procedure AlgolEdit(characterset, linelimit);
string characterset;
integer linelimit;
comment If this procedure is presented an ALGOL 60 program or procedure
in the form of a sequence of basic symbols, it will transmit to the
output medium a copy of the text with indentations between each
begin-end pair and some rearrangement of the blank spaces within the
text. This procedure is an example of its own output. It is used to
edit ALGOL 60 text that is difficult to read because, for example, the
ALGOL has been transcribed from printed documents, or written by
inexperienced programmers, or stored in compressed form (i.e., with all
redundant blank spaces removed). The integer “-1” will represent the
nonbasic symbol “carriage return”, “-2” will represent an end-of-file
mark, other symbols will have the integer value corresponding to their
position in the parametric string “characterset”. The string must
contain exactly the 116 basic symbols of ALGOL 60. The parameter
line-limit” sets an upper bound on the number of basic symbols that
the user wishes to appear on a line of output. The identifiers “lsq”
and “rsq” will be used in place of strings of length one whose only
elements are “‘” and “’”, respectively;
     integer array spacesbefore, spacesafter[1 : 116], buffer[1 : linelimit];
     integer tabstop, symbol, i, symbolcount, level;
     Boolean newline;
     integer procedure val(s);
     string s;
     comment The value of this procedure is the integer corresponding
             to the position in the string “characterset” of the symbol in the
             string “s”. The body of the procedure must be expressed in code;
     end val;
     procedure get(symbol);
     integer symbol;
     begin insymbol(2, characterset, symbol);
        if symbol = -2 then go to eof
     end get;
     procedure send(symbol);
     integer symbol;
     begin comment “send” must not break identifiers across lines or
                   insert spurious characters into strings;
          integer i, u, v;
          if symbol = -1 ∨ symbolcount ≥ linelimit
          begin v := tabstop;
               if newline then go to E;
               if level ≠ 0 then
               begin comment Inside a string;
                    for i:= 1 step 1 until symbolcount do outsymbol(1, characterset, buffer[i]);
                    outsymbol(1, characterset, -1) ;
                    v := 0
               end else
               begin u := symbolcount;
                    newline := true;
                    if symbol = -1 then go to D;
                    comment Find a convenient place to break the line;
                    for u := symbolcount - 1 step -1 until tabstop do
                         if buffer[u + 1] = val(‘ ’) ∨ buffer[u] = val(rsq) then go to D;
                    u := symbolcount;
                    comment Send the line;
                    D: for i := 1 step 1 until u do outsymbol(1, characterset, buffer[i]);
                    outsymbol(1, characterset, -1);
                    comment Find a non-blank character to start the next line;
                    for i := u + 1 step 1 until symbolcount do if buffer[i] ≠ val(‘ ’) then go to F;
                    go to G;
                    comment Move a new line to the head of the buffer area;
                    F: for i := i step 1 until symbolcount do
                    begin v := v + 1;
                         newline := false;
                         buffer[v] := buffer[i]
                    comment Insert blanks for tab stops;
                    G: for i := 1 step 1 until tabstop do buffer[i] := val(‘ ’)
               E: symbolcount := v
          comment Now we can put the new symbol in the buffer array;
          if symbol ≠ -1 ∧ ¬ (newline ∧ symbol = val(‘ ’)) then
          begin symbolcount := symbolcount + 1;
               newline := false;
               buffer[symbolcount] := symbol
     end send;
     for symbol := 1 step 1 until 116 do spacesbefore[symbol] := spacesafter[symbol] := 0;
     for symbol := val(‘+’), val(‘-’), val(‘¬’), val(‘:’), val(‘:=’),
       val(‘<’), val(‘≤’), val(‘=’), val(‘≠’), val(‘≥’), val(‘>’) do
       spacesbefore[symbol] := spacesafter[symbol] := 1;
     for symbol := val(‘∧’), val(‘∨’), val(‘⊃’), val(‘≡’), val(‘then’),
       val(‘else’), val(‘step’), val(‘until’),val(‘while’), val(‘do’) do
       spacesbefore[symbol] := spacesafter[symbol] := 2;
     for symbol := val(‘go to’), val(‘begin’), val(‘if’), val(‘for’),
       val(‘procedure’), val(‘value’), val(‘own’), val(‘real’),
       val(‘Boolean’), val(‘integer’), val(‘array’), val(‘switch’),
       val(‘label’), val(‘string’), val(‘,’) do spacesafter[symbol] := 2;
     level := symbolcount := tabstop := 0;
     newline := true;
     nextsymbol: deblank: get(symbol);
     scanned: if symbol = val(‘ ’) ∨ symbol = -1 then go to deblank;
     if      symbol = val(‘begin’) then send( -1)
     else if symbol = val(‘end’)   then
     begin tabstop := tabstop - 5;
          send( -1)
     for i := 1 step 1 until spacesbefore[symbol] do send(val(‘ ’));
     for i := 1 step 1 until spacesafter[symbol] do send(val(‘ ’));
     if symbol = val(‘comment’) then
     begin comment Pass comments on unchanged;
          for i := 1 while symbol ≠ val(‘;’) do
          begin get(symbol);
     end else if symbol = val(‘end’) then
     begin comment ‘end’ comments;
          for i := 1 while symbol ≠ val(‘;’) do
          begin get(symbol);
               if symbol = val(‘else’) ∨ symbol = val(‘end’) then go to scanned;
     end else if symbol = val(lsq) then
     begin comment Pass strings on unchanged;
          level := 1;
          for i := 1 while level ≠ 0 do
          begin get(symbol);
               if      symbol = val(lsq) then level := level + 1
               else if symbol = val(rsq) then level := level - 1
     if      symbol = val(‘begin’) then tabstop := tabstop + 5
     else if symbol = val(‘;’)     then send(-1);
     go to nextsymbol;
     eof: send( -1);
     outsymbol (1, characterset, -2)
end Algoledit;