"p62.cry","p80.cry", and "p90.cry" could still not be solved.
qfy nzzdo yoflavu havvof nvvbcvsoy fosazo rbf ybcz ay rfbq dnko qfy hcqzdavu bck br foyzosk rbf wof a ycuuoyk ybcz go onkov av yadovso BEST TRIGRAM ORIGINAL 14,0,19,10,8,21,1,24,16,7,18,17,25,11,22,13,3,5,23,12,2,15,4,26,9,20,6, Mono: 514300 Trig: -90123 Dict:0 eatnvffhmntmay donp ddmanvddsjdlmtnaml fmnwsantsjfn tnwasenhvqmneatnpjefh donsjqnswnamtfmlqnwsanzman ntjoomtqntsjfnxmnmvqmdn dnt hmdlm AFTER STAT 0,1,15,21,12,26,18,8,2,17,24,20,22,10,9,5,7,13,6,3,11,4,14,23,25,19,16, Mono: 847942 Trig: 9959 Dict:42 mrs ipple servand banner innounces recape for soup as from lite mrs bumpland out of respect for wer a suddest soup he eiten an salence AFTER DICT 0,9,15,1,12,26,18,13,23,17,24,20,22,10,21,5,7,8,6,3,11,4,14,2,25,19,16, Mono: 857671 Trig: -3962 Dict:69 hrs upple servind winner unnoances recipe for soap is froh lute hrs wahplind oat of respect for ber i saddest soap me euten in silence BEST DICTIONARY ORIGINAL 14,0,8,19,10,21,16,17,7,1,18,24,13,11,25,3,5,12,22,15,23,4,2,6,26,20,9, Mono: 469322 Trig: -107815 Dict:0 lptnyiijcntcpm bdng bbcpnybbhsboctnpco icnvhpnthsin tnvphlnjyxcnlptngslij bdnhsxnhvnpcticoxnvhpnfcpn ntsddctxnthsinqcncyxcbn bnt jcboc AFTER STAT 0,9,15,21,12,17,18,8,4,24,11,20,25,10,1,5,22,13,6,3,23,7,14,2,26,19,16, Mono: 841920 Trig: 9476 Dict:80 mrs apple serying dinner announces recipe for soup is from late mrs dumpling out of respect for ber i suggest soup he eaten in silence AFTER DICT 0,9,15,21,12,17,18,8,4,24,11,20,25,10,1,5,22,13,6,3,23,7,14,2,26,19,16, Mono: 841920 Trig: 9476 Dict:80 mrs apple serying dinner announces recipe for soup is from late mrs dumpling out of respect for ber i suggest soup he eaten in silence
abdzyx uydu za vywzce fbgh dbvtycf sjjx yu rbvj jkjc urbger fbg lzar urjf ljhj BEST TRIGRAM ORIGINAL 18,0,19,20,4,14,13,12,3,17,5,25,7,22,10,24,26,1,11,6,21,15,2,16,8,23,9, Mono: 284516 Trig: -44518 Dict:0 sdiwhrowdori rbwpitnrmslcrdsbuwtmrfeehrworksbereyetrokslnkrmslrgi krokemrgece AFTER STAT 0,19,15,14,3,7,4,21,12,17,5,22,23,24,6,10,26,25,8,2,16,20,13,11,18,1,9, Mono: 497949 Trig: 13102 Dict:26 sociar tact is making doul compand beer at home even though dou wish thed wele AFTER DICT 0,19,15,18,3,7,6,21,12,17,5,22,4,24,23,10,26,25,8,2,16,20,13,11,14,1,9, Mono: 493872 Trig: 6592 Dict:41 socian tact is makirg foul comparf been at home ever though fou dish thef dele BEST DICTIONARY ORIGINAL 0,18,20,4,19,13,14,3,12,5,25,17,22,11,10,7,26,24,1,6,16,21,23,2,15,8,9, Mono: 444285 Trig: -45128 Dict:2 rtsiho uhsu ir whbidm ntcl stwphdn fyyo hu atwy yqyd uatcma ntc vira uayn vyly AFTER STAT 0,3,15,18,12,19,25,21,4,10,5,22,6,17,7,11,26,24,8,2,16,20,23,13,14,1,9, Mono: 493296 Trig: 7482 Dict:21 colian talt ic wamirs youd lowpary been at howe ever thoush you fich they fede AFTER DICT 0,19,15,14,3,7,25,21,18,10,5,22,6,17,4,2,26,24,8,11,16,20,13,23,12,1,9, Mono: 491879 Trig: 10253 Dict:58 social tact is mawing your company keel at home even though you fish they fere
zhn tcjp vdtk qhwwqf cltdrp ndtx zhn clgfp vdtk qhwwqf wtf ltdrp ndtx mshlj vtqjp zb vcjfp lcr gtca wgf pqtx ldbew itjfp vdtk pslg hofcp ndtx NO IMPROVEMENT
king nero prvby khnc avcl fhyyvy cavrdlk chfn deaf tfengy ic dhuly erbv ychtl riby xhff ertfikerd fhyyel BEST TRIGRAM ORIGINAL 3,23,0,14,8,4,12,7,1,20,21,10,18,24,19,15,6,17,16,25,13,11,9,2,22,26,5, Mono: 279980 Trig: -82720 Dict:0 jtsgcsdpocfpi zcjasncwinrclazzizcnwiphrjcnalschdwlcmldsgzctnchakrzcdp icznamrcpt zcvallcdpmltjdphclazzdr AFTER STAT 0,8,7,20,13,1,12,4,15,21,17,3,9,24,14,25,2,26,18,23,16,22,5,10,6,19,11, Mono: 608372 Trig: 1016 Dict:17 cund nary bregs cont heti losses thermic toln mahl plands ut movis arge stopi rugs foll arplucarm lossai AFTER DICT 0,8,19,20,13,1,23,4,15,21,17,3,9,24,14,25,2,26,18,12,16,22,5,10,6,11,7, Mono: 580341 Trig: -17477 Dict:29 cund nary bresk cont heti wokkek thermic town mahw pwandk ut movik arse ktopi rusk foww arpwucarm wokkai BEST DICTIONARY ORIGINAL 23,3,0,14,4,8,1,20,12,21,7,18,10,19,24,6,16,17,11,15,13,25,22,9,2,5,26, Mono: 309661 Trig: -84811 Dict:0 ruxtwxhkfwpkv ewrlxnwcvnjwaleevewncvkdjrwnlaxwdhcawmahxtewunwdlyjewhk vwenlmjwku ewblaawhkmaurhkdwaleehj AFTER STAT 0,9,7,16,6,18,12,8,1,21,11,4,5,2,20,24,13,17,15,10,3,22,14,25,23,19,26, Mono: 598221 Trig: -8125 Dict:11 duth trox mongs datp inpe lassns pinofed palt fril clrths up faves rogn space ougs wall rocludrof lassre AFTER DICT 0,18,6,16,7,9,12,2,1,21,11,4,5,25,13,24,22,17,14,10,3,20,15,8,23,19,26, Mono: 575903 Trig: -9249 Dict:50 dumb minx vnofs damp rope lassos pronged palm girl climbs up gates info space nufs wall including lassie
sbcwfk vwukpi fcrsx pfnukvsb vwzgre xzkrp zbtfv wpgu sfgdj dperbfgp vpifz tpasx jkpva ikobcu ogpriv BEST TRIGRAM ORIGINAL 23,25,0,9,3,14,7,20,12,6,1,17,22,26,10,11,16,5,2,19,8,13,15,18,4,24,21, Mono: 292310 Trig: -84637 Dict:2 s irgqwormqpfwgibsdwpgjmqos worutbnwduqbpwu hgowrptmwsgtcawcpnb gtpwopfguwhpysdwaqpoywfqk imwktpbfo AFTER STAT 0,3,7,8,13,6,20,15,10,1,16,18,17,26,23,2,14,22,12,9,21,5,19,11,4,24,25, Mono: 530201 Trig: -22457 Dict:0 ighktr skerna thlid ntwersig skyolf dyrln yguts knoe itomp mnflgton snaty uncid prnsc arbghe bonlas AFTER DICT 0,2,13,8,7,6,11,15,10,1,16,18,17,26,23,3,14,22,12,9,21,5,19,20,4,24,25, Mono: 515075 Trig: -39929 Dict:48 imhtkr sterna khlid nkwersim styolf dyrln ymuks tnoe ikogp gnflmkon snaky unbid prnsb arcmhe conlas BEST DICTIONARY ORIGINAL 9,0,23,25,7,20,14,3,12,17,6,1,22,10,11,16,26,5,8,19,2,18,4,15,24,13,21, Mono: 270693 Trig: -75652 Dict:0 swyonaidorazqinyhsxiznkradswidouchtixuahziuwbndiozcrisncgfigzthwnczidzqnuibz sxifazd iqapwyripczhqd AFTER STAT 0,25,15,21,13,11,12,9,17,7,2,5,26,24,4,6,1,22,14,3,23,18,19,16,20,10,8, Mono: 531633 Trig: -7499 Dict:15 couple spreag lunct aldresco sphink thena howls pair climb maknolia saglh wayct beasy gefour fiangs AFTER DICT 0,20,15,21,13,7,12,9,17,4,2,5,26,24,6,22,1,11,14,3,23,18,19,16,8,10,25, Mono: 528788 Trig: -9928 Dict:63 couple spread lunch alfresco spying hyena yowls pair climb magnolia sadly watch beast devour viands
vkjpe pbsckz rlhrtgm hjalcgsbr tlcg rkphclrhm nlmhgjcgaakmbm liujcgm njcmjbh kq ckzgphm NO IMPROVEMENT
cloudy berg slhvec bectr ui bect fvrakmy mgrak hvec budnr vrgl buzcli ey bdaaeda nekydnlc geese punfuy bett estdnlc NO IMPROVEMENT