programPETE; begin procedureJIM(L,S,ST); valueL; labelL; switchS; stringST; algol; procedureFRED; external; procedureGILES; fortran; ownrealX; integerI,J,K; booleanB1,B2; arrayA[1:10]; forI ≔ step1 until10,I+1 whileB1∧truedo ifK >J ∨K ⩾J thengotoEND elsegotoEND; B1 ≔ I =J implK ≠J ≡false; B2 ≔ K ⩽ K ∨ K < J; comment It is the codeon/codeoff that may be failing.; B2 ≔ K ⩽ K ∨ K < J; codeon; codeoff; I ≔ J÷K)⭡I; commentALL KEYWORDS USED; END:endTEST PROG //OPTIONS()