This project attempts to find a word ladder between two user-selected
words such that any single step changes only one letter. Example
path from "money" to "greed":
money coney covey cover coyer foyer fryer freer freed greed
Load the word list of 5 letter words from knuth.dat Create a parallel apvector type bool that tracks words used. Ask for start and end word (must both be 5 letter words). Put that word in a structure and put that on the queue. While there are word structures on the queue
When running, the queue has all words that are one away, followed by all words that are two away, then three away. The dequeue process removes the words as they are processed to look for other neighbors. Each element on the queue holds the word and the path to the word. The apvector has a bool-per-word to tell if any word has already been used; if so, it will not be put on the list again.
If a path is found, program announces success and displays the path. Otherwise, it indicates no path found.
This program was written in response to an idea by Owen Astrachan as used in his CPS100 class, Fall 1998 as Assignment 7. This version was written from scratch to use only ap classes (apvector and apqueue).
Implementation Notes:
Download the files in either tar format or zip format.
I welcome your feedback, suggestions for improvement, or extensions to this project.
Roger Frank