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This page shows a rough framework for a simple compiler. The input language is trivial, but it is sufficient to do any integer arithmetic computation. It has arithmetic expressions, conditionals, and looping. It doesn't have procedures yet but that would be an excellent next feature to add. It would be easy to add reals and strings too. If you were to go on to add chars and file I/O, you'd have enough to write some significant software, such as a text editor and maybe even a compiler itself. It's always a great feeling the day you first bootstrap your compiler!
(Hint: if you plan to bootstrap your compiler, write it using simple constructs and data structures, so you can manually translate it into your own language; your first cut at your own language is going to have fewer features than the final product, so write the code to run under that early simple version and get a head start on the bootstrap process...)
I have separate demos for how to add operator precedence (hint: writing a grammar which embodies the precedence is the wrong way to do it!) and for common sub-expression elimination (cse). The latter almost absolutely requires the use of an Abstract Syntax Tree (or some closely equivalent intermediate data structure); simple compilers (like the one in Jack Crenshaw's tutorial) which generate stack-based code directly from the parser will be extremely hard to modify into producing optimised code. That's the main reason why I'm providing this framework; it's simple enough for a beginner to understand, but has enough structure to allow you to develop it into something that you might use in a real project. (For example, I write video games for old micros, and I would have no difficulty in modifying this to produce code for a 6502, 6809 or Z80...)
The full source is available online and anyone wanting to write a small language is entirely welcome to take it and develop it into a real program.
Skip the first block, it's boring...
%{ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdarg.h> #define DEBUG_TREES 1 #define DEBUG_TRIPS 1 #define DEBUG_SOURCE 1 /* This short section necessary for parser generator */ #include "log.h" #include "taccutil.h" #include "debug.h" #include "mmalloc.h" int exit_flag = FALSE; int printing = TRUE; extern int _debug; /* set to true for parser diags */ char *ProgName = "language"; int verbose = FALSE; void (*cur_handler)(char *s); void ignore(char *s) { } /* program proper... */
The compiler parses the source and generates an Abstract Syntax Tree, aka "AST".
The AST consists of an opcode and a number of operands. The number of operands is not fixed but depends on the opcode. The tables below describe the opcodes. It might be a neater organisation to store all the information about each opcode in a struct, but in the hope of one day bootstrapping the compiler, I'm deliberately using only simple arrays and scalars for everything.
// We use a stringpool, and strings are indexes into this pool. This // is useful for the same reasons that the AST is an array indexed // by integers rather than a struct with pointers. It may also // save space by reusing common strings. And we get a free tag // to describe strings. (Also we can compare strings just with // an integer tag comparison, if we ever want to) char stringpool[1024]; int nextstring = 0; /* Overall structure: parse to AST, generate code from AST into CODE. Generated code maps 1:1 with AST, but is linearized and ready for translation into executable code. (TO DO). Note that code as-is treats some instructions as immediate (eg declarations). This needs to change. CODE array also has labels. Start of documentation for triples. NOT YET CORRECT. This is from memory, but will be more detailed as I work on it. ERROR, used in parser when no return is needed, eg null productions SEQUENCE, top-level statements, use these entrypoints to either generate code from or start interpreting immediately. Start of program is first of these. opd1: triple to start code generation from opd2: link to next SEQUENCE node CONST, opd1: value opd2: type TAG, opd1: name opd2: type ASSIGN, opd1: target opd2: source DECLARE opd1: var VAR, opd1: link to tag IFTHEN, opd1: condition opd2: thenpart IFTHENELSE, This is a real ternary operation, shortly to replace the above... opd1: condition opd2: thenelse opd3: elsepart AND, OR, logical and/or - can use short-circuit evaluation ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, binary operators - opd1: left operator opd2: right operator NEG, unary arithmentic negation NOT, unary complement EQ, NE, LT, GT, LE, GE, opd1: left side of comparison opd2: right side of comparison INT, used as a type, never as a trip REAL, used as a type, never as a trip (it's a double, not a float, by the way) LOOP, ENDLOOP start of a loop. Statements are compiled until a matching ENDLOOP: opd1: label for continue opd2: label for endloop ENDLOOP, ... at which point everthing between the loop/endloop is moved as a tree under the LOOP triple which is renamed to LOOPENDLOOP, and the individual LOOP and ENDLOOP triples are removed BREAK, opd1: links to the enclosing LOOP/ENDLOOP CONTINUE, opd1: LOOP (later LOOPENDLOOP) triple REDIRECT, when a triple is removed by common-sub-expression elimination, the old location is replaced with a 'redirect' to the canonical version. opd1: target triple LINE opd1: lineno opd2: source code of line */ typedef enum opcode { ERROR, SEQUENCE, CONST, TAG, ASSIGN, DECLARE, VAR, IFTHEN, IFTHENELSE, INPUT, PRINT, AND, OR, ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, NEG, NOT, EQ, NE, LT, GT, LE, GE, INT, REAL, LOOP, ENDLOOP, BREAK, CONTINUE, REDIRECT, LINE } OPCODE; char *name[] = { "ERROR", "SEQUENCE", "CONST", "TAG", "ASSIGN", "DECLARE", "VAR", "IFTHEN", "IFTHENELSE", "INPUT", "PRINT", "AND", "OR", "ADD", "SUB", "MUL", "DIV", "NEG", "NOT", "EQ", "NE", "LT", "GT", "LE", "GE", "INT", "REAL", "LOOP", "ENDLOOP", "BREAK", "CONTINUE", "REDIRECT", "LINE" }; char *shortname[] = { "ERROR", ";", "CONST", "TAG", "=", "DECLARE", "VAR", "if (...) then", "if (...) then ... else ...", "INPUT", "PRINT", "&&", "||", "'+'", "'-'", "'*'", "'/'", "'-'", "'~'", "==", "!=", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "INT", "REAL", "LOOP", "ENDLOOP", "BREAK", "CONTINUE", "REDIRECT", "LINE" }; char *c_infix_op[] = { "ERROR", ";", "CONST", "TAG", "=", "DECLARE", "VAR", "if (...) then", "if (...) then ... else ...", "INPUT", "PRINT", "&&", "||", "+", "-", "*", "/", "-", "~", "==", "!=", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "INT", "REAL", "LOOP", "ENDLOOP", "BREAK", "CONTINUE", "REDIRECT", "LINE" }; int arity[] = { 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2 /* DECLARE */, 3, 3, 4, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, /* NEG */ 2, /* NOT */ 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 }; int display_children[] = { 0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 0, /*LOOP*/0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; int display_leftchild[] = { FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE }; int display_rightchild[] = { FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE }; #define opsym(root) AST[root] #define leftchild(root) AST[root+1] #define rightchild(root) AST[root+2] #define nthchild(root, n) AST[root+n] #define MAXTRIPS 1024 int AST[1024]; int nexttrip = 0; //#define MAXCODES 1024 //TRIPLE CODE[1024]; //int nextcode = 0; /* trip is not a pointer, just an index into the array of triples */ /* - this makes debugging the array *MUCH* easier */ typedef int TRIP; /* Globals */ TRIP prevtrip = -1; TRIP curtrip = -1; TRIP progstart = -1;
These short procedures dump the generated code. In fact for a proof-of-concept demo, they simply print C code. They could just as easily dump assembly language, or output binary directly. (Compiling to assembly involves an extra stage of register allocation which we don't yet do, but in this context its relatively easy.)
char *nameof(TRIP t) { // I realise that the malloc here is heap lossage, but for now // its not worth fixing. Choices are either use a stack to allocate // temporary space (same as in tacc) or keep a cyclic buffer, since // this is only called in the context of printing so we really // only need a few active at once. char *result = malloc(40 /* constants are also bad. I'm lazy. */); int op = opsym(t); if (op == CONST) { sprintf(result, "%d", rightchild(t)); } else if (op == VAR) { // for simpler diagrams, skip a level sprintf(result, "%s", stringpool+rightchild(leftchild(t))); // punt to tag } else { sprintf(result, "%s", shortname[op]); } return(result); } void declare(char *name) { fprintf(stdout, " int %s;\n", name); } void loadconst(char *format, TRIP dest, int value) { fprintf(stdout, " "); fprintf(stdout, format, dest, value); } void loadvar(char *format, TRIP dest, char *varname) { fprintf(stdout, " "); fprintf(stdout, format, dest, varname); } void store(char *format, char *varname, TRIP source) { fprintf(stdout, " "); fprintf(stdout, format, varname, source); } void operate(char *format, TRIP dest, TRIP leftop, char *op, TRIP rightop) { fprintf(stdout, " "); fprintf(stdout, format, dest, leftop, op, rightop); } void monoperate(char *format, TRIP dest, char *op, TRIP leftop) { fprintf(stdout, " "); fprintf(stdout, format, dest, op, leftop); } void put_goto(int lab) { fprintf(stdout, " "); fprintf(stdout, "goto L%02d;\n", lab); } void put_ifgoto(int cond, int lab, int sense) { fprintf(stdout, " "); fprintf(stdout, "if (%s_t%d) goto L%02d;\n", (sense ? "" : "!"), cond, lab); } void input(TRIP i) { /* TACC BUG! CANNOT ESCAPE double quotes properly */ fprintf(stdout, " "); fprintf(stdout, "fprintf(stderr, %c%s: %c); fflush(stderr); fscanf(stdin, %c%%d%c, &%s);\n", '"', nameof(leftchild(i)), '"', '"', '"', nameof(leftchild(i))); } void print(TRIP i) { fprintf(stdout, " "); fprintf(stdout, "fprintf(stdout, %c%%d\\n%c, _t%d); fflush(stdout);\n", '"', '"', leftchild(i)); } // this macro was used in debugging, not really needed now. #define put_label(n) xput_label(n, __LINE__) void xput_label(int lab, int line) { fprintf(stdout, "L%02d:\n", lab); }
The next section is not at all relevant to the compiler; it's a debugging aid which draws the parse trees using ASCII art. There's actually two completely independent drawing algorithms here; the first is from Thomas Niemann and draws rectangular diagrams; the second is my own and draws pyramidal trees. I added Niemann's code when I restructured the AST from being binary trees to having an arbitrary branching ratio which it wasn't capable of drawing. So if it is a simple tree, it's drawn with my own pretty pictures, but if it has a multi-way element, it's drawn in a slightly less attractive way.
/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef DEBUG_TREES typedef enum { typeCon, typeId, typeOpr } nodeEnum; /* constants */ typedef struct { int value; /* value of constant */ } conNodeType; /* identifiers */ typedef struct { int i; /* subscript to sym array */ } idNodeType; /* operators */ typedef struct { int oper; /* operator */ int nops; /* number of operands */ struct nodeTypeTag *op[1]; /* operands (expandable) */ } oprNodeType; typedef struct nodeTypeTag { nodeEnum type; /* type of node */ /* union must be last entry in nodeType */ /* because operNodeType may dynamically increase */ union { conNodeType con; /* constants */ idNodeType id; /* identifiers */ oprNodeType opr; /* operators */ }; } nodeType; /* --- */ int del = /*was 1*/4; /* distance of graph columns */ int eps = 3; /* distance of graph lines */ /* interface for drawing (can be replaced by "real" graphic using GD or other) */ void graphInit (void); void graphFinish(); void graphBox (char *s, int *w, int *h); void graphDrawBox (char *s, int c, int l); void graphDrawArrow (int c1, int l1, int c2, int l2); /* recursive drawing of the syntax tree */ void exNode (int trip, int c, int l, int *ce, int *cm, int depth, int *needed); /*****************************************************************************/ /* main entry point of the manipulation of the syntax tree */ /* draw_tree is taken from the yacc/lex demo by Thomas Niemann at - I prefer my own drawing code whenever possible (the trees look prettier) but my code does not handle n-tuples where n > 2, so I fall back to this code if a diagram requires such a tuple. */ void draw_tree_orig(int root); void draw_tree(int trip) { int rte, rtm, needed; graphInit (); needed = FALSE; exNode (trip, 0, 0, &rte, &rtm, 0, &needed); if (needed) { graphFinish(); } else { draw_tree_orig(trip); } } /*c----cm---ce----> drawing of leaf-nodes l leaf-info */ /*c---------------cm--------------ce----> drawing of non-leaf-nodes l node-info * | * ------------- ...---- * | | | * v v v * child1 child2 ... child-n * che che che *cs cs cs cs * */ void indent(int d) { int i; for (i = 0; i < d*4; i++) { putchar(' '); } } void exNode ( int trip, int c, int l, /* start column and line of node */ int *ce, int *cm, /* resulting end column and mid of node */ int depth, int *needed ) { int op; int w, h; /* node width and height */ char *s; /* node text */ int cbar; /* "real" start column of node (centred above subnodes) */ int k; /* child number */ int che, chm; /* end column and mid of children */ int cs; /* start column of children */ char word[40]; //indent(depth);fprintf(stdout, "start: TRIP=%d startcol=%d startline=%d\n", trip, c, l); if (trip == -1) return; op = opsym(trip); if (display_children[op] >= 3) *needed = TRUE; s = nameof(trip); sprintf(word, "%s", s); s = word; //indent(depth);fprintf(stdout, "graphbox: s = %s\n", s); /* construct node text box */ graphBox (s, &w, &h); cbar = c; //indent(depth);fprintf(stdout, "assign: c=%d\n", c); *ce = c + w; *cm = c + w / 2; /* node is leaf */ if ( (op == CONST || op == VAR || display_children[op] == 0) ) { //indent(depth);fprintf(stdout, "drawbox: s = %s cbar=%d\n", s, cbar); graphDrawBox (s, cbar, l); return; } /* node has children */ cs = c; //indent(depth);fprintf(stdout, "node has %d children: cs=c=%d\n", display_children[op], c); for (k = 1; k <= display_children[op]; k++) { //indent(depth);fprintf(stdout, "%d: exnode1 %d cs=%d\n", k, nthchild(trip, k), cs); exNode (nthchild(trip, k), cs, l+h+eps, &che, &chm, depth+1, needed); cs = che; } /* total node width */ if (w < che - c) { cbar += (che - c - w) / 2; *ce = che; *cm = (c + che) / 2; } /* draw node */ //indent(depth);fprintf(stdout, "cbar=%d\n", cbar); graphDrawBox (s, cbar, l); /* draw arrows (not optimal: children are drawn a second time) */ cs = c; for (k = 1; k <= display_children[op]; k++) { //indent(depth);fprintf(stdout, "%d: exnode2 %d cs=%d\n", k, nthchild(trip, k), cs); exNode (nthchild(trip, k), cs, l+h+eps, &che, &chm, depth+1, needed); graphDrawArrow (*cm, l+h, chm, l+h+eps-1); cs = che; } } /* interface for drawing */ #define lmax 200 #define cmax 200 char graph[lmax][cmax]; /* array for ASCII-Graphic */ void graphTest (int l, int c) { int ok; ok = 1; if (l < 0) ok = 0; if (l >= lmax) ok = 0; if (c < 0) ok = 0; if (c >= cmax) ok = 0; if (ok) return; printf ("\n+++error: l=%d, c=%d not in drawing rectangle 0, 0 ... %d, %d", l, c, lmax, cmax); // fprintf (stderr, "\n+++error: l=%d, c=%d not in drawing rectangle 0, 0 ... %d, %d", // l, c, lmax, cmax); { int i, j; int lmx=20, cmx=60; for (i = 0; i < lmx; i++) { for (j = cmx-1; j > 0 && graph[i][j] == ' '; j--); graph[i][cmx-1] = 0; if (j < cmx-1) graph[i][j+1] = 0; if (graph[i][j] == ' ') graph[i][j] = 0; } for (i = lmx-1; i > 0 && graph[i][0] == 0; i--); printf ("\n"); for (j = 0; j <= i; j++) printf ("\n // %s", graph[j]); printf("\n"); }; exit (1); } void graphInit (void) { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < lmax; i++) { for (j = 0; j < cmax; j++) { graph[i][j] = ' '; } } } void graphFinish() { int i, j; char *s; for (i = 0; i < lmax; i++) { for (j = cmax-1; j > 0 && graph[i][j] == ' '; j--); graph[i][cmax-1] = 0; if (j < cmax-1) graph[i][j+1] = 0; if (graph[i][j] == ' ') graph[i][j] = 0; } for (i = lmax-1; i > 0 && graph[i][0] == 0; i--); printf ("\n"); for (j = 0; j <= i; j++) { char *p; s = graph[j]; // hacks to slightly improve formatting if (j == 0) s += 2; else if (j == 1) s += 1; else if ((p=strchr(s, '|')) == NULL || p[1]=='|') s += 2; printf ("\n // %s", s); } printf("\n\n"); } void graphBox (char *s, int *w, int *h) { *w = strlen (s) + del; *h = 1; } void graphDrawBox (char *s, int c, int l) { int i; //fprintf(stdout, "c=%d strlen=%d del=%d\n", c, strlen(s), del); graphTest (l, c+strlen(s)-1+del); for (i = 0; i < strlen (s); i++) { graph[l][c+i+del] = s[i]; } } void graphDrawArrow (int c1, int l1, int c2, int l2) { int m; graphTest (l1, c1); graphTest (l2, c2); m = (l1 + l2) / 2; while (l1 != m) { graph[l1][c1] = '|'; if (l1 < l2) l1++; else l1--; } while (c1 != c2) { graph[l1][c1] = '-'; if (c1 < c2) c1++; else c1--; } while (l1 != l2) { graph[l1][c1] = '|'; if (l1 < l2) l1++; else l1--; } graph[l1][c1] = '|'; } #endif /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
And here's the other drawing procedure. You can skip this section, it's not critical to the compiler algorithms.
/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef DEBUG_TREES /* See drawtree.c for test harness. Small mods made for this interface. */ /* NOTE!!! Now we have n-ary trees, this will not work. ifthenelse breaks */ static int tree_debug = (0!=0); static int vertical = (0==0); static int horizontal = (0==0); static int wide = (0!=0); static int trim = (0==0); static int testone = (0==0); // row col long pic[256][256]; // 0..255 is char, >= 256 is ptr to string int oldtextblit(int row, int col, char *src) { // post-processing string expansion int l = 0; for (;;) { if (*src == '\0') break; if (tree_debug) fprintf(stderr, "1: Planting '%c' at [%d][%d]\n", *src, row, col); pic[row][col++] = *src++; l += 1; } return l; } int textblit(int row, int col, char *src) { // store pointer to string, unpack later on output int l = strlen(src); pic[row][col] = (int)src; return (l+(wide?3:1))>>(wide?2:1); // half size because on diagonal } void layout(int id, int idx, int rowoff, int coloff, int *depth, int *width) { char *operator; int op; int leftkid, rightkid; int leftkiddepth = 0, leftkidwidth = 0; int rightkiddepth = 0, rightkidwidth = 0; int deltadepth = 0, deltawidth = 0; int i; if (tree_debug) fprintf(stderr, ">> %d:layout(%d, rowcol[%d][%d], depth %d, width %d);\n", id, idx, rowoff, coloff, *depth, *width); operator = nameof(idx); leftkid = leftchild(idx); rightkid = rightchild(idx); // Anchor the corner node. (void)textblit(rowoff, coloff, operator); /* not strcpy - don't copy NUL */ deltawidth = 1; if (display_rightchild[opsym(idx)]) { int len = ((strlen(nameof(leftkid))+(wide?3:1))>>(wide?2:1))+1; // text on the diagonal while (len-- > 1) {deltawidth += 1; pic[rowoff][coloff-1+deltawidth] = (vertical ? '\\' : '-');} // attach the RHS tree if (tree_debug) fprintf(stderr, "Recursing to right node %d\n", rightkid); layout(2*id, rightkid, rowoff, coloff+deltawidth, &rightkiddepth, &rightkidwidth); deltadepth = rightkiddepth; } else { deltadepth = 1; /* The op itself */ } // testing: correcting a typo if (((strlen(operator)+(wide?3:1))>>(wide?2:1)) >= deltawidth) deltawidth = ((strlen(operator)+(wide?3:1))>>(wide?2:1))+2; if (display_leftchild[opsym(idx)]) { // draw the down link // calculate extra height if ((((strlen(nameof(leftkid))+(wide?3:1))>>(wide?2:1))) > deltadepth) { deltadepth = ((strlen(nameof(leftkid))+(wide?3:1))>>(wide?2:1)); } for (i = 1; i < deltadepth+1 /* +1 for spacer row */; i++) { if (tree_debug) fprintf(stderr, "2: Planting '%c' at [%d][%d]\n", '/', rowoff+i, coloff); pic[rowoff+i][coloff] = (horizontal ? '/' : '|'); } // recurse on the LHS tree if (tree_debug) fprintf(stderr, "Recursing to left node %d\n", leftkid); layout(2*id+1, leftkid, rowoff+deltadepth+1, coloff, &leftkiddepth, &leftkidwidth); *depth = (*depth) + leftkiddepth + deltadepth + 1; } else *depth = (*depth) + deltadepth; if (rightkidwidth+deltawidth > leftkidwidth) { *width = (rightkidwidth+deltawidth); } else { *width = leftkidwidth; } if (tree_debug) fprintf(stderr, "<< %d:layout(%d, rowcol[%d][%d], depth %d, width %d);\n", id, idx, rowoff, coloff, *depth, *width); } void draw_tree_orig(int root) { int depth = 0, width = 0, row, col, offset, trimmable; fprintf(stdout, "\n"); // Init. for (col = 0; col < 256; col++) { for (row = 0; row < 256; row++) { pic[row][col] = ' '; } } /* Generate layout */ layout(1, root, 128, 0, &depth, &width); if (tree_debug) fprintf(stderr, "Dump layout: rows = %d cols = %d\n", depth, width); if (tree_debug) fflush(stderr); if (vertical) { /* apply vertical shear first */ offset = 1; for (col = 1; col < 256; col++) { // move this column down by 'offset' for (row = 255; row > offset; row--) { pic[row][col] = pic[row-offset][col]; pic[row-offset][col] = ' '; } offset += 1; } } if (horizontal) { /* apply horizontal shear next */ row = 255; // start at bottom of drawing offset = 0; for (;;) { static long temp[1024]; for (col = 0; col < 256; col++) { temp[col] = ' '; } for (col = 0; col < 256; col++) { temp[col*2+offset] = pic[row][col]; temp[col*2+offset+1] = ' '; } for (col = 0; col < 256; col++) { pic[row][col] = temp[col]; } if (row == 0) break; offset += 1; /* more shear on next row up */ row -= 1; } } if (trim) { trimmable = (0==0); for (;;) { for (row = 0; row < 256; row++) { if (pic[row][0] != ' ') { trimmable = (0!=0); break; } } if (!trimmable) break; for (row = 0; row < 256; row++) { for (col = 0; col+1 < 256; col++) { pic[row][col] = pic[row][col+1]; } pic[row][255] = ' '; } } } if (wide) { /* apply widening last */ row = 255; // start at bottom of drawing offset = 0; for (;;) { static long temp[1024]; for (col = 0; col < 256; col++) { temp[col] = ' '; } for (col = 0; col < 256; col++) { temp[col*2+offset] = pic[row][col]; temp[col*2+offset+1] = ' '; } for (col = 0; col < 256; col++) { pic[row][col] = temp[col]; } if (row == 0) break; row -= 1; } } /* display tree */ for (row = 0; row < 256; row++) { trimmable = (0 == 0); for (col = 0; col < 256; col++) { if (pic[row][col] != ' ') { trimmable = (0!=0); break; } } if (!trimmable) { fprintf(stdout, " "); // INDENT for (col = 255; col >= 0; col--) { if (pic[row][col] != ' ') break; pic[row][col] = '\0'; } printf(" // "); for (col = 0; col < 256; col++) { if ((pic[row][col] < -128) || (pic[row][col] > 255)) { oldtextblit(row, col, (char *)pic[row][col]); } else if (pic[row][col] == '\0') break; putchar(pic[row][col]); } putchar('\n'); } } putchar('\n'); fflush(stdout); return; } #endif /* DEBUG_TREES */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
The 'codegen' procedure below is the main workhorse of code generation. At the moment it just dumps tuples, and is not much more than a simple serialization of the AST. However it does one critical thing which is quite complex, and that is short-circuit evaluation of boolean conditions. This is one of those pieces of code that you need to get right once in your life and then stick with it, because it is very easy to get wrong! This code was written from first principles in response to discussions on our mailing list, and is not lifted from any textbooks. (In fact none of the code here is.)
/* This is the type of objects passed around as $n in the tacc parser */ #define USERTYPE TRIP static TRIP entrypoint; // temporary hack until code is restructured // nested blocks/control structures... // not much used yet in the demo language // purpose is to find enclosing loops for break, // make sure something that starts as a for loop doesn't finish // as an until, etc :-) // This is most needed when compiling statement at a time rather // than recursing in the parser to compile a whole block. #define MAX_NEST 40 static int control_block[MAX_NEST]; static int type_check[MAX_NEST]; static int next_nest = 0; void push_block(int typecheck, int lab) { // when we actually have more types of nested structure, we'll // go to the bother of checking that starts and finished match up... control_block[next_nest++] = lab; } void pop_block(int typecheck, int *lab) { *lab = control_block[--next_nest]; } static int nextlab = 0; // Codegen is the guts of the compiler, which effectively serialises // the AST into sequentially executable statements. A further phase // is required to actually generate executable code. // (However... if you just want to interpret, you can just about // get away with doing that directly in the AST without this stage) void codegen(TRIP root, int thenlab, int elselab, int donelab) { // the labels are only used in short-circuit conditionals - it's // easier to handle that here than have a complex structure of // mutually recursive routines. When not needed they will be -1. TRIP cond, thenpart, elsepart; switch (opsym(root)) { case CONST: loadconst("_t%d = %d;\n", root, rightchild(root)); break; case DECLARE: root = leftchild(root); declare(stringpool+rightchild(leftchild(root))); break; case VAR: loadvar("_t%d = %s;\n", root, nameof(root)); break; case IFTHENELSE: /* Simple if ... then ... */ /* Use two trips to simulate a three-way branch: if ... then ... else ... */ // now that we have n-ary tuples, this code needs to change to make // a new IFTHENELSE opcode use a quad instead. cond = leftchild(root); thenpart = rightchild(root); elsepart = nthchild(root, 3); { int thenlab = ++nextlab; int donelab = ++nextlab; int elselab = ++nextlab; codegen(cond, thenlab, elselab, thenlab); put_label(thenlab); codegen(thenpart, -1, -1, -1); put_goto(donelab); put_label(elselab); codegen(elsepart, -1, -1, -1); put_label(donelab); } break; case IFTHEN: /* Simple if ... then ... */ cond = leftchild(root); thenpart = rightchild(root); { int thenlab = ++nextlab; int donelab = ++nextlab; codegen(cond, thenlab, donelab, thenlab); put_label(thenlab); codegen(thenpart, -1, -1, -1); put_label(donelab); } break; case ASSIGN: codegen(rightchild(root), -1, -1, -1); store("%s = _t%d;\n", nameof(leftchild(root)), rightchild(root)); break; case LOOP: put_label(leftchild(root)); break; case ENDLOOP: put_goto(leftchild(root)); put_label(rightchild(root)); break; case BREAK: put_goto(rightchild(root)); break; case SEQUENCE: codegen(leftchild(root), -1, -1, -1); codegen(rightchild(root), -1, -1, -1); break; // handling short-circuit evaluation of booleans is a bit tricky // and I don't guarantee that this code is 100% the right way // to do it - actually it depends a lot on the language being // compiled. Algol differs from Pascal differs from C, for example. case AND: case OR: { int truelab = thenlab, falselab = elselab, dropthrough = donelab; int thenlab, elselab, donelab; int nexttestlab = ++nextlab; if (opsym(root) == AND) { thenlab = nexttestlab; elselab = falselab; } else { thenlab = truelab; elselab = nexttestlab; } donelab = nexttestlab; codegen(leftchild(root), thenlab, elselab, donelab); /* if the first one was true, drop through to next part of && and check it too */ put_label(nexttestlab); codegen(rightchild(root), truelab, falselab, dropthrough); /* drop through may be to truelab; if not (because we're nested), jump to truelab */ } break; case INPUT: input(root); break; case PRINT: codegen(leftchild(root), -1, -1, -1); print(root); break; case NEG: case NOT: codegen(leftchild(root), thenlab, elselab, donelab); monoperate("_t%d = %s_t%d;\n", root, c_infix_op[opsym(root)], leftchild(root)); break; default: /* Be careful not to default anything other than binary operators! */ if (arity[opsym(root)] != 3) { fprintf(stdout, "*** Not Implemented: codegen(%s)\n", name[opsym(root)]); break; } codegen(leftchild(root), thenlab, elselab, donelab); codegen(rightchild(root), thenlab, elselab, donelab); operate("_t%d = (_t%d %s _t%d);\n", root, leftchild(root), c_infix_op[opsym(root)], rightchild(root)); {int op; // maybe a case statement would be more efficient here, or a range test if (((op = opsym(root)) == EQ) || (op == NE) || (op == LT) || (op == GT) || (op == LE) || (op == GE)) { // need to change this to call a procedure rather than print if (thenlab != donelab) put_ifgoto(root, thenlab, TRUE); // fprintf(stdout, " if (_t%d) goto L%02d;\n", root, thenlab); if (elselab != donelab) put_ifgoto(root, elselab, FALSE); // fprintf(stdout, " if (!t_%d) goto L%02d;\n", root, elselab); } } break; } }
This is just a simple debug procedure to display the raw tuples (the name is a hold-over from when the code used triples; now they can be an arbitrary number of operands) as they are generated by the parser. Again, it can be completed elided if you wish.
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef DEBUG_TRIPS /* this is ONLY used for diagnostics and is the same in all test harness programs */ void printtrip(TRIP i) { int op, parm1, parm2; if (i < 0) { fprintf(stdout, "** Too small: TRIP %d\n", i); (void)*(int *)0; } if (i >= MAXTRIPS) { fprintf(stdout, "** Too large: TRIP %d\n", i); (void)*(int *)0; } op = opsym(i); parm1 = leftchild(i); parm2 = rightchild(i); switch (opsym(i)) { case DECLARE: fprintf(stdout, "// %d: %s [@AST %d]\n", i, name[op], parm1); break; case VAR: fprintf(stdout, "// %d: %s %s[@AST %d] TYPE=%s\n", i, name[op], stringpool+rightchild(parm1), parm1, name[parm2]); break; case TAG: /* parm1 not used for the moment */ fprintf(stdout, "// %d: %s %s[@Stringpool %d]\n", i, name[op], stringpool+parm2, parm2); break; case CONST: fprintf(stdout, "// %d: %s %s %d\n", i, name[op], name[parm1], parm2); break; case ASSIGN: fprintf(stdout, "// %d: %s [declared @AST %d] [value @AST %d]\n", i, name[op], parm1, parm2); break; case IFTHENELSE: fprintf(stdout, "// %d: %s [condition @AST %d] [then-statement @AST %d] [else-statements @AST %d]\n", i, name[op], parm1, parm2, nthchild(i, 3)); break; case IFTHEN: fprintf(stdout, "// %d: %s [condition @AST %d] [then-statement @AST %d]\n", i, name[op], parm1, parm2); break; case LINE: fprintf(stdout, "// %d: %s %d: %s\n", i, name[op], parm1, (char *)parm2); break; case AND: case OR: case ADD: case SUB: case MUL: case DIV: fprintf(stdout, "// %d: %s [@AST %d] [@AST %d]\n", i, name[op], parm1, parm2); break; case EQ: case NE: case LT: case GT: case LE: case GE: fprintf(stdout, "// %d: [@AST %d] %s [@AST %d]\n", i, parm1, name[op], parm2); break; case NEG: case NOT: fprintf(stdout, "// %d: %s [@AST %d]\n", i, name[op], parm1); break; default: if (arity[opsym(i)] == 3) { fprintf(stdout, "// %d: %s %d %d\n", i, name[op], parm1, parm2); } else if (arity[opsym(i)] == 2) { fprintf(stdout, "// %d: %s [@AST %d]\n", i, name[op], parm1); } else { fprintf(stdout, "// %d: %s ...? (%d ops)\n", i, name[op], arity[opsym(i)]); } break; } } #endif /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
Simple code to create items in the Abstract Syntax Tree.
#define tripsize(i) arity[opsym(i)] TRIP make_unary_tuple(OPCODE op, TRIP parm1) { int trip = nexttrip; opsym(trip) = op; nexttrip += tripsize(trip); leftchild(trip) = parm1; #ifdef DEBUG_TRIPS printtrip(trip); #endif return trip; } TRIP make_binary_tuple(OPCODE op, TRIP parm1, TRIP parm2) { int trip = nexttrip; opsym(trip) = op; nexttrip += tripsize(trip); leftchild(trip) = parm1; rightchild(trip) = parm2; #ifdef DEBUG_TRIPS printtrip(trip); #endif return trip; } TRIP make_nary_tuple(OPCODE op, TRIP parm1, ...) { // to do - use varagrs or stdargs // we use this for if/then/else, and procedure calls with // parameter lists. int trip; int parm; va_list ptr; trip = nexttrip++; opsym(trip) = op; leftchild(trip) = parm1; va_start(ptr, parm1); for (parm = 2; parm <= arity[op]; parm++) { nthchild(trip, parm) = va_arg(ptr, TRIP); nexttrip += 1; } va_end(ptr); #ifdef DEBUG_TRIPS printtrip(trip); #endif return trip; } TRIP make_int_const(int datatype, char *value) { return make_binary_tuple(CONST, datatype, (int)atol(value)); } TRIP make_real_const(int datatype, char *value) { return make_binary_tuple(CONST, datatype, (int)atof(value) /* Hacky. Should fix this. */); } /* getvar needs to be more complex. Currently it just maps from a string to the triple for a pre-declared var, adding any unrecognised string as an int. Should really add it as an error type, and handle scope rules */ TRIP getvar(char *s) { /* tag must exist */ int i, trip, tag; strcpy(stringpool+nextstring, s); /* Create a backstop in case not found */ for (tag = 0; tag <= nextstring; tag++) { if (strcmp(stringpool+tag, s) == 0) { break; /* found, one way or another */ } } if (tag == nextstring) { nextstring += strlen(s)+1; /* Not found, add it */ trip = make_binary_tuple(TAG, 0, tag); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: variable '%s' not declared. Creating as int.\n", s); return make_binary_tuple(VAR, trip, INT); } /* having located the stringpool entry, now find the appropriate declaration whose tag is using it */ for (i = 0; i < nexttrip; i++) { if ((opsym(i) == VAR) && (rightchild(leftchild(i)) == tag) && (rightchild(i) == INT)) { return i; } } fprintf(stderr, "Oops: cannot find declaration for this name!\n"); exit(1); } TRIP newtag(char *s) { /* tag must *not* exist */ int i, trip, tag; strcpy(stringpool+nextstring, s); /* Create a backstop for when not found */ for (tag = 0; tag <= nextstring; tag++) { if (strcmp(stringpool+tag, s) == 0) { break; /* found, one way or another */ } } if (tag != nextstring) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: name '%s' already exists.\n", s); /* forget about scope rules for now */ } else nextstring += strlen(s)+1; /* Not found, add it */ return make_binary_tuple(TAG, 0, tag); } %}
Here's the parser I use in this compiler. The point of this demo is to show how to use an AST as an internal intermediate form, so the actual parsing technology used is not very relevant. In fact this parser is a top-down recursive-descent one that I wrote myself, which is similar to Yacc in style. You could just as easily use Yacc itself, or Coco, or any one of a hundred alternative parsing tools. Actually the test language is so simple you barely need a formal parser, or even a lexer. It could be parsed pretty easily with cheap ad-hoc code.
The first block is a little bit of hacking which lets us parse one statement at a time rather than building up a parse tree for the entire program. It's not really relevant to the structure of the compiler, it's one of those tedious details you need in a real program. Wouldn't be needed with a different parser.
/* Main cheats - it invokes the parsing routines explicitly, in order to reduce the size of the parse tree for a whole file. Also allows recovery of errors at useful boundaries */ main: "" { YYTYPE *subroot; void *stacktop; int i; if (strcmp(argv[argc-1], "-v") == 0) { argc -= 1; verbose = TRUE; } if (strcmp(argv[argc-1], "-d") == 0) { argc -= 1; _debug = TRUE; } if (strcmp(argv[argc-1], "-vd") == 0) { argc -= 1; _debug = TRUE; verbose = TRUE; } if (argc == 1) { yyin = fopen("test.language", "r"); } else if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "syntax: language test\n"); /* Let's just resume for now... */ yyin = fopen(argv[1], "r"); } else { yyin = fopen(argv[1], "r"); } if (yyin == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "language: cannot open input\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } fprintf(stderr, "%s: processing %s\n", argv[0], argv[1] == NULL ? "test.language" : argv[1]); cur_handler = ignore; if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "Starting\n"); fprintf(stdout, "#include <stdio.h>\nint main(int argc, char **argv) {\n"); {int i; for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++) { fprintf(stdout, "int _t%d; ", i); if ((i&7) == 7) putchar(10); } } fprintf(stdout, "// --------------------- PARSE PHASE ----------------------\n"); prevtrip = curtrip = progstart = make_binary_tuple(SEQUENCE, -1, -1); for (;;) { stacktop = stackmark(); if (item_parse(&subroot)) { entrypoint = -1; // entrypoint hack needs to go! execute_parsetree(subroot); // we could build an entire parse tree using the // grammar below, but doing it a statement at a time // should allow for better error diagnostics. (TO DO) if (entrypoint != -1) { rightchild(prevtrip) = curtrip; leftchild(curtrip) = entrypoint; rightchild(curtrip) = make_binary_tuple(SEQUENCE, -1, -1); prevtrip = curtrip; curtrip = rightchild(prevtrip); } #ifdef DEBUG_TREES if (entrypoint != -1) draw_tree(entrypoint); #endif } else { return(FALSE); } stackrelease(stacktop); if (exit_flag) { fprintf(stdout, "// --------------------- CODEGEN PHASE ----------------------\n"); curtrip = progstart; for (;;) { if (curtrip == -1) break; fprintf(stdout, "\n"); // fprintf(stdout, "Statement @ %d:\n", curtrip); if (leftchild(curtrip) == -1) break; printtrip(curtrip+tripsize(curtrip)); printtrip(leftchild(curtrip)); draw_tree(leftchild(curtrip)); codegen(leftchild(curtrip), -1, -1, -1); if (leftchild(curtrip) == -1 /* for now */) break; if (opsym(curtrip) != SEQUENCE) { fprintf(stdout, "ERROR AT %d: ", curtrip); printtrip(curtrip); break; } curtrip = rightchild(curtrip); } fprintf(stdout, " exit(0);\n return(0);\n}\n"); return(TRUE); } } } ;
This is the grammar for the parser. It calls procedures to create AST tuples. If you are writing a compiler using a different parsing tool, use this as a crib for the sort of calls you need to make in order to build an AST from which you can code-generate. This code and the 'codegen' procedure from earlier are the only two significant parts of the compiler; all the rest is trivial housekeeping.
item: <lookahead> { /* always fails - hack to save text of every line!*/ } | <sp> <statement> <termin> { }; // THIS IS ALL WRONG. NEED TO MOVE IT ALL INTO THE AST! statement: <eof> { int i; exit_flag = TRUE; $$ = ERROR; } | "#.*" { /* comment */ $$ = ERROR; } | "var" <sp> <newname> <sp> <declist> { if ($5 != ERROR) { $$ = entrypoint = make_binary_tuple(SEQUENCE, make_unary_tuple(DECLARE, make_binary_tuple(VAR, $3, INT)), $5); } else { $$ = entrypoint = make_unary_tuple(DECLARE, make_binary_tuple(VAR, $3, INT)); } } | <simpleclause> { /* handled in simpleclause */ $$ = entrypoint = $1; } | "input" <sp> <name> { $$ = entrypoint = make_unary_tuple(INPUT, $3); } | "print" <sp> <expr> { $$ = entrypoint = make_unary_tuple(PRINT, $3); } | "if" <sp> "\(" <expr> "\)" <sp> <simpleclause> <optelse> { if ($8 == ERROR) { $$ = entrypoint = make_binary_tuple(IFTHEN, $4, $7); } else { $$ = entrypoint = make_nary_tuple(IFTHENELSE, $4, $7, $8); } } | "loop" { int loopstart, exitlab; loopstart = ++nextlab; push_block(LOOP, loopstart); exitlab = ++nextlab; push_block(ENDLOOP, exitlab); $$ = entrypoint = make_binary_tuple(LOOP, loopstart, exitlab); } | "endloop" { int loopstart, exitlab; // this should be in codegen, not parser pop_block(ENDLOOP, &exitlab); pop_block(LOOP, &loopstart); //put_label(loopstart); //put_label(exitlab); //put_goto(loopstart); $$ = entrypoint = make_binary_tuple(ENDLOOP, loopstart, exitlab); } | <!multi> ".*" "$" { // what happens when we have an error // in a line that does contain a ';'??? fprintf(stderr, "Syntax: %s\n\n", @1.text); $$ = ERROR; } ; simpleclause: <assignment> { $$ = $1; } | "break" { int loopstart, exitlab; pop_block(ENDLOOP, &exitlab); pop_block(LOOP, &loopstart); push_block(LOOP, loopstart); push_block(ENDLOOP, exitlab); // put_label(exitlab); $$ = make_binary_tuple(BREAK, loopstart, exitlab); // TO DO: take sequence following LOOP, hook it into // slot in loop, so that SEQUENCE following LOOP // is the code *after* the loop. } ; optelse: <sp> "else" <sp> <simpleclause> { $$ = $4; } | "" { $$ = ERROR; }; assignment: <name> "[ \t]*=[ \t]*" <expr> { $$ = make_binary_tuple(ASSIGN, $1, $3); }; multi: ".*;" { }; declist: "," <sp> <newname> <sp> <declist> { if ($5 != ERROR) { /* TO DO: don't call declare, junk make_binary_tuple!!!! */ $$ = make_binary_tuple(SEQUENCE, make_unary_tuple(DECLARE, make_binary_tuple(VAR, $3, INT)), $5); } else { $$ = make_unary_tuple(DECLARE, make_binary_tuple(VAR, $3, INT)); } } | "" { $$ = ERROR; } ; termin: ";[ \t]*" { } | "[ \t]*$" { }; sp: "[ \t]*" { }; expr: <term> "[ \t]*" <op> "[ \t]*" <expr> <sp> { $$ = make_binary_tuple(/* op */$3, /*left*/$1, /*right*/$5); } | <term> { $$ = $1; } ; monop: "-" { $$ = NEG; } | "~" { $$ = NOT; /* "\\" didn't work - parser bug */}; op: "\*" { $$ = MUL; } /* no pretence about operator precedence yet! */ | "+" { $$ = ADD; } | "-" { $$ = SUB; } | "/" { $$ = DIV; } | "\&\&" { $$ = AND; } | "\|\|" { $$ = OR; } | "==" { $$ = EQ; } | "<=" { $$ = LE; } | "<" { $$ = LT; } | ">=" { $$ = GE; } | ">" { $$ = GT; } | "!=" { $$ = NE; } ; term: <monop> <simpleterm> { /* -fred is OK, --fred is not */ $$ = make_unary_tuple($1, $2); } | <simpleterm> { $$ = $1; } ; simpleterm: <number> { $$ = $1; } | <name> { $$ = $1; } | "\(" <expr> "\)" { $$ = $2; } ; number: "[0-9][0-9]*" { $$ = make_int_const(INT, @1.text); }; name: "[a-z][a-z0-9]*" { $$ = getvar(@1.text); }; newname: "[a-z][a-z0-9]*" { /* One of the advantages of not tokenising first is that we can have context-sensitive actions for the same token. Here we enter variables into the namelist on the fly as we parse. However if we were stricter about making an AST first then compiling from the finished parse tree, then this would not be helpful. */ $$ = newtag(@1.text); };
Finally here is a small piece of housekeeping used by the parser. Not significant to the algorithms.
%{ extern int debug(const char *fmt, ...); extern int debug_enter(const char *fmt, ...); extern int debug_exit(const char *fmt, ...); extern FILE *yyin; int eof_parse(YYTYPE **p) { int c; c = fgetc(yyin); if (c == EOF) return(TRUE); ungetc(c, yyin); return(FALSE); } int lookahead_parse(YYTYPE **p) { /* This is executed at parse time for every line in the grammar above! */ static int lineno = 0; char *s; long __pos; void *__stack; char line[128]; *p = NULL; /* Initialise in case of failure */ __stack = stackmark(); (void)note_backtrack(&__pos); line[0] = '\0'; fgets(line, 127, yyin); s = strchr(line, '\n'); if (s != NULL) *s = '\0'; do_backtrack(__pos); stackrelease(__stack); if (*line != '\0') make_binary_tuple(LINE, ++lineno, (int)strdup(line)); fflush(stdout); return(FALSE); } %}