On the weekend of July 30 to July 4, 1995, the fourth annual July 4th
gathering of the members of Words-L was held at Neal's Farm in Fenelton,

Following are some images and memories from Wordstock 95. We hope you enjoy
There's not many women who can wear a hat and get away with it. Doesn't she
just exude self-confidence?
Here he is in all his trailerparkish glory. You can forget that facade he
presents on the list of being a worldly connoisseur of beers and Gamelian
music. In truth, he's just another tattoo-wearin' weekend partier.
The elusive AOBD caught on film at last. Was it the keg of beer or the
opportunity to associate with a celebrity? Elwood looks on sympathetically.
He brought me Fabio, and what does G do but throw him in the fire. Fabio
that is. Oh well, Elwood, we'll always have the 1995 Fabio Calendar, won't
Emily shows Miss Emily her shirt while Tony smiles approvingly. He had that
"proud dad" look on his face for much of the weekend.
I like this one. Lots of artistical lines and angles and stuff. Left to
right, L. Kestenbaum, Heather's hair, Tushar, Neal, Janice, Plotkin's hat,
Karsten, and Rashmi, the Ultimate Queen of Words-L.
In the pavillion waiting to be called on our tour of Fallingwater. Left to
right, Tushar, Karsten, Heather, Neal, and Alec. One distinguishing feature
of Wordslers is an antic personality.
Always cool, nothing surprises or impresses these guys. They're Wordslers
after all. G and Karsten showing attitude at Kennywood.
GGS, a great gentleman and good friend.
Graham shows off his latest threads. Love the facial expression.
Such brazen pulchritude in one so young. And as the sapling is bent, so
shall the tree grow. Sigh.
The only Wordsler to bring off wearing a tattoo with style and verve. I
have nothing but awe for her.
He could stunt-double for Hunter S. Thompson. Nobody better mess with this
macho dude.
Everybody's dad, isn't he? What you can't see in this picture is how
completely wired, absolutely vibrating he was the day before at Kennywood.
Steve, do you ride the coasters because you want to or because you have to?
Here's Lisa, a pretty cool girl for someone who works at Delphi. She had to
leave early that day so she could get to work. Can you imagine.
This is what it looks like at the top of the Jammer water flume ride at
Kennywood when you take your hands off the panic rail for a half-second to
grab a shot. I was screaming as I shot this.
Natalie coaches the photographer on shapshooting essentials while
supplicants wait their turn to be List Goddess someday. Left to right:
Natalie, Emily, Jinny.
Cooking some powerful good hamburgers. That smoke carried on it the prayers
of Wordslers to the angels, who favored us with an excellent day and night.
Neal's farm is terrific and made the perfect location.
We had already started to when this was shot, but it gives
a feeling for the easy conviviality of the day and everyone who was there.
Norman demonstrates, once and for all, that they are wooden and painted
green. Michael MacMillan and Tushar stare appreciatively.
Phyllis, ever the iconoclast, demonstrates. After this, she showed me
photos of her cats.
After the day at Kennywood and Fallingwater, some of the hotel dwellers
gathered at Pizza Hut. You know when you're at a class hotel when the
building is constructed near fast-food restaurants for the convenience of
the guests. And a discount if you show your room key!
Left to right, Some Unknown Dude, Lisa, Myles, Michael, Marie, Mrs.
MacMillan, Rashmi, Tushar and Graham. Just look at Tushar, barefoot and
all. You'd think he was trying to make some sort of fashion statement.
Or is that Homers? D'Oh! G and Barb, with a smattering of other Wordslers.
Our two lovebirds pose at the famous graffito painted during WWII by
Heather and Tushar Kauffmann At Fallingwater.
This page is maintained by Graham Toal