A Solutions Finder for the Game of Boggle
Deboggle is a Java program that "facilitates" the game of Boggle/Tangleword
by searching for words in the letter grid for you.
Screen shot on right
The program is fully configurable:
handles letter grids from 3x3 to 10x10 letter dimensions,
searches words up to 6 letters long,
settable time limit on
how long the search will be allowed to run before halting.
equipped with a 13,500+ word bank that you can add and remove
words from.
(Words in the default bank are limited to 6-letter words and under.)
If you would like to create word banks on your own, the Java
Trie object and utilities to create and modify it are provided as well in
the distribution for you to use, as well as a few electronic texts:
Black Beauty - Anna Sewell
The Book of Tea - Kakuzo Okakura
Julius Caesar - William Shakespeare
that can be used to populate the bank with words.
The word bank Java object may be freely used in other programs if its use
is desired in other Java projects.
Questions? Email me!
Juno Suk (JunoWhoIM@aol.com)
Download Deboggle (zip)
Download Deboggle (tar.gz)
View the README.txt
View javadoc files
View provided electronic texts
Electronic books on-line
Play Tangleword on-line
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