MkImg and UnImg - Make Disk Images and Extract from Disk Images =============================================================== J.G.Harston - 1999-2020 -- 70 Camm Street, Walkley, Sheffield S6 3TR MkImg is a program that creates DFS, ADFS and HADFS disk images from a set of files. UnImg is the complementary program that extracts files from DFS, ADFS and HADFS disk images. They run on BBC/Master, RISC OS and DOS/Windows. They can be called as a *command or CHAINed. MkImg - create disk image ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MkImg takes various parameters, displayed with the -? option. Where listed, options can be specified with a single character. Syntax: MkImg outfile inpath -c cycles -fs type -@ -i@file -o opt -p -q -r -R root -s size -t title -quit command outfile disk image file to create, will be filetyped to &B22 or &FCE on BBC or RISC OS. inpath source pathname to read files from. -cycles num Set disk cycle number. -fs type Specify the disk image type. Recognised disk types are: DFS Acorn 31-file DFS DFS62 Watford 62-file DFS ADFS Acorn ADFS HADFS Harston ADFS 16-bit disk (up to 16M) HADFS24 Harston ADFS 24-bit disk (up to 4G) If not specified, then defaults to DFS. If HADFS is specified but a large disk size is specified, then HADFS24 is selected. -i@file Read a list of filenames to include from the specified text file. This list can include replacement filesnames to store in the disk image. -@ Read a list of filename to include from standard input. -opt num Set the disk boot option. -pad Pad output file to full disk size. -quiet Suppress all display output. -recurse Recurse into subdirectories. This will also create two DFS disk images if the source directory has subdirectories '0' and '1' or '0' and '2'. -R rootdir Specify DFS root directory. This allows the creation of Atom/System DOS images with -R " " to place files in the " " directory instead of the "$" directory. -size num Specify maximum disk size in K or M, for example '-s 200K' specifies a maximum 200K disk image, as with a single-sided 80-track DFS disk. If no size is specified, the final disk image's size will be the total size of the included files. The following table shows the maximum disk sizes: fs type sector numbers maximum disk size DFS 10-bit 256K DFS62 10-bit 256K ADFS 21-bit 512M HADFS 16-bit 16M HADFS24 24-bit 4096M -title string Specify the disk title. -quit command Call the specified command on exit. If the command starts with a '*', then it is called as a *command, otherwise it is CHAINed. OSBYTE 1 or the DOS ERRORLEVEL is set to any error number. This will be 0 for no error. -quit must be the final option on the line. Example commands ---------------- MkImg Utils1/ssd $.Disk.JGH.Utilities1 -o 3 -t Utilities1 -q -quit *Dir $.Image.JGH MkImg -hostfs-$.DiskImages.Apps/ssd :Apps.$ -t Apps -fs hadfs -quit *Dir &.Makefiles MkImg L3Util/adf $.L3FS.Utils -fs adfs -p -s 640K -t L3FSUtils -quit *Dir $.L3FS You can include files listed in an Exec file with the -@ option, for example with a file containing: *MkImg outfile @ -@ -fs dfs -size 200K BASIC1,%.BASIC1 Tiny65,TINY65 If you *EXEC this file, it will output to 'outfile', reading from '@' the current directory, with -@ specifying the input is the standard input, which will be the Exec file being read. The file list lists on each line the source file to read, followed - after a comma - with the filename to use to store the file. In this example, '%.BASIC1' specifies that the file should be stored in the DFS '%' directory, and 'TINY65' will be stored in the '$' directory. Example DOS/Windows commands ---------------------------- MkImg L3Utils.adf H:\L3FS\Utils -fs adfs -t L3FSUtils DFS disk images --------------- When copying files to a DFS image, files are put in the DFS '$' directory (or the directory specified with the -R option), unless the filename has a "/xxx" extension. Then, the first character of the extension, is used as the DFS directory. For instance, "HDInit" becomes the DFS filename "$.HDInit", and "HDInit/txt" (or "HDInit.txt" on non-Acorn systems) becomes the DFS filename "T.HDInit". When copying recursively with the -r option, then files in single-character subdirectories are placed in the equivalent single-character directories in the DFS image. For instance, "A.Asm32" (or A/Asm32 on non-Acorn systems) becomes the DFS file "A.Asm32". UnImg - extract from disk image ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UnImg takes various parameters, displayed with the -? option. Where listed, options can be specified with a single character. Syntax: UnImg infile -d outdir -fs type -dsd -s -e -i -X -q -quit command infile disk image file to extract from. -d outdir optional destination directory to extract file to. By default all files are extracted to the current directory. -fs type Specify the disk image type. Recognised disk types are: DFS Acorn DFS ADFS Acorn ADFS HADFS Harston ADFS If not specified the image is examined to try and work out what filesystem it contains. If it cannot be recognised an error is returned. -dsd Treat the source file as an interleaved image. ADFS images are treated as 16*256 bytes per track, all other images are treated as 10*256 bytes per track. -sub Extract DFS files to subdirectories. -ext Extract DFS files with extensions. If neither of these options are uses, DFS files are extracted with the filename prefixed with the DFS directory character, eg T.ReadMe -> T/ReadMe on Acorn systems, T.ReadMe on non-Acorn systems. DFS directory '$' and ' ' (space) are extracted with no directory character. -inf On non-Acorn systems .inf files are created containing the Acorn metadata (load/exec addresses, etc.) This option forces the creation of .inf files on Acorn systems. -X By default, .inf files are created with only the load, exec and length fields. With this option the attributes and any other metadata is output. -quiet Suppress all display output. -quit command Call the specified command on exit. If command starts with a '*', then it is called as a *command, otherwise it is CHAINed. OSBYTE 1 or the DOS ERRORLEVEL is set to any error number. This will be 0 for no error. -quit must be the final option on the line. UnImg currently does not have an option to extract the second side from a two-sided DFS disk. Only the first 31 files from Watford DFS62 images are extracted. Example commands ---------------- UnImg Utils1/ssd -d $.Disk.JGH.Utilities1 -fs dfs -q -quit *Dir $.Image.JGH UnImg -hostfs-$.DiskImages.Apps/ssd -d :Apps.$ -fs hadfs -quit *Dir &.Makefiles UnImg L3Util/adf -d $.L3FS.Utils -fs adfs Example DOS/Windows commands ---------------------------- UnImg L3Utils.adf -d H:\L3FS\Utils -fs adfs Running on DOS/Windows ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MkImg will read file metadata from .inf files with the same filename as the source file with a ".inf" extension, and UnImg will create .inf files. A .inf file is a text file with some of the following contents: filename(spc)loadaddr(spc)execaddr(spc)length(spc)access(spc)(any other metadata) MkImg only looks for load/exec addresses and access, any length field is ignored, eg: BACKUP FFFF5D80 FFFF7B00 00129A 13 If there is no .inf file, or the load address is missing, the load address defaults to 0. If the exec address is missing it defaults to the same as the load address. Any length field is ignored, the length of the actual file is used. If the access field is missing it defaults to 33 for WR/wr. The access byte is a bitfield of %0ewrLEWR for public exec/write/read, locked, owner exec/write/read, for instance 13 is WR/r and 0B is LWR/. As a special case the access byte can be replaced with L which represents 19 for LR/r. Note that DFS uses a restricted set of access values, Locked and Unlocked. When creating a DFS disk image only the Locked bit of the source file is used. When creating HADFS disk images, any mdate, mtime, cdate, ctime values will be used. mdate and mtime default to 0, cdate defaults to mdate and ctime defaults to mtime. UnImg creates .inf files with the file metadata. By default, it outputs the load and exec address, the object length, and the access, eg: BACKUP FFFF5D80 FFFF7B00 00129A 13 With the -X option any extra metadata the filesystem supports will be output, the mdate, mtime, cdate, ctime, account info, eg: BACKUP FFFF5D80 FFFF7B00 00129A 13 7B23 BACKUP FFFF1900 FFFF8023 001273 33 7B23 123106 7B20 112708 When running on non-Acorn platforms, the standard filename translation is used on non-Acorn filenames, swapping: # <-> ? . <-> / $ <-> < ^ <-> > & <-> + @ <-> = % <-> ; Version History ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MkImg: v1.02 01-Jul-2003 -update option added. v1.03 06-Jul-2003 -@ option added. v1.04 30-Jul-2003 Catalogue stored in correct sector start order, uses default maximum disk size. v1.05 09-Apr-2010 Creates double-sided disk if source dir contains two directories. v1.06 09-Aug-2011 Pads to the end of partially used sectors. v1.07 17-Aug-2012 Creates ADFS and HADFS images. v1.08 12-Jan-2013 DFS disk images with files in non-$ directories have a correct file count. Fixed a bug introduced in v1.07. ADFS/HADFS image creation updated. v1.09 05-Mar-2013 Can create an image from a single source file. v1.10 03-Dec-2017 Non-BBC filenames translated, added -p option. v1.11 17-Dec-2017 dfs62 done, fixed file.txt -> t.file translation. v1.12 12-Aug-2019 -R option added. v1.12a DFS L access can be set, date/time read. UnImg: v1.10 18-Dec-2017 Initial version, doesn't translate filenames to non-Acorn systems. v1.11 19-Dec-2017 Filenames translated. v1.12 09-Apr-2018 Added -sub, -ext, -X options. Notes and bugs -------------- MkImg does not create bootable HADFS disk images. You will need to *INSTALL the boot sectors using HADFS or HADFSFiler. Current directory must be specified explicity, eg MkImg out "" etc... or MkImg out @ etc... Including from a list doesn't set subdirectory correctly. ADT,SROM.ADT or ADT,SROM/ADT creates a file called 'SROM/ADT' MkImg needs an option to set in-image disk size without also padding file to full size.