Restoring A Saved Program
KEY Once a program has been saved into a file file, the interpreter can be restored to this saved state by invoking the Prolog system as follows when it is initially run: Command: prolog file After execution of this Emas command, the interpreter will be in EXACTLY the same state as existed immediately prior to the call to save. That is to say execution will start at the goal immediately following the call to save, just as if save had returned successfully. If you saved the state at top-level then you will be back at top-level, but if you explicitly called save from within your program then the execution of your program will continue. Save states can only be restored when Prolog is initially run from Emas command level. There is currently no way of restoring a saved state from inside Prolog. Note that when a new version of the Prolog system is installed, all program files saved with the old version become obsolete. You are thus advised to rely on source files for your programs and not on some gigantic save state.