Access to EMAS Prolog
KEY In order to use the interpreter it is necessary for you get access to all the bits of the system by adding the Prolog library to your search list with the following EMAS command: Command: OPTION SEARCHDIR=CONLIB.PROLOG I have assumed the EMAS "no brackets" convention here; see the EMAS documentation for details. This will only need to be done once, as EMAS will remember it, If you are a student then this initial setting up operation will probably have already been done for you, and you will not have to worry about it (try the following and see). Since Prolog makes syntactic use of the difference between upper and lower case it is important that you have your terminal set up so that it accepts lower case in the normal way. This means, for a start, that you must be using an upper and lower case terminal - and not, for example, an upper case only teletype. It is possible to use Prolog using upper case only (see section 1.15) but it is unnecessarily painful. We shall assume both upper and lower case throughout this manual. Since EMAS does not always consider the use of lower case to be the normal state of affairs, you may have to tell EMAS that that is what you want before using Prolog. This can be done with the EMAS command: Command: SETMODE LOWER More usefully, you could havethis action occur automatically whenever you use EMAS. See the EMAS documentation, or ask someone who knows, for more details. If you are a student you may find that all this is being done for you, so that you don't have to bother about it. To run Prolog type the EMAS command: Command: prolog Prolog will then output a banner and prompt you for directives as follows: Emas Prolog version n | ?- There will be a pause between the first line and the prompt while the system loads itself. It is possible to type ahead during this period if you get impatient. When you run Prolog you can tell it to set your terminal properly (in case you havn't done that yet), and you can also tell it to start by restoring a save-state that you made earlier. Save-states will be explained fully later. Command: PROLOG /L (Set lower case) Command: PROLOG /V (Set video and lower case) Command: prolog prog (Restore "prog") Command: PROLOG PROG/L (Restore "prog", set lower case)