned = 16_ = 16_ (not assigned?) = reserved operand reserved operand Chr( (disposed) U5E% &6FVf HXuaqhex Event Overflow Integer overflow Real overflow String overflow Division by zero Excess resource Not enough store Output exceeded Time exceeded Data error Symbol value in data Corrupt data Data transmission error Invalid arguments For loop cannot terminate Illegal exponent Array inside-out String inside-out Illegal parameter Out of range Array index ( ) not in bounds Switch index ( Illegal event Charno does not exist is not a character value Resolution fails Undefined value Unassigned variable Switch label ( Corrupt control variable I/O error Input ended Illegal stream NIL pointer used Reference to DISPOSED object'Zero or negative argument for logarithm Significance lost x MOD is not permitted Missing case!Negative argument for square root Disposing NIL pointer Interrupt Executing IMP Pascal 'C' called from line in starting at line module Stopped at line in ^ PANDIAG Hugo sLib |_Xx Hugo sLib ----> Initialise ----> Stop ----> Exception Exception ----> Exception passed on ----> Diagnose ----> Diagnose passed on ----> Describe frame ----> Describe module data ----> Unwind ----> Unknown handler type LLHAND *******continue*********l SIGNAL 9]'~ Heap failure -- Cannot extend heap Heap Corrupt 3 Heap Corrupt 4 Extend heap logic errorV HEAP 6x>;6d REALIO STACKCH Hugo sLib s00_p0 s44_p4 s88_p8 s<<_p< ~,|W x_`4_`0 |_`0_`4 |_X<_X, b88_`< |_`< |,_`8_`<_`0_`4\` |_P XGetTabs = GetTabs < XSetTabs ; SetTabs 2 XBytesOutstanding 1 BytesOutstanding , XSBlockWrite + SBlockWrite " XBlockWrite ! BlockWrite XSelectUpdate SelectUpdate XFindUpdate FindUpdate * XSBlockRead ) SBlockRead XBlockRead IO BlockRead PbE2 FP_Program 1985-06-06 17:27:39.62 32016 ZASM 2.10 IFXARGUMENTS IFARGUMENTS IFSTOP IFXRUN IFCALL IFXCALL IFXCALLRUNOROBEY IFCALLRUNOROBEY IFXFILENAME IFFILENAME IFXSETKNOWNCOMMANDSPATH IFSETKNOWNCOMMANDSPATH IFXINVOKE IFINVOKE IFXVERBOSITY IFVERBOSITY IFXSWITCHREQUIRED IFSWITCHREQUIRED IFXVERBOSITYREQUIRED IFVERBOSITYREQUIRED IFXHELPREQUIRED IFHELPREQUIRED IFXIDENTIFYREQUIRED IFIDENTIFYREQUIRED IFNAME IFOBEY IFXNAME IFXOBEY IFRUN Program XArguments Program Arguments Program XRun Program Call Program Run Program XCall Program XCallRunOrObey Program CallRunOrObey Program Name Program XFileName Program FileName Program Obey Program XSetKnownCommandsPath Program SetKnownCommandsPath Program XInvoke Program Invoke Program XVerbosity Program Verbosity Program XSwitchRequired Program SwitchRequired Program XVerbosityRequired Program VerbosityRequired Program Program XName Program XObey Program Stop Hugo sLib _X4_X0_ ctWX4 ^4p_X0_X4' xxWX4W _`0_`4 f0\_`0 _X0_X4 Hugo sLib PbE2 FP_Random 1985-05-30 10:41:00.28 32016 ZASM 2.10 IFXSETRANDOMSEED IFSETRANDOMSEED IFXRANDOM IFRANDOM Random XSetRandomSeed Random SetRandomSeed Random XRandom Random Random PbE2 FP_Store 1985-05-29 16:52:08.56 32016 ZASM 2.10 IFXGETNEWTAG IFGETNEWTAG IFXDEALLOCATEGROUP IFDEALLOCATEGROUP IFXSETSTORETAG IFSETSTORETAG IFXRESETHEAPEND IFRESETHEAPEND IFXSETHEAPEND IFSETHEAPEND IFXALLOCATEWITHTAG IFALLOCATEWITHTAG IFXDEALLOCATETOP IFDEALLOCATETOP IFXRETURNTAG IFRETURNTAG IFGETSTOREINFORMATION IFXDEALLOCATEBOTTOM IFDEALLOCATEBOTTOM IFXDEALLOCATE IFDEALLOCATE IFXALLOCATE IFALLOCATE Store XGetNewTag Store GetNewTag Store XDeallocateGroup Store DeallocateGroup Store XSetStoreTag Store SetStoreTag Store XResetHeapEnd Store ResetHeapEnd Store XSetHeapEnd Store SetHeapEnd Store XAllocateWithTag Store AllocateWithTag Store XDeallocateTop Store DeallocateTop Store XReturnTag Store ReturnTag Store GetStoreInformation Store XDeallocateBottom Store DeallocateBottom Store XDeallocate Store Deallocate Store XAllocate Store Allocate PbE2 FP_TimeAndDate 1985-05-29 16:53:23.08 32016 ZASM 2.10 IFXTIME IFXTEXTUALTIMEOFBINARYTIME IFTEXTUALTIMEOFBINARYTIME IFXSTANDARDTIMEOFBINARYTIME IFSTANDARDTIMEOFBINARYTIME IFXSETBINARYTIME IFSETBINARYTIME IFXBINARYTIME IFBINARYTIME IFXTIMEANDDATE IFTIMEANDDATE IFXBINARYTIMEOFTEXTUALTIME IFBINARYTIMEOFTEXTUALTIME IFDATE IFXDATE IFXSTANDARDTIME IFSTANDARDTIME IFXBINARYTIMEOFSTANDARDTIME IFBINARYTIMEOFSTANDARDTIME IFTIME TimeAndDate XTime TimeAndDate TextualTimeOfBinaryTime TimeAndDate StandardTimeOfBinaryTime TimeAndDate XSetBinaryTime TimeAndDate SetBinaryTime TimeAndDate XBinaryTime TimeAndDate BinaryTime TimeAndDate XTimeAndDate TimeAndDate TimeAndDate TimeAndDate Date TimeAndDate XBinaryTimeOfTextualTime TimeAndDate BinaryTimeOfTextualTime TimeAndDate XDate TimeAndDate TimeAndDate XStandardTime TimeAndDate StandardTime TimeAndDate Time TimeAndDate XBinaryTimeOfStandardTime TimeAndDate BinaryTimeOfStandardTime PbE2 FP_Wild 1985-05-29 16:54:01.28 32016 ZASM 2.10 IFXWSUBSTITUTE IFWSUBSTITUTE IFXMATCH IFMATCH Wild XSubstitute Wild Substitute Hugo sLib Hugo sLib Hugo Hugo Xy!E End of file reached NULL: cannot open code= Illegal IMP stream number *** Failed to wind down input: : *** Failed to wind down output: IOLIB Hugo sLib Illegal IMP stream number *** Failed to wind down input: : *** Failed to wind down output: Hugo sLib Hugo Hugo PanosLib PanosLib Hugo Xy!E End of file reached NULL: cannot open code= Illegal IMP stream number *** Failed to wind down input: : *** Failed to wind down output: IOLIB Hugo sLib _rif _rif Hugo AADD DDDDD ADADA AfffFa Stop Program Arguments DecodeInit DecodeArg DecodeEnd GetStringArg GetIntegerArg GetErrorInformation Error XBlockWrite SBlockWrite BlockRead XWriteByte FindInput FindOutput CloseStream XSelectInput XSelectOutput XDeleteFile File SetFileOffset XBytesOutstanding Signal Handler Allocate Store Date TimeAndDate Time StandardTime FICODE/=1 OPTIONS/=1/I MODULE/=1 AOF/=1 PRIMIN/=1 HANDLER/=1 LANG/=1/I internal failure -- -- tb-tmp#***Error during compilation: Event -- incorrect arguments for LLBE ICODE OPTIONS MODULE HANDLER PRIMIN LANG LLBE Hugo sLib 6P'n not assigned invalid ordinal value unassigned pointer ??? not assigned = 16_ = 16_ (not assigned?) = reserved operand reserved operand Chr( (disposed) U5E% &6FVf HXuaqhex Event Overflow Integer overflow Real overflow String overflow Division by zero Excess resource Not enough store Output exceeded Time exceeded Data error Symbol value in data Corrupt data Data transmission error Invalid arguments For loop cannot terminate Illegal exponent Array inside-out String inside-out Illegal parameter Out of range Array index ( ) not in bounds Switch index ( Illegal event Charno does not exist is not a character value Resolution fails Undefined value Unassigned variable Switch label ( Corrupt control variable I/O error Input ended Illegal stream NIL pointer used Reference to DISPOSED object'Zero or negative argument for logarithm Significance lost x MOD is not permitted Missing case!Negative argument for square root Disposing NIL pointer Interrupt Executing IMP Pascal 'C' called from line in starting at line module Stopped at line in ^ PANDIAG Hugo sLib |_Xx Hugo sLib ----> Initialise ----> Stop ----> Exception Exception ----> Exception passed on ----> Diagnose ----> Diagnose passed on ----> Describe frame ----> Describe module data ----> Unwind ----> Unknown handler type LLHAND *******continue*********l SIGNAL 9]'~ Heap failure -- Cannot extend heap Heap Corrupt 3 Heap Corrupt 4 Extend heap logic errorV HEAP 6x>;6d REALIO STACKCH Hugo sLib s00_p0 s44_p4 s88_p8 s<<_p< ~,|W x_`4_`0 |_`0_`4 |_X<_X, b88_`< |_`< |,_`8_`<_`0_`4\` |_P XGetTabs = GetTabs < XSetTabs ; SetTabs 2 XBytesOutstanding 1 BytesOutstanding , XSBlockWrite + SBlockWrite " XBlockWrite ! BlockWrite XSelectUpdate SelectUpdate XFindUpdate FindUpdate * XSBlockRead ) SBlockRead XBlockRead IO BlockRead PbE2 FP_Program 1985-06-06 17:27:39.62 32016 ZASM 2.10 IFXARGUMENTS IFARGUMENTS IFSTOP IFXRUN IFCALL IFXCALL IFXCALLRUNOROBEY IFCALLRUNOROBEY IFXFILENAME IFFILENAME IFXSETKNOWNCOMMANDSPATH IFSETKNOWNCOMMANDSPATH IFXINVOKE IFINVOKE IFXVERBOSITY IFVERBOSITY IFXSWITCHREQUIRED IFSWITCHREQUIRED IFXVERBOSITYREQUIRED IFVERBOSITYREQUIRED IFXHELPREQUIRED IFHELPREQUIRED IFXIDENTIFYREQUIRED IFIDENTIFYREQUIRED IFNAME IFOBEY IFXNAME IFXOBEY IFRUN Program XArguments Program Arguments Program XRun Program Call Program Run Program XCall Program XCallRunOrObey Program CallRunOrObey Program Name Program XFileName Program FileName Program Obey Program XSetKnownCommandsPath Program SetKnownCommandsPath Program XInvoke Program Invoke Program XVerbosity Program Verbosity Program XSwitchRequired Program SwitchRequired Program XVerbosityRequired Program VerbosityRequired Program Program XName Program XObey Program Stop Hugo sLib _X4_X0_ ctWX4 ^4p_X0_X4' xxWX4W _`0_`4 f0\_`0 _X0_X4 Hugo sLib PbE2 FP_Random 1985-05-30 10:41:00.28 32016 ZASM 2.10 IFXSETRANDOMSEED IFSETRANDOMSEED IFXRANDOM IFRANDOM Random XSetRandomSeed Random SetRandomSeed Random XRandom Random Random PbE2 FP_Store 1985-05-29 16:52:08.56 32016 ZASM 2.10 IFXGETNEWTAG IFGETNEWTAG IFXDEALLOCATEGROUP IFDEALLOCATEGROUP IFXSETSTORETAG IFSETSTORETAG IFXRESETHEAPEND IFRESETHEAPEND IFXSETHEAPEND IFSETHEAPEND IFXALLOCATEWITHTAG IFALLOCATEWITHTAG IFXDEALLOCATETOP IFDEALLOCATETOP IFXRETURNTAG IFRETURNTAG IFGETSTOREINFORMATION IFXDEALLOCATEBOTTOM IFDEALLOCATEBOTTOM IFXDEALLOCATE IFDEALLOCATE IFXALLOCATE IFALLOCATE Store XGetNewTag Store GetNewTag Store XDeallocateGroup Store DeallocateGroup Store XSetStoreTag Store SetStoreTag Store XResetHeapEnd Store ResetHeapEnd Store XSetHeapEnd Store SetHeapEnd Store XAllocateWithTag Store AllocateWithTag Store XDeallocateTop Store DeallocateTop Store XReturnTag Store ReturnTag Store GetStoreInformation Store XDeallocateBottom Store DeallocateBottom Store XDeallocate Store Deallocate Store XAllocate Store Allocate PbE2 FP_TimeAndDate 1985-05-29 16:53:23.08 32016 ZASM 2.10 IFXTIME IFXTEXTUALTIMEOFBINARYTIME IFTEXTUALTIMEOFBINARYTIME IFXSTANDARDTIMEOFBINARYTIME IFSTANDARDTIMEOFBINARYTIME IFXSETBINARYTIME IFSETBINARYTIME IFXBINARYTIME IFBINARYTIME IFXTIMEANDDATE IFTIMEANDDATE IFXBINARYTIMEOFTEXTUALTIME IFBINARYTIMEOFTEXTUALTIME IFDATE IFXDATE IFXSTANDARDTIME IFSTANDARDTIME IFXBINARYTIMEOFSTANDARDTIME IFBINARYTIMEOFSTANDARDTIME IFTIME TimeAndDate XTime TimeAndDate TextualTimeOfBinaryTime TimeAndDate StandardTimeOfBinaryTime TimeAndDate XSetBinaryTime TimeAndDate SetBinaryTime TimeAndDate XBinaryTime TimeAndDate BinaryTime TimeAndDate XTimeAndDate TimeAndDate TimeAndDate TimeAndDate Date TimeAndDate XBinaryTimeOfTextualTime TimeAndDate BinaryTimeOfTextualTime TimeAndDate XDate TimeAndDate TimeAndDate XStandardTime TimeAndDate StandardTime TimeAndDate Time TimeAndDate XBinaryTimeOfStandardTime TimeAndDate BinaryTimeOfStandardTime PbE2 FP_Wild 1985-05-29 16:54:01.28 32016 ZASM 2.10 IFXWSUBSTITUTE IFWSUBSTITUTE IFXMATCH IFMATCH Wild XSubstitute Wild Substitute Hugo sLib |WR00 x_P8_P<_P, Wd_P PpW@ Qtc` WPpW" Hugo sLib Wild XMatch Wild Match scal Unknown0123456789AB AADD DDDDD ADADA Affff Stop Program Arguments DecodeInit DecodeArg HelpRequired DecodeEnd GetStateArg GetStringArg GetErrorInformation Error XBlockWrite SBlockWrite BlockRead XWriteByte FindInput FindOutput CloseStream InputStream XEndOfFile XSelectInput XSelectOutput SetFileOffset XBytesOutstanding XDeleteFile File GetGlobalString GlobalString Signal Handler Allocate Store CurrentHeapEnd Date TimeAndDate Time StandardTime Version fails -- -- ta-tmp tb-tmp #***Error during compilation: Event -- Imp Prog compiles Prog-imp giving Prog-aof Imp Prog -List as above but puts a listing in Prog-lis Imp Prog -List temp as above but the listing goes to temp Imp Prog -aof NewProg puts object file into NewProg-aof Options: -NoWarn inhibit Hugo sLib |_@< |_@, V4xW |_H0_H4 WB(( wd_p Hugo sLib s warning messages -NoChecks inhibits generation of checking code -NoDiags inhibits generation of diagnostic tablesM -Identify displays compiler identification e.g. Imp Prog -NoWarn incorrect arguments SOURCE IDENTIFY -imp -aof MODULE TRUSTED NODIAGS NOCHECKS NOASSIGNED NOSTACK NORANGE DECODE MONITOR NOTIFY NOWARN EXTEND NEWPRIM LL$PRIM2LL$PRIM has not been defined; it is usually $.PRIM PREDEF IMP$PREDEF7IMP$PREDEF has not been defined; it is usually $.PREDEF PRIM Cannot access primitives file !Cannot access predefinition file LIST LISTFILE Source file: Compiled on at Acorn 32016 IMP Compiler . produced for Acorn by Lattice Logic Ltd. Program contains fault primitive statement compiled IMPNS <|'~ pxWqx pGph nW3t t_phW l_pp4 tz-W Hugo sLib _H0_H4 Z:x_ N4lW N0t_H0 Hugo sLib xWkpt xG@\ 1+6l 35d4 Hugo sLib Hugo sLib Hugo Hugo Xy!E End of file reached NULL: cannot open code= Illegal IMP stream number *** Failed to wind down input: : *** Failed to wind down output: IOLIB Hugo sLib _rif _rif Hugo AADD DDDDD ADADA AfffFa Stop Program Arguments DecodeInit DecodeArg DecodeEnd GetStringArg GetIntegerArg GetErrorInformation Error XBlockWrite SBlockWrite BlockRead XWriteByte FindInput FindOutput CloseStream XSelectInput XSelectOutput XDeleteFile File SetFileOffset XBytesOutstanding Signal Handler Allocate Store Date TimeAndDate Time StandardTime FICODE/=1 OPTIONS/=1/I MODULE/=1 AOF/=1 PRIMIN/=1 HANDLER/=1 LANG/=1/I internal failure -- -- tb-tmp#***Error during compilation: Event -- incorrect arguments for LLBE ICODE OPTIONS MODULE HANDLER PRIMIN LANG LLBE Hugo sLib 6P'n not assigned invalid ordinal value unassigned pointer ??? not assigned = 16_ = 16_ (not assigned?) = reserved operand reserved operand Chr( (disposed) U5E% &6FVf HXuaqhex Event Overflow Integer overflow Real overflow String overflow Division by zero Excess resource Not enough store Output exceeded Time exceeded Data error Symbol value in data Corrupt data Data transmission error Invalid arguments For loop cannot terminate Illegal exponent Array inside-out String inside-out Illegal parameter Out of range Array index ( ) not in bounds Switch index ( Illegal event Charno does not exist is not a character value Resolution fails Undefined value Unassigned variable Switch label ( Corrupt control variable I/O error Input ended Illegal stream NIL pointer used Reference to DISPOSED object'Zero or negative argument for logarithm Significance lost x MOD is not permitted Missing case!Negative argument for square root Disposing NIL pointer Interrupt Executing IMP Pascal 'C' called from line in starting at line module Stopped at line in ^ PANDIAG Hugo sLib |_Xx Hugo sLib ----> Initialise ----> Stop ----> Exception Exception ----> Exception passed on ----> Diagnose ----> Diagnose passed on ----> Describe frame ----> Describe module data ----> Unwind ----> Unknown handler type LLHAND *******continue*********l SIGNAL 9]'~ Heap failure -- Cannot extend heap Heap Corrupt 3 Heap Corrupt 4 Extend heap logic errorV HEAP 6x>;6d REALIO STACKCH Hugo sLib s00_p0 s44_p4 s88_p8 s<<_p< ~,|W x_`4_`0 |_`0_`4 |_X<_X, b88_`< |_`< |,_`8_`<_`0_`4\` |_P XGetTabs = GetTabs < XSetTabs ; SetTabs 2 XBytesOutstanding 1 BytesOutstanding , XSBlockWrite + SBlockWrite " XBlockWrite ! BlockWrite XSelectUpdate SelectUpdate XFindUpdate FindUpdate * XSBlockRead ) SBlockRead XBlockRead IO BlockRead PbE2 FP_Program 1985-06-06 17:27:39.62 32016 ZASM 2.10 IFXARGUMENTS IFARGUMENTS IFSTOP IFXRUN IFCALL IFXCALL IFXCALLRUNOROBEY IFCALLRUNOROBEY IFXFILENAME IFFILENAME IFXSETKNOWNCOMMANDSPATH IFSETKNOWNCOMMANDSPATH IFXINVOKE IFINVOKE IFXVERBOSITY IFVERBOSITY IFXSWITCHREQUIRED IFSWITCHREQUIRED IFXVERBOSITYREQUIRED IFVERBOSITYREQUIRED IFXHELPREQUIRED IFHELPREQUIRED IFXIDENTIFYREQUIRED IFIDENTIFYREQUIRED IFNAME IFOBEY IFXNAME IFXOBEY IFRUN Program XArguments Program Arguments Program XRun Program Call Program Run Program XCall Program XCallRunOrObey Program CallRunOrObey Program Name Program XFileName Program FileName Program Obey Program XSetKnownCommandsPath Program SetKnownCommandsPath Program XInvoke Program Invoke Program XVerbosity Program Verbosity Program XSwitchRequired Program SwitchRequired Program XVerbosityRequired Program VerbosityRequired Program Program XName Program XObey Program Stop Hugo sLib _X4_X0_ ctWX4 ^4p_X0_X4' xxWX4W _`0_`4 f0\_`0 _X0_X4 Hugo sLib PbE2 FP_Random 1985-05-30 10:41:00.28 32016 ZASM 2.10 IFXSETRANDOMSEED IFSETRANDOMSEED IFXRANDOM IFRANDOM Random XSetRandomSeed Random SetRandomSeed Random XRandom Random Random PbE2 FP_Store 1985-05-29 16:52:08.56 32016 ZASM 2.10 IFXGETNEWTAG IFGETNEWTAG IFXDEALLOCATEGROUP IFDEALLOCATEGROUP IFXSETSTORETAG IFSETSTORETAG IFXRESETHEAPEND IFRESETHEAPEND IFXSETHEAPEND IFSETHEAPEND IFXALLOCATEWITHTAG IFALLOCATEWITHTAG IFXDEALLOCATETOP IFDEALLOCATETOP IFXRETURNTAG IFRETURNTAG IFGETSTOREINFORMATION IFXDEALLOCATEBOTTOM IFDEALLOCATEBOTTOM IFXDEALLOCATE IFDEALLOCATE IFXALLOCATE IFALLOCATE Store XGetNewTag Store GetNewTag Store XDeallocateGroup Store DeallocateGroup Store XSetStoreTag Store SetStoreTag Store XResetHeapEnd Store ResetHeapEnd Store XSetHeapEnd Store SetHeapEnd Store XAllocateWithTag Store AllocateWithTag Store XDeallocateTop Store DeallocateTop Store XReturnTag Store ReturnTag Store GetStoreInformation Store XDeallocateBottom Store DeallocateBottom Store XDeallocate Store Deallocate Store XAllocate Store Allocate PbE2 FP_TimeAndDate 1985-05-29 16:53:23.08 32016 ZASM 2.10 IFXTIME IFXTEXTUALTIMEOFBINARYTIME IFTEXTUALTIMEOFBINARYTIME IFXSTANDARDTIMEOFBINARYTIME IFSTANDARDTIMEOFBINARYTIME IFXSETBINARYTIME IFSETBINARYTIME IFXBINARYTIME IFBINARYTIME IFXTIMEANDDATE IFTIMEANDDATE IFXBINARYTIMEOFTEXTUALTIME IFBINARYTIMEOFTEXTUALTIME IFDATE IFXDATE IFXSTANDARDTIME IFSTANDARDTIME IFXBINARYTIMEOFSTANDARDTIME IFBINARYTIMEOFSTANDARDTIME IFTIME TimeAndDate XTime TimeAndDate TextualTimeOfBinaryTime TimeAndDate StandardTimeOfBinaryTime TimeAndDate XSetBinaryTime TimeAndDate SetBinaryTime TimeAndDate XBinaryTime TimeAndDate BinaryTime TimeAndDate XTimeAndDate TimeAndDate TimeAndDate TimeAndDate Date TimeAndDate XBinaryTimeOfTextualTime TimeAndDate BinaryTimeOfTextualTime TimeAndDate XDate TimeAndDate TimeAndDate XStandardTime TimeAndDate StandardTime TimeAndDate Time TimeAndDate XBinaryTimeOfStandardTime TimeAndDate BinaryTimeOfStandardTime PbE2 FP_Wild 1985-05-29 16:54:01.28 32016 ZASM 2.10 IFXWSUBSTITUTE IFWSUBSTITUTE IFXMATCH IFMATCH Wild XSubstitute Wild Substitute Hugo sLib |WR00 x_P8_P<_P, Wd_P PpW@ Qtc` WPpW" Hugo sLib Wild XMatch Wild Match scal Unknown0123456789AB AADD DDDDD ADADA Affff Stop Program Arguments DecodeInit DecodeArg HelpRequired DecodeEnd GetStateArg GetStringArg GetErrorInformation Error XBlockWrite SBlockWrite BlockRead XWriteByte FindInput FindOutput CloseStream InputStream XEndOfFile XSelectInput XSelectOutput SetFileOffset XBytesOutstanding XDeleteFile File GetGlobalString GlobalString Signal Handler Allocate Store CurrentHeapEnd Date TimeAndDate Time StandardTime Version fails -- -- ta-tmp tb-tmp #***Error during compilation: Event -- Imp Prog compiles Prog-imp giving Prog-aof Imp Prog -List as above but puts a listing in Prog-lis Imp Prog -List temp as above but the listing goes to temp Imp Prog -aof NewProg puts object file into NewProg-aof Options: -NoWarn inhibit Hugo sLib |_@< |_@, V4xW |_H0_H4 WB(( wd_p Hugo sLib s warning messages -NoChecks inhibits generation of checking code -NoDiags inhibits generation of diagnostic tablesM -Identify displays compiler identification e.g. Imp Prog -NoWarn incorrect arguments SOURCE IDENTIFY -imp -aof MODULE TRUSTED NODIAGS NOCHECKS NOASSIGNED NOSTACK NORANGE DECODE MONITOR NOTIFY NOWARN EXTEND NEWPRIM LL$PRIM2LL$PRIM has not been defined; it is usually $.PRIM PREDEF IMP$PREDEF7IMP$PREDEF has not been defined; it is usually $.PREDEF PRIM Cannot access primitives file !Cannot access predefinition file LIST LISTFILE Source file: Compiled on at Acorn 32016 IMP Compiler . produced for Acorn by Lattice Logic Ltd. Program contains fault primitive statement compiled IMPNS <|'~ pxWqx pGph nW3t t_phW l_pp4 tz-W Hugo sLib _H0_H4 Z:x_ N4lW N0t_H0 Hugo sLib xWkpt xG@\ 1+6l 35d4 Hugo sLib P z2 _@0_@4 `_P0 V4|_ _p0_p4 _P0_P4 Wc(( F(tW |_H( V(\_ Hugo sLib V|pW v|X_ I|WI|T3 |_Pt .pNW p_pp _pt_ (_pp XWqX x_Xl Hugo sLib V0x_P04 d_@( yt'~ yTWy x_hxW J!>; cY`C phWqh phgY wh`NW W@,Gr00 Hugo sLib x_X|_Xl x_Xt_Xp_ _xD Wk`\W Hugo sLib Ll_@ .WX( N XW |WYlWs |WYlgs Pl_X _h W _h$_h( |WYlWs |WYl \W_0 (N#v Hugo sLib xW@d .tNW lU7e x_hl Y[\h^]idefgjklmYY VDEC OWNVDEC EXTVSPEC ADEC OWNADEC EXTASPEC PROC PROCSPEC FORMDEC SWDEC LDEC FORMSPEC AFORM OWNAFORM PRIM OPTION COMMA COLON COMMENT ALIAS ARRAYD STYPE ARRAY NAME PROCD FNMAP SWITCH EXTERNAL STRING RECORD FORMAT SPEC MCODE LABEL SIGN COMP ACOMP EQEQ JUMP RESOP WHILE UNTIL CWORD EXIT SIGNAL THEN START ELSE FINISH FELSE CYCLE REPEAT SECTION BEGIN ENDPROG ENDPERM FRESULT MRESULT BACK MONITOR STOP LIST CONTROL INCLUDE MASS RTYPE FROM IDENT CONST %INCLUDE %MSTART %CLEAR %PRED %STACKZ %DUBIOUS %DUP %PIN %POUT %EDUP %NOFROM PIDENT CIDENT OIDENT FNAME SWID DOTL DOTR ASEP CSEP OSEP PSEP BPLRB RCRB RECRB RECLB MLAB SLAB XNAME OWNT DBSEP PCONST CMOD CSIGN CUOP COP1 COP2 COP3 INDEF XELSE CRESOP NLAB RUNTIL ACONST ORRB FMANY OSTRING FMLB FMRB FMOR RANGERB FSID LESSM %MINUS %DUMMY %DECL %TYPE %ZERO %APPLY %PROT %SETPROT %PTYPE %GAPP %LOCAL %GUARD %MCODE %CDUMMY %SETTYPE %OPER %PARAM %BLOCK %OTHER %COMPILE BASEAPP APP2 APP3 APP4 APP5 APP6 ADEFN Hugo sLib Vr_0 ,al_ Hugo sLib NPARM SWDEF SWIDS CIEXP RCONST SCONST ARRAYP XIMP COND SCOND EXP1 EXP2 SEXP IEXP IEXP1 IEXP2 ISEXP FDEF NARRAYP STRUCT RESEXP CONSTB FITEM MOREA CLIST FPP0 FPP1 FPP2 INITVAR RECEXP EIMP IDENTS RANGE RCONSTB VARP INITDEC SCON REVIDENT ESCN ESCDEC ESCPROC ESCARRAY ESCREC ZZZZZ00 ]/-.*+,(D7h<] O*.@3 N"+@ N*"@ "R'A&#@ U'C* S*S@ U'C* W'"@ "N*@@ *R'P@' I*C$!@ R*C@ G'A& "N*A@ E'B@ {[lP}M]\Fk`Ka z^L~no| compiler error! switch vector too large too many names program too complex feature not implemented input ended: %endof program file missing? too many faults! string constant too long dictionary full Included file does not exist Include files nested too deeply *** compilation abandoned *** ! fault Dubious statement Non-local unused access form atom not declared too complex duplicate type match context context %cycle %start size bounds index order not a location %begin %end %repeat %finish result format has not been included from missing Begin Procedure ()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>!@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ lookup: Atom1 = Atom2 = subatom = Type = Ptype = App = Papp = Format = Pformat =[]X/&!%+-*Qx.v#=)<(>kt ss = Tags: Dict: Gram: lZ PASS1 Hugo sLib plj$ lpz$ Unknown Integer Short Byte Addr Real Lreal String Record General Label Boolean Set :;JKZ[*+ :<*,JLZ\ ; :: J;J+Z Z;Z+ [:K:[J[ZK +*K*[ ////////////////// /// '''''333#####'''''##### ###''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''777'''##''777### #'''7 '''''! GG777G''' '''''''''777GG777G '''''' '###'''''''''#''#''''''777### '''#'''''''''''''''''' '''###''' ''''''''' '''''''''# '########'''''# ###'''''' $&($&(*,. 036 ===@BDFFFG LLNRVY\_ gikmoq*,.svy| FF===F=== "gikmoq?L*,.$&( FFF& L*,.gikmoq N0N3 4N1L N<>?>=>8>;>9N8N;N9. !N N# N$N'N% >$>'>%> >#>!2 606361< N,N/N-! >,>/>->(>+>) ABSB ABSD ABSF ABSL ABSW ACBB ACBD ACBW ADDB ADDCB ADDCD ADDCW ADDD ADDF ADDL ADDPB ADDPD ADDPW ADDQB ADDQD ADDQW ADDR ADDW ADJSPB ADJSPD ADJSPW ANDB ANDD ANDW ASHB ASHD ASHW BICB BICD BICPSRB BICPSRW BICW BISPSRB BISPSRW CASEB CASED CASEW CATST0B CATST0D CATST0W CATST1B CATST1D CATST1W CBITB CBITD CBITW CCAL0 CCAL1 CCAL2 CCAL3 CCMP CCV0B CCV0D CCV0W CCV1B CCV1D CCV1W CCV2B CCV2D CCV2W CCV3B CCV3D CCV3W CCV4B CCV4D CCV4W CCV5B CCV5D CCV5W CHECKB CHECKD CHECKW CMOV0 CMOV1 CMOV2 CMPB CMPD CMPF CMPL CMPMB CMPMD CMPMW CMPQB CMPQD CMPQW CMPSB CMPSD CMPSW CMPW COMB COMD COMW CVTP CXPD DEIB DEID DEIW DIVB DIVD DIVF DIVL DIVW ENTER EXIT EXTB EXTD EXTSB EXTSD EXTSW EXTW FFSB FFSD FFSW FLAG FLOORFB FLOORFD FLOORFW FLOORLB FLOORLD FLOORLW IBITB IBITD IBITW INDEXB INDEXD INDEXW INSB INSD INSSB INSSD INSSW INSW JUMP LCRB LCRD LCRW LCSRB LCSRD LCSRW LFSR LPRB LPRD LPRW LSHB LSHD LSHW MEIB MEID MEIW MODB MODD MODW MOVB MOVBF MOVBL MOVD MOVDF MOVDL MOVF MOVFL MOVL MOVLF MOVMB MOVMD MOVMW MOVQB MOVQD MOVQW Hugo sLib -INC INCFILE @_6g |_px Hugo sLib MOVSB MOVSD MOVSUB MOVSUD MOVSUW MOVSW MOVUSB MOVUSD MOVUSW MOVW MOVWF MOVWL MOVXBD MOVXBW MOVXWD MOVZBD MOVZBW MOVZWD MULB MULD MULF MULL MULW NEGB NEGD NEGF NEGL NEGW NOTB NOTD NOTW QUOB QUOD QUOW RDVAL REMB REMD REMW RESTORE RETI RETT ROTB ROTD ROTW ROUNDFB ROUNDFD ROUNDFW ROUNDLB ROUNDLD ROUNDLW SAVE SBITB SBITD SBITW SCRB SCRD SCRW SCSRB SCSRD SCSRW SETB SETCFG SETD SETW SFSR SKPSB SKPSD SKPSW SPRB SPRD SPRW SUBB SUBCB SUBCD SUBCW SUBD SUBF SUBL SUBPB SUBPD SUBPW SUBW TBITB TBITD TBITW TRUNCFB TRUNCFD TRUNCFW TRUNCLB TRUNCLD TRUNCLW WAIT WRVAL XORB XORD XORW not neg abs add sub mul div exp and or xor bic rot lsh rsh rem mod udiv urem ext conc negr absr addr subr mulr divr expr< addr value @value proc @proc label Line ,A/PP ,Par ,defer ,St/prim ,Ass _: Nil unused locked used* u: k: A: at line in file 128+ ====> Pass 2 fails -- Code Pending U: Warning: ***Not implemented yet*** Simplify -> Simplify <- Vmap-> Vmap<- Bad type for Fmap Bad constant string Amap Amap<- Bad immediate size displacement overflow Set operand Bad complex operand bad label operand corrupt operand bad immediate operand Bad record quick literal out of range non-constant Wrong number of operands Wrong number of operands Wrong number of operands Wrong number of operands Wrong number of operands Bang BYTE WORD DOUBLE unknown opcode UPSR INTBASE unknown keyword Unknown option constant expected constant expected Faulty memory mode label expected"cannot address non-local variables constant expected constant address expected ( missing ) missing misplaced keyword PC misused % missing bad register register expected index length expected unknown index length ] expected constant expected too many operands not enough operands too many operands S-From S-To bad type bad type unimplemented operation <-Simple C-From C-To operation ROT? <-Complex ->Load corrupt set unknown units for bulk move Illegal MOD Zero divide Zero divide C-op O-Lhs O-Rhs Operator inconsistent concatenation <-Operate Opt-> Forget Forgotten Register still known Remember Forget Dest Altered in env Merge Merged Back Claimed Register not claimed Released Register unclaimed Hazard Hazarding Corrupt record Use lost Drop Not in use Sta Hugo sLib s00_p0 s44_p4 s88_p8 s<<_p< ~,|W x_`4_`0 |_`0_`4 |_X<_X, b88_`< |_`< |,_`8_`<_`0_`4\` |_P<\X Hugo sLib ck Var Select Select Label missing P_JOUT Non-integral %for loop corrupt increment Perm Perm Bad primitive IMP_PRINT_SYMBOL IMP_PRINT_STRING IMP_READ_S IMP_READ_I IMP_READ_R Bad type of parameter for READ IMP_CUR_IN IMP_CHARS No local display Switch label out of range Tzero Bit out of range Bad CC variable compare variable move variable move Record(*) = Record(*) Bad set operator corrupt resolution corrupt tostring Corrupt array index Array Stack Registers Descriptors Corrupt Line: no free work areas Format MAIN_PROGRAM block Too many objects Unknown type Too many objects String truncated Adump/1 Adump/4 Adump/2 Adump/3 Truncation Trunction#boolean initialisation out of range Init Array inside-out constant out of range check No use No use Bset-> Bset Bset<- Unknown type check LL_STACK_CHECK Code PASS2 Hugo sLib xgPhGP iWq, *Wq< Hugo sLib _x(_x0 Hugo sLib 3z '~ t_xh /|XW tgXY z/_x tgHY Wq *** Failed to wind down input: : *** Failed to wind down output: IOLIB Hugo sLib N0tW _@4_@04 P z2 _@0_@4 `_P0 V4|_ _p0_p4 _P0_P4 Hugo sLib not assigned invalid ordinal value Chr( unassigned pointer ??? not assigned = 16_ = 16_ (not assigned?) = unprintable real value unprintable real value (disposed) U5E% &6FVf HXuaqhex Event Overflow Integer overflow Real overflow String overflow Division by zero Excess resource Not enough store Output exceeded Time exceeded Data error Symbol value in data Corrupt data Data transmission error Invalid arguments For loop cannot terminate Illegal exponent Array inside-out String inside-out Illegal parameter Out of range Array index ( ) not in bounds Switch index ( Illegal event Charno does not exist is not a character value Resolution fails Undefined value Unassigned variable Switch label ( Corrupt control variable I/O error Input ended Illegal stream NIL pointer used Reference to DISPOSED object'Zero or negative argument for logarithm Significance lost x MOD is not permitted Missing case!Negative argument for square root Disposing NIL pointer Interrupt $Inappropriate parameters for DISPOSE Variant record misused ERROR: Diagnostics being send to Executing IMP Pascal 'C' called from line in starting at line module Stopped at line in PANDIAG MONITOR ----> Initialise ----> Stop ----> Exception Exception ----> Exception passed on ----> Diagnose ----> Diagnose passed on ----> Describe frame ----> Describe module data ----> Unwind ----> Unknown handler type LLHAND *******continue*********l SIGN Hugo sLib Wc(( F(tW |_H( V(\_ V0x_P04 d_@( yt'~ yTWy x_hxW cY`C phWqh phgY wh`NW Hugo sLib 9]'~ Heap failure -- Cannot extend heap Heap Corrupt 3 Heap Corrupt 4 Extend heap logic errorV HEAP 6x>;6d REALIO [BBC.TK413.LIB]SUBSTR [BBC.TK413.LIB]ITOS z ' [BBC.TK413.LIB]ITOX 1985-01-01 00:00:00.00 DAYTIME Hugo sLib W@,Gr00 O(_0 'WP(t |WYlWs |WYlgs Pl_X Hugo sLib 2.33 IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER Data: ERROR: False True Executing Hugo sLib _h W _h$_h( |WYlWs il_r (N#v *Tl_ Hugo sLib (fname,NULL); B85F 00E51 MOVQD #0,TOS A0BFC5E7 00E53 ADDR -60(FP),T Hugo :4.$.> :4.$.> 4.$.> :4.$.>> _lib _lib Hugo PbE2 IOLIB 1985-02-01 12:13:14 D5:[BBC.PANOS]IOLIB.IMP;139 Lattice Logic IMP 9.12-2.27-2.3 IMP_CONSOLE LATTICE_INITIALISE_HANDLERS IMP_EXISTS IMP_END_OF_INPUT IMP_SELECT_INPUT IMP_SELECT_OUTPUT IMP_UPPER_CASE IMP_TO_UPPER IMP_LOWER_CASE IMP_TO_LOWER IMP_OPEN_INPUT IMP_OPEN_STORE_IN IMP_OPEN_OUTPUT IMP_OPEN_BINARY_OUTPUT IMP_OPEN_STORE_OUT LKPUT LKGET IMP_BLOCK_READ IMP_BLOCK_WRITE IMP_BREAK_OUTPUT IMP_PRINT_STRING IMP_NEW_LINE IMP_CHARS IMP_SPACE IMP_DELETE_FILE IMP_CLOSE_INPUT IMP_ABANDON_INPUT IMP_CLOSE_OUTPUT IMP_ABANDON_OUTPUT IMP_IN_FILE_NAME IMP_OUT_FILE_NAME IMP_IN_STREAM IMP_OUT_STREAM IMP_IN_TYPE IMP_OUT_TYPE IMP_POSITION_INPUT IMP_POSITION_OUTPUT IMP_RESET_OUTPUT IMP_RESET_INPUT IMP_IN_SIZE IMP_PROMPT LATTICE_INITIALISE_IO LATTICE_TERMINATE_IO IMP_CUR_IN IMP_CURR_OUT PROMPTTEXT IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER IMP_X_TO_S XBLOCKWRITE SBLOCKWRITE BLOCKREAD XWRITEBYTE FINDINPUT FINDOUTPUT CLOSESTREAM IMP_I_TO_S XSELECTINPUT XSELECTOUTPUT IMP_NEW IMP_DISPOSE IMP_SELECT_INPUT IMP_SELECT_OUTPUT XDELETEFILE IMP_CLOSE_INPUT IMP_OUT_FILE_NAME IMP_CLOSE_OUTPUT SETFILEOFFSET IMP_OPEN_INPUT XBYTESOUTSTANDING LATTICE_INITIALISE_HANDLERS IMP_OPEN_OUTPUT IMP_CONSOLE IMP_SIGNAL IMP_EVENT IMP_CUR_IN IMP_CURR_OUT End of file reached Data: _ _ NULL: Hugo sLib plj$ lpz$ Unknown Integer Short Byte Addr Real Lreal String Record General Label Boolean Set :;JKZ[*+ :<*,JLZ\ ; :: J;J+Z Z;Z+ [:K:[J[ZK +*K*[ ////////////////// /// '''''333#####'''''##### ###''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''777'''##''777### #'''7 '''''! GG777G''' '''''''''777GG777G '''''' '###'''''''''#''#''''''777### '''#'''''''''''''''''' '''###''' ''''''''' '''''''''# '########'''''# ###'''''' $&($&(*,. 036 ===@BDFFFG LLNRVY\_ gikmoq*,.svy| FF===F=== "gikmoq?L*,.$&( FFF& L*,.gikmoq N0N3 4N1L N<>?>=>8>;>9N8N;N9. !N N# N$N'N% >$>'>%> >#>!2 606361< N,N/N-! >,>/>->(>+>) ABSB ABSD ABSF ABSL ABSW ACBB ACBD ACBW ADDB ADDCB ADDCD ADDCW ADDD ADDF ADDL ADDPB ADDPD ADDPW ADDQB ADDQD ADDQW ADDR ADDW ADJSPB ADJSPD ADJSPW ANDB ANDD ANDW ASHB ASHD ASHW BICB BICD BICPSRB BICPSRW BICW BISPSRB BISPSRW CASEB CASED CASEW CATST0B CATST0D CATST0W CATST1B CATST1D CATST1W CBITB CBITD CBITW CCAL0 CCAL1 CCAL2 CCAL3 CCMP CCV0B CCV0D CCV0W CCV1B CCV1D CCV1W CCV2B CCV2D CCV2W CCV3B CCV3D CCV3W CCV4B CCV4D CCV4W CCV5B CCV5D CCV5W CHECKB CHECKD CHECKW CMOV0 CMOV1 CMOV2 CMPB CMPD CMPF CMPL CMPMB CMPMD CMPMW CMPQB CMPQD CMPQW CMPSB CMPSD CMPSW CMPW COMB COMD COMW CVTP CXPD DEIB DEID DEIW DIVB DIVD DIVF DIVL DIVW ENTER EXIT Hugo sLib cannot open code= Illegal IMP stream number Xy!E Hugo sLib EXTD EXTSB EXTSD EXTSW EXTW FFSB FFSD FFSW FLAG FLOORFB FLOORFD FLOORFW FLOORLB FLOORLD FLOORLW IBITB IBITD IBITW INDEXB INDEXD INDEXW INSB INSD INSSB INSSD INSSW INSW JUMP LCRB LCRD LCRW LCSRB LCSRD LCSRW LFSR LPRB LPRD LPRW LSHB LSHD LSHW MEIB MEID MEIW MODB MODD MODW MOVB MOVBF MOVBL MOVD MOVDF MOVDL MOVF MOVFL MOVL MOVLF MOVMB MOVMD MOVMW MOVQB MOVQD MOVQW MOVSB MOVSD MOVSUB MOVSUD MOVSUW MOVSW MOVUSB MOVUSD MOVUSW MOVW MOVWF MOVWL MOVXBD MOVXBW MOVXWD MOVZBD MOVZBW MOVZWD MULB MULD MULF MULL MULW NEGB NEGD NEGF NEGL NEGW NOTB NOTD NOTW QUOB QUOD QUOW RDVAL REMB REMD REMW RESTORE RETI RETT ROTB ROTD ROTW ROUNDFB ROUNDFD ROUNDFW ROUNDLB ROUNDLD ROUNDLW SAVE SBITB SBITD SBITW SCRB SCRD SCRW SCSRB SCSRD SCSRW SETB SETCFG SETD SETW SFSR SKPSB SKPSD SKPSW SPRB SPRD SPRW SUBB SUBCB SUBCD SUBCW SUBD SUBF SUBL SUBPB SUBPD SUBPW SUBW TBITB TBITD TBITW TRUNCFB TRUNCFD TRUNCFW TRUNCLB TRUNCLD TRUNCLW WAIT WRVAL XORB XORD XORW not neg abs add sub mul div exp and or xor bic rot lsh rsh rem mod ext conc negr absr addr subr mulr divr expr< addr value @value proc label Line ,A/PP ,Par ,defer ,St/prim ,Ass _: Nil unused locked used* u: k: A: at line in file 128+ ====> Pass 2 fails -- Code Pending U: Warning: ***Not implemented yet*** Simplify -> Simplify <- Vmap-> Vmap<- Bad constant string Amap Amap<- Bad immediate size displacement overflow Set operand Bad complex operand bad label operand corrupt operand bad immediate operand Bad record quick literal out of range non-constant Wrong number of operands Wrong number of operands Wrong number of operands Wrong number of operands Wrong number of operands Bang BYTE WORD DOUBLE unknown opcode UPSR INTBASE unknown keyword Unknown option constant expected constant expected Faulty memory mode label expected"cannot address non-local variables constant expected constant address expected ( missing ) missing misplaced keyword PC misused % missing bad register register expected index length expected unknown index length ] expected constant expected too many operands not enough operands too many operands S-From S-To bad type bad type unimplemented operation <-Simple C-From C-To operation ROT? Hugo sLib *** Failed to wind down input: $ *** Failed to wind down output: IOLIB PbE2 PANDIAG 1985-02-01 12:13:14 D5:[BBC.PANOS]PANDIAG.IMP;68 Lattice Logic IMP 9.12-2.26-2.3 LATTICE_DIAGNOSE ERRORFILE IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER IMP_PRINT_STRING IMP_WRITE IMP_PRINT_HEX IMP_F_TO_S IMP_CHARS STOP IMP_SELECT_OUTPUT IMP_CLOSE_OUTPUT IMP_OPEN_OUTPUT IMP_SIGNAL IMP_EVENT IMP_CURR_OUT ERROR: not assigned invalid ordinal value False True Chr( unassigned pointer ??? not assigned = 16_ = 16_ (not assigned?) = unprintable real value unprintable real value (disposed) Hugo sLib <-Complex ->Load corrupt set unknown units for bulk move Illegal MOD Zero divide Zero divide C-op O-Lhs O-Rhs Operator inconsistent concatenation <-Operate Opt-> Forget Forgotten Register still known Remember Forget Dest Altered in env Merge Merged Back Claimed Register not claimed Released Register unclaimed Hazard Hazarding Corrupt record Use lost Drop Not in use Stack Var Select Select Label missing P_JOUT Non-integral %for loop corrupt increment Perm Perm Bad primitive IMP_PRINT_SYMBOL IMP_PRINT_STRING IMP_READ_S IMP_READ_I IMP_READ_R Bad type of parameter for READ IMP_CUR_IN IMP_CHARS No local display Switch label out of range Tzero Bit out of range Bad CC variable compare variable move variable move Record(*) = Record(*) Bad set operator corrupt resolution corrupt tostring Corrupt array index Array Stack Registers Descriptors Corrupt Line: no free work areas Format MAIN_PROGRAM block Too many objects Unknown type Too many objects String truncated Amap/1 Adump/4 Adump/2 Adump/3 Truncation Trunction#boolean initialisation out of range Init Array inside-out Range violation check No use No use Bset-> Bset<- Unknown type LL_STACK_CHECK Code PASS2 Hugo sLib U5E% &6FVf HXuaqhex Event Overflow Integer overflow Real overflow String overflow Division by zero Excess resource Not enough store Output exceeded Time exceeded Data error Symbol value in data Corrupt data Data transmission error Invalid arguments For loop cannot terminate Illegal exponent Array inside-out String inside-out Illegal parameter Out of range Array index ( ) not in bounds Switch index ( Illegal event Charno does not exist is not a character value Resolution fails Undefined value Unassigned variable Switch label ( Corrupt control variable I/O error Input ended Illegal stream NIL pointer used Reference to DISPOSED object ('Zero or negative argument for logarithm Significance lost x MOD is not permitted Missing case "!Negative argument for square root Disposing NIL pointer Interrupt %$Inappropriate parameters for DISPOSE Variant record misused Executing ERROR: Diagnostics being send to Executing IMP Pascal 'C' called from line in starting at line module Stopped at line in PANDIAG PbE2 MONITOR 1985-02-01 12:13:14 D5:[BBC.PANOS]MONITOR.IMP;1 Lattice Logic IMP 9.12-2.26-2.3 IMP_DIAGNOSE IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER Hugo sLib Hugo sLib MONITOR PbE2 LLHAND 1985-02-01 12:13:14 D5:[BBC.PANOS]LLHAND.IMP;64 Lattice Logic IMP 9.12-2.26-2.3 IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER REPORTHANDLER IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER IMP_CONSOLE LATTICE_INITIALISE_IO LATTICE_TERMINATE_IO IMP_X_TO_S LATTICE_DIAGNOSE IMP_EVENT ----> Initialise ----> Stop ----> Exception Exception ----> Exception passed on ----> Diagnose ----> Diagnose passed on ----> Describe frame ----> Describe module data ----> Unwind ----> Unknown handler type LLHAND PbE2 [BBC.TK413.LIB]CONNECT 1985-02-01 12:13:14 D5:[BBC.TK413.LIB]CONNECT.IMP;7 Lattice Logic IMP 9.12-2.26-2.3 IMP_DISCONNECT_FILE CONNECTFILE IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER IMP_OPEN_INPUT IMP_SELECT_INPUT IMP_IN_SIZE IMP_CLOSE_INPUT IMP_GET_SPACE IMP_NEW [BBC.TK413.LIB]CONNECT PbE2 SIGNAL 1985-02-01 12:13:14 D5:[BBC.PANOS]SIGNAL.IMP;26 Lattice Logic IMP 9.12-2.26-2.3 IMP_SIGNAL IMP_EVENT IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER SIGNAL IMP_CONSOLE *******continue SIGNAL PbE2 HEAP 1985-02-01 12:13:14 D5:[BBC.PANOS]HEAP.IMP;6 Lattice Logic IMP 9.12-2.26-2.3 B IMP_CLEAR IMP_GET_SPACE IMP_FREE_SPACE IMP_HEAP_STRING IMP_NEW IMP_DISPOSE IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER ALLOCATE IMP_GET_SPACE IMP_FREE_SPACE IMP_SIGNAL IMP_EVENT Heap failure -- 9]'~ Cannot extend heap Heap Corrupt 3 Hugo sLib _x(_x0 'F*T WA`W Hugo sLib Heap Corrupt 4 Extend heap logic error HEAP PbE2 INTERRUPT 1985-02-01 12:13:14 D5:[BBC.PANOS]INTERRUPT.IMP;1 Lattice Logic IMP 9.12-2.27-2.3 IMP_INTERRUPTED IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER IMP___INT_FLAG INTERRUPT PbE2 REALIO 1985-02-01 12:13:14 D5:[BBC.PANOS]REALIO.IMP;2 Lattice Logic IMP 9.12-2.26-2.3 IMP_F_TO_S IMP_R_TO_S IMP_PRINT IMP_PRINT_FL IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER IMP_I_TO_S IMP_R_TO_S IMP_PRINT_STRING IMP_F_TO_S >;6d REALIO PbE2 PASCALIO 1985-02-01 12:13:14 D5:[BBC.PANOS]PASCALIO.IMP;36 Lattice Logic IMP 9.12-2.26-2.3 PASCAL_INIT PASCAL_RESET PASCAL_REWRITE PASCAL_RESET_FILE PASCAL_REWRITE_FILE PASCAL_ASSOC PASCAL_ASSOC_COMPLETE PASCAL_NEW PASCAL_DISPOS PASCAL_VDISPO PASCAL_FDISPO PASCAL_FVDISP PASCAL_SELIN PASCAL_SAFETY PASCAL_EOLN PASCAL_EOF PASCAL_READLN PASCAL_READI PASCAL_READR PASCAL_GET PASCAL_PUT PASCAL_WRITE PASCAL_PAGE P_JOUT PASCAL_CLOSE PASCAL_EOJ IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER IMP_I_TO_S IMP_GET_SPACE IMP_SELECT_INPUT IMP_CLOSE_INPUT IMP_SELECT_OUTPUT IMP_BREAK_OUTPUT IMP_CLOSE_OUTPUT IMP_CLEAR IMP_OPEN_INPUT IMP_OPEN_INPUT IMP_OPEN_OUTPUT IMP_OPEN_OUTPUT IMP_DELETE_FILE IMP_FREE_SPACE IMP_PROMPT ARGUMENTS DECODEINIT GETSTRINGARG PASCAL_RESET PASCAL_REWRITE IMP_IN_STREAM PASCAL_SAFETY PASCAL_READI PASCAL_SELIN IMP_PRINT_STRING IMP_CHARS IMP_R_TO_S IMP_F_TO_S ! IMP_SIGNAL IMP_EVENT IMP_CUR_IN ERRORFILE " IMP_CURR_OUT No free input streams Hugo sLib _H _H<]H 8[9U* d$W@ Nd|_ H#6| @TUUUUU V>#6| es-8R ?es-8R [BBC.TK413.LIB]MATHS PbE2 [BBC.TK413.LIB]READI 1985-02-01 12:13:14 D5:[BBC.TK413.LIB]READI.IMP;2 Lattice Logic IMP 9.12-2.26-2.3 IMP_READ_I IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER IMP_SIGNAL IMP_CUR_IN 334| p'nI` [BBC.TK413.LIB]READI PbE2 [BBC.TK413.LIB]READS 1985-02-01 12:13:14 D5:[BBC.TK413.LIB]READS.IMP;1 Lattice Logic IMP 9.12-2.26-2.3 Hugo sLib v$t_ Xy!E End of file reached NULL: cannot open code= Illegal IMP stream number *** Failed to wind down input: : *** Failed to wind down output: IOLIB Hugo sLib _READ_S IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER IMP_SIGNAL IMP_CUR_IN [BBC.TK413.LIB]READS PbE2 [BBC.TK413.LIB]READR 1985-02-01 12:13:14 D5:[BBC.TK413.LIB]READR.IMP;4 Lattice Logic IMP 9.12-2.26-2.3 IMP_READ_R IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER IMP_READ_I IMP_SIGNAL IMP_CUR_IN 7iXN p`g@ H'nID [BBC.TK413.LIB]READR PbE2 STACKCH 1985-02-01 12:13:14 D5:[BBC.PANOS]STACKCH.IMP;1 Lattice Logic IMP 9.12-2.26-2.3 LL_STACK_CHECK LL_MINIMUM_FREE IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER IMP_SIGNAL CURRENTHEAPEND STACKCH PbE2 [BBC.TK413.LIB]SUBSTR 1985-02-01 12:13:14 D5:[BBC.TK413.LIB]SUBSTR.IMP;1 Lattice Logic IMP 9.12-2.26-2.3 IMP_SUB_STRING IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER IMP_SIGNAL [BBC.TK413.LIB]SUBSTR PbE2 [BBC.TK413.LIB]STOI 1985-02-01 12:13:14 D5:[BBC.TK413.LIB]STOI.IMP;1 Lattice Logic IMP 9.12-2.26-2.3 IMP_S_TO_I IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER IMP_SIGNAL j N# [BBC.TK413.LIB]STOI PbE2 [BBC.TK413.LIB]ITOS 1985-02-01 12:13:14 D5:[BBC.TK413.LIB]ITOS.IMP;2 Lattice Logic IMP 9.12-2.26-2.3 IMP_I_TO_S IMP_WRITE IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER IMP_I_TO_S IMP_PRINT_STRING [BBC.TK413.LIB]ITOS PbE2 [BBC.TK413.LIB]ITOX 1985-02-01 12:13:14 D5:[BBC.TK413.LIB]ITOX.IMP;1 Lattice Logic IMP 9.12-2.26-2.3 IMP_X_TO_S IMP_PRINT_HEX IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER IMP_X_TO_S IMP_PRINT_STRING Hugo sLib 6P'n Hugo sLib z ' [BBC.TK413.LIB]ITOX PbE2 [BBC.TK413.LIB]FREEST 1985-02-01 12:13:14 D5:[BBC.TK413.LIB]FREEST.IMP;1 Lattice Logic IMP 9.12-2.26-2.3 IMP_FREE_STORE IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER LL___HEAP_BASE [BBC.TK413.LIB]FREEST PbE2 DAYTIME 1984-02-29 14:23:16 D5:[BBC.PANOS]DAYTIME.IMP;5 Lattice Logic IMP 9.11-2.18-2.2 IMP_DATE IMP_TIME SYSTEMTIME IMP_CPU_TIME IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER DATE TIME STANDARDTIME 1985-01-01 00:00:00.00 DAYTIME PbE2 LLTRANS 1985-02-01 12:13:14 D5:[BBC.PANOS]LLTRANS.IMP;1 Lattice Logic IMP 9.12-2.26-2.3 LL_TRANSLATE IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER GETGLOBALSTRING LLTRANS PbE2 -SIA2:[IMPRTL.PANOS.SOURCE.MISC]UNIVDATA.IMP;3 1985-02-01 12:13:14-SIA2:[IMPRTL.PANOS.SOURCE.MISC]UNIVDATA.IMP;3 Lattice Logic IMP 9.12-2.27-2.4 IMP___INT_FLAG -SIA2:[IMPRTL.PANOS.SOURCE.MISC]UNIVDATA.IMP;3 P z2 Hugo :4.$.>> _dat _dat Hugo IMP_SIGNAL SIGNAL SIGNAL RTMONITOR RTMONITOR IMP_EVENT IMP_DIAGNOSE SRES SRES SWJUMP SWJUMP Hugo sLib not assigned invalid ordinal value unassigned pointer ??? not assigned = 16_ = 16_ (not assigned?) = reserved operand reserved operand Chr( (disposed) %5EU &6FVf HXuaqhex Event Overflow Integer overflow Real overflow String overflow Division by zero Excess resource Not enough store Output exceeded Time exceeded Data error Symbol value in data Corrupt data Data transmission error Invalid arguments For loop cannot terminate Illegal exponent Array inside-out String inside-out Illegal parameter Out of range Array index ( ) not in bounds Switch index ( Illegal event Charno does not exist is not a character value Resolution fails Undefined value Unassigned variable Switch label ( Corrupt control variable I/O error Input ended Illegal stream NIL pointer used Reference to DISPOSED object'Zero or negative argument for logarithm Significance lost x MOD is not permitted Missing case!Negative argument for square root Disposing NIL pointer Interrupt Executing Called from IMP Pascal 'C' line in starting at line module Stopped at line in ] PANDIAG MONITOR ----> Initialise ----> Stop ----> Exception Exception ----> Exception passed on ----> Diagnose ----> Diagnose passed on ----> Describe frame ----> Describe module data ----> Unwind ----> Unknown handler type LLHAND *******continue*********l SIGNAL 9]'~ Heap failure -- Cannot extend heap Heap Corrupt 3 Heap Corrupt 4 Extend heap logic errorV HEAP Hugo sLib INTEXP INTEXP REALEXP REALEXP SCONC SCONC SCOMP SCOMP CSRES CSRES RESFLOP RESFLOP TESTNIL TESTNIL MULTIDEC MULTIDEC FRAG1 FRAG1 CONSTSIG CONSTSIG ASSTEST ASSTEST FRAG2 FRAG2 SJAM2 SJAM2 SETADD SETADD SETSUB SETSUB SETGE SETGE RANGE RANGE POPRANGE POPRANGE SETRANGE SETRANGE TESTMOD TESTMOD SWMISSING SWMISSING TESTVAR TESTVAR TESTNEW TESTNEW PSYM PSYM IMP_CURR_OUT Hugo sLib 6x>;6d REALIO STACKCH [BBC.TK413.LIB]ITOS z ' [BBC.TK413.LIB]ITOX 1985-01-01 00:00:00.00 DAYTIME Source/A/E-imp List/S ListFile Aof/K Identify/S Help/S Error/K[Error:] Module/S Trusted/S NoChecks/S NoAssigned/S NoRange/S NoStack/S NoWarn/S Decode/S Monitor/S Notify/S Extend/S NewPrim/K/E-dat Dict/C IMP_NS32016 Hugo sLib -aof PbE2 C_ASSERT 1985-02-01 12:13:14 SIA2:[C.RTL.PANOS]ASSERT.C;2 Lattice Logic C CC V0-2.32-2.5 assert _C_handler fprintf exit _iob assertion failed C_ASSERT PbE2 C_EXIT 1985-02-01 12:13:14 SIA2:[C.RTL.PANOS]EXIT.C;1 Lattice Logic C CC V0-2.32-2.5 _exit exit _C_handler Stop _exit C_EXIT PbE2 C_FLOOR 1985-02-01 12:13:14 SIA2:[C.RTL.PANOS]FLOOR.C;2 Lattice Logic C CC V0-2.32-2.5 floor _C_handler C_FLOOR PbE2 C_GETENV 1985-02-01 12:13:14 SIA2:[C.RTL.PANOS]GETENV.C;3 Lattice Logic C CC V0-2.32-2.5 getenv _C_handler strlen GetGlobalString errno C_GETENV PbE2 C_HANDLER 1985-02-01 12:13:14 SIA2:[C.RTL.PANOS]HANDLER.C;6 Lattice Logic C CC V0-2.32-2.5 _C_handler _C_handler _init _cleanup IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER C_HANDLER PbE2 C_IMPMATH 1985-02-01 12:13:14 SIA2:[C.RTL.PANOS]IMPMATH.IMP;8 Lattice Logic IMP 9.12-2.27-2.4 _C_SQRT _C_LN _C_EXP _C_SIN _C_COS _C_ATAN IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER errno Jb0@( T>#6|> @TUUUUU R>#6|> Source/A/E-imp List/S ListFile Aof/K Identify/S Help/S Error/K[Error:] Module/S Trusted/S NoChecks/S NoAssigned/S NoRange/S NoStack/S NoWarn/S Decode/S Monitor/S Notify/S Extend/S NewPrim/K/E-dat Dict/C IMP_NS32016 Hugo sLib [BBC.TK413.LIB]ITOX $$IMAGE_BASE$$ $$IMAGE_END$$ file area module area ref symbol def symbol ref symbol name module name generator info in Data: ERROR: False True Executing $ .Identify ML Command file $ .key h/n $ .Help Command format: ML [-h (heapsize in hex bytes)] $ . ! ML system $ $.alan.fam.all -h 100000 $.alan.exp.sml-exp HELP/S Exac PbE2% Command 1985-06-21 12:16:52 InterpretString XInterpretString InterpretCommands XInterpretCommands PbE2% DecodeArg 1985-06-21 12:16:52 DecodeInit XDecodeInit ArgumentInit XArgumentInit GetStringArg XGetStringArg GetStateArg XGetStateArg GetIntegerArg XGetIntegerArg GetCardinalArg XGetCardinalArg GetBooleanArg XGetBooleanArg GetPresence XGetPresence GetNumberOfValues XGetNumberOfValues Substitute XSubstitute DecodeEnd XDecodeEnd PbE2% Dump 1985-06-21 12:16:52 Dump XDump PbE2% Convert 1985-06-21 12:16:52 StringToInteger XStringToInteger StringToCardinal XStringToCardinal IntegerToString XIntegerToString CardinalToString XCardinalToString BooleanToString XBooleanToString StringToBoolean XStringToBoolean PbE2% Store 1985-06-21 12:16:52 Allocate XAllocate AllocateWithTag XAllocateWithTag SetStoreTag XSetStoreTag Deallocate XDeallocate DeallocateGroup XDeallocateGroup DeallocateTop XDeallocateTop DeallocateBottom XDeallocateBottom GetNewTag XGetNewTag ReturnTag XReturnTag SetHeapEnd XSetHeapEnd ResetHeapEnd XResetHeapEnd GetStoreInformation XGetStoreInformation CurrentHeapEnd PbE2% 1985-06-21 12:16:52 AddDevice XAddDevice RemoveDevice XRemoveDevice DeviceType XDeviceType FindInput XFindInput FindOutput XFindOutput FindUpdate XFindUpdate CloseStream XCloseStream SelectInput XSelectInput SelectOutput XSelectOutput SelectUpdate XSelectUpdate SetErrorStream XSetErrorStream SetControlStream XSetControlStream Inpu Hugo sLib BEGIN STACK IDIV RDIV START FINISH AMAP VMAP ADJUST ACCESS FORMAT PARAM CALL INIT PAIR STRING CVAL SCOND SWOP FRESULT LINE FLAGS EVAL EVALA RETURN SELECT REAL-CONST FLOAT JUMP LOCATE SIZEOF INIT-TYPE TRUNC ALT-FM CALL-ASM LANGUAGE MACHINE-CODE SCONDU ASSP FMAP UDIV UREM general integer real string record undef integer short byte address real longreal string record general label boolean nocheck illegal simple name label recordformat illegal illegal routine function predicate array arrayname namearray namearrayname spec constant external system dynamic primrt permrt DEFINE ] [3 CC_ICODE include/1l CC_INCLUDE 'hP' 'F`p Hugo sLib tStream XInputStream OutputStream XOutputStream ErrorStream XErrorStream ControlStream XControlStream WriteByte XWriteByte ReadByte XReadByte CurrentByte XCurrentByte BlockRead XBlockRead BlockWrite XBlockWrite SWriteByte XSWriteByte SReadByte XSReadByte SCurrentByte XSCurrentByte SBlockRead XSBlockRead SBlockWrite XSBlockWrite GetFileOffset XGetFileOffset SetFileOffset XSetFileOffset BytesOutstanding XBytesOutstanding FlushOutput XFlushOutput SFlushOutput XSFlushOutput EndOfFile XEndOfFile SetTabs XSetTabs GetTabs XGetTabs PbE2% Error 1985-06-21 12:16:52 SetErrorInformation XSetErrorInformation GetErrorInformation XGetErrorInformation GetErrorMessage XGetErrorMessage PbE2% File 1985-06-21 12:16:52 GetDateStamp XGetDateStamp SetDateStamp XSetDateStamp Touch XTouch DeleteFile XDeleteFile RenameFile XRenameFile LoadFile XLoadFile SaveFile XSaveFile PhysicalFileName XPhysicalFileName SetWorkingDirectory XSetWorkingDirectory GetWorkingDirectory XGetWorkingDirectory PANOSFile XPANOSFile GetFileInformation XGetFileInformation SetFileInformation XSetFileInformation CreateFile XCreateFile CreateDirectory XCreateDirectory PhysicalDirRead XPhysicalDirRead InitDirRead XInitDirRead GetDirEntry XGetDirEntry EndDirRead XEndDirRead Expand XExpand FileReplace XFileReplace IsWild XIsWild PbE2% Wild 1985-06-21 12:16:52 Match XMatch Replace XReplace PbE2% Loader 1985-06-21 12:16:52 DeclareData XDeclareData DeclareProc XDeclareProc PbE2% TimeAndDate 1985-06-21 12:16:52 BinaryTime XBinaryTime SetBinaryTime XSetBinaryTime BinaryTimeOfStandardTime XBinaryTimeOfStandardTime BinaryTimeOfTextualTime XBinaryTimeOfTextualTime StandardTimeOfBinaryTime XStandardTimeOfBinaryTime TextualTimeOfBinaryTime XTextualTimeOfBinaryTime Time XTime StandardTime XStandardTime Date XDate TimeAndDate XTimeAndDate PbE2% Handler 1985-06-21 12:16:52 Signal XSignal CallHandler XCallHandler DeclareEventHandler XDeclareEventHandler RemoveEventHandler XRemoveEventHandler EventStatus XEventStatus SetEventStatus XSetEventStatus DeclareConditionHandler XDeclareConditionHandler PbE2% GlobalString 1985-06-21 12:16:52 SetGlobalString XSetGlobalString GetGlobalString XGetGlobalString DeleteGlobalString XDeleteGlobalString GetGlobalStringName XGetGlobalStringName PbE2% 1985-06-21 12:16:52 OSByte XOSByte OSWord XOSWord OSFile XOSFile PbE2% Program 1985-06-21 12:16:52 Call XCall XRun Obey XObey CallRunOrObey XCallRunOrObey Invoke XInvoke Stop XStop SetKnownCommandsPath XSetKnownCommandsPath Arguments XArguments Name XName FileName XFileName Verbosity XVerbosity VerbosityRequired XVerbosityRequired SwitchRequired XSwitchRequired IdentifyRequired XIdentifyRequired HelpRequired XHelpRequired PbE2% Random 1985-06-21 12:16:52 Random XRandom SetRandomSeed XSetRandomSeed PbE2 IOLIB 1985-02-01 12:13:14 D5:[BBC.PANOS]IOLIB.IMP;136 Lattice Logic IMP 9.12-2.26-2.3 IMP_CONSOLE LATTICE_INITIALISE_HANDLERS IMP_EXISTS IMP_END_OF_INPUT IMP_SELECT_INPUT IMP_SELECT_OUTPUT IMP_UPPER_CASE IMP_TO_UPPER IMP_LOWER_CASE IMP_TO_LOWER IMP_OPEN_INPUT IMP_OPEN_STORE_IN IMP_OPEN_OUTPUT IMP_OPEN_BINARY_OUTPUT IMP_OPEN_STORE_OUT LKPUT LKGET IMP_BLOCK_READ IMP_BLOCK_WRITE IMP_BREAK_OUTPUT IMP_PRINT_STRING Hugo sLib |_pt" Hugo sLib IMP_NEW_LINE IMP_CHARS IMP_SPACE IMP_CLOSE_INPUT IMP_CLOSE_OUTPUT IMP_IN_FILE_NAME IMP_OUT_FILE_NAME IMP_IN_STREAM IMP_OUT_STREAM IMP_IN_TYPE IMP_OUT_TYPE IMP_POSITION_INPUT IMP_POSITION_OUTPUT IMP_RESET_OUTPUT IMP_RESET_INPUT IMP_IN_SIZE IMP_PROMPT IMP_DELETE_FILE LATTICE_INITIALISE_IO LATTICE_TERMINATE_IO IMP_CUR_IN IMP_CURR_OUT PROMPTTEXT IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER IMP_X_TO_S XBLOCKWRITE SBLOCKWRITE BLOCKREAD XWRITEBYTE FINDINPUT FINDOUTPUT CLOSESTREAM INPUTSTREAM XENDOFFILE IMP_I_TO_S XSELECTINPUT XSELECTOUTPUT IMP_NEW IMP_DISPOSE IMP_SELECT_INPUT IMP_SELECT_OUTPUT SETFILEOFFSET IMP_CLOSE_INPUT IMP_OPEN_INPUT XBYTESOUTSTANDING XDELETEFILE LATTICE_INITIALISE_HANDLERS IMP_OPEN_OUTPUT IMP_CONSOLE IMP_CLOSE_OUTPUT IMP_SIGNAL IMP_EVENT IMP_CURR_OUT End of file reached Data: _ _ NULL: cannot open code= Illegal IMP stream number Hugo sLib auto return typedef break double goto short union case else sizeof unsigned char enum static void continue extern long struct while default float register switch fortran include define undef ifdef ifndef endif line :: level typedef externDef auto extern static register unknown class cast sizeof type decl float level= CC_LEX CC_MISC l" | CC_PASS1 Hugo sLib Xy!E *** Failed to wind down input: $ *** Failed to wind down output: IOLIB PbE2 PANDIAG 1985-02-01 12:13:14 D5:[BBC.PANOS]PANDIAG.IMP;68 Lattice Logic IMP 9.12-2.26-2.3 LATTICE_DIAGNOSE ERRORFILE IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER IMP_PRINT_STRING IMP_WRITE IMP_PRINT_HEX IMP_F_TO_S IMP_CHARS STOP IMP_SELECT_OUTPUT IMP_CLOSE_OUTPUT IMP_OPEN_OUTPUT IMP_SIGNAL IMP_EVENT IMP_CURR_OUT ERROR: not assigned invalid ordinal value False True Chr( Hugo sLib YTWa m/c lab ref , var# CC_SGEN 9" _ |WQ| H|WQ CC_STMT Hugo sLib unassigned pointer ??? not assigned = 16_ = 16_ (not assigned?) = unprintable real value unprintable real value (disposed) U5E% &6FVf HXuaqhex Event Overflow Integer overflow Real overflow String overflow Division by zero Excess resource Not enough store Output exceeded Time exceeded Data error Symbol value in data Corrupt data Data transmission error Invalid arguments For loop cannot terminate Illegal exponent Array inside-out String inside-out Illegal parameter Out of range Array index ( ) not in bounds Switch index ( Illegal event Charno does not exist is not a character value Resolution fails Undefined value Unassigned variable Switch label ( Corrupt control variable I/O error Input ended Illegal stream NIL pointer used Reference to DISPOSED object ('Zero or negative argument for logarithm Significance lost x MOD is not permitted Missing case "!Negative argument Hugo sLib g(_`,_` i _h o(]h8]h: table searches made; mean of comparisons per search Longest path was bucket used ( begin-block: end-block: pop-id: pop-label: CC_SYMTAB \@0_@$ CC_TREES pointer to array of function returning char short unsigned char unsigned short unsigned int float double struct union enum void CC_TYPES Hugo sLib for square root Disposing NIL pointer Interrupt %$Inappropriate parameters for DISPOSE Variant record misused Executing ERROR: Diagnostics being send to Executing IMP Pascal 'C' called from line in starting at line module Stopped at line in PANDIAG PbE2 MONITOR 1985-02-01 12:13:14 D5:[BBC.PANOS]MONITOR.IMP;1 Lattice Logic IMP 9.12-2.26-2.3 IMP_DIAGNOSE IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER MONITOR PbE2 LLHAND 1985-02-01 12:13:14 D5:[BBC.PANOS]LLHAND.IMP;64 Lattice Logic IMP 9.12-2.26-2.3 IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER REPORTHANDLER IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER IMP_CONSOLE LATTICE_INITIALISE_IO LATTICE_TERMINATE_IO IMP_X_TO_S LATTICE_DIAGNOSE IMP_EVENT ----> Initialise ----> Stop ----> Exception Exception ----> Exception passed on ----> Diagnose ----> Diagnose passed on ----> Describe frame ----> Describe module data ----> Unwind ----> Unknown handler type LLHAND PbE2 [BBC.TK413.LIB]CONNECT 1985-02-01 12:13:14 D5:[BBC.TK413.LIB]CONNECT.IMP;7 Lattice Logic IMP 9.12-2.26-2.3 IMP_DISCONNECT_FILE CONNECTFILE IMP_CONDI Hugo sLib v$t_ Xy!E End of file reached NULL: cannot open code= Illegal IMP stream number *** Failed to wind down input: : *** Failed to wind down output: Hugo sLib TION_HANDLER IMP_OPEN_INPUT IMP_SELECT_INPUT IMP_IN_SIZE IMP_CLOSE_INPUT IMP_GET_SPACE IMP_NEW [BBC.TK413.LIB]CONNECT PbE2 SIGNAL 1985-02-01 12:13:14 D5:[BBC.PANOS]SIGNAL.IMP;26 Lattice Logic IMP 9.12-2.26-2.3 IMP_SIGNAL IMP_EVENT IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER SIGNAL IMP_CONSOLE *******continue SIGNAL PbE2 HEAP 1985-02-01 12:13:14 D5:[BBC.PANOS]HEAP.IMP;6 Lattice Logic IMP 9.12-2.26-2.3 B IMP_CLEAR IMP_GET_SPACE IMP_FREE_SPACE IMP_HEAP_STRING IMP_NEW IMP_DISPOSE IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER ALLOCATE IMP_GET_SPACE IMP_FREE_SPACE IMP_SIGNAL IMP_EVENT Heap failure -- 9]'~ Cannot extend heap Heap Corrupt 3 Heap Corrupt 4 Extend heap logic error HEAP PbE2 REALIO 1985-02-01 12:13:14 D5:[BBC.PANOS]REALIO.IMP;2 Lattice Logic IMP 9.12-2.26-2.3 IMP_F_TO_S IMP_R_TO_S IMP_PRINT IMP_PRINT_FL IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER IMP_I_TO_S IMP_R_TO_S IMP_PRINT_STRING IMP_F_TO_S >;6d Hugo sLib IOLIB Hugo sLib REALIO PbE2 PASCALIO 1985-02-01 12:13:14 D5:[BBC.PANOS]PASCALIO.IMP;36 Lattice Logic IMP 9.12-2.26-2.3 PASCAL_INIT PASCAL_RESET PASCAL_REWRITE PASCAL_RESET_FILE PASCAL_REWRITE_FILE PASCAL_ASSOC PASCAL_ASSOC_COMPLETE PASCAL_NEW PASCAL_DISPOS PASCAL_VDISPO PASCAL_FDISPO PASCAL_FVDISP PASCAL_SELIN PASCAL_SAFETY PASCAL_EOLN PASCAL_EOF PASCAL_READLN PASCAL_READI PASCAL_READR PASCAL_GET PASCAL_PUT PASCAL_WRITE PASCAL_PAGE P_JOUT PASCAL_CLOSE PASCAL_EOJ IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER IMP_I_TO_S IMP_GET_SPACE IMP_SELECT_INPUT IMP_CLOSE_INPUT IMP_SELECT_OUTPUT IMP_BREAK_OUTPUT IMP_CLOSE_OUTPUT IMP_CLEAR IMP_OPEN_INPUT IMP_OPEN_INPUT IMP_OPEN_OUTPUT IMP_OPEN_OUTPUT IMP_DELETE_FILE IMP_FREE_SPACE IMP_PROMPT ARGUMENTS DECODEINIT GETSTRINGARG PASCAL_RESET PASCAL_REWRITE IMP_IN_STREAM PASCAL_SAFETY PASCAL_READI PASCAL_SELIN IMP_PRINT_STRING IMP_CHARS IMP_R_TO_S IMP_F_TO_S ! IMP_SIGNAL IMP_EVENT IMP_CUR_IN ERRORFILE " IMP_CURR_OUT No free input streams No free output streams ! multiple release of input stream "!multiple release of output stream -TMP Mode # Null Corrupt expiry addresses GET after EOF GET after EOF -Terminal -Terminal -- Reset on non-existent file Rewrite fails -- Filename too long -- Hugo sLib not assigned invalid ordinal value Chr( unassigned pointer ??? not assigned = 16_ = 16_ (not assigned?) = unprintable real value unprintable real value (disposed) U5E% &6FVf HXuaqhex Event Overflow Integer overflow Real overflow String overflow Division by zero Excess resource Not enough store Output exceeded Time exceeded Data error Symbol value in data Corrupt data Data transmission error Invalid arguments For loop cannot terminate Illegal exponent Array inside-out String inside-out Illegal parameter Out of range Array index ( ) not in bounds Switch index ( Illegal event Charno does not exist is not a character value Resolution fails Undefined value Unassigned variable Switch label ( Corrupt control variable I/O error Input ended Illegal stream NIL pointer used Reference to DISPOSED object'Zero or negative argument for logarithm Significance lost x MOD is not permitted Missing case!Negative argument for square root Disposing NIL pointer Interrupt $Inappropriate parameters for DISPOSE Variant record misused ERROR: Diagnostics being send to Executing IMP Pascal 'C' called from line in starting at line module Stopped at line in PANDIAG MONITOR ----> Initialise ----> Stop ----> Exception Exception ----> Exception passed on ----> Diagnose ----> Diagnose passed on ----> Describe frame ----> Describe module data ----> Unwind ----> Unknown handler type LLHAND _ _( [BBC.TK413.LIB]CONNECT *******continue*********l SIGNAL Hugo sLib INPUT OUTPUT INPUT OUTPUT /A/K ERROR/K[ERROR:] ('internal error while decoding arguments INPUT OUTPUT No association for ERROR N#^|| N#V|| N#N|| N#V|| "!RESET required before read access %$REWRITE required before write access $REW EOLN invalid at EOF illegal number syntax 'NPtW 334j illegal number syntax 'vPH "! is not an acceptable field width Corrupt I/O program TrueFalse Hugo sLib 9]'~ Heap failure -- Cannot extend heap Heap Corrupt 3 Heap Corrupt 4 Extend heap logic errorV HEAP 6x>;6d REALIO [BBC.TK413.LIB]SUBSTR [BBC.TK413.LIB]ITOS z ' [BBC.TK413.LIB]ITOX 1985-01-01 00:00:00.00 DAYTIME Hugo sLib PASCALIO PbE2 PARAMS 1985-02-01 12:13:14 D5:[BBC.PANOS]PARAMS.IMP;2 Lattice Logic IMP 9.12-2.26-2.3 PASCAL_PARAMS IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER ARGUMENTS IMP_CLOSE_INPUT IMP_SELECT_INPUT IMP_NEW IMP_PRINT_STRING IMP_OPEN_INPUT IMP_PROMPT IMP_READ_S IMP_SIGNAL IMP_CUR_IN IMP_CURR_OUT Cannot access equals (=) required following Association for PARAMS PbE2 [BBC.TK413.LIB]MATHS 1985-02-01 12:13:14 D5:[BBC.TK413.LIB]MATHS.IMP;2 Lattice Logic IMP 9.12-2.26-2.3 MD_SQRT MD_LN MD_EXP MD_SIN MD_COS MD_ATAN IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER IMP_SIGNAL Jb0@( U>#6| @TUUUUU V>#6| Hugo sLib fails -- GATT_DIAG GATT_DIAG program failure in module , please submit a CSR : version Product: , Version: GATT_DIAG GATT_COMMON 0W(c OpenLL/bad extension +++Detected by module OpenLL cannot open ' ' -- event cannot open ' ' -- event OpenLL/connect GATT_OPENLL GATT_VMS TOOLS_SYMTAB Hugo sLib es-8R ?es-8R [BBC.TK413.LIB]MATHS PbE2 [BBC.TK413.LIB]READI 1985-02-01 12:13:14 D5:[BBC.TK413.LIB]READI.IMP;2 Lattice Logic IMP 9.12-2.26-2.3 IMP_READ_I IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER IMP_SIGNAL IMP_CUR_IN 334| p'nI` [BBC.TK413.LIB]READI PbE2 [BBC.TK413.LIB]READS 1985-02-01 12:13:14 D5:[BBC.TK413.LIB]READS.IMP;1 Lattice Logic IMP 9.12-2.26-2.3 IMP_READ_S IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER IMP_SIGNAL IMP_CUR_IN [BBC.TK413.LIB]READS PbE2 [BBC.TK413.LIB]READR 1985-02-01 12:13:14 D5:[BBC.TK413.LIB]READR.IMP;4 Lattice Logic IMP 9.12-2.26-2.3 IMP_READ_R IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER IMP_READ_I IMP_SIGNAL IMP_CUR_IN 7iXN p`g@ H'nID [BBC.TK413.LIB]READR PbE2 STACKCH 1985-02-01 12:13:14 D5:[BBC.PANOS]STACKCH.IMP;1 Lattice Logic IMP 9.12-2.26-2.3 LL_STACK_CHECK LL_MINIMUM_FREE IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER IMP_SIGNAL CURRENTHEAPEND STACKCH PbE2 [BBC.TK413.LIB]SUBSTR 1985-02-01 12:13:14 D5:[BBC.TK413.LIB]SUBSTR.IMP;1 Lattice Logic IMP 9.12-2.26-2.3 IMP_SUB_STRING IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER IMP_SIGNAL [BBC.TK413.LIB]SUBSTR PbE2 [BBC.TK413. Hugo sLib ysource/a/e-c list/s listfile aof/k identify/s help/s module/1 options/i decode/s nodiags/s check/s show/s error/k[Error:] CC_NS32016 unimplemented feature !1 too many names ISO code !1 illegal in strings bad escape code \'!1' expression syntax fault '!1' character not allowed here6sizeof operand must be a type name or unary expression missing operand missing ) identifier expected !1 expected declaration syntax fault expression expected/identifier or {enum-list} required after 'enum''an empty enumerator list is not allowed!an empty structure is not allowed@identifier or {struct-decl-list} required after 'struct'/'union'F'{' function-body '}' expected here; could be missing ; after ) above? statement expected here3a compiler-control (#) line may not begin with "!1"/format is #include "file" or #include )syntax error in compiler-control (#) line too many nested #include files include stack underflow closing '>' expected macro text store full macro expansion stack full@number of macro actual parameters does not agree with definition too many macro parameters array dimension table full internal error corrupt syntax tree6storage class incompatible with a previous declaration "!1" incompatible with type "!2")constant integer expression required hereB"!1" and "!2" are incompatible operand types for the "!3" operator "!1" not declared%left operand of "!1" is not an lvalue "%" must have integer operands'operand of unary "!1" must be an lvalue/operan Hugo sLib LIB]STOI 1985-02-01 12:13:14 D5:[BBC.TK413.LIB]STOI.IMP;1 Lattice Logic IMP 9.12-2.26-2.3 IMP_S_TO_I IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER IMP_SIGNAL j N# [BBC.TK413.LIB]STOI PbE2 [BBC.TK413.LIB]ITOS 1985-02-01 12:13:14 D5:[BBC.TK413.LIB]ITOS.IMP;2 Lattice Logic IMP 9.12-2.26-2.3 IMP_I_TO_S IMP_WRITE IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER IMP_I_TO_S IMP_PRINT_STRING [BBC.TK413.LIB]ITOS PbE2 [BBC.TK413.LIB]ITOX 1985-02-01 12:13:14 D5:[BBC.TK413.LIB]ITOX.IMP;1 Lattice Logic IMP 9.12-2.26-2.3 IMP_X_TO_S IMP_PRINT_HEX IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER IMP_X_TO_S IMP_PRINT_STRING z ' [BBC.TK413.LIB]ITOX PbE2 [BBC.TK413.LIB]FREEST 1985-02-01 12:13:14 D5:[BBC.TK413.LIB]FREEST.IMP;1 Lattice Logic IMP 9.12-2.26-2.3 IMP_FREE_STORE IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER LL___HEAP_BASE [BBC.TK413.LIB]FREEST PbE2 DAYTIME 1984-02-29 14:23:16 D5:[BBC.PANOS]DAYTIME.IMP;5 Lattice Logic IMP 9.11-2.18-2.2 IMP_DATE IMP_TIME SYSTEMTIME IMP_CPU_TIME IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER DATE TIME STANDARDTIME 1985-01-01 00:00:00.00 DAYTIME PbE2 LLTRANS 1985-02-01 12:13:14 D5:[BBC.PANOS]LLTRANS.IMP;1 Lattice Logic IMP 9.12-2.26-2.3 LL_TRANSLATE IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER GETGLOBALSTRING LLTRANS Affff Stop Program Arguments DecodeInit DecodeArg HelpRequired DecodeEnd GetStateArg GetStringArg GetCardinalArg GetErrorInformation Error XBlockWrite SBlockWrite BlockRead XWriteByte FindInput FindOutput CloseStream InputStream XEndOfFile XSelectInput XSelectOutput SetFileOffset XBytesOutstanding XDeleteFile File Signal Handler Allocate Store GetGlobalString GlobalString Hugo sLib d of -> or unary * must have pointer type/unary "!3" may not have an operand of type "!1"D"!1" is not in the parameter list of "!2" and so may not appear here:declarator may only contain a single formal parameter list'function declarator required before "{"-a function result of type "!1" is not allowed4expression of type "!1" cannot be used as a function this statement is inaccessible(switch expression must have integer type?"case" and "default" are only allowed inside a switch statement"!3" previously declared as "!2" may not be redeclared as "!1" "!1" already defined struct tag "!1" not declared yet string constant too long unknown size Hugo sLib 2.2.4 PASCAL PASCAL_NS32016 fails -- -- % has not been defined; it is usually #***Error during compilation: Event -- Pascal Prog compiles Prog-pas giving Prog-aof Pascal Prog -List as above but puts a listing in Prog-lis Pascal Prog -List temp as above but the listing goes to temp Pascal Prog -aof NewProg puts object file into NewProg-aof Options: -Extend enables language extensions -NoWarn inhibits warning messages -NoChecks inhibits generation of checking code -NoDiags inhibits generation of diagnostic tablesX -Identify displays compiler identification e.g. Pascal Prog -Extend -NoWarn incorrect arguments SOURCE IDENTIFY -pas -aof MODULE DICT TRUSTED NODIAGS NOCHECKS NOASSIGNED NOSTACK NORANGE DECODE MONITOR NOTIFY NOWARN EXTEND NEWPRIM LL$PRIM $.PRIM LIST LISTFILE -lis null: -SOURCE -OPTIONS -DICT -VERSION -PREDEF x -LIST PAS$FE $.PASFE PAS$MODULE -ICODE TA-TMP -OPTIONS -MODULE -AOF -PRIMIN ' -HANDLER IMP_CONDITION_HANDLER -LANG 1 LL$BE $.LLBE Program contains fault LL$LINES lines compiled PASDR Hugo sLib CC V0 Symbol Table Statistics Hugo sLib v$t_ Xy!E End of file reached NULL: cannot open code= Illegal IMP stream number *** Failed to wind down input: : *** Failed to wind down output: IOLIB Hugo sLib Data: ERROR: False True Executing Hugo etup .$.> :4.$.> _cmd _cmd Hugo $ . CSetup v1.10/01 $ . Initialisation file for c on ADFS (temporary: for v 1.4(s) only) $ .set cc$fe "$.PanosLib.ccfe-rif" $ .set LL$be "$.PanosLib.LLbe!-rif" $ .set Link$Lib:pas "$.PanosLib.pas!" $ .set Link$Lib:c "$.PanosLib.c" $ .set Link$Lib_List "Panos c pas" $ .set LL$Prim "$.PanosLib.Prim!-dat" $ .set c$Include "$.c" e$-sr-log-log PanosData Panos -src ibrary -doc File$-rif Affff Arguments Program DecodeInit DecodeArg DecodeEnd GetStringArg GetCardinalArg XBlockWrite SBlockWrite BlockRead XWriteByte FindInput FindOutput CloseStream InputStream XEndOfFile XSelectInput XSelectOutput SetFileOffset XBytesOutstanding XDeleteFile File GetGlobalString GlobalString Stop Signal Handler Allocate Store CurrentHeapEnd Hugo sLib not assigned invalid ordinal value Chr( unassigned pointer ??? not assigned = 16_ = 16_ (not Hugo sLib Hugo sLib Hugo Hugo PanosLib PanosLib Hugo Xy!E End of file reached NULL: cannot open code= Illegal IMP stream number *** Failed to wind down input: : *** Failed to wind down output: IOLIB Hugo sLib _rif _rif Hugo AADD DDDDD ADADA AfffFa Stop Program Arguments DecodeInit DecodeArg DecodeEnd GetStringArg GetIntegerArg GetErrorInformation Error XBlockWrite SBlockWrite BlockRead XWriteByte FindInput FindOutput CloseStream XSelectInput XSelectOutput XDeleteFile File SetFileOffset XBytesOutstanding Signal Handler Allocate Store Date TimeAndDate Time StandardTime FICODE/=1 OPTIONS/=1/I MODULE/=1 AOF/=1 PRIMIN/=1 HANDLER/=1 LANG/=1/I internal failure -- -- tb-tmp#***Error during compilation: Event -- incorrect arguments for LLBE ICODE OPTIONS MODULE HANDLER PRIMIN LANG LLBE Hugo sLib 6P'n not assigned invalid ordinal value unassigned pointer ??? not assigned = 16_ = 16_ (not assigned?) = reserved operand reserved operand Chr( (disposed) U5E% &6FVf HXuaqhex Event Overflow Integer overflow Real overflow String overflow Division by zero Excess resource Not enough store Output exceeded Time exceeded Data error Symbol value in data Corrupt data Data transmission error Invalid arguments For loop cannot terminate Illegal exponent Array inside-out String inside-out Illegal parameter Out of range Array index ( ) not in bounds Switch index ( Illegal event Charno does not exist is not a character value Resolution fails Undefined value Unassigned variable Switch label ( Corrupt control variable I/O error Input ended Illegal stream NIL pointer used Reference to DISPOSED object'Zero or negative argument for logarithm Significance lost x MOD is not permitted Missing case!Negative argument for square root Disposing NIL pointer Interrupt Executing IMP Pascal 'C' called from line in starting at line module Stopped at line in ^ PANDIAG Hugo sLib |_Xx Hugo sLib ----> Initialise ----> Stop ----> Exception Exception ----> Exception passed on ----> Diagnose ----> Diagnose passed on ----> Describe frame ----> Describe module data ----> Unwind ----> Unknown handler type LLHAND *******continue*********l SIGNAL 9]'~ Heap failure -- Cannot extend heap Heap Corrupt 3 Heap Corrupt 4 Extend heap logic errorV HEAP 6x>;6d REALIO STACKCH Hugo sLib s00_p0 s44_p4 s88_p8 s<<_p< ~,|W x_`4_`0 |_`0_`4 |_X<_X, b88_`< |_`< |,_`8_`<_`0_`4\` |_P *** Failed to wind down input: : *** Failed to wind down output: IOLIB Hugo sLib