Reading in Programs

KEY consult(F) Instructs the interpreter to read-in the program which is in file F. When a directive is read it is immediately executed. When a clause is read it is put after any clauses already read by the interpreter for that procedure. reconsult(F) Like consult except that any procedure defined in the "reconsulted" file erases any clauses for that procedure already present in the interpreter. reconsult makes it possible to amend a program without having to restart from scratch and consult all the files which make up the program. [File|Files] This is a shorthand way of consulting or reconsulting a list of files. A file name may optionally be preceded by the operator '-' to indicate that the file should be "reconsulted" rather than "consulted". Thus | ?- [file1,-file2,file3]. is merely a shorthand for | ?- consult(file1), reconsult(file2), consult(file3).