Czech Scrabble
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CZECHCzech does not yet have an official paper book of words in the style of the OSW or OSPD. However the official Czech Scrabble Association does have a short list of two and three letter words in 7-bit format and in 8-bit format (Alternative source 1, Alternative source 2 - may now be the master copy)
Czech Czech Letter Value Number A 1 5 Á 2 2 B 3 2 C 2 3 Č 4 1 C v D 1 3 Ď 8 1 D v E 1 5 É 3 2 Ě 3 2 E v F 5 1 G 5 1 H 2 3 I 1 4 Í 2 3 J 2 2 K 1 3 L 1 3 M 2 3 N 1 5 Ň 6 1 N v O 1 6 Ó 7 1 P 1 3 R 1 3 Ř 4 2 R v S 1 4 Š 4 2 S v T 1 4 Ť 7 1 T v U 2 3 Ú 5 1 Ů 4 1 (see footnote) U o V 1 4 X 10 1 Y 2 2 Ý 4 2 Z 2 2 Ž 4 1 Z v Blank 0 2 Total 100
Here is a more encompassing list of Czech words (7Mb) in ISO8859-2 encoding.
[Update: official list of words up to 5 letters at is now supplemented by words of 6 letters.] Also, my understanding of Czech is somewhat limited, but I think this page is saying that there is now an official wordlist (Velex) and that a demo version is available for download Also at that site are the fives and sixes supplementing the official 2-4 list. (in .arj format) - and even that appears to have a supplement. Anyone who understands Czech who would like to confirm or clarify the above, please contact me!
- Summary of Czech Scrabble in English
- Official Czech Scrabble Association
- Czech Scrabble site - rules/letters/scores etc.
- Czech Scrabble Doom
The full set of tiles from that page are here.- Table of letters
- Czech board log and letter check-off sheet
- Czech and Slovak rules/distributions/etc.
- Richard Wagner's Scrabble Board
How to use a spreadsheet to simulate a Scrabble board! Also he uses this non-standard tile distribution:
CH is a Czech letter which has it's own position in alphabetical sorting - between H and I, rather than with C! Compare with RR in Spanish, NY in Catalan etc. The official Spear's Scrabble from 1993 does not include CH and suggests that you combine C and H tiles in words with CH. This is reasonable since Czech has a huge number of different letters and given the 100 limit for all, there is a rare representation of some and thus it's harder to draw the letters you want. On the other hand, there is a drawback: splitting CH into C and H doubles the frequencies of both C and H and the Spears set reflects it in the points and number of the C and H tiles. But in fact it is not two times easier to play C or H because you need to draw both to be able to construct CH - and the probability that you draw both is relatively low, much like drawing Q and U in English! So C and H are quite awkward letters in Mattel Scrabble and players do not like to get three of each!So how did the CH come to be used in the layout in Richard Wagners site? Before Mattel imported Scrabble to Czechia, sometimes back in 1980's or 70's there was a Czech Scrabble Clone called Pismenkovka (from pismeno = letter). That game was described in a book by Eduard Bakalar and had its own letter distribution, which included CH. So the distribution that Richard shows (above) is actually that of Pismenkovka.
There is also a scrabble-like game for sale [image] at called Krizovky; and another called Kriskros [image] (published by "Dino") on sale here.
[This info comes from Dan Zeman, author of some of the pages linked to above]- Zdar Scrabblu
- Gelasius
Scrabble clone, includes Czech, German and English word lists. Demo version is somewhat restricted.- Dvoj az petipismenna slova ve Scrabble
- Wordmaster
- AltaVista results for Scrabble on Czech pages
- Scrabbit - includes both program and Czech word file (.rar file)
- Merencin (David Horad)
- Marek Lastovka
Return to Letter by Letter games, foreign Scrabble section.
Scrabble is a trademark of Hasbro Inc in the US (formerly Selchow and Righter) and Mattel (formerly J.W. Spears) elsewhere.
On some browsers, the U with a circle above it appears to look like a U with a hacek above it. However when you zoom in on the page (Control-] in Netscape) the correct character becomes visible.