Using files, and calling EMAS commands from within Prolog
KEY More usefully the following directives allow the editing of EMAS files, and other operations, to be performed from inside Prolog: | ?- edit File. You are placed inside ECCE, editing the file File, and when ECCE is exited (using "%c") you are returned to Prolog. | ?- redo File. This is like edit except that after returning from ECCE the file is reconsulted, which means that definitions of procedures in the file replace any existing definitions. This predicate allows you to correct parts of your program incrementally. | ?- edit. | ?- redo. Without arguments, these predicates perform their operations on the last file you edited with an edit File or redo File. The following predicates allow you to find out what files you have, and to type them out onto the terminal: | ?- files. This shows you the names of all your files using the Emas FILES command. | ?- dir. This is currently a version of FILES, but it is eventually intended to provide more information about each file. | ?- ty File. The file File is typed out onto the terminal. This is probably quicker than editing it with ECCE if you just want a brief look at its contents. In general, it is possible to call any Emas command using the following evaluable predicates: emas(Command) emas(Command,Arguments) Both Command and Arguments must be Prolog atoms, examples of how to use these would be: emas(users) emas(list,'foo,.lp15') Note that Arguments is the whole argument string for the command and that if it contains characters like "," then it will have to be quoted as in the example, otherwise it would not be syntactically recognised as a Prolog atom. Since multiple arguments to Emas commands must be separated by commas, you will have to quote this atom in most cases. All Prolog predicates described earlier in this section, such as edit, redo etc., are evaluable predicates written in Prolog which use emas(_) and emas(_,_). It is very easy for you to write similar conveniences for youself using these facilities.