Index of /languages/algol60/new-unicode-parser

      Name                    Last modified      Size  Description
Parent Directory - uparse.c 2024-08-01 22:47 39K uparse-main.c 2024-08-01 22:47 8.0K tools/ 2024-08-01 22:47 - tests/ 2024-08-01 22:47 - tests-out/ 2024-08-01 22:47 - tests-html/ 2024-08-01 22:47 - test.calc 2024-08-01 22:47 24 takeon.c 2024-08-01 22:47 18K takeon-output.c 2024-08-01 22:47 27K takeon-checks.c 2024-08-01 22:47 24K skeleton-compile.c 2024-08-01 22:47 7.1K skeleton-Makefile 2024-08-01 22:47 6.4K regexp-lexer.h 2024-08-01 22:47 1.2K regexp-lexer.c 2024-08-01 22:47 39K regen.c 2024-08-01 22:47 9.5K parser.h 2024-08-01 22:47 459 gencomp.c 2024-08-01 22:47 11K flex.h 2024-08-01 22:47 6.6K flex.c 2024-08-01 22:47 8.2K calc.g 2024-08-01 22:47 1.6K calc.c 2024-08-01 22:47 7.1K 2024-08-01 22:47 1.0K algol60.h 2024-08-01 22:59 97K algol60.g 2024-08-01 22:47 28K algol60-indent.c 2024-08-01 22:47 26K algol60-comp.h 2024-08-01 22:59 64K algol60-ast.h 2024-08-01 22:59 76K 2024-08-01 22:59 13K 2024-08-01 22:47 24K 2024-08-01 22:47 33K 2024-08-01 22:47 314 Makefile 2024-08-01 22:47 7.2K LICENSE 2024-08-01 22:47 1.2K 2024-08-01 22:47 31K DIFFS.log 2024-08-01 22:56 93K
A general parser in C

A general parser in C

This is a system for building a parser (in C) for any programming language. It uses a simple but effective parsing algorithm, is acceptably fast (the ALGOL 60 parser supplied as an example parsed the largest ALGOL 60 program I've been able to find in under a second on my 10-yr old 686 (when compiled using clang and the 'fast' options), which included generating a reformatted version of the input file from the parse tree). The grammars are easy to write and a skeleton compiler source is built for you. Unicode input is supported in both the user's programs and in the grammar definition itself.

(If you have previous experience with the unix systems yacc or bison and their lexers lex and flex, this parser is easier to use: there are no 'shift-reduce' conflicts to resolve, there is arbitrary lookahead, and lexing is built-in to the parser which is capable of matching terminals against regular expressions. 'Scannerless parsing' is supported and old-style 'line reconstruction' can be done if needed.)

The file you are currently reading is and the associated files are all available at

How to use it - the short version

Then when you want to try a grammar of your own:

(Note: the use of specific file extensions in this description is arbitrary - the utilities are agnostic to the actual extension used.)

The demonstration parser builds an executable, "algol60", which will re-indent an Algol60 source file (such as the examples in test/*.a60) while canonicalizing some of the alternative Algol symbols to something approaching the publication syntax standard, with stropped keywords having been converted to underlined format. You can compile the canonical Algol60 program by piping it through the unicode_to_jff utility in the tools/ subdirectory, and feeding that to the jff-a2c compiler from

The grammar files

In the description below, I assume the reader is already familiar with the overall concept of parsing to some extent, and perhaps has previously used other parsing tools.

The grammar files used by this code are very similar to classic Backus-Naur Form (BNF). The actual format is inherited from various parsers written in Edinburgh in the 70's and those in turn were derived from Tony Brooker's parsers from the 60's, including his Compiler-Compiler system, so the syntax is not exactly BNF but is very close. The grammar can be written as a stand-alone .g file or it can be embedded in your compiler source code in the tradition (but not the syntax) of Yacc etc. The embedded version makes use of comments in the C code: any text found in a line containing //\\ is extracted and written to a grammar file by the Makefile before building the parser.

Note: The entire sequence beginning with P<PHRASE_NAME> = is called a production rule or more commonly just a rule. The components of a rule are either phrases or terminals (sometimes abbreviated to term although I try to avoid that word in documentation because TERM also has another meaning in the context of parsing. Occasionally I may slip and refer to a phrase as a term but the reader should consider either word to be equivalent and to represent a single unit on the right-hand side of a grammar rule.) All rules must be terminated by a semi-colon (';'). Names in this system are case sensitive. Both upper and lower case are allowed in phrase names, and are considered different. The '-' character is allowed within a phrase name, and is converted to '_' internally.

I'll illustrate the different kinds of grammar rule by example:

        P<EXACT-MATCH> = "string";
This rule, used for literal text and keywords for example, has to match the text in the source file exactly. (There's more that needs to be said in the context of keywords for stropped languages, but that will be added to a later revision of this document. For now we'll handle stropped languages such as ALGOL 60 by insisting that the keywords are actually underlined using Unicode characters and that they can be parsed like ordinary text.)
        P<BOTH> = <TERM> <ANOTHER-TERM>;
For this rule to match text, the source file must contain a TERM followed by an ANOTHER-TERM.
The comma between these rules means that the either SOME-TERM has to be present in the source text, or ALTERNATIVE-TERM has to be present. If neither are present, the entire rule for EITHER fails.

The list of phrases between commas is referred to as an Alternative or an Alt for short.

It is an option that the programmer must specify in their source code as to whether white space is generally allowed before phrases or terminals. (At some point this option will likely become something that can be specified in the grammar file.) If white space is permitted, it is included in the matched text that is returned to the programmer, though it is very simple for the programmer to eliminate that white space from the returned tokens – or canonicalise the text in some other way – before using the text. Precise details will be added in a later revision of this document.

Phrases within an alternative must all match for the alternative to match; if one phrase fails (say the 3rd item in an alternative that consists of 10 phrases or terminals), then that whole alternative fails and the next alternative is examined instead. If all alternatives fail, the entire rule fails. Note that this parses a language in a slightly different way from a full backtracking parser in the details of where the backtracking resumes from. This parsing algorithm is essentially the same as that used by PEG parsers (PEG = Parsing Expression Grammar) although it predates it by 45 years. Unlike packrat PEG parsers we don't memoize the parsing function (although that could trivially be added, and indeed was done in some experimental parsers in the 90's) because the programmer normally crafts the grammar so that significant backtracking is not needed.

        P<REGULAR-EXPRESSION> = «[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*»;
The text in the source file must match the regular expression contained between the guillemets. Terminal matching with regular expressions is a relatively recent addition to Edinburgh-style parsers: historically, the compiler writers would either construct an equivalent recogniser using grammar rules, or – more likely – would implement an ad-hoc recogniser using a built-in phrase. (The regular expression facility was first added in my TACC parser in the late 80's while I was working at Acorn.)
        P<EITHER_or_nothing> = <SOME-TERM>,  <ALTERNATIVE-TERM>, ;
Note the ',' just before the ';' at the end of the rule. This denotes a null rule. (You could specify this as "" or several other forms of empty string, but simply leaving a blank alternative is the conventional way to add a null option.) A null option always parses successfully. It is helpful but not required to name rules that terminate in a null option with a consistent suffix, for example _opt:

(There are other terminal constructs available such as 'x' for a single 8-bit ASCII character, but these are not really necessary and will likely be removed. It was once believed they were necessary for performance but that turned out not to be the case.)

Note that due to the combination of rules being tested in order, and entire alternatives failing if one component of an alternative fails, it is important to order any rules where one rule may match the prefix of another rule - the longer rule must be given first, for example, the following would not work as you might expect:

        P<BOOL> = <NAME> <COMPARE> <NAME>;
        P<COMPARE> = "==", "!=", "<", ">", "<=", ">=";
In this rule, the < is tested first, and if the parent rule fails because the < was not followed by a variable, then the <= terminal will never be tested. This rule can be made to work by re-writing as follows:
        P<BOOL> = <NAME> <COMPARE> <NAME>;
        P<COMPARE> = "==", "!=", "<=", ">=", "<", ">";
In some circumstances, the problematic matching prefix occurs several levels distant from the failing grammar rule and knowing where to correct the problem by reordering rules may prove difficult. In such an instance we have an alternative fix: we call for a guard.

Guards, guards!

There are two modifiers that can be applied to any <PHRASE> to modify the parsing rules. These modifiers are called ‘guards’ because they guard a rule from being executed if some condition is not met:

In this case, the term which will be matched, and cause the text to be accepted by the parser, is in fact ACTUAL-TERM, but before ACTUAL-TERM can be accepted, a test is made for GUARD-TERM. GUARD-TERM must match the following input (which may match only the first few characters of ACTUAL-TERM – or it may include ACTUAL-TERM and many characters beyond it) but anything which matches GUARD-TERM is not removed from the input.
This form of a phrase implements the same concept of a guarding test, but in this case the parse of GUARD-TERM must fail for the guard to allow parsing of this rule to continue. (The '!' symbol should be read as 'not')

(I added guards to an early parser of mine when I was a student around 1980, after a theory lecture (I can't remember if it was by Les Valiant or Rod Burstall) explaining P. J. Landin's work on guards in the context of lambda calculus. All of which I've forgotten but the idea of using them in a parser managed to stick. Also the concept of negative guards did come indirectly from Les Valiant who published an article along the lines of "Negation can be exponentially powerful"… my take-away from his article – which I am 100% sure was not the point he was making! – was that if you have a huge list of N options, rather than test for N-1 of them which you want to match, you just test for the one that you don't want to match and negate the result of that test. Yes, that's a Blinding Flash Of The Obvious to some extent, but as a general programming pattern which is often overlooked, that one stuck with me too!)

Built-in phrases

In the old days, simply parsing the NAMEs or numeric constants in a language might have taken 25% of all the parsing time (which could be minutes - who all remembers the routine correlation between kicking off a build and going to make tea or coffee?!), so a mechanism was added to allow some rules to be implemented with built-in code rather than general phrase rules which included a long list of terminals containing all the letters of the alphabet. (This was before the addition of regular expression matching, which along with the use of pre-compiled regular expressions, speeded up the parsing of certain forms of terminal considerably). In this parser, we do have the built-in-phrase (aka BIP) mechanism, but it is not needed nearly as often as was the case for 1970's compilers. There are a small number of BIPs built-in to the parser, each one being assigned a fixed ID number. When the programmer wants to use one of these BIPs he should consult the source code and determine the appropriate number to use for the specific function, for example:

        B<nl> = 2;
which is implemented by this code to be found deep in the bowels of the main parser code:
        case 2: { // nl
          if (source(*TP) == '\n') {
            if (debug_parser) fprintf(stderr, "BIP: nl (Matched)\n");
            return literal_descriptor(InitialTP, *TP);
          } else {
            if (debug_parser) fprintf(stderr, "BIP: nl (No match)\n");
            return 0;
The <nl> would match against the end of lines in the source file. The most useful BIP that cannot be implemented more simply using a terminal is EOF which checks for the end of the source file and fails if there is more input present – although having just said that, it occurs to me just now that (as long as I have implemented the regular expression code correctly!) EOF could be defined by:
        P<any> = «.»;
        P<EOF> = <!any>;
You should consider using either regular expressions, or parse-time code as described below, as a substitute for BIPs in new code. Any new BIPs you do create should be added to the base code of the parser to be made available to other grammars.

Parse-time actions

You might think the guard phrases above would allow you to modify the parse as it happens, for instance by testing whether a variable whose name had just been parsed was a Boolean or an integer variable, so that the parser would allow a different set of operators (e.g. AND and OR) to be used on operations between Booleans as opposed to arithmetic operations (PLUS, MINUS) on integers. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Because the entire source is parsed and built into a tree before the users code ever sees the output from the parser, it is too late to make parsing decisions based on the results of earlier syntax recognition in this way. However there is a mechanism which does exactly what you want in these circumstances … but it has to be used carefully:

Parse-time rules (or phrases) are sometimes called semantic rules (or phrases) because normal rules just check the syntax of your text, but these phrases which execute code as your source is being parsed check the semantics of your text.

Parse-time rules have to be implemented with C code that is embedded within the grammar file. Here is a very small example which sets a run-time flag in one part of the parse and tests it in another. Pay especial attention to the extra rule added to the following alternative which undoes the run-time action in the event of a failed alternative.
In this trivial example, we will access a <NAME> but set a flag according to whether the NAME was capitalised or not, then when we use that name, we'll behave differently depending on whether it was capitalised or not: we will not allow subtraction in expressions if the immediately-preceding <NAME> was capitalised!

        C<set-flag> = {
          flag = TRUE;
          return TRUE;
        C<clear-flag> = {
          flag = FALSE;
          return TRUE;
        C<flag> = {
          if (flag) return TRUE; else return FALSE;
        P<EXPR> = <NAME> <OP> <NAME>;
        P<OP> = "*", "/", <!flag> "-", "+";
        P<NAME> = <set-flag>«[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9]*», <clear-flag>«[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*»
Note that it is a current but temporary restriction that C<…> phrases must be defined in the grammar file before they are used.
I will say this once more just in case your eyes have glazed over already - the code in parse-time phrases is executed as the text is parsed and if present in a rule will have executed at that time even if that rule subsequently fails due to the following terms in the alternative. Parse-time code is not the same as the code in your main .c file which is executed only after a successful parse of the entire input. This is a critical distinction that you must appreciate before writing any semantic phrases using the C<…> construct. In fact it's a construct that should only be used by advanced experts in parsing, as a mistake in the use of that code will cause extremely confusing consequences. You have been warned!

Your semantic-phrase code may require some new shared variables to be created… or some helper procedures. These can be added by simply including a block of C code in the grammar file, surrounded by {} brackets. Note that the code will be inserted at the outer level, i.e. not within any procedure, so the block must consist only of data and procedure declarations – i.e. no imperative code.

Finally, the grammar file is terminated with an 'E' command:


Embedded grammars

The quickest way to develop a new language using this parser is to simply create a language.g file and build an executable using the supplied Makefile. The executable acts as a syntax checker for the given language. However to do more with the parser, i.e. compile a program in some language or translate it to another language, you need to start writing code to act on the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) generated by the parser. The easiest way to do this is to embed the grammar in the same code as the compiler. We do this by marking grammar rules in the source file with the comment delimiter //\\. For example, this code is from the Imp to C translator:
      case P_CONST_EXPR: //\\ P<CONST-EXPR> = <const-guard> <EXPR> <cancel-const-guard> ;
        int expr = compile_expression(child(P,2), -1, VALUE_WANTED);
        constval = IntConstant_c(expr);
        if (constval == -1) {
          if (AstOP(expr) != C_CONST_STRING) {
            warn("%s is not an integer constant", SOURCE(P,2));
          return expr;
        return constval;

The entire grammar must be present in the source file, commented in this fashion. The grammar file can be extracted from these embedded comments using any convenient utility on the host system such such as:

      sed -ne 's|\(.*\)//\\\\ \(.*\)|\2|gp' language.g

The precise details of how the programmer's C code accesses the parse tree and the parsed text attached to that tree will be given in a later revision of this document. For now I will just mention that the matched text is returned as a pair of pointers to the start and end of that text within the source file, rather than as an explicit string. In this way, two consecutive matches could be concatenated very simply by returning a pair of start-pointer from the first match and end-pointer from the second match. The use of a string descriptor like this also allows the possibility of mapping the source file to a virtual memory address and accessing the source directly, thus avoiding the need to read the source and store it in an array. However intermediate storage may still be required if the language is of the type where keywords are stropped: the easiest way to support stropping is by having a 'line reconstruction' phase where stropped text is converted to a different representation on input. Line reconstruction can also be applied to languages such as C which do not have stropped keywords (to canonicalise white space for example, or remove /* comments */ between tokens) but this is seldom wanted, especially in source-to-source translators where all text is of interest and should be preserved in the translated output.

A closely related issue concerning internal text representation is that the parser stores all characters (or more precisely, Unicode code points) in 32-bit wint_t variables. In other words, we convert UTF-8 text to UTF-32 format on input (and generate UTF-8 again on output). This simplifies some of the internal code considerably – for example matching a single character in a regular expression) but does unfortunately force us to read the entire source file into an array of 32-bit integers rather than allowing the direct memory-mapped access as suggested in the paragraph above. For this reason we have not yet implemented memory-mapped source file access, and the string descriptors passed around as the result of a successful parse therefore are indexes into this source[] array rather than pointers to the actual characters in the source file.

Efficiency of grammar rules

In the early days of parsers in this style, the parser generator itself would look for common prefixes in alternatives and attempt to factor them out at a character level so that the parser would never need to backtrack unnecessarily. In terms a programmer would recognise, it formed a trie from the terminals acceptable at any point in the grammar. For instance if the grammar allowed either the word "comment" or the word "continue" at some point, it would (invisibly to the programmer) factor the choice out into "co" followed by a choice between "mment" and "ntinue". We do not do this. The small amount of backtracking that this saves is computationally irrelevant. Similarly the advice used to be that the programmer should explicitly factor higher level phrases within the grammar in a similar way to achieve efficient parsing. Unless the backtracking is significant, we do not recommend factoring out common terms if doing so makes the grammar harder to understand.

EBNF? Nein Danke!

Some parsers support Extended BNF grammars which use syntactic sugar to write more concise rules. We don't. The basic mechanisms described above are sufficient to describe any construct we need, albeit slightly more verbosely, and the syntax for referring to the matched text with one of these extended rules is not obvious. Whereas with a simple sequential list of phrases or terminals in an alternative, you can access the parsed text from your program with simple calls such as Phrase(2) or Terminal(3), where the number is simply the index of that term within the sequence for that alternative.

To see how we would describe various grammar items using our simplified syntax, let's look at an example where we would like to define a parameter list as a comma-separated list of names.

Typical EBNF extensions could use syntax similar to any of these examples:

(reminder: none of the above are supported in our grammars) Let's look at an example using "( … )*" to define 0 or more repeats:
       P<PARAM-LIST> = <NAME>  ("," <NAME> )* ;
In our grammars, you'll need to expand the rule as follows:
Note that the recursive call REST-OF-PARAM-LIST must follow other non-null phrases otherwise there will be infinite recursion. This type of grammar is called 'right recursive'. Many other parsers with which you may be familiar rely on grammars which are written to be 'left recursive'. Please bear this in mind when converting a grammar description from some other system to work with this parser generator. The classic problem you should look out for is something very roughly along the lines of this left-recursive definition, which would cause an infinite loop:
      P<EXPR> = <REST-OF-EXPR> <TERM>;
      P<REST-OF-EXPR> = <EXPR> <OP>, ;
as opposed to the right-recursive version, which should work:
      P<EXPR> = <TERM> <REST-OF-EXPR>;
      P<REST-OF-EXPR> = <OP> <EXPR>, ;

The parser generator actually detects such loops and considers them to be errors, as well as warning the user about phrases which are never invoked if starting from P<SS>.

There are a small subset of runaway recursions caused by grammar loops which are not currently detected - those are ones where there is a terminal in the path of the loop. The code here assumes all terminals will match some text, but it *is* possible (deliberately or in error) for a terminal to succeed without matching any text. However these errors will still be detected - only they are detected at runtime, not while building the tables. It is possible that in the future such hidden loops can also be warned about by takeon, if takeon compiles the regular expressions and tries to match them against an empty string. This has not yet been implemented.

Another common extension is an optional item, e.g.

      P<TERM> = <NAME> "++"?;
or sometimes
      P<TERM> = <NAME> {"++"};
In our grammars, the optional term should be created as a rule with a null alternative, i.e.:
      P<TERM> = <NAME> <plusplus_opt>;
      P<plusplus_opt> = "++", ;
or if you prefer, a slightly more verbose version to be used if you also need to use the non-optional version somewhere in your grammar as well:
      P<TERM> = <NAME> <plusplus_opt>;
      P<plusplus> = "++";
      P<plusplus_opt> = <plusplus>, ;
People familiar with systems where a '?' suffix denotes an optional item should take a minute to appreciate the difference between a hypothetical <TERM?> and our <?TERM>. The former is an optional item which may match the given TERM phrase or may match an empty string, and the latter is a guard which must be matched, but which does not advance the text pointer.

A BNF extension to support 1 or more repeats (as opposed to the example above of 0 or more repeats) is constructed in a similar fashion. I'll leave this one as the traditional exercise for the reader to give you a chance to put what you've read into practice. If you can't work out the equivalent of this construct using basic BNF then you're probably not ready yet to start writing your own grammars:

      P<TWO-PARAM-LIST> = <NAME>  ["," <NAME> ]* ;
or maybe you might be more familiar with syntax like this, with the same meaning:
      P<TWO-PARAM-LIST> = <NAME>  ("," <NAME> )+ ;

If you are having difficulty debugging a new rule set, try running the generated program with either of these options:

      -dp: debug the parse
      -dc: debug the completion stage, i.e. see how far the parse got.

The -dc option simply outputs the source text as it is parsed, to the diagnostic stream, so that you can see where the parse might be failing. This is also useful with a working compiler to determine what it is in your input file is not being accepted. Note that the normal output from an error while parsing is a line number and column in a format that is compatible with 'compile mode' in Emacs, so you can use Emacs' "M-x compile" command to invoke your parser and step to the next error. (We recommend setting: (setq-default compilation-auto-jump-to-first-error 1) in your ~/.emacs file)
The -dp option documents in full the attempt to parse, including blind alleys that were tried and failed. The tracing information can be somewhat voluminous and we recommend outputting the trace to a file for easier comprehension, e.g. by ./algol60 badprog.a60 2> badprog.log

Grammar loops and other errors

The table-builder, takeon, includes several internal consistency checks of your grammar. These checks will detect phrase definitions which would otherwise lead to infinite loops when parsing. Detecting these is more complex than you might guess, and relies on performing a transitive closure of the phrases referenced by other phrases and an understanding by the grammar converter of nullable phrases, i.e. phrases which can return success without matching any text in the user's input. Previous parsers in this style from Edinburgh did not include these checks - the grammar authors were presumed to be smart enough that they never made that kind of mistake :-) However given that users of this package may come from prior experience with left-recursive grammars (usually because their parsers work bottom-up) I thought it wise to offer these safety features, especially as people frequently start from someone else's grammar file and if they have to convert a left-recursive grammar into the right-recursive style that this parser requires, the chances of a loop happening by accident while developing the grammar are quite high! It's a lot nicer for the developer to be told of a grammar loop while working on the grammar than to wait until the product is in the hands of the users and the loop is only detected at runtime and only for some specific and obscure input that only one user ever creates!

Here are a sample of the error messages output by takeon. I do intend to report the line number where the error is detected, but that will not be for a day or two. The error format should be compatible with compile mode in Emacs.

gtoal@linux:~/src/unicode$ ./takeon grammar-tests/unused.g > /dev/null
? Warning: P<BBB> UNUSED

gtoal@linux:~/src/unicode$ ./takeon grammar-tests/undefined.g > /dev/null
* Error: P<BBB> not defined.

gtoal@linux:~/src/unicode$ ./takeon grammar-tests/selfloop.g > /dev/null
* Error: P<Confusing> can fail due to direct left recursion.

gtoal@linux:~/src/unicode$ ./takeon grammar-tests/broken-loops.g > /dev/null
* Error: P<AAA> can left-recurse indirectly through <BBB>

gtoal@linux:~/src/unicode$ ./takeon grammar-tests/chain.g > /dev/null
* Error: P<nullable7> can left-recurse indirectly through <nullable6>

gtoal@linux:~/src/unicode$ ./takeon grammar-tests/no-ss.g > /dev/null
? Warning: P<SS> is required, as the root of the grammar to be parsed.
           I'll use P<statement> as the root instead.
Here's a real-life example that was found in my grammar for Atlas Autocode:
P<plus-opt> =


P<rest_of_exprn> =

P<operand> =
which was reported as:
* Error: P<operand> can left-recurse indirectly through <rest_of_exprn>
… Parsing an <operand> resolved into parsing a <plus-opt> followed by an <exprn>. The <plus-opt> could be null, and the <exprn> in turned called <operand> and thus would loop indefinitely without consuming any characters. The fact that <operand> also had an unwanted null option was just the cherry on the cake :-(

EMACS support

I'm not very practised in Emacs Lisp and I'm sure this can be done better, but on the principle of something being better than nothing, here's an elisp file you can add to your ~/.emacs startup file to provide syntax highlighting for the .g grammar files: gtbnf.el Possibly the most useful feature of the script is that it highlights rules with null alternatives, i.e. a trailing ", ;"
(The limitation of this script is that it doesn't handle embedded C code very well. The BNF part looks fine however.)

To be continued…

Although this page is here to talk about the general purpose parser I wrote, I suspect a few people may end up here more for the Algol 60 content. So for you, here are a couple of things that may be of interest…

I use an old-school command-line editor for any editing that isn't trivial - it's called Ecce and came from Edinburgh in the 60's - indeed the same era as Algol 60. However it's now past 2020, and we use screen editors most of the time. So … I came up with a way to embed the Ecce command line within Emacs, so that trivial editing is done on-screen but complex work can be done with an Ecce command line simply by typing Control-E to invoke it. Also, Emacs allows user-written syntax highlighting as well as keyboard shortcuts for symbols used in Algol 60 such as '≤', not to mention underlined keywords, so I've written some e-Lisp to perform syntax highlighting and to assist in keyboarding characters that would otherwise not be available. You can see some of this in action at (although you may need to shrink the page or just scroll down so that you can see the Ecce commands being entered at the bottom of the screen). My ".emacs" file is online here at http:/ You may also want Ecce which you can download at although as of today (27th Jul 2023) I haven't updated that source with the new 'z' command (that adds Unicode underlining to letters) which is under development. I'll do so after the new feature has been extensively tested - the Ecce release is very stable and I don't want to risk breaking it. Ecce documentation is at with an online demo and a very brief introduction at

I have other Algol 60 related web pages: